5,762 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Cluster Correlation Function

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    We study the evolution of the cluster correlation function and its richness-dependence from z = 0 to z = 3 using large-scale cosmological simulations. A standard flat LCDM model with \Omega_m = 0.3 and, for comparison, a tilted \Omega_m = 1 model, TSCDM, are used. The evolutionary predictions are presented in a format suitable for direct comparisons with observations. We find that the cluster correlation strength increases with redshift: high redshift clusters are clustered more strongly (in comoving scale) than low redshift clusters of the same mass. The increased correlations with redshift, in spite of the decreasing mass correlation strength, is caused by the strong increase in cluster bias with redshift: clusters represent higher density peaks of the mass distribution as the redshift increases. The richness-dependent cluster correlation function, presented as the correlation-scale versus cluster mean separation relation, R_0 - d, is found to be, remarkably, independent of redshift to z <~ 2 for LCDM and z <~ 1 for TCDM (for a fixed correlation function slope and cluster mass within a fixed comoving radius). The non-evolving R_0 - d relation implies that both the comoving clustering scale and the cluster mean separation increase with redshift for the same mass clusters so that the R_0 - d relation remains essentially unchanged. The evolution of the R_0 - d relation from z ~ 0 to z ~ 3 provides an important new tool in cosmology; it can be used to break degeneracies that exist at z ~ 0 and provide precise determination of cosmological parameters.Comment: AASTeX, 15 pages, including 5 figures, accepted version for publication in ApJ, vol.603, March 200

    Rapid GRB Follow-up with the 2-m Robotic Liverpool Telescope

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    We present the capabilities of the 2-m robotic Liverpool Telescope (LT), owned and operated by Liverpool John Moores University and situated at ORM, La Palma. Robotic control and scheduling of the LT make it especially powerful for observations in time domain astrophysics including: (i) rapid response to Targets of Opportunity: Gamma Ray Bursts, novae, supernovae, comets; (ii) monitoring of variable objects on timescales from seconds to years, and (iii) observations simultaneous or coordinated with other facilities, both ground-based and from space. Following a GRB alert from the Gamma Ray Observatories HETE-2, INTEGRAL and Swift we implement a special over-ride mode which enables observations to commence in about a minute after the alert, including optical and near infrared imaging and spectroscopy. In particular, the combination of aperture, site, instrumentation and rapid response (aided by its rapid slew and fully-opening enclosure) makes the LT excellently suited to help solving the mystery of the origin of optically dark GRBs, for the investigation of short bursts (which currently do not have any confirmed optical counterparts) and for early optical spectroscopy of the GRB phenomenon in general. We briefly describe the LT's key position in the RoboNet-1.0 network of robotic telescopes.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of Interacting Binaries: Accretion, Evolution and Outcomes, 4-10 July 2004, Cefalu, Sicily, Italy, eds. Antonelli et a

    The Automatic Real-Time GRB Pipeline of the 2-m Liverpool Telescope

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    The 2-m Liverpool Telescope (LT), owned by Liverpool John Moores University, is located in La Palma (Canary Islands) and operates in fully robotic mode. In 2005, the LT began conducting an automatic GRB follow-up program. On receiving an automatic GRB alert from a Gamma-Ray Observatory (Swift, INTEGRAL, HETE-II, IPN) the LT initiates a special override mode that conducts follow-up observations within 2-3 min of the GRB onset. This follow-up procedure begins with an initial sequence of short (10-s) exposures acquired through an r' band filter. These images are reduced, analyzed and interpreted automatically using pipeline software developed by our team called "LT-TRAP" (Liverpool Telescope Transient Rapid Analysis Pipeline); the automatic detection and successful identification of an unknown and potentially fading optical transient triggers a subsequent multi-color imaging sequence. In the case of a candidate brighter than r'=15, either a polarimetric (from 2006) or a spectroscopic observation (from 2007) will be triggered on the LT. If no candidate is identified, the telescope continues to obtain z', r' and i' band imaging with increasingly longer exposure times. Here we present a detailed description of the LT-TRAP and briefly discuss the illustrative case of the afterglow of GRB 050502a, whose automatic identification by the LT just 3 min after the GRB, led to the acquisition of the first early-time (< 1 hr) multi-color light curve of a GRB afterglow.Comment: PASP, accepted (8 pages, 3 figures

    A typological assessment of Iron Age weapons in South Italy

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    Typologies, especially of spearheads, have been decried as inadequate by the archaeological community. They have prevented the synthetic study of ancient weapons and obscured cultural contacts, changes in form and distribution, and changes in fighting style. This thesis presents new typologies of spearheads and swords which are not based on aesthetics or the need to communicate a large amount of material succinctly in the limited space of a site report. Rather, these typologies attempt to perceive the functional characteristics of these weapon classes. The thesis surveys a range of sites in Daunia, Basilicata and Southern Campania applying these new typologies to large suites of weapons. From this assessment a number of conclusions have flowed regarding cultural contacts between indigenous Southern Italic groups and with immigrating groups of Villanovan and Greek origin. The assessment reveals the variety of weapon forms in use and tracks changes over time. These changes expose cultural transformations and alterations in fighting styles. The tracking of paraphernalia often associated with weapons in modern scholarship has also revealed some nuances in patterns of association with weapons which were not previously apparent

    Multi-Phase Patterns in Periodically Forced Oscillatory Systems

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    Periodic forcing of an oscillatory system produces frequency locking bands within which the system frequency is rationally related to the forcing frequency. We study extended oscillatory systems that respond to uniform periodic forcing at one quarter of the forcing frequency (the 4:1 resonance). These systems possess four coexisting stable states, corresponding to uniform oscillations with successive phase shifts of π/2\pi/2. Using an amplitude equation approach near a Hopf bifurcation to uniform oscillations, we study front solutions connecting different phase states. These solutions divide into two groups: π\pi-fronts separating states with a phase shift of π\pi and π/2\pi/2-fronts separating states with a phase shift of π/2\pi/2. We find a new type of front instability where a stationary π\pi-front ``decomposes'' into a pair of traveling π/2\pi/2-fronts as the forcing strength is decreased. The instability is degenerate for an amplitude equation with cubic nonlinearities. At the instability point a continuous family of pair solutions exists, consisting of π/2\pi/2-fronts separated by distances ranging from zero to infinity. Quintic nonlinearities lift the degeneracy at the instability point but do not change the basic nature of the instability. We conjecture the existence of similar instabilities in higher 2n:1 resonances (n=3,4,..) where stationary π\pi-fronts decompose into n traveling π/n\pi/n-fronts. The instabilities designate transitions from stationary two-phase patterns to traveling 2n-phase patterns. As an example, we demonstrate with a numerical solution the collapse of a four-phase spiral wave into a stationary two-phase pattern as the forcing strength within the 4:1 resonance is increased

    Early GRB Optical and Infrared Afterglow Observations with the 2-m Robotic Liverpool Telescope

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    We present the first optical observations of a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) afterglow using the 2-m robotic Liverpool Telescope (LT), which is owned and operated by Liverpool John Moores University and situated on La Palma. We briefly discuss the capabilities of LT and its suitability for rapid follow-up observations of early optical and infrared GRB light curves. In particular, the combination of aperture, site, instrumentation and rapid response (robotic over-ride mode aided by telescope's rapid slew and fully-opening enclosure) makes the LT ideal for investigating the nature of short bursts, optically-dark bursts, and GRB blast-wave physics in general. We briefly describe the LT's key position in the RoboNet-1.0 network of robotic telescopes. We present the LT observations of GRB041006 and use its gamma-ray properties to predict the time of the break in optical light curve, a prediction consistent with the observations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Il nuovo cimento (4th Workshop Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era, Rome, 18-22 October 2004
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