31 research outputs found

    Malaria surveillance from both ends: concurrent detection of Plasmodium falciparum in saliva and excreta harvested from Anopheles mosquitoes

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    Background: Malaria is the most important vector-borne disease in the world. Epidemiological and ecological studies of malaria traditionally utilize detection of Plasmodium sporozoites in whole mosquitoes or salivary glands by microscopy or serological or molecular assays. However, these methods are labor-intensive, and can over- or underestimate mosquito transmission potential. To overcome these limitations, alternative sample types have been evaluated for the study of malaria. It was recently shown that Plasmodium could be detected in saliva expectorated on honey-soaked cards by Anopheles stephensi, providing a better estimate of transmission risk. We evaluated whether excretion of Plasmodium falciparum nucleic acid by An. stephensi correlates with expectoration of parasites in saliva, thus providing an additional sample type for estimating transmission potential. Mosquitoes were exposed to infectious blood meals containing cultured gametocytes, and excreta collected at different time points post-exposure. Saliva was collected on honey-soaked filter paper cards, and salivary glands were dissected and examined microscopically for sporozoites. Excreta and saliva samples were tested by real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-rtPCR). Results: Plasmodium falciparum RNA was detected in mosquito excreta as early as four days after ingesting a bloodmeal containing gametocytes. Once sporogony (the development of sporozoites) occurred, P. falciparum RNA was detected concurrently in both excreta and saliva samples. In the majority of cases, no difference was observed between the Ct values obtained from matched excreta and saliva samples, suggesting that both samples provide equally sensitive results. A positive association was observed between the molecular detection of the parasites in both samples and the proportion of mosquitoes with sporozoites in their salivary glands from each container. No distinguishable parasites were observed when excreta samples were stained and microscopically analyzed. Conclusions: Mosquito saliva and excreta are easily collected and are promising for surveillance of malaria-causing parasites, especially in low transmission settings or in places where arboviruses co-circulate

    Export of malaria proteins requires co-translational processing of the PEXEL motif independent of phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate binding

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    Acknowledgements We thank the Red Cross blood bank in Melbourne for human erythrocytes. We thank Svenja Gunther for expression of GBP130 66–196 proteins; Michelle Gazdik and Chris Burns for help in preparing lipids; Lachlan Whitehead (Centre for Dynamic Imaging, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute) for assistance with quantification of export; and David Bocher for help with generation of STEVOR constructs. This work was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (grants 637406, 1010326, 1049811 and 1057960), a Ramaciotti Foundation Establishment Grant (3197/2010), a Victorian State Government Operational Infrastructure Support and Australian Government NHMRC IRIISS, and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (MOP#130359). J.A.B is an Australian Research Council QEII Fellow, SF was supported by the Research Training Group GRK1459 of the German Research Foundation, and AFC is a Howard Hughes International Scholar.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Inhibition of Plasmepsin V activity demonstrates its essential role in protein export, PfEMP1 display, and survival of malaria parasites

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    The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum exports several hundred proteins into the infected erythrocyte that are involved in cellular remodeling and severe virulence. The export mechanism involves the Plasmodium export element (PEXEL), which is a cleavage site for the parasite protease, Plasmepsin V (PMV). The PMV gene is refractory to deletion, suggesting it is essential, but definitive proof is lacking. Here, we generated a PEXEL-mimetic inhibitor that potently blocks the activity of PMV isolated from P. falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. Assessment of PMV activity in P. falciparum revealed PEXEL cleavage occurs cotranslationaly, similar to signal peptidase. Treatment of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes with the inhibitor caused dose-dependent inhibition of PEXEL processing as well as protein export, including impaired display of the major virulence adhesin, PfEMP1, on the erythrocyte surface, and cytoadherence. The inhibitor killed parasites at the trophozoite stage and knockdown of PMV enhanced sensitivity to the inhibitor, while overexpression of PMV increased resistance. This provides the first direct evidence that PMV activity is essential for protein export in Plasmodium spp. and for parasite survival in human erythrocytes and validates PMV as an antimalarial drug target

    Identification of Rhoptry Trafficking Determinants and Evidence for a Novel Sorting Mechanism in the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    The rhoptry of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is an unusual secretory organelle that is thought to be related to secretory lysosomes in higher eukaryotes. Rhoptries contain an extensive collection of proteins that participate in host cell invasion and in the formation of the parasitophorous vacuole, but little is known about sorting signals required for rhoptry protein targeting. Using green fluorescent protein chimeras and in vitro pull-down assays, we performed an analysis of the signals required for trafficking of the rhoptry protein RAP1. We provide evidence that RAP1 is escorted to the rhoptry via an interaction with the glycosylphosphatidyl inositol-anchored rhoptry protein RAMA. Once within the rhoptry, RAP1 contains distinct signals for localisation within a sub-compartment of the organelle and subsequent transfer to the parasitophorous vacuole after invasion. This is the first detailed description of rhoptry trafficking signals in Plasmodium

    抗精神病薬によるジストニアの発現機序に関する実験的研究 σ (sigma) sites の関与について

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    Published ErratumBurkholderia pseudomallei (Bp) is the causative agent of the infectious disease melioidosis. To investigate population diversity, recombination, and horizontal gene transfer in closely related Bp isolates, we performed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) on 106 clinical, animal, and environmental strains from a restricted Asian locale. Whole-genome phylogenies resolved multiple genomic clades of Bp, largely congruent with multilocus sequence typing (MLST). We discovered widespread recombination in the Bp core genome, involving hundreds of regions associated with multiple haplotypes. Highly recombinant regions exhibited functional enrichments that may contribute to virulence. We observed clade-specific patterns of recombination and accessory gene exchange, and provide evidence that this is likely due to ongoing recombination between clade members. Reciprocally, interclade exchanges were rarely observed, suggesting mechanisms restricting gene flow between clades. Interrogation of accessory elements revealed that each clade harbored a distinct complement of restriction-modification (RM) systems, predicted to cause clade-specific patterns of DNA methylation. Using methylome sequencing, we confirmed that representative strains from separate clades indeed exhibit distinct methylation profiles. Finally, using an E. coli system, we demonstrate that Bp RM systems can inhibit uptake of non-self DNA. Our data suggest that RM systems borne on mobile elements, besides preventing foreign DNA invasion, may also contribute to limiting exchanges of genetic material between individuals of the same species. Genomic clades may thus represent functional units of genetic isolation in Bp, modulating intraspecies genetic diversity.Wellcome Trus

    Evidence that the Plasmodium falciparum Protein Sortilin Potentially Acts as an Escorter for the Trafficking of the Rhoptry-Associated Membrane Antigen to the Rhoptries

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    ABSTRACT The rhoptry organelle is critical for the invasion of an erythrocyte by the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Despite their critical roles, the mechanisms behind their biogenesis are still poorly defined. Our earlier work had suggested that the interaction between the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored rhoptry-associated membrane antigen (RAMA) and the soluble rhoptry-associated protein 1 was involved in the transport of the latter from the Golgi apparatus to the rhoptry. However, how this protein complex could interact with the intracellular trafficking machinery was unknown at this stage. Here we show that the P. falciparum homologue of the transmembrane protein sortilin-VPS10 interacts with regions of RAMA that are sufficient to target a fluorescent reporter to the rhoptries. These results suggest that P. falciparum sortilin (PfSortilin) could potentially act as the escorter for the transport of rhoptry-destined cargo. IMPORTANCE The malaria parasite is a massive burden in several parts of the world. Worryingly, the parasite has become resistant to several of the drugs commonly used to treat the disease, and at this time, there is no commercial vaccine. It is therefore critical to identify new targets for the development of antimalarials. To survive in the human body, the malaria parasite needs to invade red blood cells. For this, it uses a variety of effectors stored in organelles forming a structure called the apical complex. The mechanisms behind how the parasite generates the apical complex are poorly understood. In this study, we present evidence that a transmembrane protein called sortilin potentially acts as an escorter to transport proteins from the Golgi apparatus to the rhoptries, a component of the apical complex. Our study provides new insight into the biogenesis of a critical structure of the malaria parasite