162 research outputs found

    Spatial orientation in patients with chronic unilateral vestibular hypofunction is ipsilesionally distorted

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    OBJECTIVE Acute unilateral peripheral-vestibular hypofunction (UVH) shifts the subjective visual vertical (SVV) ipsilesionally, triggering central compensation that usually eliminates shifts when upright. We hypothesized that compensation is worse when roll-tilted. METHODS We quantified SVV errors and variability in different roll-tilted positions (0°, ±45°, ±90°) in patients with chronic UVH affecting the superior branch (SVN; n=4) or the entire (CVN; n=9) vestibular nerve. RESULTS Errors in SVN and CVN were not different. When roll-tilted ipsilesionally 45° (9.6±5.4° vs. -0.2±6.4°, patients vs. controls, p<0.001) and 90° (23.5±5.7° vs. 16.8±8.8°, p=0.003), the patient's SVV was shifted significantly towards the lesioned ear. When upright, only a trend was noted (3.6±2.2° vs. 0.0±1.2°, p=0.099); for contralesional roll-tilts shifts were not different from controls. Variability was larger for CVN than SVN (p=0.046). With increasing disease-duration, adjustment errors decayed for ipsilesional roll-tilt and upright (p⩽0.025). CONCLUSIONS The reason verticality perception was distorted for ipsilesional roll-tilts, may be the insufficient integration of contralesional otolith-input. Similar errors in SVN and CVN suggest a dominant utricular role in verticality perception, albeit the sacculus may improve precision of SVV estimates. SIGNIFICANCE With deficiencies in central compensation being roll-angle dependent, extending SVV-testing to roll-tilted positions may improve identifying patients with chronic UVH

    Total OH reactivity measurements using a new fast Gas Chromatographic Photo-Ionization Detector (GC-PID)

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    The primary and most important oxidant in the atmosphere is the hydroxyl radical (OH). Currently OH sinks, particularly gas phase reactions, are poorly constrained. One way to characterize the overall sink of OH is to measure directly the ambient loss rate of OH, the total OH reactivity. To date, direct measurements of total OH reactivity have been either performed using a Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) system ("pump-and-probe" or "flow reactor") or the Comparative Reactivity Method (CRM) with a Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometer (PTR-MS). Both techniques require large, complex and expensive detection systems. This study presents a feasibility assessment for CRM total OH reactivity measurements using a new detector, a Gas Chromatographic Photoionization Detector (GC-PID). Such a system is smaller, more portable, less power consuming and less expensive than other total OH reactivity measurement techniques. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Total OH reactivity is measured by the CRM using a competitive reaction between a reagent (here pyrrole) with OH alone and in the presence of atmospheric reactive molecules. The new CRM method for total OH reactivity has been tested with parallel measurements of the GC-PID and the previously validated PTR-MS as detector for the reagent pyrrole during laboratory experiments, plant chamber and boreal field studies. Excellent agreement of both detectors was found when the GC-PID was operated under optimum conditions. Time resolution (60–70 s), sensitivity (LOD 3–6 s&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt;) and overall uncertainty (25% in optimum conditions) for total OH reactivity were similar to PTR-MS based total OH reactivity measurements. One drawback of the GC-PID system was the steady loss of sensitivity and accuracy during intensive measurements lasting several weeks, and a possible toluene interference. Generally, the GC-PID system has been shown to produce closely comparable results to the PTR-MS and thus in suitable environments (e.g. forests) it presents a viably economical alternative for groups interested in total OH reactivity observations

    Apraclonidine—An eye opener

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    Pharmacological testing with apraclonidine eye drops induces a typical reversal of anisocoria in patients with Horner’s syndrome. Moreover, apraclonidine was observed to have an elevating effect on the upper eyelid in Horner’s syndrome as well as in healthy subjects, which is thought to be mediated by alpha-1 adrenergic receptors present in the Muller’s muscle. We aim to quantitatively investigate the effect of apraclonidine on eyelid position in patients with Horner’s syndrome compared to physiological anisocoria based on infrared video recordings from pupillometry. We included 36 patients for analysis who underwent binocular pupillometry before and after apraclonidine 1% testing for the evaluation of anisocoria. Vertical eyelid measurements were taken from infrared videos and averaged from multiple pupillometry cycles. Receiver operating characteristic curves were calculated to determine the optimal cutoff value for change in eyelid aperture pre- and post-apraclonidine. A decrease of inter-eye difference in the aperture of &gt;0.42 mm was discriminative of Horner’s syndrome compared to physiological anisocoria with a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 75%. Our data confirm an eyelid- elevating effect of the apraclonidine test, more pronounced in eyes with a sympathetic denervation deficit. Measuring eyelid aperture on pupillometry recordings may improve the diagnostic accuracy of apraclonidine testing in Horner’s syndrome

    Visual contribution to postural stability: Interaction between target fixation or tracking and static or dynamic large-field stimulus

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    Stationary visual information has a stabilizing effect on posture, whereas moving visual information is destabilizing. We compared the influence of a stationary or moving fixation point to the influence of stationary or moving large-field stimulation, as well as the interaction between a fixation point and a large-field stimulus. We recorded body sway in 20 healthy subjects who were fixating a stationary or oscillating dot (vertical or horizontal motion, 1/3Hz, +/-12 degrees amplitude, distance 96cm). In addition, a large-field random dot pattern (extension: approximately 80x70 degrees ) was stationary, moving or absent. Visual fixation of a stationary dot in darkness did not reduce antero-posterior (AP) sway compared to the situation in total darkness, but slightly reduced lateral sway at frequencies below 0.5Hz. In contrast, fixating a stationary dot on a stationary large-field pattern reduced both AP and lateral body sway at all frequencies (0.1-2Hz). Ocular tracking of the oscillating dot caused a peak in body sway at 1/3Hz, i.e. the stimulus frequency, but there was no influence of large-field stimulus at this frequency. A stationary large-field pattern, however, reduced AP and lateral sway at frequencies between 0.1 and 2Hz when subjects tracked a moving dot, compared to tracking in darkness. Our results demonstrate that a stationary large-field pattern has a stabilizing effect in all conditions, independent of whether the eyes are fixing on a stationary target or tracking a moving target

    Keeping an eye on serial order: Ocular movements bind space and time

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    The present study examined whether traveling through serially-ordered verbal memories exploits overt visuospatial attentional resources. In a three-phase behavioral study, five single-digits were presented sequentially at one spatial location in phase 1, while recognition and verbal recall were tested in phases 2 and 3, respectively. Participants' spontaneous eye movements were registered along with the verbal responses. Results showed that the search and the retrieval of serially-ordered information were mediated by spontaneous ocular movements. Specifically, recognizing middle items of the memorized sequence required longer inspection times and, importantly, a greater involvement of overt attentional resources, than recognizing the serially first-presented item and, to a lesser extent, the last-presented item. Moreover, serial order was found to be spatially encoded from left-to-right, as eye position during vocal responses deviated the more to the right, the later the serial position of the retrieved item in the sequence. These findings suggest that overt spatial attention mediates the scanning of serial order representation

    Cold thermal irrigation decreases the ipsilateral gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex

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    OBJECTIVES: During head rotations, neuronal firing rates increase in ipsilateral and decrease in contralateral vestibular afferents. At low accelerations, this "push-pull mechanism" is linear. At high accelerations, however, the change of firing rates is nonlinear in that the ipsilateral increase of firing rate is larger than the contralateral decrease. This mechanism of stronger ipsilateral excitation than contralateral inhibition during high-acceleration head rotation, known as Ewald's second law, is implemented within the nonlinear pathways. The authors asked whether caloric stimulation could provide an acceleration signal high enough to influence the contribution of the nonlinear pathway to the rotational vestibulo-ocular reflex gain (rVOR gain) during head impulses. DESIGN: Caloric warm (44°C) and cold (24, 27, and 30°C) water irrigations of the left ear were performed in 7 healthy human subjects with the lateral semicircular canals oriented approximately earth-vertical (head inclined 30° from supine) and earth-horizontal (head inclined 30° from upright). RESULTS: With the lateral semicircular canal oriented earth-vertical, the strongest cold caloric stimulus (24°C) significantly decreased the rVOR gain during ipsilateral head impulses, while all other irrigations, irrespective of head position, had no significant effect on rVOR gains during head impulses to either side. CONCLUSIONS: Strong caloric irrigation, which can only be achieved with cold water, reduces the rVOR gain during ipsilateral head impulses and thus demonstrates Ewald's second law in healthy subjects. This unilateral gain reduction suggests that cold-water caloric irritation shifts the set point of the nonlinear relation between head acceleration and the vestibular firing rate toward a less acceleration-sensitive zone

    The future of hybrid imaging—part 2: PET/CT

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    Since the 1990s, hybrid imaging by means of software and hardware image fusion alike allows the intrinsic combination of functional and anatomical image information. This review summarises the state-of-the-art of dual-modality imaging with a focus on clinical applications. We highlight selected areas for potential improvement of combined imaging technologies and new applications. In the second part, we briefly review the background of dual-modality PET/CT imaging, discuss its main applications and attempt to predict technological and methodological improvements of combined PET/CT imaging. After a decade of clinical evaluation, PET/CT will continue to have a significant impact on patient management, mainly in the area of oncological diseases. By adopting more innovative acquisition schemes and data processing PET/CT will become a fast and dose-efficient imaging method and an integral part of state-of-the-art clinical patient management

    Small-animal SPECT and SPECT/CT: application in cardiovascular research

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    Preclinical cardiovascular research using noninvasive radionuclide and hybrid imaging systems has been extensively developed in recent years. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is based on the molecular tracer principle and is an established tool in noninvasive imaging. SPECT uses gamma cameras and collimators to form projection data that are used to estimate (dynamic) 3-D tracer distributions in vivo. Recent developments in multipinhole collimation and advanced image reconstruction have led to sub-millimetre and sub-half-millimetre resolution SPECT in rats and mice, respectively. In this article we review applications of microSPECT in cardiovascular research in which information about the function and pathology of the myocardium, vessels and neurons is obtained. We give examples on how diagnostic tracers, new therapeutic interventions, pre- and postcardiovascular event prognosis, and functional and pathophysiological heart conditions can be explored by microSPECT, using small-animal models of cardiovascular disease