207 research outputs found

    A Small Chloroplast-Encoded Protein as a Novel Architectural Component of the Light-Harvesting Antenna

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    A small conserved open reading frame in the plastid genome, ycf9, encodes a putative membrane protein of 62 amino acids. To determine the function of this reading frame we have constructed a knockout allele for targeted disruption of ycf9. This allele was introduced into the tobacco plastid genome by biolistic transformation to replace the wild-type ycf9 allele. Homoplasmic ycf9 knockout plants displayed no phenotype under normal growth conditions. However, under low light conditions, their growth rate was significantly reduced as compared with the wild-type, due to a lowered efficiency of the light reaction of photosynthesis. We show that this phenotype is caused by the deficiency in a pigment–protein complex of the light-harvesting antenna of photosystem II and hence by a reduced efficiency of photon capture when light availability is limiting. Our results indicate that, in contrast to the current view, light-harvesting complexes do not only consist of the classical pigment-binding proteins, but may contain small structural subunits in addition. These subunits appear to be crucial architectural factors for the assembly and/or maintenance of stable light-harvesting complexes

    Aktionsplan FlĂ€chensparen – nicht ohne Kontingentierung

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    Auch wenn die Neuinanspruchnahme von FlĂ€chen in den vergangenen Jahren erkennbar zurĂŒckgegangen ist und die FlĂ€chenpolitik erste Erfolge zeigt, macht die aktuelle Entwicklung deutlich, dass die vom Bund verabschiedeten flĂ€chenpolitischen Ziele nur mit einer Intensivierung der AktivitĂ€ten und einer SchĂ€rfung des Instrumentariums erreicht werden können. Zur wirksamen Umsteuerung mĂŒssen die verbindliche Begrenzung der Neuinanspruchnahme von FlĂ€chen, die Mobilisierung von Innenentwicklungspotenzialen und die Steigerung der FlĂ€cheneffizienz verknĂŒpft werden. Dazu mĂŒssen Bund und LĂ€nder in drei Aktionsfeldern aktiv werden: Kontingentierungssystem einfĂŒhren, Innenentwicklung stĂ€rken und Raumordnung stĂ€rken

    Faithful transcription initiation from a mitochondrial promoter in transgenic plastids

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    The transcriptional machineries of plastids and mitochondria in higher plants exhibit striking similarities. All mitochondrial genes and part of the plastid genes are transcribed by related phage-type RNA polymerases. Furthermore, the majority of mitochondrial promoters and a subset of plastid promoters show a similar structural organization. We show here that the plant mitochondrial atpA promoter is recognized by plastid RNA polymerases in vitro and in vivo. The Arabidopsis phage-type RNA polymerase RpoTp, an enzyme localized exclusively to plastids, was found to recognize the mitochondrial atpA promoter in in vitro assays suggesting the possibility that mitochondrial promoters might function as well in plastids. We have, therefore, generated transplastomic tobacco plants harboring in their chloroplast genome the atpA promoter fused to the coding region of the bacterial nptII gene. The chimeric nptII gene was found to be efficiently transcribed in chloroplasts. Mapping of the 5â€Č ends of the nptII transcripts revealed accurate recognition of the atpA promoter by the chloroplast transcription machinery. We show further that the 5â€Č untranslated region (UTR) of the mitochondrial atpA transcript is capable of mediating translation in chloroplasts. The functional and evolutionary implications of these findings as well as possible applications in chloroplast genome engineering are discussed

    Der Umgang mit der sozialen Differenz Körper am Beispiel einer Beratungsstelle fĂŒr MĂ€dchen mit Essstörungen

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    In der Forschungsarbeit von Saskia Bock, Susanne Benzel und Stephanie Warlies wurde der Frage nachgegangen, wie in einer Beratungsstelle fĂŒr MĂ€dchen mit Essstörungen mit sozialen Differenzen umgegangen wird. Dabei wurde der Fokus auf den Körper als sozialer Differenz gelegt. Im Sinne des IntersektionalitĂ€tsansatzes wurden außerdem weitere soziale Differenzlinien miteinbezogen und deren Wechselwirkungen nĂ€her untersucht. Der Fragestellung wurde anhand eines Experteninterviews in Kombination mit einer Dokumentenanalyse nachgegangen

    Y3IP1, A nucleus-encoded Thylakoid Protein, Cooperates with the Plastid-Encoded YCf3 Protein in Photosystem I Assembly of Tobacco and Arabidopsis

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    The intricate assembly of photosystem I (PSI), a large multiprotein complex in the thylakoid membrane, depends on auxiliary protein factors. One of the essential assembly factors for PSI is encoded by ycf3 (hypothetical chloroplast reading frame number 3) in the chloroplast genome of algae and higher plants. To identify novel factors involved in PSI assembly, we constructed an epitope-tagged version of ycf3 from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and introduced it into the tobacco chloroplast genome by genetic transformation. Immunoaffinity purification of Ycf3 complexes from the transplastomic plants identified a novel nucleus-encoded thylakoid protein, Y3IP1 (for Ycf3-interacting protein 1), that specifically interacts with the Ycf3 protein. Subsequent reverse genetics analysis of Y3IP1 function in tobacco and Arabidopsis thaliana revealed that knockdown of Y3IP1 leads to a specific deficiency in PSI but does not result in loss of Ycf3. Our data indicate that Y3IP1 represents a novel factor for PSI biogenesis that cooperates with the plastid genome-encoded Ycf3 in the assembly of stable PSI units in the thylakoid membrane

    Dual targeting of a mature plastoglobulin/fibrillin fusion protein to chloroplast plastoglobules and thylakoids in transplastomic tobacco plants

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    Plastoglobules (PG) are lipid droplets in chloroplasts and other plastid types having important functions in lipid metabolism. Plastoglobulins (PGL) also known as fibrillins (FBN) are evolutionary conserved proteins present at the PG surface but also to various extents at the thylakoid membrane. PGLs are thought to have structural functions in PG formation and maintenance. The targeting of an Arabidopsis PGL (PGL34) to PG required the full protein sequence with the exception of a short C- terminal stretch. This indicated that PGL targeting relies on correct folding rather than a discrete sequence. PGLs lack strongly hydrophic regions and may therefore extrinsically associate with PG and thylakoid membranes via interaction with hydrophilic headgroups of surface lipids. Here, we report on the expression of the Arabidopsis plastoglobulin of 35kD (PGL35 or FBN1a) expressed as a mature protein fused to HIVp24 (human immunodeficiency virus capsid particle p24) or HCV (hepatitis C virus core protein) in transplastomic tobacco. A PGL35–HIVp24 fusion targeted in part to plastoglobules but a larger proportion was recovered in the thylakoid fraction. The findings indicate that transplastomic PGL35–HIVp24 folded correctly after its synthesis inside the chloroplast and then dually targeted to plastoglobules as well as thylakoid membranes

    Gender Mainstreaming: ein neues TĂ€tigkeitsfeld fĂŒr Sozialwissenschaftler/innen?

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    Die Verfasserinnen geben einen Einblick in den Stand der Umsetzung von Gender Mainstreaming vor allem auf Bundes- und Kommunalebene. Es wird gezeigt, was Gender Mainstreaming ist, worin sich dieses Konzept von Ă€lteren AnsĂ€tzen der Frauenförderungs- und Gleichstellungspolitik unterscheidet und welche verĂ€nderten Anforderungen es an staatliches Handeln und Verwaltungshandeln stellt. Ob die Nachfrage nach Gender-Experten, die sich im Zuge der Implementation von Gender Mainstreaming entwickelt, ein neues berufliches TĂ€tigkeitsfeld fĂŒr SozialwissenschaftlerInnen erschließt, bleibt beim gegenwĂ€rtigen Stand der Umsetzung noch offen. FĂŒr die Entwicklung eines intermediĂ€ren Beratungsmarktes ist der kontinuierliche Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis eine wichtige Voraussetzung. (ICE2
