300 research outputs found

    Купцы и дворяне Лугинины: три поколения владельцев Златоустовских заводов второй половины XVIII в.

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    The article presents the history of the ownership of Zlatoust mining plants by three generations of the Luginin family. It shows direct dependence of the dynamics of ownership and inheritance of plants on the vicissitudes of the family history. It is established that the founder of the Zlatoust factory farm, L. I. Luginin, relied in his business activities on the help of his son Maxim, who took over the management and control of a new part of the family business — the Ural factories in 1769. M. L. Luginin died in the middle of 1770s and L. I. Luginin was left without an assistant and a trained heir. The grandchildren of the factory owner, due to the life circumstances associated with their new noble status, character traits and age, failed to adopt the grandfather’s experience and did not become an equivalent replacement for their father. After the death of the founder, during the period of guardianship management of the factories, the middle grandson, Larion Maksimovich, showed interest in the factories, but he also died before he had been in the factories for two years. The transfer of ownership of the district to the most unworthy of the heirs, I. M. Luginin, eventually led to the exit of the estate from the possession of the family. Zlatoust factories, located far from the rest of the family’s possessions, required constant control of the owner, his participation in the management. In this case, the succession should have been manifested in the active participation of the heirs in the management of the district, personal control over the execution of orders. It is concluded that the succession of generations of the family is of great importance in the early stages of the organization of the business, when the personal control of the owner is a significant factor in the preservation of the business in the hands of the family. © 2021 Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of RAS. All rights reserved

    Stability of the film flow passing round the cross-section elements in the area of high density irrigation

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    The paper studies the loss of stability of a liquid film using regular surface roughness. The model of the breakdown process is described and the conditions for the formation of a liquid film breakdown are determined experimentally. It was found that there are two characteristic modes, namely drop and film regimes. Using the methods of thermal anemometry, data were obtained on the distribution of the droplet sizes after a film breakdown and the dependence of the We number on the projection arrangement height was plotted. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant No. 17-38-50069

    Membrane Protein Biogenesis in Ffh- or FtsY-Depleted Escherichia coli

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    BACKGROUND: The Escherichia coli version of the mammalian signal recognition particle (SRP) system is required for biogenesis of membrane proteins and contains two essential proteins: the SRP subunit Ffh and the SRP-receptor FtsY. Scattered in vivo studies have raised the possibility that expression of membrane proteins is inhibited in cells depleted of FtsY, whereas Ffh-depletion only affects their assembly. These differential results are surprising in light of the proposed model that FtsY and Ffh play a role in the same pathway of ribosome targeting to the membrane. Therefore, we decided to evaluate these unexpected results systematically. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We characterized the following aspects of membrane protein biogenesis under conditions of either FtsY- or Ffh-depletion: (i) Protein expression, stability and localization; (ii) mRNA levels; (iii) folding and activity. With FtsY, we show that it is specifically required for expression of membrane proteins. Since no changes in mRNA levels or membrane protein stability were detected in cells depleted of FtsY, we propose that its depletion may lead to specific inhibition of translation of membrane proteins. Surprisingly, although FtsY and Ffh function in the same pathway, depletion of Ffh did not affect membrane protein expression or localization. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that indeed, while FtsY-depletion affects earlier steps in the pathway (possibly translation), Ffh-depletion disrupts membrane protein biogenesis later during the targeting pathway by preventing their functional assembly in the membrane


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    The review of the monograph by V. V. Kotelevskaya Thomas Bernhard and the Modernist Metanovel (2018) raises theoretical problems of the relationship between poetics and poetology, metaization and metanovel, the discrepancy between genre terminology used by writers and that generally accepted in literary studies. The book by Kotelevskaya fits into the context of the Russian studies of metafiction (O. S. Miroshnichenko), metanovel (V. B. Zusev-Ozkan), and novel about a novel (I. Suslov), as well as T. Bernhard’s prose studies by Russian Germanists (D. V. Zatonsky, N. S. Pavlova, A. V. Belobratov, S. P. Tashkenov, S. Yu. Novikova). The experimental structure of the scientific (poetological) treatise is compared with the experimental character of the object under study, i. e. Bernhard’s metanovels, in which poetics is “replaced” by poetology. In particular, it is noted that the Kotelevskaya’s monograph has also undergone “metaization”, which in Bernhard’s works is expressed in the reduction of mimesis in favor of creative self-reflection, and in the book by Kotelevskaya – in reduction of descriptive poetics in favor of theoretical reasoning and generalizations, literary-philosophical context, and intertext. The generalizing and particularizing parts of the work are interchanged, the boundaries between them are problematized. The logic of the object (Bernhard’s work) description is externally broken, but in the internal logic of the monograph one can feel the movement from music (Beton, 1982) to architecture (Correction, 1975), from the content to the form, from the ‘thought-theme’ to its expression and back again. The focus of the researcher is on the early work Amras (1964), to which the author himself attached particular importance. In the monograph, analysis of this work takes up to fifty pages and connects the novel Frost (1963) with the last work Extinction (1986). The emphasis on the romantic tradition justifies the genre specificity of the ‘novel’ and ‘fragment’, as well as the use of the term ‘novel’ as applied to most works, although neither Bernhard himself nor his characters call their works this way

    Stress-strain state and loss of stability of anisotropic thermal coating under thermal shock

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    The deformation behavior of thermal barrier coatings has been investigated. The mechanism of occurring instabilities in such coatings based on their representation in the form of a plate located on an elastic foundation has been studied. Loss of stability manifests itself in the form of a doubly periodic system of intrusion and extrusion zones that is qualitatively consistent with the well-known experimental results. Typical features of stability loss and its dependence on the properties of conjugated materials have been investigated by the example of the thermal loading simulation of the copper specimen with a protective ceramic coating. The influence of the thermo-mechanical properties anisotropy of the coating material on the character of the emerging instability has been estimated

    High rates of genome rearrangements and pathogenicity of Shigella spp.

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    Shigella are pathogens originating within the Escherichia lineage but frequently classified as a separate genus. Shigella genomes contain numerous insertion sequences (ISs) that lead to pseudogenisation of affected genes and an increase of non-homologous recombination. Here, we study 414 genomes of E. coli and Shigella strains to assess the contribution of genomic rearrangements to Shigella evolution. We found that Shigella experienced exceptionally high rates of intragenomic rearrangements and had a decreased rate of homologous recombination compared to pathogenic and non-pathogenic E. coli. The high rearrangement rate resulted in independent disruption of syntenic regions and parallel rearrangements in different Shigella lineages. Specifically, we identified two types of chromosomally encoded E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases acquired independently by all Shigella strains that also showed a high level of sequence conservation in the promoter and further in the 5′-intergenic region. In the only available enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) strain, which is a pathogenic E. coli with a phenotype intermediate between Shigella and non-pathogenic E. coli, we found a rate of genome rearrangements comparable to those in other E. coli and no functional copies of the two Shigella-specific E3 ubiquitin ligases. These data indicate that the accumulation of ISs influenced many aspects of genome evolution and played an important role in the evolution of intracellular pathogens. Our research demonstrates the power of comparative genomics-based on synteny block composition and an important role of non-coding regions in the evolution of genomic islands

    Predicting the severity of viral bronchiolitis in children

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    Acute viral bronchiolitis is one of the common causes of hospitalization and mortality, especially among children in the first year of life who have risk factors (prematurity, congenital heart defects, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, immunosuppression). As factors associated with the severe course of bronchiolitis, along with the traditional ones, single nucleotide polymorphisms of the genes of the immune response molecules can be considered.The aim. Based on the analysis of clinical, laboratory and molecular genetic parameters, to identify prognostic criteria for the severe course of acute viral bronchiolitis in children.Materials and methods. The study included 106 children with acute viral bronchiolitis (severe course – 34, mild course – 72), the etiology of which in 67.9 % was respiratory syncytial virus. Forty-seven anamnestic, clinical, traditional laboratory and molecular genetic parameters were assessed as prognostic criteria. Determination of SNP genes of cytokines IL-4 (C-589T), IL-10 (G-1082A), IL-10 (C-592A), IL-10 (C-819T), TNF-α (G-308A), IL-17A (G197A), IL-17F (His161Arg), TLR2-753ArgGln, TLR6-Ser249Pro in venous blood was carried out by the polymerase chain reaction method.Results. An additional criterion for the risk of developing a severe course of bronchiolitis can be the mutant genotype (AA) SNP of the IL-10 gene (C-592A), which was detected exclusively in the group of patients with severe bronchiolitis, increasing the risk of developing a severe disease by 16.11 times (OR = 16.11; 95 % CI: 0.81–121.22, p = 0.02) in conjunction with already established modifying factors: the presence of congenital heart disease, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, prematurity, birth weight < 1500 g. Based on a comprehensive assessment of the established risk factors, a method has been developed that allows calculate the likelihood of developing a severe course of acute viral bronchiolitis. Conclusion. The use of the developed prediction method will not only increase the likelihood of developing severe acute viral bronchiolitis in children, but also determine the priority group among children with predictors of severe viral bronchiolitis for priority immunoprophylaxis against RS-virus infection

    Composition, Stability, and Paramagnetic Birefringence of Erbium(III) and Thulium(III) D- and DL-Tartrates

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    pH and paramagnetic birefringence measurements in tandem with mathematical modeling were applied to study the formation of erbium(III) and thulium(III) D- and DL-tartrates. The paramagnetic birefringence constants were calculated for these tartrates