88 research outputs found

    CHAEA traducido y aplicado en Italia. El primer caso de estudio en la Universidad de Florencia

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    Since 2011, knowing, for purposes of research and study the questionnaire CHAEA , on behalf of Prof. Domingo J. Gallego Gil i translated the Questionnaire Honey-Alonso on Learning Styles for the first time in the italian language. The purpose of this task has been to disseminate and broaden the spectrum of research of the questionnaire also involving Italian institutions. In collaboration with Prof. Luca Toschi, full professor of Sociology of Cultural Processes and Communication from the University of Florence and with the support of the CSL - Communication Strategies Lab of the Department of Sciences of Education and Cultural Formative Processes, at http://www.csl.unifi.it/, processes has been possible to proceed with the first trials. Here you will try to give a comprehensive explanation of the processes of experimentation applied and the methodologies used for subjecting students, of the teaching of Theory and Technique of the Generative Communication of the Bachelor Degree Masterly Course in Theories of Communication and of the teaching of Theory and Technique of the Communication of the course of Science of Education, to fill in the questionnair

    Education, reading and hypertextuality. The fragmentation of the body text

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    With electronic technology, writing, reading, interaction and communication between different actors, teachers, students, readers and writers has changed. The reversal of roles, or the overturning of the same prospects of read-write, to date require further investigation and research into the changes themselves learning. Education can not be separated, in the twenty-first century, by knowing and mastering electronic technology, with the aim of producing increased learning and even encouraged by the use of tools typical of everyday life. During the themes developing of re-mediation, the text layout and organization and location of the same phrases and words within a blank page or a spreadsheet, it offers an in-depth research on the issues outstanding, as proposed by Bolter, McLuhan, Dewey

    Curricolo di educazione etico-sociale. Sperimentazione riflessiva nella scuola primaria.

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    L’elaborato presenta la fase di discussione teorica e applicativa all’interno della sperimentazione PRIN per il Curricolo di educazione etico-sociale. Il caso di studio che viene di seguito proposto e analizzato è basato sullo svolgimento della pratica del focus group con insegnanti di scuola primaria. Nel contesto metropolitano di Milano è stato possibile confrontarsi con 9 docenti di differenti discipline all’interno del contesto scolastico, e produrre poi le considerazioni e letture semantiche delle proposte emerse. Dal percorso critico svolto, a seguito del dibattito riflessivo promosso nei 3 incontri di gruppo, emerge la necessità di promuovere una proposta curricolare di secondo ordine che possa assumere una condizione strutturale di sistematicità pedagogica

    Recensione. Ferreiro Gravié R., Pasión por la Enseñanza, Zapopan (MEX), Editorial Unisan (2016).

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    Il testo Pasión por la enseñanza. Las competencias profesionales didácticas del método ELI (in italiano, La passione per la docenza, le competenze professionali didattiche del metodo ELI) è il saggio pubblicato dalla casa editrice universitaria messicana Unisan nel 2016. Il libro è scritto dal professore Ramon F. Ferreiro Gravié della Nova Southeastern University, dove coordina e dirige progetti di ricerca orientati alla formazione dei docenti e allo stimolo per nuove pratiche didattiche centrate sulle competenze

    CHAEA traducido y aplicado en Italia. El primer caso de estudio en la Universidad de Florencia

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    Since 2011, knowing, for purposes of research and study the questionnaire CHAEA , on behalf of Prof. Domingo J. Gallego Gil i translated the Questionnaire Honey-Alonso on Learning Styles for the first time in the italian language. The purpose of this task has been to disseminate and broaden the spectrum of research of the questionnaire also involving Italian institutions. In collaboration with Prof. Luca Toschi, full professor of Sociology of Cultural Processes and Communication from the University of Florence and with the support of the CSL - Communication Strategies Lab of the Department of Sciences of Education and Cultural Formative Processes, at http://www.csl.unifi.it/, processes has been possible to proceed with the first trials. Here you will try to give a comprehensive explanation of the processes of experimentation applied and the methodologies used for subjecting students, of the teaching of Theory and Technique of the Generative Communication of the Bachelor Degree Masterly Course in Theories of Communication and of the teaching of Theory and Technique of the Communication of the course of Science of Education, to fill in the questionnair

    Education, reading and hypertextuality. The fragmentation of the body text

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    With electronic technology, writing, reading, interaction and communication between different actors, teachers, students, readers and writers has changed. The reversal of roles, or the overturning of the same prospects of read-write, to date require further investigation and research into the changes themselves learning. Education can not be separated, in the twenty-first century, by knowing and mastering electronic technology, with the aim of producing increased learning and even encouraged by the use of tools typical of everyday life. During the themes developing of re-mediation, the text layout and organization and location of the same phrases and words within a blank page or a spreadsheet, it offers an in-depth research on the issues outstanding, as proposed by Bolter, McLuhan, Dewey

    The Projection of Gamification and Serious Games in the Learning of Mathematics Multi-Case Study of Secondary Schools in Italy

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    Our research was born with the objective of evaluating the level of gamification of high schools in Italy, specifically for mathematics, and the use of the serious game of chess as a resource for learning this discipline. The methodology is a mixed design, based on the combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques. Regarding the quantitative design, the instrument used was a questionnaire filled out by 4845 adolescents living in Italy. The qualitative methodology has focused on the analysis of the discourse of 12 in-depth interviews with mathematics teachers from high schools. Among the main results, we found that teachers, although unconsciously, apply gamification in classrooms (without having had any training about it) and, despite recognizing the mathematical benefits of chess, they do not use this game as a serious game. Our study confirms that gamification deserves more because of the benefits it brings, especially for a subject that scares students and demands greater motivatio

    Competencia lectora. La complejidad de un lenguaje intercultural hacia la creatividad

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    The cities are not only structures, buildings, material places way. In this contribution deepens the perspective of a "city reading", where learning and knowledge are constructed through the interaction between people. The environments that we cross every day and ideally and really are made by signs, structures, codes, creativity and above all complexity. The first thing that citizens need is to understand what they have to your around, be able to analyse it, compare it, count it and investigate it. Increased and many are educational difficulties, the culture of legal representation according to Chartier could facilitate us in the exploration of reality, in the awareness of being in a specific space. Freedom and democracy write Dewey meet, learn and read, as well as holistic people need it. Reading and writing are the first key powers who wish to get even at European level (Lisbona, 2000), while in other places as in Mexico refers to the promotion of reading, and gets to practice with courses like "Reading cultures and multialphabetization in university" (2015) developed at the University of Guadalajara with the attempt to understand the literary city by reading, learning and cooperation for the dissemination of creativity

    Competencia lectora. La complejidad de un lenguaje intercultural hacia la creatividad

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    The cities are not only structures, buildings, material places way. In this contribution deepens the perspective of a "city reading", where learning and knowledge are constructed through the interaction between people. The environments that we cross every day and ideally and really are made by signs, structures, codes, creativity and above all complexity. The first thing that citizens need is to understand what they have to your around, be able to analyse it, compare it, count it and investigate it. Increased and many are educational difficulties, the culture of legal representation according to Chartier could facilitate us in the exploration of reality, in the awareness of being in a specific space. Freedom and democracy write Dewey meet, learn and read, as well as holistic people need it. Reading and writing are the first key powers who wish to get even at European level (Lisbona, 2000), while in other places as in Mexico refers to the promotion of reading, and gets to practice with courses like "Reading cultures and multialphabetization in university" (2015) developed at the University of Guadalajara with the attempt to understand the literary city by reading, learning and cooperation for the dissemination of creativity

    Pedagogía, lectura y búsqueda semántica: un análisis educativo

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    The advent of electronic technology as a natural evolution of the environment, of the spaces and the tools for reading was quickly assimilated. Immediately there was talk of new eras, neurological changes and relational, in the meantime our habits and the way we do research in books and in the spaces made for reading were changing. McLuhan and De Kerckhove urges us to think that the electronic media is an extension of the body, a component that belongs to us and aid in the accomplishment of certain actions, necessary today. The reflection has the objective to chart the path started by new technologies and social networks in relation to the reading of his consumption and its diffusion. The interest in virtual and not perceptible materially has very accentuated in the last decades. Depart from here, from a set of codes that approached according to rules and precise calculations originate the grammar binary
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