528 research outputs found

    An investigation of the high speed turbulent boundary layer with heat transfer and arbitrary pressure gradient. Part 1 - Summary report

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    Behavior of high speed turbulent boundary layer with heat transfer and streamwise pressure gradien

    El nombre de las plantas en la escritura jeroglífica del antiguo Egipto

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    L'escriptura jeroglífica es caracteritza per ser pictogràfica, és a dir, els signes representen persones, animals, plantes, aspectes relacionats amb la natura, objectes o accions de la realitat. Els egipcis s'inspiren en els elements del paisatge que els envolten per crear els signes de la seva escriptura. Els signes serveixen per anotar sons, paraules o indicar el camp semàntic de la paraula que els precedeixi. A aquests últims se'ls diu determinatius. Degut al caràcter iconogràfic dels jeroglífics, l'escriptura dóna informació del camp semàntic, en aquest cas botànic, i del tipus de planta o part de la planta que es tracta.Hieroglyphic writing is characterised by the use of pictographic signs. Such signs represent persons, animals, plants, any other aspects related with nature, objects or day life actions. Egyptians used to inspire from the landscape elements that surrounded them to create the signs used in their writing language. Signs are used to write down sounds, words or to indicate the semantic field of the following word. The latter, are called de-terminatives. Given the iconographic character of hieroglyphics, the word that provides information about the semantic field of the following word, in this case botanical, the type of plant and what part of the plant is it referred to.La escritura jeroglífica se caracteriza por ser pictográfica, es decir, los signos representan personas, animales, plantas, aspectos relacionados con la naturaleza, objetos o acciones de la realidad. Los egipcios se inspiran en los elementos paisajísticos que les rodean para la creación de los signos de su escritura. Los signos sirven para anotar sonidos, palabras o indicar el campo semántico de la palabra que les precede. A estos últimos se les llama determinativos. Dado el carácter iconográfico de los jeroglíficos, la escritura de la palabra da información del campo semántico, en este caso botánico, y de qué tipo de planta o parte de la planta se trata

    Student Health and Wellness

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    In my first semester here at SUNY Cortland the biggest challenge I faced was staying healthy. The transition to college can be challenging in all aspects of our individual health and I felt I was most passionate about this subject. For my presentation, I focused on ways to maintain physical health, socio emotional health, mitigate stress, boost mental health, and cultivate spiritual health. For one of my classes, I also organized a tour of the student life center facilities for my students which beautifully tied into the lesson on maintaining physical health in college. I also focused on strategies to mitigate anxiety and angst in college where the environment is new and family is far. Maintaining our health is pivotal to academic success and happiness.https://digitalcommons.cortland.edu/corslides/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Criminal Law—Confession—Right to Warning

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    People v. Duell, 1 N. Y. 2d 132, 134 N. E. 2d 106 (1956)

    Computational fluid dynamics study of droplet formation in a piezo inkjet printhead, with phase Doppler particle analyzer verification

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    This study involves the use of the CFD code, FLUENT, to predict the formation of droplets in a piezo inkjet printhead. Specifically, the velocity and diameter of the droplets formed is to be determined. There have been no solutions to such a problem using FLUENT and its capability to handle such a problem is assessed. Measurements of the actual droplet size and velocity are obtained using a Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer, PDPA. This has been established as a non-intrusive method of simultaneously measuring diameter and velocity of droplet distributions on the order of microns in size. These measurements were compared with the CFD solutions to determine the success of the CFD models. Three different CFD models were used, each differing in complexity. The most complex, full three-dimensional model revealed very good results. The diameters predicted by the CFD model average 47 um, which only differed by 15% from the measured values of the PDPA, which averaged 41 um. The velocity that was predicted by the CFD model was approximately 0.87 m/s, which was within 30% of the measured average of 0.68 m/s. These are acceptable results considering the complex nature of the problem and the lack of previous solutions. The deviations in the other CFD models were larger but results were still reasonable. This study has established the use of FLUENT CFD software as a potential tool in the study and design of piezo inkjet printing systems

    A mathematical model for jet engine combustor pollutant emissions

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    Mathematical modeling for the description of the origin and disposition of combustion-generated pollutants in gas turbines is presented. A unified model in modular form is proposed which includes kinetics, recirculation, turbulent mixing, multiphase flow effects, swirl and secondary air injection. Subelements of the overall model were applied to data relevant to laboratory reactors and practical combustor configurations. Comparisons between the theory and available data show excellent agreement for basic CO/H2/Air chemical systems. For hydrocarbons the trends are predicted well including higher-than-equilibrium NO levels within the fuel rich regime. Although the need for improved accuracy in fuel rich combustion is indicated, comparisons with actual jet engine data in terms of the effect of combustor-inlet temperature is excellent. In addition, excellent agreement with data is obtained regarding reduced NO emissions with water droplet and steam injection

    Paisatges lineals del Congost

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    An investigation of the high speed turbulent boundary layer with heat transfer and arbitrary pressure gradient. Part 3 - Computer program manual

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    Computer program for determining properties of high speed turbulent boundary layer with heat transfer and arbitrary pressure gradien