112 research outputs found

    On a continuous mixed strategies model for evolutionary game theory

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    We consider an integro-differential model for evolutionary game theory which describes the evolution of a population adopting mixed strategies. Using a reformulation based on the first moments of the solution, we prove some analytical properties of the model and global estimates. The asymptotic behavior and the stability of solutions in the case of two strategies is analyzed in details. Numerical schemes for two and three strategies which are able to capture the correct equilibrium states are also proposed together with several numerical examples


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    Questa Tesi tratta la gestione strategica del personale dal punto di vista delle Risorse Umane che attraverso una adeguata Formazione riescono ad aumentare le loro competenze sia meramente professionali e tecniche sia comportamentali quindi riguardanti le varie sfaccettature del carattere personale. Viene trattata l'evoluzione negli anni che ha subito la formazione e come questa viene oggi applicata. infine viene esposto il caso Coop CNNA in cui si racconta attraverso un'intervista alla responsabile Risorse Umane, del suddetto organismo, come viene effettivamente applicata la formazione e quali sono le iniziative e il peso che si dà a quest'ultima

    Is the Australian Taxation Office failing to use all its weapons against aggressive tax planning? An analysis against the facts in Puzey v FC of T

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    Agreement on the outcome that should follow from the application of the general anti-avoidance rule ("GAAR") to a tax planning arrangement is not always achievable. The differing conclusions reached at various levels of the judicial hierarchy in a number of leading cases support this. In light of this unpredictability of outcome, the Australian Taxation Office ("ATO") should be using whatever non-GAAR, anti tax planning rules or tax principles that are available to attack what the ATO considers unacceptable tax planning. Indeed, the ATO has an obligation to test the reach of these rules or principles. The tax planning in Puzey v FC of T was at the aggressive end on the tax-planning continuum, and it was struck down by the GAAR at each stage in the judicial hierarchy. However, less aggressive tax planning cases that the ATO finds unacceptable may escape the GAAR. In such cases, the ATO will need to place reliance on the non-GAAR rules and principles. This article examines four non-GAAR tax rules or principles that the ATO could have raised in Puzey. While the ATO did make a number of non-GAAR based arguments (eg arrangements were a sham), it failed to raise the four rules or principles canvassed in this article. The circumstances in Puzey presented the ideal factual background to test the four rules canvassed in this article. Three of these rules or principles rely on the seedlings purchased in Puzey being characterised as trading stock (eg capping the deduction to an arm's length purchase price). This article makes the argument that it is hard to see why the seedlings should not be characterised as trading stock. The fourth rule or principle not asserted by the ATO in Puzey was that the incurred concept under the general deduction section does contain a cash-accruals dichotomy. The article also examines this issue


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    The experience described in this paper concerns a research activity carried out by a multidisciplinary team. The research is aimed to increase the in-depth knowledge of the castle of Fossa (L'Aquila), part of a small fortified medieval village, seriously damaged by the earthquake in 2009, and currently unusable due to partial collapses of some vertical structures, small portions of buildings and roofs. The investigative path planned by the team, composed of archaeologists, architects and engineers, started from the architectural survey (direct and indirect) of the artefact, from the collection and cataloguing of the published and archive documents, to arrive at an archaeological analysis of the structure and the creation of a parametric digital model of the object of the study with multiple levels of information. The aim of the research is the consideration of the asset in its entirety, that will be interpreted in its restoration project, in order to restore the correct and original architectural interpretations of its constructive style. The project has also presented the opportunity to experiment, in the form of a research laboratory, how well coordinated multidisciplinary contributions can achieve objectives of protection, conservation and use of the asset. In this regard, the HBIM model has constituted a tool for the convergence of the objectives, skills and the different viewpoints of the multidisciplinary team

    Real-life impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on the management of pediatric and adult asthma: A survey by the EAACI Asthma Section

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    Background: The restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic impact heavily the management of chronic diseases like asthma. This study aimed to evaluate the management of adults and children with asthma during COVID-19-related lockdown. Methods: A survey was launched by the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) via e-mail, website, and social media to EAACI members and members of peer societies. Results: The survey was completed by 339 healthcare professionals from 52 countries. 79% of follow-up consultations were replaced by phone calls, whereas 49% of newly referred patients attended the clinic. 62%, 76%, 66%, 76%, and 87% of responders did not conduct spirometry, impulse oscillometry, bronchodilator test, FeNO, or methacholine provocation, respectively, for asthma diagnosis in adults. The numbers were similar for children. 73% of responders based the initial asthma diagnosis and the prescription of inhaled therapy on clinical parameters only. Lung function tests were used in 29% of cases to monitor asthma worsening, and only 56% of participants were recommended to their patients ambulatory peak expiratory flow (PEF) measurements. Using a 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much) scale, the responders considered that the quality of healthcare provided and the patients’ asthma status had deteriorated during the lockdown with 3.2 points and 2.8 points, respectively. Conclusion: Collectively, these results suggest that all necessary resources should be allocated to ensure the performance of lung function tests for initial diagnosis, whereas digital remote monitoring should be reinforced for the follow-up of children and adults with asthma

    Mepolizumab Improves Outcomes of Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps in Severe Asthmatic Patients: A Multicentric Real-Life Study

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    Objective: The upcoming introduction of mepolizumab represents a promising treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). The present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of mepolizumab on sinonasal outcomes of comorbid CRSwNP and severe asthma in a real-life setting. The primary endpoint was to evaluate changes in the SinoNasal Outcome Test (SNOT)-22 score, Nasal Polyp (NP) score, and blood eosinophil count during a 12-month treatment with mepolizumab. Secondary endpoints were to quantify mepolizumab's effects on the mentioned parameters, identify clinical variables influencing the degree of response to treatment, and portray responder and nonresponder patients. Methods: A multicentric retrospective no-profit observational study on severe asthmatic patients, treated with mepolizumab, and comorbid CRSwNP was conducted. All patients were followed for at least 12 months. SNOT-22 score, NP score, and blood eosinophil count (and other CRS-specific variables) were collected at baseline and after 12 months. Results: Forty-three patients were included. A statistically significant reduction was observed for SNOT-22 score (mean t0 SNOT-22 54.8 +/- 25.9; mean t12 SNOT-22 31.5 +/- 21.3, p < 0.0001), NP score (median t0 NPS 3 (IQR 3); median t12 NPS 2 (IQR 4), p < 0.0001), and blood eosinophil count (mean t0 blood eosinophils 804.7 +/- 461.5 cell/mu L; mean t12 blood eosinophils 107.5 +/- 104.6 cell/mu L, p < 0.0001) after 12 months of treatment. Twenty patients (47%) gained improvement both in clinical and endoscopic outcome. Mepolizumab responder patients presented a t0 SNOT-22 significantly higher than nonresponders (p = 0.0011). Conclusions: Mepolizumab improved CRSwNP outcomes in a population of severe asthmatic patients. No clinical feature emerged to outline the profile of a "typical" responder patient, except for baseline SNOT-22 score, which seemed to affect the response to treatment. Further studies would be necessary to supplement these preliminary evaluations

    Real-life impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on the management of pediatric and adult asthma:A survey by the EAACI Asthma Section

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    Background The restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic impact heavily the management of chronic diseases like asthma. This study aimed to evaluate the management of adults and children with asthma during COVID-19-related lockdown. Methods A survey was launched by the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) via e-mail, website, and social media to EAACI members and members of peer societies. Results The survey was completed by 339 healthcare professionals from 52 countries. 79% of follow-up consultations were replaced by phone calls, whereas 49% of newly referred patients attended the clinic. 62%, 76%, 66%, 76%, and 87% of responders did not conduct spirometry, impulse oscillometry, bronchodilator test, FeNO, or methacholine provocation, respectively, for asthma diagnosis in adults. The numbers were similar for children. 73% of responders based the initial asthma diagnosis and the prescription of inhaled therapy on clinical parameters only. Lung function tests were used in 29% of cases to monitor asthma worsening, and only 56% of participants were recommended to their patients ambulatory peak expiratory flow (PEF) measurements. Using a 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much) scale, the responders considered that the quality of healthcare provided and the patients' asthma status had deteriorated during the lockdown with 3.2 points and 2.8 points, respectively. Conclusion Collectively, these results suggest that all necessary resources should be allocated to ensure the performance of lung function tests for initial diagnosis, whereas digital remote monitoring should be reinforced for the follow-up of children and adults with asthma

    Metabolic Treatment of Wolfram Syndrome

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    Wolfram Syndrome (WS) is a very rare genetic disorder characterized by several symptoms that occur from childhood to adulthood. Usually, the first clinical sign is non-autoimmune diabetes even if other clinical features (optic subatrophy, neurosensorial deafness, diabetes insipidus) may be present in an early state and may be diagnosed after diabetes' onset. Prognosis is poor, and the death occurs at the median age of 39 years as a consequence of progressive respiratory impairment, secondary to brain atrophy and neurological failure. The aim of this paper is the description of the metabolic treatment of the WS. We reported the experience of long treatment in patients with this syndrome diagnosed in pediatric age and followed also in adult age. It is known that there is a correlation between metabolic control of diabetes, the onset of other associated symptoms, and the progression of the neurodegenerative alterations. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is necessary in order to prevent, treat and carefully monitor all the comorbidities that may occur. An extensive understanding of WS from pathophysiology to novel possible therapy is fundamental and further studies are needed to better manage this devastating disease and to guarantee to patients a better quality of life and a longer life expectancy

    Monitoring the last Apennine glacier: recent in situ campaigns and modelling of Calderone glacial apparatus

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    The Calderone glacier is at present the most southern glacier in Europe (42° 28' 15’’ N). The little apparatus (about 20.000 m2 in surface area) has been giving an interesting response both to short- and long-term climatic variations which resulted in a considerable reduction in surface area and volume. The glacial apparatus is split into two ice bodies (glacierets) since 2000. The two glacierets are located in a deep northward valley below the top of the Corno Grande (2912 m asl) in the centre of the Gran Sasso d’Italia mountain range (Central Italy). Such glacial apparatus has been subjected to a strong reduction, with a loss of total surface area of about 50% and thickness of about 65%with respect to the hypothetical size (about 105.00 m2 and 55 m at the Little Ice Age). Since early 90s the Calderone glacier has been subjected to several multidisciplinary field campaigns to monitor and evaluate its role as an environmental indicator in the framework of global warming. Starting from historical series related to more than a century of records, the variability of the different glacier properties has been estimated by using classical geomorphologic methods as well as in situ and remote sensing techniques. In particular, the last field campaigns, in 2015, 2016 and 2019, have been carried out using Ground Penetrating Radar equipped with different antenna frequencies, drone-based survey, snow pit measurements and chemical-physical sampling. The measurement campaigns have been complemented by a regional climate analysis, spanning the last fifty years, and snowpack modelling initialized with microphysical snow data (e.g., snow density, crystal shape and size, hardness). The snowpack chemical analyses include the main and trace elements, soluble inorganic and organic ions, EC/OC and PAH, with different spatial resolution depending on the analytes. We present here the methodological approach used and some preliminary results

    Short-term lung function changes predict mortality in patients with fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis

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    Background and objective A proportion of patients with fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (fHP) follow a progressive disease course despite immunosuppressive treatment. Little is known about predictors of mortality in fHP. We aimed to investigate the impact of short-term lung function changes in fHP on mortality. Methods Baseline demographics for 145 consecutive patients with a multi-disciplinary team diagnosis of fHP, as well as baseline and 1-year follow-up of lung function, baseline echocardiographic findings, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cellularity and all-cause mortality were recorded. Changes in forced vital capacity (FVC) ≥ 5% and ≥10%, and diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) ≥ 10% and ≥15% at 1 year were calculated. Cox proportional hazards analysis was performed to test for associations with mortality. Results Baseline lung function severity, age, presence of honeycombing on computed tomography (CT) and echocardiographic pulmonary arterial systolic pressure (PASP) ≥ 40 mm Hg were associated with early mortality, while BAL lymphocytosis was associated with improved survival. A decline in FVC ≥ 5% (hazard ratio [HR]: 3.10, 95% CI: 2.00–4.81, p < 0.001), FVC ≥ 10% (HR: 3.11, 95% CI: 1.94–4.99, p < 0.001), DLCO ≥ 10% (HR: 2.80, 95% CI: 1.78–4.42, p < 0.001) and DLCO ≥ 15% (HR: 2.92, 95% CI: 1.18–4.72, p < 0.001) at 1 year was associated with markedly reduced survival on univariable and multivariable analyses after correcting for demographic variables, disease severity, honeycombing on CT and treatment, as well as BAL lymphocytosis and PASP ≥ 40 mm Hg on echocardiography, in separate models. Conclusion Worsening in FVC and DLCO at 1 year, including a marginal decline in FVC ≥ 5% and DLCO ≥ 10%, is predictive of markedly reduced survival in fHP
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