353 research outputs found


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    Experience available for practical implementation of anti-crisis company (particularly industrial enterprise) management methods under conditions of proceeding destruction of scientifi c and technical potential of the country proves their ineff ectiveness, so other theoretical and practical solutions capable of changing the situation are to be searched. In this respect, creation of an organizational mechanism for a company to function sustainably through minimization of the infl uence of crisis phenomena consequences on activities of the company seems to have good prospects.Имеющийся опыт применения методов антикризисного управления компаниями (особенно производственными предприятиями) на фоне продолжающегося разрушения научно-технического потенциала страны показал их малую эффективность, что вынуждает вести поиск иных теоретических и практических решений, способных переломить ситуацию. Хорошие перспективы в этой связи имеет разработка организационного механизма, обеспечивающего устойчивое функционирование компании и нацеленного на минимизацию воздействия последствий кризисных явлений на ее деятельность

    Use of Natural Products for Direct Anti-Atherosclerotic Therapy

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    Atherosclerosis and vascular disorders, which result from atherosclerosis, represent one of the major problems in the modern medicine and public health. Atherosclerosis is characterized by structural and functional changes of large arteries. The approaches for the treatment of atherosclerosis require at least the prevention of growth of atherosclerotic lesions and reduction in the lipid core mass, which would followed by plaque stabilization. Taken together, these approaches could theoretically result in the regression of arterial lesions. Atherosclerosis develops in the arterial wall and remains asymptomatic until ischemia of distal organs is evident. Therapy of clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis is largely aimed at reducing symptoms or affecting hemodynamic response and often does not affect the cause or course of disease, namely the atherosclerotic lesion itself. Of course, anti-atherosclerotic effects of statins revealed in many prospective clinical trials may be considered; however, statins have never been recognized as the drugs indicated just for direct treatment or prevention of atherosclerosis. They are used predominately in the course of hypolipidemic therapy, and the effects of treatment are estimated by success in reaching the target level of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, but not the regression of atherosclerotic lesion or intimamedia thickness. The last should be considered as beneficial effect, which is mainly due to pleiotropic mechanisms of action. Atherosclerosis develops over many years, so anti-atherosclerotic therapy should be a long-term or even lifelong therapy. Tachyphylaxis, long-term toxicity and cost amongst other issues may present problems for the use of conventional medications in a long-term. Drugs based on natural products can be a good alternative

    Lipid Regulators during Atherogenesis : expression of LXR, PPAR, and SREBP mRNA in the Human Aorta

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    Transcription factors LXRs, PPARs, and SREBPs have been implicated in a multitude of physiological and pathological processes including atherogenesis. However, little is known about the regulation of these transcription factors at different stages of atherosclerosis progression. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was used to compare the contents of mRNAs in pairs intact-injured aorta fragments taken from the same donors. Only minor changes in LXR?, LXR?, PPAR?, PPAR?, SREBP1, and SREBP2 mRNA levels were found in initial lesions as compared with intact non-diseased tissue. The contents of all mRNAs but SREBP2 mRNA were found to be progressively up-regulated in fatty streaks and fibrous lipoid plaques. These changes were only partially reproduced in cultured macrophages upon lipid loading. Wave-shaped changes in abundance of correlations between given group of mRNAs and 28 atherosclerosis-related mRNA species in the course of atherogenesis were observed. The impact of specific mRNA correlations on the total correlations also significantly varied between different lesion types. The study suggests that the extent and forms of LXR/PPAR/SREBP participation in intima functions vary nonlinear in individual fashion in atherogenesis. We speculate that the observed changes in mRNAs expression and coupling reflect shifts in lipid ligands availability and cellular composition in the course of atherosclerosis progression

    Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Atherosclerosis and Diabetic Macrovascular Complications

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    Age-related changes in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are associated with stress of this cell organelle. Unfolded protein response (UPR) is a normal physiological reaction of a cell in order to prevent accumulation of unfolded and misfolded proteins in the ER and improve the normal ER function. However, in pathologic conditions such as atherosclerosis, obesity, and diabetes, ER function becomes impaired, leading to the development of ER stress. In chronic ER stress, defective posttranslational protein folding results in deposits of aberrantly folded proteins in the ER and the induction of cell apoptosis mediated by UPR sensors C/EBPα-homologous protein (CHOP) and inositol requiring protein-1 (IRE1). Since ER stress and ER-induced cell death play a nonredundant role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and diabetic macrovascular complications, pharmaceutical targeting of ER stress components and pathways may be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular pathology


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    The scientific device of search of new ideas developed within technical creativity long time didn't find application outside activity of inventors in the field of equipment. At the same time, the analysis has shown that his basic provisions are quite applicable for the solution of problems of introduction of innovations in the industry and other field of economy. At the same time for the effective solution of difficult questions of innovative development there isn't enough use of one or simple combination of a number of methods of search of new ideas. More difficult technologies which not just level inertia of human thinking are necessary or offer a certain statistical or mathematical apparatus for the solution of these or those problems. The technologies considering rather large number of factors which characterize regularities of origin, formation and development of systems to which they are applied are necessary. Systemacity and depth in approach to methodical bases of search of new ideas for creation and introduction of innovations is necessary, considering that incidental and unsystematic application of methods of search of creative ideas in the sphere of innovative development, along with positive results, not always gives the expected effect at the solution of difficult technical and, especially, administrative tasks. According to the conducted research in the best way from the methodical tools considered in article the Theory of the Solution of Inventive Tasks (TSIT) and set of the accompanying her methods and receptions meets these requirements.Разработанный в рамках технического творчества научный аппарат поиска новых идей долгое время не находил применения за пределами деятельности изобретателей в области техники. Вместе с тем, анализ показал, что его основные положения вполне применимы для решения задач внедрения новаций в промышленности и других областях экономики. При этом для эффективного решения сложных вопросов инновационного развития недостаточно использования одного или простой комбинации ряда методов поиска новых идей. Необходимы более сложные технологии, которые не просто нивелируют инерцию человеческого мышления или предлагают некий статистический или математический аппарат для решения тех или иных проблем. Необходимы технологии, учитывающие достаточно большое количество факторов, которые характеризуют закономерности зарождения, становления и развития систем, в отношении которых они применяются. Необходима системность и глубина в подходе к методическим основам поиска новых идей для создания и внедрения новаций, учитывая, что эпизодическое и бессистемное применение методов поиска творческих идей в сфере инновационного развития, наряду с позитивными результатами, не всегда дает ожидаемый эффект при решении сложных технических и, особенно, управленческих задач. Согласно проведенному исследованию наилучшим образом из рассмотренных в статье методических инструментов удовлетворяет этим требованиям Теория решения изобретательских задач (ТРИЗ) и совокупность сопровождающих ее методов и приемов

    Building Heat-insulating Materials Based on the Products of the Transesterification of Polyethylene Terephthalate and Dibutyltin Dilaurate

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    In this paper, we offered a technological basis for production of heat-insulating polyurethane materials based on the aromatic polyester - the product of transesterification of polyethylene terephthalate and corrective additive - dibutyltin dilaurate. Also, we presented the formulation and properties of the developed polyurethanes

    Development of Antiatherosclerotic Drugs on the basis of Natural Products Using Cell Model Approach

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    Atherosclerosis including its subclinical form is one of the key medical and social problems. At present, there is no therapy available for widespread use against subclinical atherosclerosis. The use of synthetic drugs for the prevention of arteriosclerosis in its early stages is not sufficient because of the limited indications for severe side effects and high cost of treatment. Obviously, effective antiatherosclerotic drugs based on natural products would be a preferred alternative. Simple cell-based models for testing different natural products have been developed and the ability of natural products to prevent intracellular lipid accumulation in primary cell culture was evaluated. This approach utilizing cell models allowed to test effects of such direct antiatherosclerotic therapy, analyzing the effects mimicking those which can occur “at the level” of arterial wall via the inhibition of intracellular lipid deposition. The data from the carried out clinical trials support a point of view that the identification of antiatherosclerotic activity of natural products might offer a great opportunity for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerotic disease, reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality

    Theoretical evaluation of rheological state of sand cement composite systems with polyoxyethylene additive using topological dynamics concept

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    © 2016 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.Presents the results of studies of contemporary materials in the field of rheological state. The topological mortar structure has been provided by theoretical evaluation of the rheological state of the cross-linked solutions and the experimental viscosity data of the sand cement mortar which has been modified by water-soluble additive – polyoxyethylene. The general model has been made for the structure of non-Newtonian liquideous systems including dilatant, pseudoplastic bodies with two main rheological active components in their structure – rigid and viscous phases. It is shown that in pseudoplastic systems, as the shear stress increases, the viscous phase grows because of the reduction of rigid phase content. In dilatant systems the converse situation has been observed. Furthermore, these phases are not clearly distinguishable, but to the contrary they are spatially interconnected in a complex way. The structure modeling has been made for non-Newtonian bodies using the Shklovskii-de Gennes model. The studies have found that the construction composite sand cement system is defined as the pseudoplastic body where cement and sand act as the rigid phase, water solution of polyoxyethylene – as the viscous phase. These findings can be used to prove the influence of polymer powder on the workability of dry mortar