92 research outputs found


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    The problems concerning the modern family readiness for parenthood, including the phenomena of motherhood and fatherhood, as a complex of attitudes and values, including their emotional and sensual sides, as well as the personality characteristics of parents are considered in the article. It is noted that quite a number of studies conducted in medicine, psychology, sociology, pedagogy and cultural studies allow us to treat motherhood as an independent reality requiring a holistic scientific approach to its examination

    What is a Fair Value of Your Recommendation List?

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    We propose a new quality metric for recommender systems. The main feature of our approach is the fact, that we take into account the set of requirements, which are important for business application of a recommender. Thus, we construct a general criterion, named “audience satisfaction”, which thoroughly describe the result of interaction between users and recommendation service. During the criterion construction we had to deal with a number of common recommenders’ problems: a) Most of users rate only a random part of the objects they consume and a part of the objects that were recommended to them; b) Attention of users is distributed very unevenly over the list of recommendations and it requires a special behavioral model; c) The value of the user’s rate measures the level of his/her satisfaction, hence these values should be naturally incorporated in the criterion intrinsically; d) Different elements may often dramatically differ from each other by popularity (long tail – short head problem) and this effect prevents accurate measuring of user’s satisfaction. The final metric takes into account all these issues, leaving opportunity to adjust the metric performance based on proper behavioral models and parameters of short head problem treatment

    What is a Fair Value of Your Recommendation List?

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    We propose a new quality metric for recommender systems. The main feature of our approach is the fact, that we take into account the set of requirements, which are important for business application of a recommender. Thus, we construct a general criterion, named “audience satisfaction”, which thoroughly describe the result of interaction between users and recommendation service. During the criterion construction we had to deal with a number of common recommenders’ problems: a) Most of users rate only a random part of the objects they consume and a part of the objects that were recommended to them; b) Attention of users is distributed very unevenly over the list of recommendations and it requires a special behavioral model; c) The value of the user’s rate measures the level of his/her satisfaction, hence these values should be naturally incorporated in the criterion intrinsically; d) Different elements may often dramatically differ from each other by popularity (long tail – short head problem) and this effect prevents accurate measuring of user’s satisfaction. The final metric takes into account all these issues, leaving opportunity to adjust the metric performance based on proper behavioral models and parameters of short head problem treatment

    Створення оборотних гідроагрегатів ГАЕС в структурі систем енергопостачання залізорудних підприємств

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    Problems of search of the directions and evaluation of the generalized level of sufficiency of using power potential of the iron ore industries are considered. It is proven that possibilities of increase in the level of using power potential of these types of the industries by application of organizational measures are exhausted.The iron ore industries should find new, non-traditional directions of increase in energy efficiency. It is assessed that restructuring of complexes of drainage systems of mines in reversible hydraulic units - pumped storage power stations - can be one of effective measures in this directionРозглянуті питання пошуку напрямків та оцінка узагальненого рівня достатності використання енергопотенціалу залізорудних підприємств. Доведено, що можливості підвищення рівня використання енергопотенціалу даних видів підприємств шляхом застосування організаційних заходів вичерпано. Необхідний пошук нових, нетрадиційних для залізорудних підприємств напрямів підвищення енергоефективності. Оцінено що одним із ефективних заходів в цьому напрямку може бути реструктуризація комплексів водовідводів шахт в оборотні гідроагрегати – гідроакумулюючі електростанці

    The crystal structure of compositionally homogeneous mixed ceria-zirconia oxides by high resolution X-ray and neutron diffraction methods

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    AbstractThe real/atomic structure of single phase homogeneous nanocrystalline Ce0.5Zr0.5O2±δoxides prepared by a modified Pechini route and Ni-loaded catalysts of methane dry reforming on their bases was studied by a combination of neutron diffraction, synchrotron X-ray diffraction, total X-ray scattering and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The effects of sintering temperature and pretreatment in H2were elucidated. The structure of the mixed oxides corresponds to a tetragonal space group indicating a homogeneous distribution of Ce and Zr cations in the lattice. A pronounced disordering of the oxygen sublattice was revealed by neutron diffraction, supposedly due to incorporation of water into the structure when in contact with air promoted by the generation of anion vacancies in the lattice after reduction or calcination at high temperatures. However, such disordering has not resulted in any occupation of the oxygen interstitial positions in the bulk of the nanodomains.</jats:p

    High-Temperature Behavior, Oxygen Transport Properties, and Electrochemical Performance of Cu-Substituted Nd1.6Ca0.4NiO4+δ Electrode Materials

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    In this study, Nd1.6Ca0.4Ni1−yCuyO4+δ-based electrode materials for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs) are investigated. Materials of the series (y = 0–0.4) are obtained by pyrolysis of glycerol-nitrate compositions. The study of crystal structure and high-temperature stability in air and under low oxygen partial pressure atmospheres are performed using high-resolution neutron and in situ X-ray powder diffraction. All the samples under the study assume a structure with Bmab sp.gr. below 350◦C and with I4/mmm sp.gr. above 500◦C. A transition in the volume thermal expansion coefficient values from 7.8–9.3 to 9.1–12.0 × 10−6, K−1 is observed at approximately 400◦C in air and 500◦C in helium.The oxygen self-diffusion coefficient values, obtained using isotope exchange, monotonically decrease with the Cu content increasing, while concentration dependence of the charge carriers goes through the maximum at x = 0.2. The Nd1.6Ca0.4Ni0.8Cu0.2O4+δ electrode materialdemonstrates chemical compatibility and superior electrochemical performance in the symmetrical cells with Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9, BaCe0.8Sm0.2O3−δ, BaCe0.8Gd0.19Cu0.1O3−δ and BaCe0.5Zr0.3Y0.1Yb0.1O3−δ solid electrolytes, potentially for application in IT-SOFCs. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.122013100200-2; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: AAAA-A21-121011390009-1; Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, UB RAS: 122020100324-3Material synthesis, sample preparation, and electrochemical studies were performed in the framework of budget tasks for the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, UB RAS, project № 122020100324-3. The standard characterization of powder and ceramic materials was carried out at the Shared Access Centre “Composition of Compounds” of the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, UB RAS. The synchrotron XRD experiments were performed at the shared research center SSTRC on the basis of the Novosibirsk VEPP-3 complex at BINP SB RAS. The in situ XRD study was carried out using the facilities of the shared research center “National Center of Investigation of Catalysts” at the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (BIC). The part of the reported study concerning the crystal structure of the samples was funded within the framework of budget project for Synchrotron radiation facility SKIF, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis.BIC support of the isotope exchange study by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation projects AAAA-A21-121011390009-1 and AAAA-A21-121011390007-7 is greatly acknowledged. XPS study of the electrode materials was partly performed in the framework of the budget task for the Institute of Metallurgy, UB RAS, project № 122013100200-2 using the equipment of the Shared Access Centre “Ural-M” of the Institute of Metallurgy, UB RAS.Acknowledgments: Material synthesis, sample preparation, and electrochemical studies were performed in the framework of budget tasks for the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, UB RAS, project №122020100324-3. The standard characterization of powder and ceramic materials was carried out at the Shared Access Centre “Composition of Compounds” of the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, UB RAS. The synchrotron XRD experiments were performed at the shared research center SSTRC on the basis of the Novosibirsk VEPP-3 complex at BINP SB RAS. The in situ XRD study was carried out using the facilities of the shared research center “National Center of Investigation of Catalysts” at the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (BIC). The part of the reported study concerning the crystal structure of the samples was funded within the framework of budget project for Synchrotron radiation facility SKIF, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis.BIC support of the isotope exchange study by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation projects AAAA-A21-121011390009-1 and AAAA -A21-121011390007-7 is greatly acknowledged. XPS study of the electrode materials was partly performed in the framework of the budget task for the Institute of Metallurgy, UB RAS, project № 122013100200-2 using the equipment of the Shared Access Centre “Ural-M” of the Institute of Metallurgy, UB RAS


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    Introduction of molybdenum trioxide to gas sensing materials based on titanium dioxide results in a considerable increase of the output signal in the hydrogen-air environment. It is established that the value of the output signal reaches the maximum at the 1 mol. % MoO3 content in the composite material. Improved gas sensing characteristics of TiO2:MoO3 composite correlate with the structural and phase peculiarities of this system – the inhibition of TiO2 crystallization in the TiO2:MoO3 system, the shift of anatase-rutile phase transition to the higher temperature area in comparison with the temperature of this transition in unloaded TiO2, and with the presence of different types of tetrahonal distortions in MoO6 octahedrons, which ensures the MoO3 lattice high activity in the processes of hydrogen catalytic oxidation, and also with the crystallization of highly dispersed molybdenum oxide with a particle size of 10 nm.Введение легирующих добавок оксида молибдена в состав газочувствительных материалов на основе диоксида титана приводит к значительному повышению выходного сигнала в водородо-воздушной среде. Установлено, что величина выходного сигнала максимальна при содержании 1 мол. % МоО3 в композитном материале. Улучшенные газочувствительные характеристики композита TiO2–MoO3 с 1 мол. % МоО3 коррелируют со структурно-фазовыми особенностями данной системы – подавлением кристаллизации диоксида титана в системе TiO2–MoO3, смещением фазового перехода анатаз–рутил в область больших температур по сравнению с температурой данного перехода для нелегированного диоксида титана, наличием различных типов тетрагональных искажений в октаэдрах МоО6 по различным направлениям, обеспечивающих высокую активность кислорода решетки МоО3 в процессах каталитического окисления адсорбированных молекул водорода, а также кристаллизацией высокодисперсного оксида молибдена с размером частиц порядка 10 нм


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    The kinetics of phase contents modification in the process of SrBaFeMoO6–δ crystallization from a stoichiometric mixture of SrCO3 + BaCO3 + 0,5Fe2O3 + MoO3 simple oxides using the solid phase method has been investigated. In the temperature region of 300–1200°С, a number of endotermic effects have been detected. Herewith, the first one (with maximum around 552°С) and the third one (with maximum around 743°С) are accompanying by the significant decrease of the mass of specimen. In the temperature range of 946–1200°С, the mass change of specimen is practically not observable, while the thermal effect is still present, and the specimen remains not single-phase one. This indicates the difficulty of the flow of solid phase reactions with the formation of solid solution of barium-strontium ferromolybdate. During analysis of the change of the phase composition consisting of a mixture of initial reagents of stoichiometric relation SrCO3 + BaCO3 + 0,5Fe2O3 + MoO3, it has been observed that with increasing temperature, complex compounds BaMoO4, SrFeO3 appear almost simultaneously, then SrBaFeMoO6–δ appears consequently. Thus, the compounds BaMoO4 и SrFeO3, are structure forming for the solid solution of barium-strontium ferromolybdate. With further temperature increase up to 770°С the formation of new compound ВаFeO3 with disappearing SrFeO3 was detected. In this case, the amount of double perovskite increases faster than that of barium molybdate. The main accompanying compounds at the crystallization of the SrBaFeMoO6–δ double perovskite solid solution are BaMoO4 and SrFeO3. It was established that at the initial stage of the interaction, the resulting solid solution of barium-strontium ferromolybdate is enriched with iron and its composition changes during the reaction in the direction of an increase of the molybdenum content, as in the case of other precursor combinations.Изучена кинетика модификации фазового состава твердого раствора в процессе кристаллизации SrBaFeMoO6–δ твердофазным методом из стехиометрической смеси простых оксидов SrCO3 + BaCO3 + 0,5Fe2O3 + MoO3. В температурном диапазоне 300–1200°С выявлен ряд эндотермических эффектов, при этом первый (с максимумом в районе 552°С) и третий (с максимумом в районе 743°С) из них сопровождаются существенным уменьшением массы образцов. В интервале температур 946–1200°С изменение массы образца не наблюдается, в то время как тепловой эффект не исчезает и образец остается неоднофазным. Это указывает на затрудненное протекание реакций с образованием соединения ферромолибдата бария–стронция в твердой фазе. Анализ фазового состава шихты, состоящей из смеси исходных реагентов стехиометрического состава SrCO3 + BaCO3 + 0,5Fe2 O3 + MoO3, показал, что при возрастании температуры вначале практически одновременно появляется ряд соединений BaMoO4, SrFeO3, а затем и SrBaFeMoO6–δ. Таким образом, соединения BaMoO4 и SrFeO3 можно считать структурообразующими для твердого раствора ферромолибдата бария-стронция. С последующим увеличением температуры до 770°С возникает новое соединение ВаFeO3 и исчезает SrFeO3 . При этом скорость возрастания количества двойного перовскита выше, чем молибдата бария. Основные сопутствующие соединения при кристаллизации твердого раствора двойного перовскита SrBaFeMoO6–δ – это BaMoO4 и BaFeO3. Установлено, что в процессе синтеза твердого раствора ферромолибдата бария-стронция его состав, как и в случае использования других исходных соединений, изменяется от избытка железа в сторону преобладания содержания молибдена


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    Single-phase Sr2FeMoO6-δ samples with different-degreesuperstructiral ordering Fe/Mo cations superstructural ordering (P, 76, 86 and 93 %) were obtained by the solid-phase technique. Based on the results of measuring the magnetic characteristics in the samples, we found that an increase in magnetization (26.41, 32.36 and 42.66 A·m2·kg–1), magnetic moment (1.33, 3.07 and 3.58 μB/f.u.) and Curie temperatures (422, 428 and 437 K) withparameter P (76, 86 and 93 %) can be explained by the presence of antistructural defects, as well as antiferromagnetic inclusions. This determines the redistribution of electron density, which is accompanied by the change in electronic configuration of a part of Fe/Mo cations. Based on the temperature dependences of the magnetic moment of the samples measured in ZFC and FC modes, and on small-angle polarized neutron scattering (SANS), we found that the samples are in a magnetically inhomogeneous state. An important result to mention is that we detected the difference between the slope of the SANS curves of samples with different oxygen content, which demonstrates a different microstructure of inhomogeneities. The main inhomogeneities are magnetic inclusions with the dimensions depending on the superstructural ordering of Fe/Mo cations. According to the Porod law, it was shown that the Sr2FeMoO6-δ samples with wave vector values 0.1 &gt; q &gt; 0.002 Å–1 contain polydisperse grains with a smooth surface. For q &gt; 0.1 Å–1 a deviation from the Porod law is observed, confirming the presence of magnetic inhomogeneities with a diameter &lt; 6 nm in the grains.Однофазные образцы Sr2FeMoO6-δ с различной степенью сверхструктурного упорядочения катионов Fe/Mo (P, 76, 86 и 93 %) были получены твердофазным методом. На основании результатов измерения магнитных характеристик в образцах установлено, что увеличение величин намагниченности (26,41, 32,36 и 42,66 А·м2·кг –1), магнитного момента (1,33, 3,07 и 3,58 μБ/ф.е.) и температур Кюри (422, 428 и 437 К) с ростом параметра P (76, 86 и 93 %) можно объяснить присутствием антиструктурных дефектов, а также антиферромагнитных включений. Наличие таковых обуславливает перераспределение электронной плотности, что сопровождается изменением электронной конфигурации части катионов Fe/Mo. На основании данных температурных зависимостей магнитного момента образцов, измеренных в ZFC и FC режимах, и малоуглового рассеяния поляризованных нейтронов (МУРН) установлено, что образцы находятся в магнитно-неоднородном состоянии. Важным результатом является обнаруженное различие между наклоном кривых МУРН образцов с различным содержанием кислорода, что свидетельствует о разной микроструктуре неоднородностей. Основными неоднородностями, на которых происходит рассеяние, являются магнитные включения с характерными размерами, зависящими от сверхструктурного упорядочения катионов Fe/Mo. Показано, что согласно закону Порода при значениях волнового вектора 0,1 &gt; q &gt; 0,002 Å–1 образцы Sr2FeMoO6-δ содержат полидисперсные зерна с гладкой и шероховатой поверхностью, а при q &gt; 0,1 Å–1 наблюдается отклонение от закона Порода, что указывает на наличие в зернах магнитных неоднородностей диаметром менее 6 нм