511 research outputs found

    Essere genitori di un figlio diabetico: punti di incontro e differenze di genere nell\u2019evoluzione della nuova figura paterna.

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    L\u2019investimento affettivo, l\u2019attaccamento e uno stile educativo equilibrato della coppia genitoriale \ue8 da sempre correlato al benessere dei figli. Tuttavia, tali dinamiche possono subire profonde modificazioni in forza della presenza, all\u2019interno del nucleo familiare, di una condizione patologica che colpisca uno dei figli. Il diabete \ue8 una delle malattie croniche pi\uf9 diffuse in et\ue0 evolutiva. Il contributo presenta e discute i risultati di uno studio osservazionale qualitativo su un gruppo di madri e padri di bambini e adolescenti affetti da diabete di tipo 1, seguiti dalla Clinica pediatrica di Padova. Nei risultati si evidenzia come la figura del nuovo padre venga in parte offuscata, in parte profondamente rinnovata dalle nuove esigenze educative e terapeutiche del diabet


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    Increasing life expectancy and the growing number of chronic diseases have changed the kind of patients who need to be assisted. This paper presents a qualitative study conducted with a group of nursing students near graduation, aimed at describing and discussing vocational preferences and desirable healthcare settings for future employment

    Chapter Nursing Students’ Future Employment Preferences and the Real Demands of Patients using the Health Services. A Qualitative Study on a Group of Final-Year Students at the University of Padua

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    Increasing life expectancy and the growing number of chronic diseases have changed the kind of patients who need to be assisted. This paper presents a qualitative study conducted with a group of nursing students near graduation, aimed at describing and discussing vocational preferences and desirable healthcare settings for future employmen

    Hydrocarbons as Substitutes for Halogenated Refrigerants in Refrigerating Systems

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    Short communication: Genetic aspects of milk differential somatic cell count in Holstein cows: A preliminary analysis

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    The aim of the present study was to assess genetic variation and heritability of a novel indicator of udder health, milk differential somatic cell count (DSCC), which represents the percentage of neutrophils plus lymphocytes in the total somatic cell count (SCC). Furthermore, we estimated genetic and phenotypic correlations of DSCC with other milk traits routinely measured in Italian Holstein cows. Besides DSCC, test-day data included milk yield, composition traits (i.e., fat, protein, casein, and lactose percentages), pH, milk urea nitrogen, and SCC. After editing, the final data set included 10,709 test-day records of 5,142 cows in 299 herds. Mean of DSCC was 62.07%, which means that macrophages were approximately 38% of total SCC. Comparing our results with the literature offered compelling evidence of the importance of acquiring information about the proportion of the different cell types in milk to better define the udder health status. In addition, our analysis revealed, for the first time, that DSCC is a heritable trait, and heritability (0.08 ± 0.02) was higher than that of traditional somatic cell score (0.04 ± 0.02). Nevertheless, heritability of DSCC is still low compared with milk yield and quality traits. Single-trait analysis within parity showed that DSCC was less heritable in primiparous than in multiparous cows, whereas bivariate analysis confirmed that DSCC and somatic cell score were 2 different traits, as their genetic and phenotypic correlations differed from unity. From a genetic point of view, the DSCC was positively weakly associated with milk yield, lactose percentage, and milk urea nitrogen, and negatively associated with pH. Our findings contributed to the understanding of the genetic background of DSCC and are a precursor to the potential use of DSCC in breeding programs to enhance cow resistance to mastitis. However, further research is needed to determine the weight this novel trait should receive in a selection program aimed to reduce udder health problems

    The “No-Visitor Policies” Among Lonely Patients, Powerless Caregivers, and Exhausted Health Professionals. Pedagogical Perspectives to Rebuild a Fractured Alliance

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    One of the most unpredictable things the pandemic brought to our societies was the closure of hospitals and other health services to visitors. Preventing the spread of infection was the main reason for these decisions in the early days of the pandemic when there was no clarity about the means of transmission and the origin of the virus. However, in view of the persistence of the restrictions to date and the numerous negative consequences they have had on the professional and personal quality of life of doctors, nurses, patients and carers, the aim of this article is to analyse in depth the reasons why these decisions have been and, above all, are still being applied, also considering the hypothesis that the choices made so far in the training of health professionals should be questioned. The persistence of restrictions, the constant reduction of human and economic resources in the face of an increase in the demand for care have exacerbated the distance between health professionals and users, to the point of escalating into actual acts of violence and aggression. According to the Critical Pedagogy approach, educators can play a central role in activating formative and collaborative strategies, such as maieutic groups, to rebuild an alliance between those who today find themselves on opposite sides: health professionals on the one hand, and patients and families on the other

    Lavoro emotivo e benessere professionale: uno studio qualitativo tra gli specializzandi in oncologia

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    Introduzione: il lavoro emotivo \ue8 parte essenziale del lavoro del medico in oncologia, pur tuttavia esso non \ue8 oggetto di attenzione formativa, n\ue9 di riconoscimento economico. Lo scopo di questa ricerca \ue8 stato quello di descrivere e comprendere i livelli di consapevolezza di un gruppo di medici specializzandi in oncologia rispetto al lavoro emotivo da loro espresso quotidianamente. Metodo: \ue8 stato realizzato uno studio qualitativo orientato dal paradigma fenomenologico ermeneutico, mediante l\u2019utilizzo di colloqui con protocollo snello, orientati a stimolare la riflessione e consapevolezza di giovani medici coinvolti sul loro lavoro emotivo e sulle strategie che essi attivano di fronte ad eventi dal forte arausal emotivo. Per l\u2019analisi dei testi registrati e trascritti si \ue8 utilizzato il software Atlas.ti 7; la codifica \ue8 stata effettuata mediante le categorie di analisi: distanza emotiva, empatia, dissonanza vs regolazione emotiva, metacognizione emotiva. Risultati: si \ue8 evidenziata una confusione semantica da parte dei partecipanti ai colloqui tra il termine distanza emotiva ed empatia, spesso assimilate ad un unico atteggiamento. La necessit\ue0 di adempiere al loro ruolo secondo una visione razionale dello stesso induce gli specializzandi ad evitare spesso di realizzare una introspezione sugli stati emotivi provati di fronte alle situazioni pi\uf9 sfidanti. Discussione: si sono individuati tre temi trasversali nelle parole dei soggetti coinvolti: la necessit\ue0 di operare una cura che deve rispondere ai criteri di scientificit\ue0 e razionalit\ue0, la necessit\ue0 di non confondere il proprio ruolo di medico con quello della persona malata, evitando quindi qualsiasi coinvolgimento emotivo; il bisogno di trovare ed attivare strategie di gestione dell\u2019incertezza data dalle prognosi, mediante la razionalit\ue0 che riduce il rischio a quantit\ue0 probabilistica prevedibile e quindi accettabile o mediante l\u2019enduring che si manifesta in un agire per routine che riempiono la mente e non lasciano spazio alle emozioni
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