549 research outputs found

    Study of foldable elastic tubes for large space structure applications, phase 1

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    Structural members that might be suitable for strain energy deployable structures, are discussed with emphasis on a thin-walled cylindrical tube with a cross-section that is called 'bi-convex'. The design of bi-convex tube test specimens and their fabrication are described as well as the design and construction of a special purpose testing machine to determine the deployment characteristics. The results of the first series of tests were quite mixed, but clearly revealed that since most of the specimens failed to deploy completely, due to a buckling problem, this type of tube requires some modification in order to be viable

    Ramification of Datum and Ellipsoidal Parameters on Post Processed Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) Data – A Case Study

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    The World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) is the global reference frame upon which Global Positioning System (GPS) observations are referenced to. Observations in the frame are in latitudes, longitudes and ellipsoidal heights. For use in a particular locality, it is necessary to convert these into the local coordinate system. In Ghana, the datum and ellipsoidal parameters for Ghana War Office and Clarke 1880 are used for the transformation of the GPS coordinates from the WGS 84 datum system to the Ghana National Grid System. This paper therefore examines post processed DGPS data using these two datum and ellipsoidal definitions separately. Dual frequency DGPS data were collected from 19 survey pillars (ie SGW D224/14/1 to SGW D224/14/19) and post processed using Clarke 1880 datum and ellipsoidal parameters. The raw data was also post processed using Ghana War Office datum and ellipsoidal parameters. The results for the two indicated an average difference of 7.23 m (23.72 ft) for 19 stations. This certainly does not fall within the tolerance set by Survey and Mapping Division (SMD) of the Lands Commission for cadastral plans production, which is +/- 0.9114 m (+/-3 ft). A composite plan using the post processed data from the two datum and ellipsoidal definitions was produced. The plan shows an overlapping area by the use of the two coordinates to plot, an indication of a potential conflict between ownership on paper which may not necessary exist on the ground.Keywords: Differential, Global Positioning System, Datum and Ellipsoidal Parameter

    The use of gis to study the spatial variation of diseases: a case of western region, Ghana

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    The ability to formulate disease control programmes and put strategic action plans into practice has become an important issue for Regional Health Directorates in Ghana. An important factor in disease control programmes is to correlate variations in different communities with environmental factors using spatially reliable data. To achieve this, spatial distribution maps for predominant diseases such as malaria, skin infection, Respiratory Tract Infection (RTI), asthma and diarrhea for the year 2005 were created. In this study, a database of disease statistics and the geographical information representing the boundaries as well as the centre of the administrative units of the Western Region of Ghana were built using cartographic and GIS techniques – choropleth mapping to examine the spatial distribution of the selected diseases. The results show that there is a strong correlation between mining activities and the prevalence of diseases under study in the Western Region

    State of dietetics practice in Ghana

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    Objective: Prevalence of obesity and related diseases has increased in Ghana. Dietitians have essential skills to prevent and manage dietary diseases. However, little is known about dietetic practice in Ghana. This paper describes the history and current state of dietetics practice in Ghana.Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 13 dietitians and six dietetic interns in February 2012. The questionnaire collected data on perceptions about dietetics practice, career progression, and challenges in dietetics practice in Ghana. Key informant interviews (KII) on history of dietetics in Ghana were also held with four retired dietitians, and two dietetics  educators. Additional KII were conducted with the Chief dietitian, two officers of the Ghana Dietetic Association, and three other dietitians. Most KII were conducted faceto-face but a few were only possible via telephone.Some of the KII were audio-recorded, in addition to handwritten notes. Following transcription of audiorecorded interviews, all data were subjected to content analysis.Results: Dietetic practice in Ghana has evolved from low-skilled cadre (catering officers) offering hospitalbased meal services to the current era of available trained dietitians providing diet therapy in diverse settings. However, 80% of the 35 dietitians identified are working in Accra. In three regions of Ghana, there are no dietitians. There remain limited  opportunities for continuous learning and professional career advancement.Additionally, there are many unqualified dietitians in practice.Conclusion: A huge unmet need for dietitians exists in all regions of Ghana, except Greater Accra. Bridging this gap is essential to increase access to dietetic care throughout Ghana.Keywords: dietetics, professional practice, history, situational analysis, Ghan

    Analysis of Methods for Ellipsoidal Height Estimation – The Case of a Local Geodetic Reference Network

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    Ghana’s local geodetic reference network is based on the War Office 1926 ellipsoid with data in latitude, longitude and orthometric height  without the existence of ellipsoidal height. This situation makes it difficult to apply the standard forward transformation equation for direct conversion of curvilinear geodetic coordinates to its associated cartesian coordinates (X, Y, Z) in the Ghana local geodetic reference network. In order to overcome such a challenge, researchers resort to various techniques to obtain the ellipsoidal height for a local geodetic network. Therefore, this paper evaluates, compares, and discusses different methods for estimating ellipsoidal height for a local geodetic network. The investigated methods are the Abridged Molodensky transformation model, Earth Gravitational Model, and the Orthometric Height approach. To evaluate these methods, their estimated local ellipsoidal height values were implemented in the seven-parameter similarity transformation model of Bursa-Wolf. The performance of each of the methods was assessed based on statistical indicators of Mean Square Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Horizontal Position Error (HE) and Standard Deviation (SD). The statistical findings revealed that, the Abridged Molodensky model produced more reliable transformation results compared with the other methods. It can be concluded that for Ghana’s local geodetic network, the most practicable method for estimating ellipsoidal height is the Abridged Molodensky transformation model.  Keywords: Abridged Molodensky Model, Earth Gravitational Model, Orthometric Height, Geodetic Networ

    A matching scheme for aquaculture; a graphing calculator approach

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    Graphing Calculator Technology possesses a lot of capabilities in solving a variety of scientific and non-scientific problems. Its programming abilities make it very flexible to use. Unfortunately, it has been underutilised. In this paper, we develop an application with the graphing calculator to handle the processes in a Matching Scheme for Assigning Fish Types to Ponds. The application gives an inclusion matrix which is used as the basis of the matching and finally gives summary of the assignment..Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana) Vol. 27 (2) 2007: pp. 99-10

    Motivation and Performance of Librarians in Public Universities in Ghana

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    Motivation is of enormous importance with regard to enhancing performance in any organisation. This paper discusses motivation and performance of librarians in public universities in Ghana. The study examined motivation of librarians, the effect of motivation on performance, the views of librarians on motivation, the level of satisfaction of librarians and the effort the public university managements are making to motivate librarians. Through literature review, the concept of motivation and its effects on performance were discussed. Using a survey method, questionnaire were designed and distributed to seventy-two targeted librarians in six public universities in Ghana, out of this, sixty returned the duly completed questionnaire. The questionnaire sought to identify intrinsic and extrinsic factors which motivate librarians and how it affects their performance. The study revealed that the motivational level of librarians in public universities in Ghana is high and that the motivational level affects majority of librarians positively. The public university managements have made some efforts to motivate librarians but they need to do more to improve the current situation. The study concludes with some recommendations on how to improve motivational systems in place in public university libraries. The discussions in the paper provides some insights into intrinsic and extrinsic factors that motivate librarians in public universities in Ghana. The paper will therefore be of great value to managers in the public university libraries in Ghana and other developing countries in getting the best out of their staff if adequately motivated

    Motivation and Performance of Librarians in Public Universities in Ghana

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    Motivation is of enormous importance with regard to enhancing performance in any organisation. This paper discusses motivation and performance of librarians in public universities in Ghana. The study examined motivation of librarians, the effect of motivation on performance, the views of librarians on motivation, the level of satisfaction of librarians and the effort the public university managements are making to motivate librarians. Through literature review, the concept of motivation and its effects on performance were discussed. Using a survey method, questionnaire were designed and distributed to seventy-two targeted librarians in six public universities in Ghana, out of this, sixty returned the duly completed questionnaire. The questionnaire sought to identify intrinsic and extrinsic factors which motivate librarians and how it affects their performance. The study revealed that the motivational level of librarians in public universities in Ghana is high and that the motivational level affects majority of librarians positively. The public university managements have made some efforts to motivate librarians but they need to do more to improve the current situation. The study concludes with some recommendations on how to improve motivational systems in place in public university libraries. The discussions in the paper provides some insights into intrinsic and extrinsic factors that motivate librarians in public universities in Ghana. The paper will therefore be of great value to managers in the public university libraries in Ghana and other developing countries in getting the best out of their staff if adequately motivated

    Impalement injuries of the chest

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    Impalement injuries of the chest are uncommon in civilian practice with few reports in the literature. We report three cases of thoracic impalement seen over a 5 year period with unusual underlying mechanisms. In two of the cases, the impalement was obvious; in thethird, the impalement was concealed having occurred 5 months earlier. In Case 1, the underlying mechanism was a high-speed road traffic accident. The patient was impaled by a metallic square pipe piled by the roadside. In Case 2, the gun-housing of a locally-made rifle gave way as it was fired and allowed a reverse ejection of the barrel during recoil that impaled the hunter’s chest. In Case 3, a domestic assault with an old umbrella caused an impalement injury as one of the umbrella spokes broke off, penetrated and lodged in the left chest going unnoticed for 5 months. Persistent chest pain and haemoptysis led to a request for chest radiographic examination upon which the foreign body was discovered. Massive haemoptysis brought the patient to emergency thoracotomy. All three patients underwent thoracotomy with a successful outcom

    Effectiveness of short message services and voice call interventions for antiretroviral therapy adherence and other outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    The potential of using mobile phone technologies to improve antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence has provided a new facet to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) research. The quality of evidence and the strength of recommendations of existing reviews, however, do not adequately support large-scale adoption of the intervention. This review adopted broad selection criteria to include all mobile phone-based interventions designed to improve patient's adherence to ART. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies. PUBMED, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), CINAHL, AMED and Web of Science were searched. Online abstracts archives of relevant conference proceedings and trial registries were also searched. Thirty-Five (35) full-text articles were assessed for eligibility. Included studies were conducted in high, low and middle-income countries and reported ART adherence interventions delivered by mobile phones (standard or smartphones) in the form of voice calls, interactive voice response calls (IVR), and short message service (SMS). Thirteen (13) studies met the inclusion criteria, and 11 were used in the meta-analysis. Intervention characteristics of included studies ranged from mobile phone functionalities to provision of study phones to participants. SMS and voice call contents were tailored to participants' specific adherence needs. Mobile SMS interventions improved adherence to ART compared with control conditions (OR, 95% CI = 1.59, 1.27-1.98). In subgroup analysis, only scheduled SMS was significant whereas triggered SMS had no effect on adherence to ART. Mobile voice calls did not significantly increase adherence to ART. The interventions were highly rated by > 90% of participants in the studies that reported on the experiences and satisfaction with the intervention. Scheduled mobile phone text-messaging have demonstrated significant improvement in adherence to ART. Mobile SMS adherence interventions that allow for two-way communication may, however, be more acceptable than standalone SMS reminders, which are seen to be intrusive, producing habituation and response fatigue. Voice calls and triggered SMS functionalities do not have a significant effect on adherence to ART although there is a higher preference for voice functionality over SMS especially in limited-resource and low-literacy settings. Further exploration of the mobile voice functionality and its possible combination with scheduled SMS functionality is recommended. Evidence provided in this study will guide the implementation of mobile phone intervention to improve adherence to ART, by addressing practical challenges that could militate against scalability especially in resource limited settings