2,482 research outputs found

    Explaining Education Reforms in Ghana: An Institutional and Ideational Perspective

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    In Sub-Saharan Africa, scholars have mainly deployed structural (conditionality thesis) and institutional (path dependence) frameworks to explain policy stability and change, thus neglecting other mechanisms such as ideational processes. Yet, there is evidence of path departing changes in education reforms and other policy areas in Ghana and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), which call for ideational analysis. Drawing on insights from institutional and ideational explanatory frameworks, this study analyzes the 1987 and 2007 education reforms in Ghana to ascertain the factors, the key actors, and the mechanism employed to influence these reforms. Consequently, the study explores the processes of bricolage and translation that informed these two reforms. To achieve these research objectives, the study adopts the case study approach based on qualitative methods of inquiry, which involves face-to-face interviews and document analysis. The study identified that, in addition to state actors, two groups of non-state actors (Domestic Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Trans-national Actors (TNAs)) mattered for education reforms in Ghana. Unlike what is implied by the conditionality thesis, these non-state actors use ideas channeled through conferences, issuing of annual reports, workshops and press releases to influence these reform processes and generate policy legitimacy and local ownership among national policymakers. More generally, the study argues that the educational sector in Ghana has witnessed both policy stability and change when the dimensions of the reforms are specified along objectives, content, financing, and structure and duration. Thus, whereas financing of basic education witnessed policy stability, the objective, content, and structure witnessed significant changes in 1987 and marginal changes during the 2007 reform. Finally, the study also argues that, regardless of the political regime in place, the socio-cultural and political duality of the Ghanaian society was ignored during the reform processes. As such, a key group of actors, traditional institutions, was marginalized by national policymakers


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    The overall objective of the study was to compare the customer orientation attitude of selected private and public Universities in Ghana. Besides, the study also examined the probability of private or public Universities being more customer oriented than the other. The study employed the use of the descriptive design. Data was collected from three private and public Universities in Ghana. The study used standardized questionnaires as the main source of data collection instrument. In terms of the analysis of data, the study employed the use of the statistical package for social sciences version 21. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The findings revealed that that there is a statistically significant difference in the customer orientation behaviour (t (420)= -1.049, p>.05) of private universities (M= 6.78, SD= 0.002) and public universities ((M= 7.02, SD= 0.82). Again, the predicted odds that a student from a public university is Exp(B) =0.303, however since the coefficient is (-1.192), that is negative, thus, a student from a public university is 30% less than likely to perceive themselves as customers compared with a student from a private university. Recommendations as well as areas for further study have been presented. Article visualizations


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    The overall purpose of the study is to determine key factors that influence students in the quest to continue their relationship with their university or to quit. The study employed the use of the descriptive design. Data was collected from three private and public universities in Ghana. These were to ensure equal representation from both sectors. The study used standardized questionnaires as the main source of data collection instrument. In terms of the analysis of data, the study employed the use of the statistical package for social sciences version 21. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. it is evident that fulfilment was significant in determining student continues relationship with university (β= 0.713, p=0.014). Furthermore, the table also reveals that there was a positive and significant relationship between maximum academic support individuals had and their continuous relationship with university (β= 0.511, p=0.000). Thus, maximum academic support individuals had was significant to their investment behavior after controlling for all other demographics. This was in line with the assertions of Tandoh (2011) when he indicated that factors such as fulfilment, reward for hardwork, fulfilment and the likes can affect hugely the continuous relationship with university by individuals. Article visualizations

    Learning Behaviours of Adolescents in Senior High Schools: Exploring the Impact of Authoritative and Authoritarian Parenting Styles as Determinants

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    The significant roles of parents in the success of their children, including their leaning behaviour that determines their performance is undoubtedly paramount. However, those various roles of parents may largely depend on the style(s) they adopt in their parental endeavours. The purpose of study was to examine the impact of parenting style on the learning behaviour of adolescents in the Senior High School in the Kumasi Metropolis in Ghana. To accomplish this, a descriptive survey research design procedure using a quantitative approach was employed. A sample size of 317 respondents was used for the study. Questionnaire was used to obtain data from the respondents. The data was analysed using inferential statistics (Pearson Product Moment Correlation). The study revealed that generally, the learning behaviour of adolescents in the Senior High Schools in the Kumasi Metropolis was greatly influenced by the type of parenting style the parents adopt. Conclusions and Recommendations are made in this work. Keywords: Parenting, Authoritarian, Authoritative, Parents, Adolescent. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-07-01 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Trust in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication

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    In traditional Pedestrian Automatic Emergency Braking (PAEB) system, vehicles equipped with onboard sensors such as radar, camera, and infrared detect pedestrians, alert the driver and/ or automatically take actions to prevent vehicle-pedestrian collision. In some situations, a vehicle may not be able to detect a pedestrian due to blind spots. Such a vehicle could benefit from the sensor data from neighboring vehicles in making such safety critical decisions. We propose a trust model for ensuring shared data are valid and trustworthy for use in making safety critical decisions. Simulation results of the proposed trust model show promise

    Are users satisfied with resources and services? The case of Webster University Ghana Campus Library

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    The role of libraries in academic institutions throughout the world cannot be overemphasised. As a result, regular evaluation of library services, facilities, resources and personnel is very important. It helps to improve users’ satisfaction and promotes efficiency in research, teaching and learning activities in the university environment. This study therefore aimed to determine the level of library users’ satisfaction with resources and services at Webster University’s Ghana Campus library. The study with adherence to the survey method, used questionnaire as data collection instrument. Data analysis was done using SmartPLS software to determine the extent to which four dimensions of the library; facilities, resources, knowledge of staff and services, impact user satisfaction. The findings showed that users were satisfied with library collections, services and knowledge of library staff. However, users were not satisfied with the library’s physical facilities. Challenges such as limited library opening hours, unstable internet access, insufficient physical facilities, inadequate library collections, and inadequate computer facilities were found to limit library users’ satisfaction. The study recommends extended opening hours, improved internet access, provision of additional readings and discussion rooms and computers

    Unpacking Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Level of Religious and Moral Education Teachers

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    The focus of this study was to unpack’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) level of Religious and Moral Education (RME) teachers in Ghana, as well as the gender difference of teacher on their TPACK level. The researcher employed descriptive survey as the research design. Questionnaire was used as the research instrument to collect data from the teachers. The census technique was used to include all 136 RME teachers all 68 Public Junior High Schools in the KEEA Municipality for the study. The study revealed that RME teachers have high levels of TK, CK, PK but low level of TPACK. The study also unearthed that there was a statistically significant gender difference of teachers with respect to their TPACK level in that, male teachers were observed to have high TPACK level than their female counterparts. Based on the findings of the study, conclusions and recommendations are discussed in this work. Keywords: Technological, Pedagogical, Content, Knowledge, Teachers, Gender DOI: 10.7176/IKM/11-3-01 Publication date: April 30th 202
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