251 research outputs found

    Further examination of the organizational culture scale of artifacts

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    The construct validity of a 10-item Organizational Culture Scale Focused on Artifacts oriented to measure traditional culture was analyzed under the unidimensionality hypothesis of the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the unidimensional structure, which took into account the method effects associated with reverse-worded items. The results based on the data from a sample of 926 subjects, 79.8% male, mean age of 33.4 years (SD = 12.8), working in different types of companies suggested the proposed unidimensional factor structure, with the elimination of two items from the scale. The resulting 8-item scale was reanalyzed, this time with the data of a second split-sample. Support was found for the scale’s unidimensionality with this second dataset.measuring organizational culture; traditional culture; innovation culture; corporate culture

    Acta del Jurat del Premi

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    El Repte de la moneda única europea

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    The introduction of the single currency is one of the most important events that will strongly affect our lives. The process has been drawn out, starting in 1990 with the Delors Plan. The euro is the logical outcome of the single market. It will have taken twelve years to implement, just like the single tariff. L'euro has a political and economic logic. Many currencies make a single financial market difficult to have, but a single market does not require a single currency and it will not benefit everyone. We must be ready to make sacrifices. A difficulty with monetary union is the abscence of a common budgetary policy. Germany is mistrustful and wants to impose automatic penalties to prevent a weakening of the euro. German business is in favour of the euro to avoid competitive devaluations from the South, while German sayers are afraid to lose out. Public finances have deteriorated badly and Maastricht criteria are formally complied with creative accounting in Germain, and France as much as Spain. This is collective deception. The transition period has been too long and badly constructed, extending the Werner Plan of the sixties in the instantaneous markets and large indebtedness of the nineties. The burocratic construction of the Euro in three phases is not coherent. We have learnt nothing of the problems of the, European Exchange Mechanism in returning to fixed exchange rates. There will be difficult times for Spain

    El Repte de la moneda única europea

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    The introduction of the single currency is one of the most important events that will strongly affect our lives. The process has been drawn out, starting in 1990 with the Delors Plan. The euro is the logical outcome of the single market. It will have taken twelve years to implement, just like the single tariff. L'euro has a political and economic logic. Many currencies make a single financial market difficult to have, but a single market does not require a single currency and it will not benefit everyone. We must be ready to make sacrifices. A difficulty with monetary union is the abscence of a common budgetary policy. Germany is mistrustful and wants to impose automatic penalties to prevent a weakening of the euro. German business is in favour of the euro to avoid competitive devaluations from the South, while German sayers are afraid to lose out. Public finances have deteriorated badly and Maastricht criteria are formally complied with creative accounting in Germain, and France as much as Spain. This is collective deception. The transition period has been too long and badly constructed, extending the Werner Plan of the sixties in the instantaneous markets and large indebtedness of the nineties. The burocratic construction of the Euro in three phases is not coherent. We have learnt nothing of the problems of the, European Exchange Mechanism in returning to fixed exchange rates. There will be difficult times for Spain

    E-learning, vocational training and employability for the unemployed: survey design and validation

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    The paper analyses the effect of e-learning vocational training on the employability of the unemployed. Through a questionnaire survey of 5,265 people who took part in ane-learning training programme developed in 2009 by the Catalan Employment Service (SOC) and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) to improve the employability of the unemployed, the study makes two main contributions. First,we describe the design of an 18-item scale. Second, the study analyses the factorial structure and psychometric properties of that scale. Three factors from the exploratoryfactor analysis, namely competencies developed (α1=0.93), applicability of training (α2=0.92) and satisfaction with the pedagogical design (α3=0.90), explain 71.5% of cumulative variance. The total scale reliability is 0.94. The statisticsobtained for the confirmatory factor analysis (CFI=0.94, NNFI=0.94, and RMSEA=0.08) indicate an acceptable fit of the proposed threefactor model (Chi-square=2.416, p=0.000). The coefficients of the estimates, all with valuesbetween 0.85 and 1.66, are significant at p<0.001.The study provides new evidence in the specific field of e-learning vocational training specifically for the unemployed, as well as new dimensions such as the structure and the pedagogical design of the programme. The analysis of a new edition of the programme in 2012 reveals the usefulness of e-learning for the unemployed withfewer formal qualifications

    Bases del Premi

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    Bases del Premi

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    Adaptación al español de una escala de motivación emprendedora

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    This study follows the theoretical framework put forward by Robichaud on entrepreneurial motivation. The objective was to adapt the original French scale of 17 items into Spanish and to analyze its psychometric properties. The participants in the present study were 981 Spanish employees (46.5 % men and 53.5 % women). After carrying out exploratory factor analyses and ESEM (RMSEA = .06; CFI = .95 and TLI = .95), revealed a structure comprised of three factors: Family security (α =.82), Independence and autonomy (α =.83), and Intrinsic motivations (α =.77). These three factors displayed adequate reliability. We also found evidence of validity with regard to a series of external correlates and various scales that have to do with workaholism, irritation and burnout. The present scale may prove useful for adequately identifying entrepreneurial motivation.Este estudio sigue el marco teórico propuesto por Robichaud sobre motivación emprendedora. El objetivo fue adaptar la escala original francesa de 17 ítems al español y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. Los participantes del presente estudio fueron 981 empleados españoles (46.5% hombres y 53.5% mujeres). Después de llevar a cabo el análisis factorial exploratorio y el ESEM (RMSEA = .06; CFI = .95 y TLI = .95), se determinó una estructura compuesta de tres factores: Seguridad de la familia (α =.82), Independencia y autonomía (α =.83) y Motivaciones intrínsecas (α =.77). Los tres factores muestran una fiabilidad adecuada. También se encuentran evidencias de validez respecto a una serie de correlatos externos y varias escalas que hacen alusión a la adicción al trabajo, la irritación y el burnout. La presente escala puede resultar adecuada para identificar adecuadamente la motivación emprendedora

    Further examination of the organizational culture scale of artifacts

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    The construct validity of a 10-item Organizational Culture Scale Focused on Artifacts oriented to measure traditional culture was analyzed under the unidimensionality hypothesis of the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the unidimensional structure, which took into account the method effects associated with reverse-worded items. The results based on the data from a sample of 926 subjects, 79.8% male, mean age of 33.4 years (SD = 12.8), working in different types of companies suggested the proposed unidimensional factor structure, with the elimination of two items from the scale. The resulting 8-item scale was reanalyzed, this time with the data of a second split-sample. Support was found for the scale’s unidimensionality with this second dataset