
Further examination of the organizational culture scale of artifacts


The construct validity of a 10-item Organizational Culture Scale Focused on Artifacts oriented to measure traditional culture was analyzed under the unidimensionality hypothesis of the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the unidimensional structure, which took into account the method effects associated with reverse-worded items. The results based on the data from a sample of 926 subjects, 79.8% male, mean age of 33.4 years (SD = 12.8), working in different types of companies suggested the proposed unidimensional factor structure, with the elimination of two items from the scale. The resulting 8-item scale was reanalyzed, this time with the data of a second split-sample. Support was found for the scale’s unidimensionality with this second dataset.measuring organizational culture; traditional culture; innovation culture; corporate culture

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