21 research outputs found
New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space: Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
GEMS will monitor air quality over Asia at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution from GEO for the first time, providing column measurements of aerosol, ozone and their precursors (nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and formaldehyde).
Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) is scheduled for launch in late 2019 - early 2020 to monitor Air Quality (AQ) at an unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution from a Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) for the first time. With the development of UV-visible spectrometers at sub-nm spectral resolution and sophisticated retrieval algorithms, estimates of the column amounts of atmospheric pollutants (O3, NO2, SO2, HCHO, CHOCHO and aerosols) can be obtained. To date, all the UV-visible satellite missions monitoring air quality have been in Low Earth orbit (LEO), allowing one to two observations per day. With UV-visible instruments on GEO platforms, the diurnal variations of these pollutants can now be determined. Details of the GEMS mission are presented, including instrumentation, scientific algorithms, predicted performance, and applications for air quality forecasts through data assimilation. GEMS will be onboard the GEO-KOMPSAT-2 satellite series, which also hosts the Advanced Meteorological Imager (AMI) and Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI)-2. These three instruments will provide synergistic science products to better understand air quality, meteorology, the long-range transport of air pollutants, emission source distributions, and chemical processes. Faster sampling rates at higher spatial resolution will increase the probability of finding cloud-free pixels, leading to more observations of aerosols and trace gases than is possible from LEO. GEMS will be joined by NASA's TEMPO and ESA's Sentinel-4 to form a GEO AQ satellite constellation in early 2020s, coordinated by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS)
Trabajos de control de la erosión en Corea.
90 PáginasThis document presents: -Environmental factors in relation to forest denudation
-Principal policy for the erosion control projects
-Main erosion control measures
-Maintenance of the lands treated
Este documento presenta: -Factores ambientales en relación con la denudación forestal
-Política principal para los proyectos de control de erosión
-Principales medidas de control de la erosión
-Mantenimiento de las tierras tratada
Olive river run-off plots description of the experiment
100 páginas.This document contains information about Olive river runoff plots description of the experimen
Título en español
A study aimed at determining appropriate soil conservation measures other than bench terracing was conducted in an Ultisol in Jamaica for 2 crop years. Mean annual soil losses for 2 consecutive years, from check plots planted to yellow yams (Dioscorea sp.) on individual hills without a hillside ditch, amounted to 192 t/ha/yr. Hillside ditches and intercropping yam with Irish potato decreased soil losses by 35%. A further reduction was achieved by intercropping yam with Irish potato on continuous contour mounds interrupted by a hillside ditch. The best erosion control was attained on yam plots intercropped with Irish potato on continuous contour mounds with a grass buffer strip.En las parcelas testigo de una evaluación de diversas prácticas de conservación de suelos en Jamaica, sembradas de ñame (Dioscorea sp. L.) en montículos individuales sin zanjas de ladera, las pérdidas de suelo fueron de 192 Tm/ha/año. Con la construcción de zanjas de ladera e intercalando la siembra de ñame con la de papa, se redujeron las pérdidas de suelo en 35%. Se logró una mayor reducción cuando se intercaló la papa con el ñame sembrado en montículos continuos siguiendo las curvas de nivel y separados por zanjas de ladera. La mayor reducción en pérdidas de suelo se logró en las parcelas donde se intercaló la siembra de ñame con la de papas en montíiculos continuos y con una franja amortiguadora de yerbas
Título en español
Various cropping systems for yam production were tested in the runoff plots at the Olive River Watershed where soil losses were measured. Yellow yam yields ranged between 42 and 63 t/ha, but differences were not significant for either of the two experimental years. Marketable yields were 47% to 57% of the gross yields. When yam was intercropped with Irish potato, gross yields of potato ranged from 12 to 14 t/ha. Marketable yields were 80 to 85% of the gross yields. The lower yam yields in treatments with more than one intercrop were offset by the extra cash flow produced by the intercrops. When the 2-year data were pooled, significant yield differences between treatments were obtained, indicating that intercrops affect yam yields adversely. The Napier grass buffer strip produced 42 to 48 t/ha/yr (green weight). Alternative soil conservation measures, other than bench terracing, such as hillside ditches and grass buffer strips, and intercropping with yam, increased production and crop diversification in hillsides; are relatively cheaper, simpler, easier to construct, and very effective in terms of soil conservation in the hillsides.Se compararon varios sistemas de producción de ñame en las parcelas previamente utilizadas para medir las pérdidas de suelo en la cuenca del Río Olive. Los rendimientos de ñame amarillo fluctuaron de un año a otro de entre 42 a 63 Tm/ha. Sin embargo, estas diferencias no fueron significativas en ninguno de los dos años considerados individualmente. Los rendimientos de ñame comercial constituyeron 47% y 57% de la producción total en los primer y segundo años, respectivamente. Cuando se intercaló la siembra de ñames con la de papas, los rendimientos de esta última fluctuaron entre 12 y 14 Tm/ha. Los rendimientos de papa comercial fueron de 80 a 85% de la producción total. Los bajos rendimientos de ñame en los casos en que se intercalaron otras cosechas se compensaron por la producción adicional de estas otras cosechas. Cuando se hizo un análisis estadístico combinado de los datos de los dos años experimentales, las diferencias entre tratamientos fueron significativas. Las cosechas intercaladas redujeron significativamente los rendimientos de ñame. La franja amortiguadora de yerba Napier produjo de 42 a 48 Tm/ha de forraje verde. Las alternativas a la construcción de bancales, tales como zanjas de ladera y franjas amortiguadoras de yerba, en relación con aumentos en la producción de ñame y con la diversificación agrícola de las zonas montañosas, son menos costosas, más sencillas, fáciles de hacer y muy eficaces en términos de conservación de suelos
Effects of Individualized Low-Intensity Exercise and Its Duration on Recovery Ability in Adults
Exercise is recommended to increase physical health and performance. However, it is unclear how low-intensity exercise (LIE) of different durations may affect or improve recovery ability. This study aimed to investigate how LIE-duration with the same volume affects recovery ability in adults. Twenty healthy male adults participated in this study. Participants were randomly assigned to the 30-min (n = 10) or the 1-h LIE group (n = 10). The intervention included sixteen exercise sessions/four weeks with a 30-min LIE group, and eight exercise sessions/four weeks with a 1-h LIE group. Heart rate (HR) corresponding to −1 blood lactate (La−) was controlled for LIE. Pre- and post-testing was conducted before and after 4-week LIE and tests included jogging/running speed (S), HR, and differences (delta; ∆) in HR and S between pre- and post-testing at 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 mmol∙L−1 La−. Only the HR at 2.0 mmol∙L−1 La− of the 30-min LIE group was decreased in the post-test compared to the pre-test (p = 0.043). The jogging/running speed of the 1-h LIE group was improved in the post-test compared to the pre-test (p p = 0.006, p = 0.002, respectively). ∆HR at 2.0 and ∆S between the 30-min and 1-h LIE group at 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 mmol∙L−1 La− were significantly different (p = 0.023, p p = 0.002, and p = 0.019, respectively). Furthermore, moderate to high positive correlations between ∆HR and ∆S of all subjects at 1.5 (r = 0.77), 2.0 (r = 0.77), and 4.0 (r = 0.64) mmol∙L−1 La− were observed. The 1-h LIE group showed improved endurance not only in the low-intensity exercise domain, but also in the beginning of the moderate to high-intensity exercise domain while the 30-min LIE group was not affected by the 4-week LIE intervention. Therefore, LIE (−1) for at least 1-h, twice a week, for 4 weeks is suggested to improve recovery ability in adults
Las experiencias de Jamaica en el manejo de la producción agrícola en laderas.
154 PáginasThe project is aimed at increasing production and productivity of hillside lands through application of structured multiple-cropping systems and intensive of cultivation of appropriately conserved lands.
El proyecto tiene como objetivo aumentar la producción y la productividad de las tierras de las laderas mediante la aplicación de sistemas estructurados de cultivos múltiples y el cultivo intensivo de tierras debidamente conservadas
Microsatellite analysis of the cloned dog.
<p>Microsatellite analysis of the cloned dog.</p