11 research outputs found


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    Companies are operating as integral parts of their environment, and thus, they depend on it, as well as on the changes that occur in the environment. They are usually unable to control environmental impacts, so they need to develop a system which can partially reduce these impacts; they need to adjust and synchronize with changes. Due to the development of this mechanism, companies could adapt their business activities to the most of the impacts from the environment, providing thereby the highest profit at the end of the fiscal year. The purpose of this paper is to point out the principles of designing a model that could enable the enterprise to assess the most important impacts from the environment, quantifying their influence on its cost structure. Decisions about necessary changes in system operations should be based on the results of calculations in order to achieve the results as defined in the dynamic plan, or control them within satisfying limits.Poduzeće posluje kao sastavni dio okoline i nalazi se u zavisnom položaju, kako u odnosu prema sĆ¢moj okolini, tako i u odnosu na promjene unutar nje. Poduzeće najčeŔće nije u mogućnosti djelovati na utjecaje iz okoline pa mora razviti sustav kojim će ih djelomično neutralizirati, prilagođavati im se i usklađivati se s promjenama i novonastalim uvjetima. Razvijanjem jednog ovakvog mehanizma poduzeće treba prilagoditi svoje poslovanje najvećem broju utjecaja iz okoline i tako na kraju poslovne godine osigurati najveću moguću dobit. Ovim radom želi se ukazati na načela projektiranja modela koji bi valorizirao najvažnije utjecaje okoline i kvalificirao njihov utjecaj na troÅ”kovnu strukturu poduzeća. Na osnovi rezultata proračuna donosile bi se odluke o potrebnim izmjenama u sustavu poslovanja kako bi se rezultati postigli u okvirima koji su definirani dinamičnim planom ili, ako to nije ostvarivo, održali u području zadovoljavajućih granica

    Primena plazme bogate trombocitima u rekonstruktivnoj mukogingivnoj hirurgiji

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    Introduction Root coverage supported with complete regeneration of lost periodontal tissues represents the ultimate goal of gingival recession treatment. Objective This study was designed to evaluate clinical effectiveness of platelet rich plasma gel (PRP) with connective tissue graft (CTG) in the treatment of gingival recession. METHOD 15 gingival recessions Miller class I or II were treated with CTG and PRP (group PRP). Connective tissue graft was harvested from the premolar region using trap door technique. After elevation of the flap, the regional bone and root surface were smeared with activated PRP gel. CTG was also irrigated with PRP gel before placement over the exposed root surface and local bone. Fixed CTG was covered with a coronally advanced flap. The same number of gingival recessions were treated with CTG in combination with the coronally advanced flap with no PRP gel (group TVT). Clinical recordings included recession depth (RD), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and keratinized tissue width (KT) before and 1 year after mucogingival surgical treatment. Results Mean value of RD was significantly decreased from 4.93Ā±0.86 mm to 0.60Ā±0.37 (p lt 0.01) with CTG and PRP and from 4.76Ā±0.74 mm to 0.63Ā±0.29 mm (p lt 0.01) in CTG group. This difference was not statistically significant. Results of the keratinized tissue width showed significant increase from 0.88Ā± 0.30 mm presurgery to 3.78Ā±0.49 mm (p lt 0.01) six months after treatment in PRP group and from 0.90Ā±0.34 mm to 3.15Ā±0.41 in TVT group (p lt 0.01). This difference was statistically significant (p>0.05). No statistically significant differences were observed between treatment groups in CAL and PD. Conclusion Clinical results validate both procedures as effective and highly predictable surgical techniques in solving gingival recession problem. Histological evaluation may confirm advantage of PRP use related to regeneration of periodontal tissues.Uvod. Recesija gingive je jedan od najsloženijih problema savremene stomatologije. Iznalaženje novih terapijskih metoda za reÅ”avanje ovog problema je značajan segment istraživanja u parodontologiji. Cilj rada. Cilj rada je bio da se procene klinički efekti primene plazme bogate trombocitima (PBT) u kombinaciji sa transplantatom vezivnog tkiva (TVT) u lečenju recesije gingive. Metod rada. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 15 bolesnika s obostranim recesijama gingive klase II i III po Mileru (Miller). MetodoloÅ”ki koncept se zasnivao na metodu podeljenih usta. U lečenju 15 recesija primenjen je TVT u kombinaciji sa koronarno pozicioniranim režnjem uz primenu aktiviranog koncentrata trombocita (PBT grupa). Isti broj recesija na suprotnoj strani vilice zbrinjavan je autotransplantatom vezivnog tkiva i periosta u kombinaciji sa koronarno pozicioniranim režnjem (TVT grupa). Za procenu stanja parodoncijuma i efikasnosti primenjenih hirurÅ”kih postupaka koriŔćeni su sledeći klinički parametri: vertikalna dubina recesije (VDR), nivo pripojnog epitela i Å”irina keratinizovane gingive. Nivo oralne higijene je utvrđivan plak-indeksom po Silnes- Lou (Silness-Lƶu), a stanje gingive gingivnim indeksom po Lou-Silnesu (Lƶu-Silness). Rezultati. Na osnovu analize srednje vrednost za dubinu recesije (VDR), ustanovljeno je statistički značajno smanjenje vrednosti ovog parametra Å”est meseci posle tretmana u PBT grupi (sa 4,93Ā±0,86 mm na 0,60Ā±0,37 mm; p lt 0,01). U TVT grupi, u kojoj je vrednost VDR pre lečenja bila 4,76Ā±0,74 mm, posle Å”est meseci dobijena je vrednost od 0,63Ā±0,29 mm (p lt 0,01). U PBT grupi je posle opservacionog perioda zabeleženo proÅ”irenje zone keratinizovanog tkiva za 2,90 mm, dok je u istom periodu vrednost ovog parametra u TVT grupi bila 2,25 mm. Poređenjem prosečne promene vrednosti kliničkih parametara u okviru obe eksperimentalne grupe, samo je kod promene Å”irine keratinizovanog tkiva zabeležena statistička značajnost (p lt 0,05). Zaključak. Rezultati ove kliničke studije ukazuju na izuzetnu efikasnost oba primenjena postupka u lečenju recesije gingive

    Klinička primena fibrinske membrane u lečenju recesija gingive

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    Introduction. Fibrin, fibronectin, platelet derived growth factor, and transforming growth factors from platelet concetrate are crucial for tissue reparation and regeneration. Objective. This study was designed to evaluate clinical effectiveness of activated platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane in treatment of gingival recession. Methods. 19 gingival recessions Miller class I or II were treated with a coronally advanced flap and the PRF membrane (PRF group). Following the elevation of the flap, bone and root surfaces were covered with the PRF membrane. After suturing, the PRF membrane was covered with a coronally advanced flap. In the same patients, 19 other gingival recessions were treated with CTG in combination with the coronally advanced flap (the CTG group). Clinical recordings were made of vertical recession depth (VRD), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and keratinized tissue width (KTW) before and 12 months after mucogingival surgical treatment. Clinical evaluation of healing events was estimated with recordings of the healing index (HI). Recordings of HI were performed in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd week post-surgically. Results. Mean root coverage was significant in both groups (the PRF group 79.94% and the CTG group 88.56% %; p lt 0.01). The difference between the two tested groups was not statistically significant. Results of the keratinized tissue width showed significant increase (p lt 0.05) 12 months after the surgery in both, the PRF and CTG groups. Results of KTW showed statistical significance of recorded differences obtained in the two evaluated groups (p lt 0.05). There was no statistical significance in reduction of PD and CAL recorded in the PRF and CTG groups. The values of HI recorded in the 1st and 2nd week postoperatively were significantly enhanced in the PRF group (p lt 0.05). Conclusion. Results of this study confirm both procedures as effective with equivalence of clinical results in solving gingival recession problems. The utilization of the PRF resulted in a decreased postoperative discomfort and advanced tissue healing.Uvod. Fibrin, fibronektin, faktor rasta poreklom iz trombocita i transformiÅ”ući faktor rasta imaju presudnu ulogu u regeneraciji i reparaciji tkiva. Cilj rada. Ispitati i utvrditi značaj primene membrane od fibrina bogatog trombocitima (engl. plateletrich fibrin - PRF) u lečenju recesija gingive. Metode rada. Devetnaest obostranih gingivalnih recesija klase I ili II po Mileru lečeno je sa dva različita terapijska modaliteta. U eksperimentalnoj grupi recesija je, nakon odizanja mukoperiostnog režnja, preko izložene alveolarne kosti i korena zuba postavljena PRF membrana kao augmentacioni materijal, koja je zatim pokrivena koronarno pomerenim režnjem. U kontrolnoj grupi su izložena alveolarna kost i koren zuba prekriveni transplantatom vezivnog tkiva (TVT) uz koronarno pomereni režanj. Kod obe grupe recesija posmatrani su sledeći parametri: veličina recesije gingive, Å”irina keratinizovane gingive, nivo pripojnog epitela i dubina sondiranja. Parametri su mereni neposredno pre hirurÅ”kog zahvata i 12 meseci kasnije. Zabeležen je i indeks zarastanja rane tokom prve tri nedelje posle operacije. Rezultati. Kod obe grupe recesija postignuto je značajno prekrivanje ogoljenog korena zuba (PRF membrana 79,94% i TVT 88,56%; p lt 0,01), dok između dve ispitivane grupe nije uočena statistički značajna razlika. Rezultati ispitivanja Å”irine keratinizovane gingive su pokazali značajno povećanje u obe ispitivane grupe dvanaest meseci nakon hirurÅ”kog lečenja (p lt 0,05). Takođe je uočena statistički značajna razlika između posmatranih grupa (p lt 0,05) kod parametra Å”irina keratinizovane gingive. Statističke značajnosti kada je reč o smanjenju nivoa pripojnog epitela i dubine sondiranja, kako u okviru grupa, tako i između obe ispitivane grupe (p>0,05), nije bilo. Merenjem indeksa zarastanja rane uočeni su značajno bolji rezultati u eksperimentalnoj grupi nakon prve i druge nedelje nego u kontrolnoj (p lt 0,05). Zaključak. Oba postupka pokazala su se adekvatnim u lečenju gingivalnih recesija. U kontrolnoj grupi bili su bolji rezultati u dobitku keratinizovanog tkiva, dok se eksperimentalna procedura pokazala jednostavnijom i komfornijom za samog bolesnika, uz značajno bolji postoperacioni tok

    Measures of small business success/performance: Importance, reliability and usability

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    The main objective of this paper is to assess the reliability of selected measures of success/performance of small enterprises taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of objective (traditional, financial) and subjective (personal perception) indicators. The realization of the basic objective will enable removal of doubt in different categories of success / performance of small businesses, which would be a secondary objective of the paper. The research methodology involves the use parametric procedures due to the characteristics of the selected variables and the number of observations in the sample. Univariate ANOVA and Pearson's coefficient correlation will be the main methods used. The basis of this study consists of data gathered from e-survey of 260 entrepreneurs/ owners/ managers of small enterprises in administrative sub-region of the Republic of Serbia. The analysis results show the correlation between subjective estimate of success of owners/ entrepreneurs/ managers and objective performance indicators, which can be characterized as complementary, meaning that subjective assessment as well as formally stated performance indicators are realistic. In addition, it is important to emphasize as an important result within the group of objective performance indicators, the differences between two groups, financial and non-financial, performance indicators

    The nature of corporate governance and performance in the conditions of ownership concentration

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    The central research question and purpose of this topic is oriented on the analysis of concentration scope of share capital ownership in Serbia, and their relation to corporate performance. The article also attempts to give a suitable reply to the question as to what extent the concentration of share capital ownership has changed in comparison to previous, which was formed at the beginning of the process of transition and privatisation of the public property, which was used as the foundation for forming the corporate sector. The answers to these questions will be used to point to the nature of the corporate sector in Serbia, and the degree of development of the securities market. Research methodology involves the use parametric procedures due to the characteristics of the selected variables and the number of observations in the sample. Univariate ANOVA procedures and Pearson's correlation coefficient will be used. The corporate sector in Serbia achieves positive results but does not receive adequate market verification due to extreme ownership concentration and the dominant influence of the majority, or several large shareholders. Due to the privileged position of a small number of privileged shareholders, such a situation results in the expropriation of small shareholders, who remain helpless due to underdeveloped mechanisms of legal and institutional protection

    The relationship between communication practice and organizational performances in organizations from Europe

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    The basic goal of the research in this paper was to explore the differences between private organizations in Europe regarding their organizational performances in the context of the existence and development of communication practices. The subject of the research was the analysis of communication practice and organizational performances in private organizations in 25 European countries. The methodology of the research included the exploration of the sample from the CRANET, an international human resource management (HRM) project in the period 2008-2010. The authors used statistical techniques to prove established hypotheses: descriptive statistics, chi square and t-test. The findings of the research pointed to the statistically significant differences between private companies that inform their employees about business strategy, financial results and organization of work regarding organizational performances. Also, there were presented trends of the usage of different communication techniques in countries of Europe. Private firms in Europe usually perform direct 'upward' and verbal communication between managers and employees. Regarding the internalization of the business, authors found that companies operating mainly on international market usually inform their employees about strategy, finances and organization of work more than companies operating on local market

    Importance of innovative management practice: solution for challenges in business environment and performance in large organizations in Serbia

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    In the contemporary business setting, the implementation of innovative management practices is recognized as a crucial factor (Damanpour, 2014) for strategic change, organizational renewal and achieving longterm competitive advantage (Walker, Chen, & Aravind, 2015). Still, it is surprising how little research is conducted on largescale surveys according to possible approaches to measure innovative management practice which will lead to organizational innovations (Armbruster, Bikfalvi, Kinkel, & Lay, 2008). The proportion of this research topic amounts to only 8% among the innovation research process, while only 3% of research studies analyze this subject (Mihalache, 2012, p. 2). In the paper, the basic research objective is reflected in the analysis of the degree of innovative management practice impact on organizationā€™s performance, and the analysis of the relationship between implementation of innovative management practice and dynamic business environment


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    Companies are operating as integral parts of their environment, and thus, they depend on it, as well as on the changes that occur in the environment. They are usually unable to control environmental impacts, so they need to develop a system which can partially reduce these impacts; they need to adjust and synchronize with changes. Due to the development of this mechanism, companies could adapt their business activities to the most of the impacts from the environment, providing thereby the highest profit at the end of the fiscal year. The purpose of this paper is to point out the principles of designing a model that could enable the enterprise to assess the most important impacts from the environment, quantifying their influence on its cost structure. Decisions about necessary changes in system operations should be based on the results of calculations in order to achieve the results as defined in the dynamic plan, or control them within satisfying limits.Poduzeće posluje kao sastavni dio okoline i nalazi se u zavisnom položaju, kako u odnosu prema sĆ¢moj okolini, tako i u odnosu na promjene unutar nje. Poduzeće najčeŔće nije u mogućnosti djelovati na utjecaje iz okoline pa mora razviti sustav kojim će ih djelomično neutralizirati, prilagođavati im se i usklađivati se s promjenama i novonastalim uvjetima. Razvijanjem jednog ovakvog mehanizma poduzeće treba prilagoditi svoje poslovanje najvećem broju utjecaja iz okoline i tako na kraju poslovne godine osigurati najveću moguću dobit. Ovim radom želi se ukazati na načela projektiranja modela koji bi valorizirao najvažnije utjecaje okoline i kvalificirao njihov utjecaj na troÅ”kovnu strukturu poduzeća. Na osnovi rezultata proračuna donosile bi se odluke o potrebnim izmjenama u sustavu poslovanja kako bi se rezultati postigli u okvirima koji su definirani dinamičnim planom ili, ako to nije ostvarivo, održali u području zadovoljavajućih granica

    Impact of Interleukin 1 Gene Polymorphism and Smoking on Long-Term Stability Following Gingival Recession Treatment

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    Risk factors such as smoking, genetic factors, and tissue biotype play an important role in the etiology, predictability, and long-term stability of gingival recession treatment. This study was designed to evaluate the influence of interleukin 1 (IL-1) polymorphism and smoking on the stability of gingival recession treatment after 1 and 3 years. All patients (n = 55) were treated for type I and II recession defects using a connective tissue graft. Clinical evaluations were performed, which included assessment of vertical recession depth, gingival inflammation, and clinical attachment level. A fingerstick blood sample was collected using specially provided DNA filter paper and mailed for processing in a laboratory using polymerase chain reaction-based methodology. The results indicated that 19 subjects were genotype positive (34.5%). Treatment of the localized recessions was effective and provided a similar amount of coverage in genotype-positive and genotype-negative subjects within smoking and nonsmoking groups after 1 year. In a 3-year period, nonsmoking patients with positive IL-1 genotype lost approximately 20% of the root coverage gained at 1 year and were almost four times more inferior compared with genotype-negative patients. Patients who smoked and had a positive IL-1 genotype lost approximately 35% of the gained root coverage. IL-1 polymorphism and smoking habit did not affect gingival recession treatment at 1 year but had a great impact on long-term stability

    Use of Platelet-Rich Fibrin Membrane Following Treatment of Gingival Recession: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    This 6-month randomized controlled clinical study primarily aimed to compare the results achieved by the use of a platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane or connective tissue graft (CTG) in the treatment of gingival recession and to evaluate the clinical impact of PRF on early wound healing and subjective patient discomfort. Use of a PRF membrane in gingival recession treatment provided acceptable clinical results, followed by enhanced wound healing and decreased subjective patient discomfort compared to CTG-treated gingival recessions. No difference could be found between PRF and CTG procedures in gingival recession therapy, except for a greater gain in keratinized tissue width obtained in the CTG group and enhanced wound healing associated with the PRF group. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2012;32:e41-e50.