78 research outputs found

    Non-canonical Structures in Promoter Modulate Gene Expression in Escherichia coli

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    Herein we show how sequences that can form different non-canonical structures affect gene expression levels when inserted in the core of σ70-dependent promoter, between the −35 and −10 elements recognized by RNA polymerase, in E. coli. We note that influence on level of GFP expression varies considerably depending on introduction of non-canonical structural elements in the antisense and sense strands as well as with their propensities to form G-triplex, G-hairpin, hairpin or G-quadruplex structures. Moreover, the extent of repression of expression does not relate to the in vitro thermal stability in a simple manner. Repression is most likely caused by steric interference rather than improper distance between the −35 and −10 elements. Although properties like thermal stability and topology can be somewhat different under in vivo and in vitro conditions, our results suggest that the extent of expression suppression cannot be dependent solely on thermal stabilities of G-rich structures alone. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Proposed changes and amendments to the Higher Education Act

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    The Rectors Conference of the Republic of Slovenia has proposed some changes to the Higher Education Act, among them a change to Article 8 referring to the language of instruction. The proposed change to this article is problematic, as it allows for Slovenian professors at Slovenian universities to teach classes to Slovenian students in languages other than Slovenian. The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports initiated a public discussion of the proposal and Article 8 has been subject to the most commentary and criticism. Experts began to draw attention to the misguided language policy of those proposing the changes, they also organized a debate in the National Assembly of the Slovenian Parliament, but the proposal was not withdrawn. There has been consistent and strong opposition to the proposed change in the public arena. The Slavic Societies Association of Slovenia initiated a petition for the comprehensive development of the Slovenian language, which was, in a short period of time, signed by over 8.800 people. Such a strong public reaction to a proposed change to the Act has not been seen since the so-called core subjects in the 1980s. At the Education, Science, Sports and Youth Council, the Minister withdrew the controversial Article, claiming that there is no consensus among experts (Comp. website http:// www.zagovor-slovenscine.si/, where all the relevant documents, publications, recordings, statements etc. can be accessed). Public opinion, therefore, has, for the time being, has brought the attempt to Anglicize Slovenian universities to a halt. The present material is a collection of ideas, reservations and reactions of higher-education teachers from Slovenian and international universities (Marko Jesenšek, Alenka Jensterle Doležal, Majda Potrata, Zoran Božič, Andreja Žele, Dean Komel, Silvija Borovnik, Mira Krajnc Ivič, Miha Pintarič). The views expressed by the Slovenian author Vlado Žabot are included as well as the statements by Slovenian institutions (SAZU – Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts), institutes (The Institute Nova Revija, the Institute for Humanities), societies (the Slavic societies Association of Slovenia), boards (the program board Toporišičevo leto) and individuals – eminent Slovenian linguists, academicians and others who care about Slovenian as the language of instruction at all levels of education

    Raziskave in izračunanje soodnosnosti med volumenskim prirastkom drevesa, koreninskim pletežem in tlemi

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    Raziskave in izračunanje soodnosnosti med volumenskim prirastkom drevesa, koreninskim pletežem in tlemi

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    Gozdarski prispevek k urejanju Ljubljanskega barja : 1. faza

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    Načrt za pospeševanje topolov na področju okrajnega ljudskega odbora Celje (popis preglednic in diagramov, popis kart)

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    Zaščita podatkov v sistemu Windows Vista

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    Approximate mobile computing with loop perforation

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    Največja omejitev današnjih mobilnih naprav je čas delovanja na bateriji. Poraba energije na mobilnih napravah mora vedno biti varčna. V ta namen, se je v zadnjih letih povečalo zanimanje za približno mobilno računanje, saj je cilj zmanjšati razliko med uporabljenim in potrebnim računanjem. Cilj diplomskega dela je prenos metode približnega računanja - perforacije zank na mobilne naprave, specifično na mobilne naprave z operacijskim sistemom Android, kar (po našem znanju) še ni bilo storjeno. Vpeljavo perforacije zank storimo v prevajalniku (Clangu) in zgradimo celoten sistem za nadzor in upravljanje dinamične perforacije v času izvajanja. Da bi potrdili delovanje našega perforacijskega sistema, smo zgradili testno aplikacijo, katera vsebuje nekaj testnih primerov, ki pokažejo delovanje perforacije in sistema. Rezultate testov smo ovrednotili in začrtali smernice za nadaljnji razvoj, ki zajemajo predvsem uporabo sistema v povezavi z metodami za zaznavo konteksta aplikacije in prilagoditev perforacijskih faktorjev nanj.The biggest limit of today\u27s mobile devices, is their battery life. Energy consumption on mobile devices must always be frugal. This is the reason why, there has been gaining interest in approximate mobile computing in the last few years. The goal is to narrow the difference between needed and used computing. The goal of this thesis is porting a method of approximate computing - loop perforation on mobile devices, specifically mobile devices running Android operating system. This is (to the best of our knowledge) first attempt of porting this optimization technique to mobile devices. We inserted loop perforation in compiler phase (Clang) and developed a whole system for control and management of dynamical perforation in time of application\u27s execution. To verify that our perforation system is working, we have built test application with a few tests, which show a working perforation and with that a working system. We evaluated the results and created guidelines for further development, which are mainly focused on using this system linked with methods for application\u27s context sensing and tailoring perforation factors to it