141 research outputs found

    Criminal offenses against road traffic safety: A critical review through the analysis of court practice

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    Criminal offenses against road traffic safety are included in Chapter XXVI of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia under the heading Criminal offenses against public traffic safety. This paper consists of an analysis of criminal offenses against road traffic safety, as follows: Endangering public traffic Art. 289. CC, Endangering traffic by dangerous action and dangerous means, Art. 290. CC, Negligent exercise of supervision over public traffic, Art. 295. CC and Failure to provide assistance to a person injured in a traffic accident, Art. 296. CC and it is all performed through a theoretical approach and analysis of court practice. In the introduction, we pointed out the methodology of research and analysis of traffic accidents and their consequences. The second part of the paper refers to the theoretical approach, the analysis of criminal offenses against road traffic safety in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Serbia. The third part, the empirical part, includes three levels of research over a seven-year period. The first empirical part refers to reports, lawsuits and convictions for criminal offenses against road traffic safety in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, in a seven-year period (from 2015 to 2021). The results of the research performed in this part of this paper indicate extremely mild sentences imposed on the perpetrators of crimes against road traffic safety, among which suspended sentences dominate, while mild prison sentences were imposed in only 7,87% of cases. The second empirical part includes the analysis of traffic accidents and their consequences in relation to dead persons, lightly and seriously injured persons, as well as other traffic accidents that resulted only in material damage in a seven-year period (from 2015 to 2021). The purpose of this part of the research is important for monitoring the dynamics of the volume and movement of both traffic accidents and their consequences. Participants in traffic accidents, that is, drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, trucks, buses, were the subject of the third part of the research. This part of the research shows that drivers and passengers in passenger vehicles are the most vulnerable category, considering that among them are the most people killed in traffic accidents. In the concluding remarks, as a result of the research and analysis of traffic accidents and their consequences, we pointed out the necessary amendments and changes of the de lege ferenda incriminations of criminal acts against road traffic safety in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia

    Analysis of polycystic ovary syndrome phenotypes and their impact on metabolic disturbancies

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    Sindrom policističnih jajnika (PCOS) je najčešća endokrinopatija kod žena u reproduktivnoj životnoj dobi. Zbog heterogenih kliničkih manifestacija sindroma, PCOS ima varijabilnu prevalencu, između 6% i 25% u različitim populacijama. Udružen je sa različitim reproduktivnim (hiperandrogenizam, menstrualna disfunkcija, infertilitet, spontani pobačaji u ranoj trudnoći, gestacioni dijabetes, hipertenzivni poremećaji u trudnoći, neonatalne komplikacije) i metaboličkim poremećajima (gojaznost, insulinska rezistencija-IR, oštećena tolerancija glukoze-IGT, dijabetes melitus tip 2-DMT2, hiperlipidemija, hipertenzija). Većina ovih metaboličkih poremećaja se obično manifestuje zajedno formirajući metabolički sindrom (MetS) koji predstavlja poznati faktor rizika za razvoj kardiovaskularnih bolesti (KVB). Po svemu sudeći IR je ključni faktor u etiologiji i metaboličkih ali i reproduktivnih komplikacija PCOS, ali i dalje nije jasno da li je IR intrinzična karakteristika PCOS ili samo posledica gojaznosti. Sa razvojem ESHRE/ASRM Roterdamskih kriterijuma za dijagnozu PCOS, pored ranije poznatih klasičnih fenotipova A (hiperandrogenizam-HA, anovulacija-ANOV i morfološki policistični jajnici prema ultrazvučnom nalazu-PCOM) i B (HA i ANOV), pojavila su se dva nova, ne-klasična fenotipa: C (HA i PCOM) i D (ANOV i PCOM). Iako postoji malo metodološki komplementarnih studija, često verifikovani diskretniji endokrinološki i metabolički poremećaji u ne-klasičnim fenotipovima su razlog kontinuirane debate stručne javnosti o tome da li ovi fenotipovi zaista mogu biti deo kompleksnog sindroma kao što je PCOS. Do sada postoje ograničena saznanja o relativnoj prevalenci kardiometaboličkih faktora rizika u različitim PCOS fenotipovima. Cilj ovog istraživanja je analiza endokrinoloških i metaboličkih karakteristika četiri različita PCOS fenotipa u našoj populaciji. Metodologija: Analizirali smo 365 žena sa PCOS (starosti: 25.48 ± 5.21 godina, indeksa telesne mase-BMI: 25.05 ± 6.24 kg/m2) i 125 zdravih žena (starosti: 30.35 ± 5.62 godina; BMI 24.50 ± 5.16 kg/m2). PCOS je dijagnostikovan pomoću ESHRE/ASRM kriterijumima, koji zahtevaju prisustvo najmanje dva od tri sledeća kriterijuma: ovulatorna disfunkcija, hiperandrogenizam i morfološki policistični jajnici prema nalazu na ultrazvuku...The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age. Because of heterogeneous clinical manifestations of the syndrome, it has variable prevalence that ranges from 6% to 25% in different populations. It is associated with a range of reproductive (hyperandrogenism, menstrual dysfunction, infertility, early pregnancy loss, gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders and neonatal complications) and metabolic features (obesity, insulin resistance-IR, impaired glucose tolerance-IGT, diabetes mellitus type 2-DMT2, hyperlipidemia, hypertension). Majority of these metabolic disturbances are usually manifested together forming metabolic syndrome (MetS), a well known risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). It seems that IR is a key factor in etiology of both metabolic and reproductive complications of PCOS and there is ongoing debate as to whether this IR is intrinsic to PCOS, related to obesity alone or related to both factors. With introduction of ESHRE/ASRM Rotterdam criteria for diagnosis of PCOS, besides previously known classic phenotypes A (hyperandrogenism-HA, anovulation-ANOV and morphologically polycystic ovaries-PCOM) and B (HA and ANOV), two new, non-classic phenotypes: C (ovulatory phenotype: HA+PCOM) and D (non-hyperandrogenic phenotype: ANOV+PCOM) have emerged. Although there are few, methodologically complementary studies, more frequently observed less severe endocrine and metabolic features of non-classic PCOS phenotypes are the reason for ongoing debate weather these phenotypes could really be a part of complex syndrome like PCOS. To date, there is limited understanding of the relative prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors across the different PCOS phenotypes. The aim of the study was to analyze endocrine and metabolic characteristics of four different PCOS phenotypes in our population Methodology: We analyzed 365 women with PCOS (age: 25.48 ± 5.21 years; body mass index-BMI 25.05 ± 6.24 kg/m2) and 125 healthy controls (age: 30.35 ± 5.62 years; BMI 24.50 ± 5.16 kg/m2). PCOS was diagnosed according to the ESHRE/ASRM criteria, requiring the presence of at least two out of the three following criteria: ovulatory dysfunction, androgen excess, and polycystic morphology of ovaries assessed by ultrasound..

    Uticaj transgenaze na kvalitet i prinos mesa kunića

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    In this paper results of the effect of transgenesis on quality and yield of rabbit meat are presented. During the trial body mass of transgenic progeny of F1 generation was monitored and compared to control group (nontransgenic animals of same age). Subsequent to slaughtering, meat yield, ratio between certain musculature parts and meat quality (proteins, lipids, water) were analyzed. Obtained data was compared to control group of animals of same age but standard genotype. Meat colour was evaluated on apparatus Specol 11 and expressed as percentage of remission on wave length of 540 μm. Content of elements in thigh muscle was established subsequent to dry mineralization in spectro-photometer UNICAM 939 Cambridge UK. Phosphorus content was measured spectro-photometrically on apparatus SPECOL 11. Subsequent to measuring and systematization, data was statistically analyzed and processed. Arithmetic mean values for certain groups of data were calculated, and their values compared using t-test (Hadživuković, 1991). Changes established in regard to content of water, lipids, energy and water binding capacity, were relative to changes in histological structure and level of metabolic processes. It is possible that these changes are result of pleiotropic effect of integrated gene. However, in order to confirm and interpret these changes, it is necessary to carry out further researches of the microscopic structure and metabolic processes of muscle tissues in transgenic rabbits.U radu su prikazani rezultati uticaja transgeneze na kvalitet i prinos mesa kunića. Ogled je vršen na komercijalnim tovnim hibridima nastalim ukrštanjem Novozelandskih belih i Kalifornijskih kunića. Dobijeni podaci upoređeni su sa kontrolnom grupom vršnjaka standardnog genotipa. Posmatrani su sledeći parametri kod obe grupe životinja: telesna masa (1, 2, 5, 10, 20 i 30- tog dana starosti), klanični podaci (w-težina pre žrtvovanja, dw- težina nakon iskrvarenja, s-težina kože, sp-težina distalnih delova zadnjih nogu, b- težina polutke sa kožom, hd-težina glave bez kože, fl- težina prednjih nogu, t- težina butova, r-težina rebara (grudi), bk - težina leđa, ht- težina srca, ky-težina bubrega, l- težina pluća, lvtežina jetre, git- težina stomaka i creva sa sadržajem, gite-težina praznog stomaka i creva, f- težina masnoće, bt- težina kostiju nogu, mt-težina mišića nogu, bf- težina kostiju prednjih nogu, c- prinos mesa (obraslost muskulaturom %); kvalitet mesa butova (cw- sadržaj vode, cp - sadržaj proteina, cf- sadržaj masti, ce- energija, pH, cc- boja, bw- kapacitet zadržavanja vode) i sadržaj mikroelemenata u mesu buta (Cu, Zn, Fe, K, Na, Mg, P, Ca). Posle merenja i sistematizacije podaci su statistički obrađeni. Izvršena su izračunavanja aritmetičkih sredina pojedinih grupa podataka, a zatim poređenje njihovih vrednosti t-testom (Hadživuković, 1991). Nizak nivo varijabiliteta u svim starosnim kategorijama u obe posmatrane grupe je jasno vidljiv iz vrednosti standardne greške aritmetičke sredine. To je manifestovano statistički značajnim uticajem procesa transgeneze na živu masu pri rođenju uprkos činjenici da je apsolutna razlika aritmetičkih sredina transgene i kontrolne grupe samo 0,005 kg (0,063±0,001 nasuprot 0,058±0,002) (tabela 1). Ovaj uticaj je na granici P=0,05 u tabeli analize varijanse (tabela 2). Razlika aritmetičkih sredina nije statistički značajna kod ostalih starosnih kategorija i ona se gubi već nakon 48 časova. Može se konstatovati da integrisani gen nema uticaja na porast transgenih kunića. Statistički značaj uticaja integrisanog gena je utvrđen kod parametara koji se odnose na masu distalnih delova transgenih i netransgenih kunića (0,062±0,001 nasuprot 0,069±0,001 kg), težine glave (0,119±0,003 nasuprot 0,128±0,003 kg) i težine butova (0,405±0,010 nasuprot 0,433±0,009 kg). Kod ostalih klaničnih karakteristika koje su testirane nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike koje bi bile uslovljene integracijom gena (tabele 3 i 4). Na uzorcima mesa nogu (butovi) praćene su vrednosti koje se odnose na kvalitet mesa (tabele 5 i 6). Dobijeni podaci koji se odnose na sastav mesa (tabela 5) ukazuju da je uticaj integracije gena bio statistički značajan (p (lt) 0,05) u grupi transgenih kunića u poređenju sa netransgenim u pogledu sledećih karakteristika: sadržaj proteina (74,03±0,26 nasuprot 74,84±0,28%), sadržaj masnoće (3,66±0,40 nasuprot 2,32±0,44%), sadržaja energije (495,43±11,81 nasuprot 458,07±12,94%), kapacitet zadržavanja vode (31,66±0,84 nasuprot 35,63±0,92%). Statistički značajne razlike kao posledica uticaja integrisanog gena nisu utvrđene kod ostalih posmatranih parametara (tabela 6). Srednje vrednosti sadržaja elemenata u tkivu mišića pokazale su najveće varijacije od svih posmatranih parametara. Najizraženije varijacije bile su u grupi netransgenih kunića (tabela 7). Broj životinja ili ponavljanja je igrao veliku ulogu. Za većinu posmatranih karakteristika može se reći da nisu pokazale uticaj integrisanog WAP- hFVIII gena u genotipu kunića. Značajnije razlike pojavile su se samo u okviru nekih parametara kvaliteta mesa (tabela 8). Rezultati ukazuju da nije utvrđeno ni prisustvo rhFVIII u skeletnim mišićima transgenih kunića


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    U radu su opisani indikatori energetske učinkovitosti i indeksi poboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti prema vrsti i namjeni. Namjena indikatora i indeksa je praćenje i uspoređivanje trendova energetske učinkovitosti u zemljama EU- 27, Norveškoj i Hrvatskoj, stoga su posebno prikazani trendovi u Hrvatskoj za svaki od sektora potrošnje energije.This paper describes energy efficiency indicators and indices of energy efficiency improvements according to type and use. The purpose of indicators and indices is the monitoring and comparing of energy efficiency trends in the EU-27 countries, Norway and the Republic of Croatia, therefore the trends in Croatia have been specially presented for each of the energy consumption sectors

    Korupcija i njeno suzbijanje u tranzicionim društvima - primer Hrvatske i Srbije

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    Corruption danas predstavlja globalni problem i jednu od najvećih pretnji demokratskom državnom poretku i vladavini prava. The paper points to the criminological and legal aspects of corruption in Croatia and Serbia as countries that have somewhat completed the transition process, society reform and harmonization of legislation with relevant international documents. Provided are the most significant international and national legislative sources that are important for the suppression of corruption, as well as the mechanisms for monitoring the presence of corruption in these countries. A study of the state and movements of corrupt criminal offenses committed in Croatia and Serbia was conducted and their comparative representation was given. Distinctions in the incrimination of corruptive offenses in these countries were pointed out, which are, among other things, the result of the absence of a single international definition of corruption. Concluding considerations include the de lege ferenda proposals with the aim of more effective combating of corruption in the public as well as in the private sector.Korupcija danas predstavlja globalni problem i jednu od najvećih pretnji demokratskom državnom poretku i vladavini prava. U radu je ukazano na kriminološki i pravni aspekt korupcije u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji, kao državama koje su donekle okončale proces tranzicije, reforme društva i harmonizacije zakonodavstva sa relevantnim međunarodnim dokumentima. Navedeni su važniji međunarodni i nacionalni legislativni izvori značajni za suzbijanje korupcije, kao i izloženi mehanizmi za praćenje prisustva korupcije u ovim državama. Sprovedeno je istraživanje stanja i kretanja izvršenih koruptivnih krivičnih dela na području Hrvatske i Srbije, te je dat njihov komparativno-pravni prikaz. Ukazano je na distinkciju u inkriminaciji koruptivnih krivičnih dela u navedenim državama koje su, pored ostalog, i rezultat nepostojanja jedinstvene međunarodnopravne definicije korupcije. U zaključnim razmatranjima navedeni su predlozi de lege ferenda sa ciljem što uspešnijeg suzbijanja korupcije kako u javnom, tako i u privatnom sektoru

    Politics and theater

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    The subject of this scientific paper is the indispensable connection between politics and theater, their interdependence in social and political relations. In a given country, without people, or more precisely, without actors who represent them in a theatrical performance, there is no history, no politics, no culture, no theater, and no political events in a certain time, space and territory. Political events from the recent or distant past are often the subject of staged plays. Such theater becomes political theater. Through the performance, the theater can perceive certain subjects, in specific situations, and solve their problems in their own way, as well as critically explain and interpret them, from the aspect of results, effects and consequences. In the paper, the authors indicate the distinction between Aristotle's theater and Brecht's theater, which is manifested in their different function and relationship to the state. Namely, Aristotle's theater supports the existing state order as a divine order, while Brecht destroys the state order through theater. Brecht's theater becomes a political theater, its role is to awaken and change the consciousness of the audience and to convert it in the direction of an ideology, which as such will make its contribution to the state

    Synthesis of fibrous SiC from natural precursor

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    Fibrous magnesio-silicate (mountain leather asbestos) of Serbian origin was used as Si precursor for the synthesis of SiC by carbothermal-reduction process [1, 2]. As a reducing agent, sugar (saccharose) was used. Formation of SiC was confirmed by XRD analysis and optical microscopy images. Results showed that obtained SiC possess fibrous morphology. Due to the experimental procedure MgF2 is also formed, which is known as an excellent additive for sintering of non-oxide ceramics.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Sthe role of myofibroblasts in granulomatous lymphadenitis in pigs naturally infected with M. Avium subsp. hominissuis

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    The most important morphological characteristic of infections caused by M. avium subsp. hominissuis (MAH) is granuloma formation. The growth of mycobacteria is in accordance with anti-bacterial effector mechanisms of the host within granuloma. The most important cytokines for „orchestrating“the host defense are interferon γ (INF-γ), tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1). Myofibroblasts that make up a peripheral layer of granuloma largely express receptors for TGF-β1. This cytokine is believed to affect the induction of myofibroblast proliferation. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of myofibroblasts in the formation and sustainability of granuloma during natural infection of pigs with M. avium subsp. hominissuis. Examinations have been performed on the samples of Lnn. jejunales, Lnn. ileocolici and Lnn. colici of 100 pigs with a positive tuberculin skin test. The molecular method confirmed the presence of a genome M. avium subsp. hominissuis. The microscopic examination of lymph node samples stained by the routine hematoxyilin-eosin (HE) method, showed the presence of granulomatous lymphadenitis. The method of double immunohistochemical staining revealed that myofibroblasts which express TGF-β1 receptor type I (TGF-β1RI) and α smooth muscle actin (α SMA) have an important role in the morphogenesis of granulomatous lymphadenitis in pigs infected with MAH

    Screening of Fixed Prosthodontic Dentures after Five Years of Use in Relation to Material and Construction

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    The aim of this study was to screen patients with fixed prosthodontic appliances that were in oral cavity for a period of 5 years or more and to assess clinically and radiologically root caries, gingival recession, pocket formation, alveolar ridge resorption, as well as gingival (GI) and plaque index (PI). The aim also was to find out the differences between materials and constructions, between abutment and non-abutment teeth, and to find out the need for replacement. A total of 260 patients and their orthopantomograms were examined, with a total of 2,265 teeth, 610 being bridge abutments and 246 being crowns. The most frequent were metal+ acrylic veneer crowns or bridges. Root caries was found under the abutments in 10–20%; however abutments with ceramic crowns had the lowest percentage of caries (p<0.01). Alveolar ridge resorption, pocket formation deeper than 3 mm and gingival recession of various degree was found in 50% of the cases, again with the lowest percentage of ceramic-fused-to-metal appliances (p<0.01). Pocket depth was registered in significantly higher percentage in metal-acrylic veneer appliances compared to natural teeth (p<0.01), while there was no significant difference between metal-ceramic appliances and natural teeth (p>0.05). Although the worst findings were recorded for metal-+acrylic veneer crowns for PI, no significant difference existed between crowns of different material or non-abutment teeth (p>0.05). There was statistically significant difference between abutments with metal + acrylic veneer crowns, full metal crowns, metal ceramic crowns and non-abutments for GI scores. Higher percentage of scores 0 and 1 was recorded for metal ceramic crowns and non-abutments and significantly higher percentage of scores 2 and 3 was recorded for metal + acrylic veneer crowns and full metallic crowns. Almost 50% of metal-ceramic abutments had no pathologic findings. Almost 30% of the patients needed replacement, or even some abutments to be extracted and therefore a new prosthodontic appliance