178 research outputs found

    The workload of e-instructor of Croatian as a foreign language: the case study of the e-course HiT-1

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    U danaÅ”nje se vrijeme sve viÅ”e poslova obavlja internetom, pa tako i sve- učiliÅ”na nastava inih jezika. Ovaj se rad bavi okolnostima rada nastavnika hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika na online tečaju. Kao slučaj proučava se prvi e-tečaj hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika za početni stupanj u Hrvatskoj koji se održava od proljeća 2011. godine. Kako se program sastoji od samostal- noga učenja uporabom nastavnih materijala pripremljenih u sustavu MoD te izravnih pojedinačnih i skupnih razgovora s nastavnikom pomoću Skypea i sustava Webinar (virtualna učionica), potrebno je organizirati pojedinačnu nastavu uživo dva puta tjedno za svakoga polaznika tijekom 12 tjedana traja- nja tečaja. Do sada je održano devet semestara, sudjelovalo je 60 polaznika iz 25 zemalja s različitih kontinenata, a nastavnici su održali viÅ”e od 1400 sati izravne nastave. Zbog polaznika iz različitih dijelova svijeta i raspona vremenskih zona od -9 do +12 sati u odnosu na hrvatsko vrijeme nastavu nije moguće rasporediti unutar uobičajenoga radnoga vremena, nego se ona održava od 7.00 sati ujutro do 22.00 navečer, a ponekad i od 5.00 do 24.00. Pitanje je kako bi trebalo odrediti normu takvoga e-lektora, posebno s ob- zirom na vrijeme između pojedinih sati u odnosu na normu lektora koji poučava jezik u učionici unutar normalnoga vremenskoga okvira. Očito je da je riječ o posebnomu slučaju pa bi i norma trebala biti posebno određena, kao Å”to se to određuje primjerice liječnicima koji rade u smjenama ili profe- sionalnim vozačima koji nakon određene satnice moraju napraviti zakonom utvrđenu stanku.Nowadays, more and more tasks are performed online including university classes of foreign languages. This paper addresses the situation of instruc- tors of Croatian as a foreign language at online course. The case study is the first e-course of Croatian as a foreign language for the beginners, which has been held since spring 2011. The program consists of independent learn- ing using instructional materials prepared in the MoD system and individ- ual and group sessions with the lectors via Skype and Webinar. Individual classes are arranged twice a week, giving each student a total of 24 live ses- sions. The e-instructors in the program have held more than 1,400 hours of one-on-one online sessions. Since students come from different parts of the world (so far 60 participants from 25 countries and all continents) and the range of time zones from -9 to +12 hours relative to Croatian time, the classes can not fall within regular working hours in Croatia ā€” during the e-course classes begin at 7 AM and last till 10 PM, sometimes from 5 AM till midnight. This poses the question of the workload of e-instructors and how to regard the time between the classes compared to standard language instructors who teach the language in the classroom within the regular time frame. Obviously, in such cases a specific workload has to be defined, simi- lar to the doctors working in shifts or professional drivers required to take regular rest breaks after hours of driving

    Paleoecology and Biostratigraphy of the Badenian (Middle Miocene) Deposits of the Medvednica Mt. based on Mollusks and Associated Fossil Organisms

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    Tijekom miocenske epohe Paratethys more preplavljivalo je veliki dio prostora danaÅ”nje sjeverne Hrvatske. Zbog različitog sastava podloge i izraženog paleoreljefa, transgresivne se naslage razlikuju po starosti, litoloÅ”kim i paleontoloÅ”kim osobitostima. Na području Medvednice srednjomiocenski morski okoliÅ”i mogu se, prema paleookoliÅ”ima i fosilnoj fauni, grupirati u tri skupine (ā€žDoljanskiā€œ, ā€žÄŒučerskiā€œ i ā€žZelinskiā€œ razvoj), a na temelju mekuÅ”aca i popratne morske faune mogu se detaljnije definirati i interpretirati facijesi unutar svakog od njih. Provedenim terenskim istraživanjem dopunjene su postojeće zbirke Hrvatskoga prirodoslovnog muzeja novim nalazima badenskih Å”koljkaÅ”a i puževa iz sva tri razvoja. Načinjena je revizija muzejskih zbirki koje sadrže badenske mekuÅ”ce Medvednice. Znanstveno je revidirana skupina Pectinidae (Å”koljkaÅ”i) i opisani su novi nalazi planktonskih puževa Pteropoda iz ā€žÄŒučerskogā€œ i ā€žZelinskogā€œ razvoja. Uz njih, zabilježena je rijetka i specijalizirana fauna Å”koljkaÅ”a u ā€žÄŒučerskomā€œ razvoju, koja ukazuje na specifične paleoekoloÅ”ke prilike u pojedinim razvojima tijekom badena. Nalazi planktonskih puževa ukazuju na periode visokih morskih razina i omogućuju rekonstrukciju migracijskih puteva tijekom badenskih transgresivno-regresivnih ciklusa. Na temelju novih nalaza i dosadaÅ”njih spoznaja, načinjen je pregled utjecaja badenskih transgresivno-regresivnih ciklusa na prostor danaÅ”nje Medvednice. Zabilježene su naslage transgresivno-regresivnih ciklusa TB 2.4 (NN5 zona) u ā€žÄŒučerskomā€œ i ā€žZelinskomā€œ razvoju i TB 2.5 (NN6 zona) u sva tri razvoja. Pretpostavljena je mogućnost taloženja morskih naslaga i tijekom najstarijeg ciklusa [(?) TB 2.3 (NN4 zona)] u nekadaÅ”njim najdubljim dijelovima paleoreljefa u ā€žÄŒučerskomā€œ razvoju. Mogući migracijski put fauni mekuÅ”aca tijekom starijeg badena bio je pretpostavljeni ā€žTranstetijski koridorā€œ na zapadu, koji je vjerojatno bio otvoren do gornjeg badena, kada je postojala i veza s istočnim dijelom Paratethysa.During the Miocene, Paratethys Sea flooded a large part of present day northern Croatia. Because of the different composition of the rock substrate and expressed paleorelief, the transgressive deposits differ by age, lithological and paleontological characteristics. In the Medvednica area, Middle Miocene marine environments can be divided into three groups (ā€œDoljanskiā€, ā€œÄŒučerskiā€ and ā€œZelinskiā€ development), based on paleoecology and fossil fauna. Based on mollusks and associated fossil fauna, each development can be defined and clarified within by facies. Carried out research has supplemented existing collections of the Croatian Natural History Museum, which contain Badenian marine mollusks of Medvednica Mt., with new finds of bivalves and gastropods from all three developments. As part of this research, revision of these museum collections was carried out. Specimens of Pectinidae family (bivalves) have been scientifically revised, as well as new findings of planktic gastropod - pteropods from ā€œÄŒučerjeā€ and ā€œZelinaā€ development. Along with them, rare and specialized bivalve fauna was recorded in ā€œÄŒučerjeā€ development, pointing to specific paleoecological conditions in certain Badenian developments. Findings of planktic gastropods indicate high sea levels, and allow reconstruction of migratory pathways during transgressive-regressive cycles in the Badenian. Based on the new findings and synthesis of present knowledge, an overview of transgressive-regressive cycles during the Badenian on today's Medvednica area was made. Deposits of transgressive-regressive cycle TB 2.4 (NN5 zone) are recorded in ā€œÄŒučerjeā€ and ā€œZelinaā€ development and TB 2.5 (NN6 zone) in all three developments. Possibility of marine deposition in the oldest cycle [(?) TB 2.3 (NN4 zone)] is assumed in the former deepest parts of paleorelief in ā€œÄŒučerjeā€ development. Possible migratory path of mollusks in the Early Badenian was supposed ā€œTranstethyan Corridorā€ in the west, which was probably opened until the Late Badenian, when existed also connection between Central and Eastern Paratethys

    Članci objavljeni u prvih deset brojeva Lahora

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    Introduction: Pneumothorax is a condition in which the air is present in the pleural space with a collapse of the ipsilateral lung. Spontaneous pneumothorax is divided into primary and secondary. Primary pneumothorax makes 80% of all pneumothoraxes and there are no pathological changes present in the lungs. Secondary pneumothorax is a condition in which there is a lung disease in the background. A rare cause of secondary pneumothorax in premature infants is a bronchopleural fistula, which is a pathological communication between the bronchi and the pleural space. Objective: Indicate the need for early diagnosis and evaluation of secondary pneumothorax in order to carry out the early optimal treatment of the patient. Case report: Male premature infant, born from a high-risk pregnancy, gestational age of 31+6/7 weeks, low birth weight, presented with respiratory failure due to the respiratory distress syndrome, and persistent pneumothorax with the accompanying ventilation difficulties. Given the relapsing nature of the disease and limited compensatory mechanisms in premature neonates, a thoracotomy was indicated and a bronchopleural fistula of the upper section of the right lung was verified. The congenital pathological communication between the bronchi and pleural space was corrected by surgical procedure. The procedure went well same as the postoperative recovery on the department. Conclusion: Congenital bronchopleural fistulas are rare and big issue in premature neonates. Clinical sign, suggesting a bronchopleural fistula, is a persistent and relapsing pneumothorax, which - if left untreated - would lead to the obstructive shock and heart failure due to the collapse of the compensatory mechanisms. Rapid diagnostic and therapeutic approach is important for having a good outcome for our patients


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    Primary cardiac neoplasms are very rare, and the most of those in adults are myxomas. We are reporting an interesting case of extensively calcified left atrial myxoma presenting by paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and angina pectoris like symptoms, mimicking coronary heart disease. The tumor was surgically removed and histological analysis confirmed pendicular myxoma with diffuse areas of calcifications, various in shape and size. Coronary heart disease was excluded by an invasive angiography. After the tumor removal atrial fibrillation disappeared, as well as other symptoms.Primarni srčani tumori su vrlo rijetki i većina su kod odraslih miksomi. Prikazujemo zanimljiv slučaj ekstenzivno kalciļ¬ ciranog miksoma lijevog atrija koji se prikazao paroksizmalnom ļ¬ brilacijom atrija i simptomima angine pektoris oponaÅ”ajući koronarnu bolest srca. Tumor je kirurÅ”ki uklonjen, a histoloÅ”ka analiza potvrdila je pendikularni miksom s difuznim područjima kalciļ¬ kacija različitih oblika i veličina. Koronarna bolest srca isključena je invazivnom angiograļ¬ jom. Nakon uklanjanja tumora atrijska ļ¬ brilacija kao i drugi simptomi nisu se viÅ”e javljali

    First record of Acanthuridae (surgeonfish) from the Miocene deposits of the Medvednica Mt.

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    Middle Miocene deposits at the Dubravica locality in SW Medvednica Mt. (N Croatia) contain various marine fossils, including one tooth of the surgeonfish (Acanthuridae). This is the first such record in Croatia and the second in the wider region, besides the Vienna Basin. The appearance of surgeonfishes in the Paratethys coincides with the Miocene thermal maximum. Their distribution was probably controlled by available reef habitat and their palaeobiogeography and migration routes are yet to be studied.</p

    The Interaction of Teachers and Learners of Croatian as a Foreign Language in Class

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    Ovim se radom raŔčlanjuju osobitosti jezične nastave hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, poglavito stranoga jer je riječ o početničkoj razini te način na koji su se učitelji i učenici u njoj ponaÅ”ali. Građa je prikupljena na razgovornim vježbama na sveučiliÅ”noj razini. U prvome dijela rada predstavljaju se glavne uloge učenika i učitelja na nastavi jezika i oslikavaju primjerima. U drugome dijelu rada pokazuje se učiteljski pristup jezičnim odstupanjima njegovih učenika. U situacijama kada je važnija komunikacijska sposobnost od gramatičke neka se početnička jezična odstupanja od hrvatskoga standardnoga jezika trebaju ispravljati, a druga ne. Na primjerima se objaÅ”njavaju neka od temeljnih načela potaknutih razgovora i odluke o ispravljanju ili propuÅ”tanju ispravljanja odstupanja u nastavi koja je poglavito usmjerena inojezičnomu učeniku hrvatskoga, njegovim jezičnim i komunikacijskim sposobnostima u određenomu trenutku njegova jezičnoga razvoja.This paper analyzes the characteristics of teaching Croatian language as a second or foreign language. The data was collected from beginner conversation classes at the University of Zagreb\u27s School of Croatian Language and Culture. In the first part of this paper the main roles of students and teachers in the language teaching process are introduced and illustrated by examples. The second part of the paper shows the teachers\u27 approach to errors their students make while speaking. In situations where communicational competence is more important than grammatical, some of the beginners\u27 language errors should be corrected, and others not. Some of the fundamental principles of the induced discussions and decisions on correction are exemplified. The principles of non-correcting are also discussed


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    Prirodoslovni muzej u Beču (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien), jedan od najpoznatijih prirodoslovnih muzeja u svijetu, otvorio je krajem siječnja 2013. godine novi antropoloŔki stalni postav, naslovljen Hominidenevolution, koji u žariŔte stavlja evoluciju čovjeka kao uvijek intrigantnu temu.In early 2013, the Natural History Museum in Vienna opened its new permanent display for the anthropology department. The new permanent display, which is open to the public after 16 years, and called Hominidevolution, focuses on the evolution of human beings, a theme that is always intriguing. The concept was devised by Dr Maria Teschler-Nicola, director of the anthropology department. She brought together many consultants and assistants to produce the setup and has successfully presented, explained and made familiar to museum visitors this complex theme
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