Prirodoslovni muzej u Beču (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien), jedan od najpoznatijih prirodoslovnih muzeja u svijetu, otvorio je krajem siječnja 2013. godine novi antropološki stalni postav, naslovljen Hominidenevolution, koji u žarište stavlja evoluciju čovjeka kao uvijek intrigantnu temu.In early 2013, the Natural History Museum in Vienna opened
its new permanent display for the anthropology department.
The new permanent display, which is open to the public after
16 years, and called Hominidevolution, focuses on the evolution
of human beings, a theme that is always intriguing. The
concept was devised by Dr Maria Teschler-Nicola, director
of the anthropology department. She brought together many
consultants and assistants to produce the setup and has successfully
presented, explained and made familiar to museum
visitors this complex theme