39 research outputs found

    Faux amis roumaino-croate

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    U radu se iznose tzv. lažni parovi (prijatelji), leksemi u hrvatskom i rumunjskom jeziku koji zbog svoje izrazne podudarnosti navode na pogreÅ”no prevođenje. Navode se značajke koje su dovele do takvih pojava. S obzirom na podrijetlo, najčeŔće je riječ o leksemima naslijeđenima iz latinskoga jezika ili kasnijim romanizmima te dakako slavenskima, kojih je u rumunjskome nezanemariv broj. Izdvojeni se leksemi razvrstavaju u tablicu koja omogućuje njihovu prozirniju usporedbu i lakÅ”e prepoznavanje.Lā€™article traite des faux amis en croate et roumain, mots qui ont la męme forme dans les deux langues mais pas le męme sens. On cherche ŕ trouver parmi ces deux langues les marques principales attribuĆ©es ŕ cette notion. On constate que la plupart de ces mots proviennent soit du latin soit du vieux slave. Lā€™article comporte un tableau qui prĆ©sente la liste des faux amis accompagnĆ©e de dĆ©finitions

    General principles of the classification into conjugational types in Croatian compared to some closely related languages

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    U prvom se dijelu rada uspoređuju osnovne podjele glagola na konjugacijske vrste u hrvatskom jeziku od prvih gramatičkih opisa do danas. Gledaju se njihova opća načela podjele: hijerarhijska složenost i broj kategorija te opći redoslijed. Potom se hrvatske podjele uspoređuju s onima u nekim slaven- skim jezicima: bosanskome (boÅ”njačkome), srpskome, slovenskome, make- donskome, ruskome i čeÅ”kome. Iznose se sličnosti i razlike koje proizlaze iz teorijskoga i metodoloÅ”koga pristupa s jedne strane i samih morfoloÅ”kih i fonoloÅ”kih obilježja svojstvenih pojedinomu jeziku s druge.In the first part of the paper the author briefly presents basic classifica- tions of verbs into conjugational classes (types) in Croatian from the ear- liest grammatical descriptions which divided verbs into three conjugational classes according to the present morphemes (KaÅ”ić 1604, Della Bella 1728, Voltić 1803, Starčević 1812), through Babukićā€™s grammar (1836) where Do- brovskiā€™s classification according to the infinitive morphemes was applied and other 19th and 20th century grammatical classifications to the latest: Jelaska (2003, 2005) where three groups (present morpheme) with ten types (infinitive vs. present morphemes) and nine classes for athematic verbs were introduced; and BoÅ”njak Botica (2011) where all but the first two types were complemented by additional classes (morpho-semantic criteria). A few clas- sifications from their general principles of classification have been analyzed: hierarchical complexity, number of category and order. In the second part of the paper, the Croatian classifications are compared to those in some other Slavic languages: Bosnian (Jahić, Halilović, Palić (2000), Serbian (Belić 1956, 2006, Klajn 2005), Slovenian (ToporiÅ”ić 2004), Macedonian (Koneski 1981), Russian (Russkaja gramatika AN 1980, Rozentalā€™ i dr. 2003, Bud- mani 1920) and Czech (KomĆ”rek i dr. 1986). Similarities and differences are presented, those that arise from various theoretical and methodological approaches and those that stem from the morphological and phonological features inherent to every language

    MorfoloŔko preobilje i Baza hrvatskih morfoloŔkih dubleta

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    Novi prijedlozi u hrvatskom rječotvorju

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    Ivan Branko Å amija: Hrvatski rječotvornik, DruÅ”tvo Lovrećana Zagreb: Zagreb 2011, 429 str