126 research outputs found

    On word order, binding relations, and plurality in Chinese noun phrases

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    Przedstawiony w artykule opis semantycznych uwarunkowań swobodnego szyku składnikĆ³w fraz nominalnych w języku chińskim jest dla autorĆ³w podstawą twierdzenia, że język ten nie posiada składniowej kategorii DP. Rozszerzając analizę na wykładnik liczby mnogiej -men, autorzy łączą określoność fraz zawierających ten wykładnik oraz interakcje między semantyką liczby mnogiej i referencji określonej -men z jego statusem klasyfikatora, a także z brakiem projekcji składniowej DP w języku chińskim. RĆ³wnież własności przydawek dzierżawczych w chińskich frazach nominalnych sugerują brak kategorii DP w gramatyce języka chińskiego. Artykuł zawiera rĆ³wnież semantyczny opis niektĆ³rych rĆ³Å¼nic w porządku linearnym składnikĆ³w fraz nominalnych pomiędzy językiem chińskim i językiem serbsko-chorwackim, rĆ³wnież pozbawionym składniowej kategorii DP.We provide a semantic account of the free ordering of NP-internal elements in Chinese and argue that this provides evidence for the lack of DP in Chinese. We also extend this account to the Mandarin plural marker -men, tying the definiteness of -men phrases and its number/definiteness interaction to the classifier status of -men and the lack of DP in Chinese. We show that the binding properties of Chinese possessors also provide evidence for the no-DP analysis of Chinese. Finally, we propose a semantic account of certain differences in the order of NP-internal elements between Chinese and Serbo-Croatian, another language that lacks DP

    Focal laryngeal dystonia: diagnostics, therapeutics and novelties in neurophysiologic research

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    Aim of study: To present and discuss diagnostic procedures, therapeutic options and novelties in neurophysiological research of laryngeal dystonia (LD), a rare movement disorder with an unknown cause affecting the intrinsic muscles of the larynx. Material and methods: 1) Literature overview of the on the standard guidelines in the diagnostics and treatment of LD; 2) The use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in the neurophysiologic research of LD by investigation of cortical silent period (cSP) reflecting the intracortical inhibitory process mediated by GABAA and GABAB receptors; 3) The use of navigated TMS in mapping the laryngeal motor cortex by investigating the duration of cortical silent period in two LD cases, abductor and adductor LD type. Results: The study presents standard diagnostic, treatment of LD disorder, and results of investigation by groups from School of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA and School of Medicine, University of Split, Croatia on the duration of cSP in vocal and cricothyroid muscles in LD patients and healthy control subjects. The research groups presented norms for cSP duration in vocal and cricothyroid muscle in healthy subjects and pointed to the altered (shortened) duration of the cSP in LD patients (adductor type). Conclusion: The cSP measure might be useful neurophysiologic biomarker for understanding the LD disorder. In LD, the cortical activation during phonation may not be efficiently or effectively associated with inhibitory processes, leading to muscular dysfunction. Promising techniques such as TMS might bring new light to the diagnosis and treatment of LD disorder

    On word order, binding relations, and plurality in Chinese Noun Phrases

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    We provide a semantic account of the free ordering of NP-internal elements in Chinese and argue that this provides evidence for the lack of DP in Chinese. We also extend this account to the Mandarin plural marker -men, tying the definiteness of -men phrases and its number/definiteness interaction to the classifier status of -men and the lack of DP in Chinese. We show that the binding properties of Chinese possessors also provide evidence for the no-DP analysis of Chinese. Finally, we propose a semantic account of certain differences in the order of NP-internal elements between Chinese and Serbo-Croatian, another language that lacks DP

    Inhibition of Copper Corrosion in NaCl Solution by Propolis Extract

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    This study investigates the possibility of corrosion inhibition of copper by propolis extract in 0.51 mol dmā€“3 NaCl solution. The influence of propolis extract concentration and temperature on corrosion behaviour of copper was studied using electrochemical methods. The protective effect of propolis coating deposited on the electrode surface and dried in air was also examined. The results of the study showed that with increasing propolis extract concentration in the solution there was a slight increase in open circuit copper potential to positive values, an increase in polarization resistance, and a decrease in the corrosion current density. A significantly more prominent change of all three of these parameters was observed in the case of propolis coating. Potentiodynamic measurements indicate that propolis extract acts as a mixed corrosion inhibitor, which is adsorbed on the electrode surface according to Langmuirā€™s isotherm. The decrease in inhibition efficiency with increasing temperature indicates physical adsorption. Adsorption of propolis on the electrode surface was confirmed by the spectrophotometric method


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    Fascioloidosis is a parasitic disease caused by the giant American liver fluke Fascioloides magna (Bassi, 1875). In Croatia, the first report of this disease was in January 2000, in red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) from the TikveÅ” Forestry in Baranja region (east Croatia). The aim of this survey was to determine the geographical distribution of fascioloidosis and the infection prevalence in deer. The survey was carried out in six state hunting grounds that manage with deer game in Baranja region during 2001 ā€“ 2004. Parasitological examinations were carried out by qualitative and quantitative faecal exams. The highest prevalenceā€™s (35 ā€“ 60%) were found in epizootic focuses of two hunting grounds at flooding ā€“ bog land area in east Baranja, Danube forestry. The mean intensity of infection, determined on the basis of the number of eggs per gram (EPG) was 30 ā€“ 33 EPG (range 1 ā€“ 300). High 86% of examined samples was in category to 50 EPG. The highest prevalence and the biggest EPG number too, were determined during the first year of survey. In the Baranja area fascioloidosis represents a potential danger for other game species, mainly roe deer and wild boars, as for domestic animals

    Characterization of red mud/metakaolin-based geopolymers as modified by Ca(OH)2

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    Geopolymers are an emerging class of materials that offer an alternative to the Portland cement as the binder of structural concrete. One of the advantages is that the primary source of their production is waste alumosilicate materials from different industries. One of the key issues in geopolymer synthesis is the low level of mechanical properties due to porosity as well as the high activity of conductivity carriers. It can often lead to limited application possibilities, so the objective is to obtain an enhanced strength as well as decreased cracking tendency through microstructure modification. The introduction of Ca(OH)2, under certain pH conditions could lead to the filling-the-pores process and improving the mechanical properties. The aim was to understand the role that calcium plays in the geopolymer synthesis, and to define which reaction prevails under the synthesis conditions: formation of geopolymer gel or calcium silicate hydrate that contains aluminum substitution (CASH). The synthesis was performed with different raw materials (with or without red mud) and different alkalinity conditions. Ca(OH)2 was the obligatory supplement to both of the mixtures. Different techniques were performed for the testing of reaction products, as well as to define the microstructural changes as the generator of improved mechanical properties and changed electrical conductivity. The characteristics of the geopolymer's macrostructure were defined by means of an SEM analysis. Compressive strength and electrical conductivity are among the investigated product's properties. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) were used for the identification of various crystalline phases and an amorphous phase

    Rehabilitacija glasa kod laringektomiranih bolesnika s ugrađenom govornom protezom; Možemo li doseći 100%?

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    Cilj rada: UspjeÅ”nost glasovne rehabilitacije nakon totalne laringektomije varira, ovisno o studiji, od 70 do 95%.PsiholoÅ”ki efekt nemogućnosti govora kod laringektomiranih bolesnika je velik. Početni neuspjeh govorne rehabilitacije s vremenom vodi do stvaranja pogreÅ”nih fonacijskih mehanizama, frustriranosti i deprimiranosti. Cilj rada je dokazati da rana intervencija botulinum toksinom vodi povećanom postotku rehabilitacije. Materijali i metode: U zadnje tri godine u naÅ”em centru učinjene su 64 laringektomije. Kod većine bolesnika (61) učinjena je primarna traheoezofagealna fistulizacija i ugradnja govorne proteze. Kod svih bolesnika logopedska govorna rehabilitacija započeta je rano, uglavnom oko četrnaestog postoperativnog dana. Osam bolesnika imalo je izrazito loÅ” glas ili nemogućnost govora; hipertonicitet je detektiran kao osnovni uzrok. Uz osam navedenih, učinili smo intervenciju kod joÅ” četiri bolesnika iz drugih ustanova. Za razliku od uvriježenog postupnika intenziviranja logopedske terapije i ekspektativnog stava, odmah po obradi započeli smo s intervencijom. Hipertonicitet je potvrđen lidokainskim testom. Svakom bolesniku aplicirano je ukupno 100j botulinum toksina tip A, odnosno u dva navrata po 50j u razmaku od 7-21dana. Mjesto aplikacije određeno je palpacijski, a kod jednog bolesnika ultrazvučno (izrazit edem).Lijek se injektira u Å”est do osam pojedinačnih mjesta. Nismo zabilježili nuspojava aplikacije. Govor je procijenjen pred drugu aplikaciju te mjesec dana po drugoj aplikaciji. Impakt rane intervencije procijenili smo VHI (voice handicap index) i VRQOL (voice-related quality of life) upitnicima, te akustičnim parametrima. Rezultati: Svi bolesnici tretirani botulinum toksinom odgovorili su već na prvu dozu, svi su zadržali kvalitetu glasa u dosadaÅ”njem praćenju i nije bilo potrebe za ponovnom intervencijom botulinum toksinom. Zaključak: Rana intervencija kod laringektomiranih bolesnika s urađenom govornom protezom i nemogućnosti (dostatnog) govora, po naÅ”em iskustvu osigurava odlične rezultate kod svih (selektiranih) bolesnika. Sama metoda nema značajnih nuspojava niti komplikacija kod pažljive primjene.Ovakvim pristupom nadmaÅ”ili smo dosadaÅ”nje postotke uspjeÅ”nosti govora kod laringektomiranih s govornom protezom
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