187 research outputs found

    Escape from poverty: Obstacles preventing NGOs from becoming fully fledged service providers in the area of social protection in Serbia

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    The paper deals with possible solutions of problems affecting particularly vulnerable parts of the population - the elderly, poor, and refugees, among others. In order to fully realize the potential for providing services for the unprivileged, it is necessary to establish full cooperation between civil sector and non-governmental organizations, and government agencies. The paper covers some issues that explain lack of cooperation between these sectors and offers some recommendations for the immediate future

    Customer Satisfaction Assessment by Online Shopping Service: A Case Study of Serbia

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    Markets face a constant dilemma regarding factors that can affect customer satisfaction with online shopping. The solution to this dilemma is especially important for those markets where online shopping is not sufficiently represented, such as the Serbian market. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse the relationship of customer satisfaction and the various factors. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of certain factors of online shopping on customer satisfaction in the Serbian market. Accordingly, a research methodology and a measuring instrument were developed and implemented. The empirical research was conducted based on the survey questionnaire and the representative sample of 340 customers which made online purchases in Serbia for over two years. The conceptual model and the survey questionnaire included 20 variable items grouped into five basic dimensions: website quality, information availability, security, privacy and reliability. The validity of the developed methodology and the measurement instrument was tested using confirmatory factor analysis.The obtained results showed that, according to survey dimensions, in the case of Serbian market, users are not satisfied with online shopping services. It has been confirmed that satisfaction depends on the age structure of the customer, but it does not depend on the gender

    Anthropologist as Nomad : Introducing a New Co-Editor

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    My anthropological journey has consisted in movement not only between different disciplines, but also between languages, countries and continents. This has involved stories of identity (imagined, constructed, or both), changes of place (teaching in six countries on three continents, and in four languages), searches for a safe haven, and belief in understanding the motives that govern human beings. In this wonderful journey, my coming to the Anthropological Journal of European Cultures seems almost an inevitable event. Or perhaps it is just a product of ‘chance and serendipity’.1 In retrospect, I look at my anthropological journey so far as a voyage of discovery – to different places, under different circumstances and in very different parts of the world

    Krivičnopravni aspekti krivičnog dela silovanja

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    Rape as a criminal offence has always called attention of the public and it has been the issue of many scientific and expert debates. This paper is dealing with the issues concerning the history of rape as a criminal offence parallel survey of criminal legislation of other countries with a special emphasis on the notion and its basic characteristics in our criminal legislation.Krivično delo silovanja je oduvek privlačilo pažnju šire javnosti i bilo je predmet mnogih naučnih i stručnih rasprava. U radu se obrađuju sadržaji koji se odnose na istorijski razvoj krivičnog dela silovanja, uporedni prikaz u drugim zakonodavstvima, sa posebnim osvrtom na pojam i osnovne karakteristike u našem krivičnom zakonodavstvu

    Anthropology and demography

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    The paper presents an outline of the relationship between anthropology and demography, sometimes depicted as "long, tortured, often ambivalent, and sometimes passionate." Although early anthropologists (primarily British social anthropologists) routinely made use of demographic data, especially in their studies of kinship, the two disciplines gradually drifted away from each other. The re-approachment took place from 1960s, and the last fifteen years saw more intensive cooperation and more insights about possible mutual benefits that could be achieved through combining of methodologies and revision of some theoretical assumptions, primarily through anthropological demography. As summarized by Laura Bernardi and Inge Hutter, "Anthropological demography is a specialty within demography that uses anthropological theory and methods to provide a better understanding of demographic phenomena in current and past populations. Its genesis and ongoing growth lies at the intersection of demography and socio-cultural anthropology and with their efforts to understand population processes: mainly fertility, migration, and mortality. Both disciplines share a common research subject, namely human populations, and they focus on mutually complementary aspects" (2007:541). In the first part of the paper, the author presents some general considerations, like the one that "demography is one of the best understood and predictable parts of human behavior, even if demographers still find themselves unable to predict accurately when parameters will change in interesting ways, such as the 'the baby boom' or the shift to later childbeanng in the 1970s and 1980s North America" (Howell, 1986:219). Nancy Howell also noted the importance of demographic anthropology, because, in her words "if we knew, reliably, the birth and death probability schedules of particular populations, we would know a great deal about their size, age composition, growth rate. And with just a little more information we would know a great deal more such as household and family composition, economic organization, social problems, and something of the political structure. It we knew the schedules for populations in general and could correlate the schedules with the causes, genetic or environmental, that produce them, we would know a great deal about the possible range of human social structure" (Howell, 1986:219). In the second part of the paper, the author discusses several examples of interplay between anthropology and demography. One of them is Patrick Heady's study of the shift in ritual patterns, which combines elements of some "classical" anthropological topics (Mauss's theory of gift exchange and Lévi-Strauss's concept of kinship) with his own field research in the Carnian Alps. "By marrying and raising children, parents participate in a system of gift-exchange in which the gifts in question are human lives, and the parties to the exchange are the kinship groups recognised in the society concerned. Fertility reflects the attitudes of prospective parents to their place in the existing system of reproductive exchange, and the relationships of cooperation and authority which it implies - as well as their confidence in the system's continuing viability. It is shown that this view is compatible with earlier ideas about self-regulating population systems - and that changing economic circumstances are an important source of discrepancy between existing exchange systems and the attitudes and expectations of prospective parents" (Heady, 2007:465). The paper concludes with the discussion of the directions in which relationship between these two disciplines can proceed. Some of the epistemological issues are mentioned, as well as a need to apply different theoretical perspectives to better understand demographic behavior (especially in Europe) and to better understand certain cultural components that shape this behavior. In order to achieve this, most of the scholars whose works are discussed in this paper emphasize "the need for a holistic approach to data collection and the added value of triangulating quantitative and qualitative analyses" (Bernardi, Hutter, 2007:541)

    Globallzation and its discontents

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    Despite the fact that the term "globalization" has been present in anthropology and neighboring disciplines only since around 1990, it has spawned an impressive range of books, journal articles and academic conferences. Globalization can be studied in its economic, political, ecological, or cultural aspects, and there is a rich scholarly literature, much of it interdisciplinary, dealing with the subject. The present chapter focuses on the construction of ethnic/ national identities - especially taking into account the current migrant crisis in Europe, but also some recent political events (like the "Brexit" referendum in the UK), on the relationship between globalization and multiculturalism, as well as on the media influence in creating a global public opinion with certain types of values and orinetations

    Party investigation in serbian and italian and criminal proceeding legislation and efficiency of investgative proceeding

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    Savremeno krivično procesno zakonodavstvo karakteriše pojačana zakonodavna aktivnost koja za posledicu ima značajne reforme krivičnog postupka u cilju povećanja njegove efikasnosti. Glavna karakteristika tih reformi se ogleda u tome da mnoge zemlje evropsko kontinentalne pravne tradicije prihvataju i u određenom obimu preuzimaju krivičnoprocesne institute koji dolaze iz anglosaksonske pravne tradicije i koji su karakteristični za adverzijalni krivični postupak. Jedan od takvih instituta jeste i stranačka istraga, odnosno uvođenje zakonske mogućnosti da i odbrana sprovodi sopstvena istraživanja nezavisno od javnog tužioca koji vodi istragu. S obzirom na značaj ovog kompleksnog pitanja u radu će najpre biti predstavljene i analizirane odredbe srpskog Zakonika o krivičnom postupku kojima je regulisano pitanje prikupljanja dokaza i materijala u korist odbrane, kojom prilikom ćemo se kritički osvrnuti na pojedina sporna zakonska rešenja. Zatim će biti izvršena analiza stranačke istrage u Italiji, i to ne samo u delu koji se odnosi na odredbe Zakonika kojima se regulišu istraživanja odbrane, već i sa jednog šireg aspekta. To iz razloga jer je Zakonik o krivičnom postupku Italije iz 1988. godine uneo mnogobrojne i velike izmene u organizaciji krivičnog postupka, i to tako što je evropsko kontinentalni model postupka zamenjen 89 RKK, 1/15, A. Bošković, Strategija istraga i efikasnost krivičnog postupka (str. 89-110) sa adverzijalnim modelom. Takva direktna transplantacija pojedinih anglosaksonskih rešenja je u praktičnom postupanju dovela do niza problema za sve glavne krivičnoprocesne subjekte pa je u određenom domenu morao da interveniše i Ustavni sud Italije. Metodama koje će se koristiti u ovom istraživanju, kritička analiza sadržaja, deskripcija, komparacija, sinteza i dedukcija, nastojaće se da se dođe do relevantnih činjenica koje će omogućiti izvesnu komparaciju u pogledu organizacije stranačke istrage u Srbiji i Italiji, ali prevashodno da se dođe do zaključka u kom obimu uvođenje stranačke istrage menja procesni položaj glavnih krivičnoprocesnih subjekata i da li uvođenje elemenata stranačke istrage narušava koncept tužilačke istrage i na taj način utiče na efikasnost istražnog postupka u celini.Modern Criminal Proceeding Legislation is characterized by increased legislative activity which results in a significant reform of the criminal proceeding in order to increase its efficiency. The main characteristic of these reforms reflects in the fact that many countries in European continental legal tradition accept and to some extent take over criminal proceeding institute that come from the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition and which are typical for adversary criminal proceeding. One of those institute is the party investigation, or bringing in legal possibility that the defense conducts its own investigations, independently of the public prosecutor who leads the investigation. Given the importance of this complex issue, in this paper will first be presented and analyzed provisions of the Serbian Criminal Proceeding Code which regulates the issue of collecting evidence and materials for the defense, during which we will critically examine particular disputable legal solutions. In addition the analysis of Italian party investigation will be performed, and not just the part referring to the provisions of the Code which regulates defense research, but also from a broader point of view. The reason for this is that the Criminal Proceeding Code of Italy from 1988 introduced a numerus and great changes in the organization of criminal proceeding, in such way that the European continental model of the proceeding was replaced with adversary model. Such a direct transplant of some Anglo-Saxon solutions in practice led to a series of problems for all major criminal proceeding subjects so in particular domain the Constitutional Court of Italy had to intervene.With the methods that will be used in this study, a critical analysis of content, description, comparison, synthesis and deduction, the aim will be to obtain the relevant facts that will allow some comparison in terms of the organization of the party investigation in Serbia 109 RKK, 1/15, A. Boškovi}, Strategija istraga i efikasnost krivi~nog postupka (str. 89-110) and Italy, but mainly to get to conclusion to what extent the introduction of party investigation changes the proceeding position of the main criminal proceeding subjects and whether the introduction of elements of party investigation undermines the concept of prosecutorial investigation and thus affects the efficiency of the investigative proceeding entirely

    Individualizam u antropologiji

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    Poglavlje se bavi odnosom između individualizma i kolektivizma u sociokulturnoj antropologiji, kao i u društvenim naukama u celini. Njihov odnos se posmatra kroz prizmu filozofskih rasprava, počevši još od Hjuma, sa važnim doprinosom Tokvila, ali i kroz čitavu istoriju antropologije, od Boasa, preko Malinovskog, Ferta, Barta, Holija, Stuhlika i Raporta. Težište na individualizmu je neodvojivo od liberalizma, a takav stav ujedno predstavlja preduslov i jednog šireg, kosmopolitskog shvatanja sveta, koje vodi jedinom načinu da se shvate ključna pitanja savremenog sveta i formulišu odgovori na njih

    Komparativni prikaz istrage u krivično-procesnom zakonodavstvu Slovenije i Srbije

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    Investigation is one of the central phases of the criminal procedure and the outcome and efficiency of the follow-up criminal procedure depend to a large extent on the success of it. Contemporary legislation related to criminal procedure includes the court-focused concept of investigation and the prosecutor-focused or rather prosecutor-police concept of investigation. The paper considers the issues related to the basic features of the investigative procedure in the criminal procedure legislations of the Republic of Slovenia where the court investigation model prevails, and the Republic of Serbia where the new concept of prosecutor-police investigation is to come into force as of June 1st, in keeping with the new Criminal Procedure Act.Istraga je jedna od centralnih faza krivičnog postupka i u zavisnosti od toga koliko je uspešno sprovedena dobrim delom zavisi i ishod krivičnog postupka a samim tim i njegova efikasnost. U savremenom krivično procesnom zakonodavstvu su zastupljeni sudski koncept istrage i tužilački, odnosno tužilačko policijski koncept istrage. U radu se razmatra problematika koja se odnosi na osnovne karakteristike istražnog postupka u krivično procesnim zakonodavstvima Republike Slovenije, gde je zastupljen koncept sudske istrage i Republike Srbije, gde će od 1. juna biti u primeni koncept tužilačko policijske istrage, shodno novom ZKP

    Analiza krivičnopravnih i drugih zakonskih odredbi od značaja za detektivsku delatnost

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    The term detective activity is of a recent day in our region, although these activities were performed, through appropriate forms and ways, even in the period before this issue was regulated by law. Despite the enactment of the Law on Detective Activity there are certain regulations contained in other laws that directly or indirectly may apply to the detective activity. This paper uses content analysis methods, comparison, deduction and synthesis in order to explore and analyze problems relevant to this subject matter, i.e. regulations of criminal legislation and other laws related to or possibly related to the detective activity or to some of its aspects, with the previous emphasis on organization, entities, their authorities and way of performing the detective activity. Considering that the Law on Detective Activity contains provisions that refer to other legal acts, the rules associated with the detective activity and incorporated into other legislation are very significant, because their correct application allows for legal and professional performance of detective activities.Na našim prostorima detektivska delatnost je novijeg datuma i ovi poslovi su se, kroz odgovarajuće forme i načine, obavljali i u periodu pre nego što je ta problematika zakonom regulisana. I pored donošenja Zakona o detektivskoj delatnosti postoje određeni propisi sadržani u nekim drugim zakonima koji se na direktan ili indirektan način mogu primeniti i na detektivsku delatnost. U tom smislu, u radu se primenom metoda analize sadržaja, komparacije, dedukcije i sinteze, istražuje i analizira upravo ta problematika, tj. propisi krivičnog zakonodavstva i nekih drugih zakona koji se odnose ili se mogu odnositi na detektivsku delatnost ili na pojedine njene aspekte, sa prethodnim osvrtom na organizaciju, subjekte, njihova ovlašćenja i način vršenja detektivske delatnosti. S obzirom da Zakon o detektivskoj delatnosti sadrži i blanketne norme koje upućuju na druga pravna akta, to su propisi koji su povezani sa detektivskom delatnošću i sadržani u drugim zakonskim propisima veoma značajni, jer se njihovom pravilnom primenom omogućava zakonito i stručno obavljanje detektivskih poslova