126 research outputs found

    A mass transfer in heterogeneous systems by the adsorption method (

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    A mass transfer coefficient between: a liquid and single sphere and a liquid and column wall in packed and fluidized beds of a spherical inert particle have been studied experimentally using the adsorption method. The experiments were conducted in a column 40 mm in diameter for packed and fluidized beds, and in a two-dimensional column 140 mmƗ10 mm for the flow past single sphere. In all runs, the mass transfer rates were determined in the presence of spherical glass particles, 3 mm in diameter, for packed and fluidized beds. The mass transfer data were obtained by studying transfer for flow past single sphere, 20 mm in diameter. This paper discusses the possibilities of application of the adsorption method for fluid flow visualization. Local and average mass transfer coefficients were determined from the color intensity of the surface of the foils of silica gel. Correlations, Sh = f(Re) and jD = f(Re), were derived using the mass transfer coefficient data

    Effects of various pre-slaughter conditions on pig carcasses and meat quality in a low-input slaughter facility

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of gender, slaughter weight, stocking density, lairage time and season on carcass and meat quality parameters in a low-input production system. The study was conducted on 400 slaughter pigs (200 barrows and 200 gilts) with live weight of 115.0 Ā± 4.70 kg. Barrows had higher slaughter and carcass weights, fat thickness and lower meatiness. Heavier pigs had higher hot and cold carcass weights, fat thickness, lower meatiness, and higher incidences of pale, soft and exudative (PSE) and dark, firm and dry (DFD) meat. Low stocking density during transportation increased skin lesion score, pH45 value and the incidence of DFD meat; while high stocking density decreased pH45 value and increased T45 value and the incidence of PSE meat. Long lairaging reduced slaughter weight, carcass weight, dressing percentage and backfat thickness and increased skin lesion score. After overnight lairaging, pH45 value and the incidence of DFD meat became higher. After short lairaging, the pH45 value was lower, while the incidence of PSE meat increased. Pigs slaughtered in winter had the highest slaughter weight, backfat thickness, pH45 value and incidence of DFD, and the lowest meatiness. Pigs slaughtered in summer had the lowest slaughter and carcass weights and pH45 value, and the highest incidence of PSE meat. In conclusion, gender influenced carcass quality, slaughter weight and lairage time, and season affected carcass and meat quality, while stocking density had an impact on meat quality.Keywords: DFD meat, gender, lairage time, low-input slaughter system, PSE meat, season, slaughter weight, stocking densit

    Uvoz nerastova - kontrola semena i mogućnost reklamacije

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    Serbia is one of the countries with the continuous import of breeding sows and boars. Boars are usually imported at the age of 4 to 6 months, in the period when the quality of the breeding males cannot be determined due to sexual immaturity (prepubertal and pubertal age). In this paper, the method and results of semen quality control in 40 imported young boars are described, and also the method of documenting the cause for action claim. In the case of suspicious semen quality it is necesseary to perform at least 3 consecutive controls in one month intervals in order to establish a final estimation of quality and usability of semen. Of 40 imported boars, 4 boars (10%) were subject of complaint due to: azoospermia (1 boar), absence or reduction of total and progressive motility, present sperm agglutination (2 boars), and increased number of pathological forms of spermatozoa (78%, 1 boar). Increased proportion of sperm with unstable chromatin structure (SCSA test - 33.2% and 37.1%) was established in two boars. To initiate the complaint it is necessary to have a sales contract that provides possibility for the reclamation, recognized methods of semen quality control and trustful business relationship between all interested parties.Srbija se svrstava u red zemalja sa kontinuiranim uvozom priplodnih nazimica i nerastova. Nerastovi se uglavnom uvoze u dobi od 4 do 6 meseci, u periodu kada se kvalitet priplodnjaka ne može pouzdano utvrditi usled polne nezrelosti (prepubertetsko ili pubertetska dob nerastića). U ovom radu opisan je postupak i rezultati kontrole kvaliteta semena kod 40 mladih nerastova iz uvoza, kao i način dokumentovanja razloga za pokretanje postupka reklamacije. Kod sumnjivog kvaliteta semena potrebno je izvrÅ”iti najmanje 3 uzastopne kontrole u razmaku od po mesec dana, kako bi se donela konačna ocena o kvalitetu semena i upotrebljivosti nerasta za priplod. Od 40 uvezenih nerastova, 4 su reklamirana (10%) usled: azoospermije (1 nerast), odsustva ili smanjenje ukupne ili progresivne pokretljivosti, uz prisustvo aglutinacija spermatozoida (2 nerasta), i povećanog broja patoloÅ”kih formi spermatozoida (78%; 1 nerast). Kod dva nerasta zabeležen je povećan udeo spermatozoida sa nestabilnom strukturom hromatina (SCSA test - 33,2% i 37,1%). Za pokretanje reklamacije neophodno je imati kupoprodajni ugovor koji predviđa mogućnost reklamacije, priznate metode kontrole semena kao i izgrađen poslovni odnos poverenja zainteresovanih strana


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    The aim of this study was to estimate the quality of life in females with primary osteoporosis and vertebral fractures as a consequence of the disease, and to compare it to people without vertebral fractures. Subjects and Methods: Our crosssectional study included 200 female patients with primary osteoporosis (100 with vertebral fractures and 100 without fractures), mean age 63.85Ā±8.52 years, who received treatment at the Clinic for Medical Rehabilitation, Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. Data were based on history, questionnaire, and measurements of bone mineral density by DXA method using the Lunar Prodigy Primo device. Quality of life assessment was done by use of the Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (QUALEFFO-41). Vertebral deformities were established by lateral radiography of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions by an experienced radiologist. Statistically signifi cant differences were established between the two groups, in particular for pain (t=-2.72, p=0.01), daily activities (t=-3.67, p=0.01), performing housework (t=- 4.84, p=0.01), mobility (t=-3.40, p=0.01), leisure activities (t=-2.66, p=0.01) and perception of health status (t=2.48, p=0.05). Results: The results indicated that the quality of life in patients with vertebral fractures did not differ according to the level of fracture compared to the control group. Patients with vertebral fractures had a number of limitations due to pain and poorer physical functioning compared to those without fractures, while the quality of life dependence on the level of fracture was not recorded.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti kvalitetu života žena s primarnom osteoporozom i prisutnim vertebralnim prijelomima kao posljedicom bolesti u odnosu na osobe bez vertebralnih prijeloma. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 200 bolesnica s primarnom osteoporozom (100 s vertebralnim prijelomima, 100 bez vertebralnih prijeloma) srednje dobi 63,85Ā±8,52 godina, koje su provele terapiju u Klinici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Podatci su zasnovani na anamnezi, upitnicima, kao i mjerenjima mineralne koÅ”tane gustoće metodom DXA pomoću uređaja Lunar Prodigy Primo. Vertebralne frakture su potvrđene rendgenskim slikama cervikalne, torakalne i lumbalne kralježnice očitanim od iskusnog radiologa. Kvaliteta života procijenjena je primjenom upitnika QUALEFFO-41. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su na statistički značajne razlike između ispitivanih skupina u intenzitetu boli (t=-2,72; p=0,01), svakodnevnim aktivnostima (t=-3,67; p=0,01), obavljanju kućanskih poslova (t=-4,84; p=0,01), pokretljivosti (t=-3,40; p=0,01), druÅ”tvenim aktivnostima (t=-2,66; p=0,01), percepciji zdravstvenog stanja (t=2,48; p=0,05). Rezultati ukazuju na to da se kvaliteta života u bolesnica s vertebralnim prijelomima ne razlikuje prema razini prijeloma u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Bolesnici s vertebralnim prijelomima imaju brojna ograničenja zbog boli i loÅ”ijeg fi zičkog funkcioniranja u odnosu na osobe bez osteoporotičnih prijeloma, dok zavisnost kvalitete života o razini prijeloma nije utvrđena

    Metal-support interaction: The key factor governing activity of Pd/SnO2 catalyst for denitration of ground water

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    Two mesoporous nanocristalline Pd/SnO2 catalysts were prepared by modified solgel technique differing in the pH conditions (pH = 2 and 9.5) of the synthesis of their supports. Samples achieved different activity and selectivity in water denitration reaction using hydrogen. XPS results of reduced samples indicate a strong interaction between the Pd and the Sn possibly as a result of electron shift from Sn to Pd. The solid solution of Pd2+ and SnO2 is formed by taking O from the surface of the support. In such a way some SnO2-X species may stay onto the surface and be responsible for its pronounced activity

    Effects of various pre-slaughter conditions on pig carcasses and meat quality in a low-input slaughter facility

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of gender, slaughter weight, stocking density, lairage time and season on carcass and meat quality parameters in a low-input production system. The study was conducted on 400 slaughter pigs (200 barrows and 200 gilts) with live weight of 115.0 +/- 4.70 kg. Barrows had higher slaughter and carcass weights, fat thickness and lower meatiness. Heavier pigs had higher hot and cold carcass weights, fat thickness, lower meatiness, and higher incidences of pale, soft and exudative (PSE) and dark, firm and dry (DFD) meat. Low stocking density during transportation increased skin lesion score, pH(45) value and the incidence of DFD meat; while high stocking density decreased pH45 value and increased T-45 value and the incidence of PSE meat. Long lairaging reduced slaughter weight, carcass weight, dressing percentage and backfat thickness and increased skin lesion score. After overnight lairaging, pH(45) value and the incidence of DFD meat became higher. After short lairaging, the pH45 value was lower, while the incidence of PSE meat increased. Pigs slaughtered in winter had the highest slaughter weight, backfat thickness, pH(45) value and incidence of DFD, and the lowest meatiness. Pigs slaughtered in summer had the lowest slaughter and carcass weights and pH(45) value, and the highest incidence of PSE meat. In conclusion, gender influenced carcass quality, slaughter weight and lairage time, and season affected carcass and meat quality, while stocking density had an impact on meat quality

    Uticaj genotipa i uzrasta na proizvodne osobine lakih linijskih hibrida kokoŔi

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    The aim of this work was parallel investigation of the producing characteristics of light line hen hybrids. Investigation enclosed two hen proveniences: Hisex Brown and Shawer 579. Within the period of 19 up to 63 weeks we followed next parameters: egg-laying hen body mass, mortality, food consumption and egg-laying capacity. Hens body mass on the beginning of the examination, within the 19 weeks of growth was, for Hisex Brown provenience 1607g, and for Shawer 579 provenience 1563g. Hisex Brown provenience achieved about 250 g higher body mass on the end of investigation. During the experiment, mortality at Hisex Brown egg-laying hen was a little bit smaller (5,40%), while the Shawer 579 had 5,56% of dead hens. Globally, the mortality at both hen hybrids was in the range of technological normative. The average consumption of the food at Hisex Brown provenience was higher and it was 127,28g, and at Shawer 579 provenience 125,14g. The average consumption of the nutrition for egg production at both provenience was the same (150g).Cilj ovog rada bio je da se izvrÅ”i uporedno ispitivanje proizvodnih sposobnosti lakih linijskih hibrida kokoÅ”i. Ispitivanjima su obuhvaćene dve provenijence kokoÅ”i: Hisex Brown i Shawer 579. U periodu od 19. do 63. nedelje starosti praćeni su sledeći parametri: telesna masa nosilja, mortalitet, utroÅ”ak hrane i nosivost. Telesna masa kokoÅ”i na početku ispitivanja, sa 19 nedelja uzrasta, za provenijencu Hisex Brown, iznosila je 1607 g, a za provenijencu Shawer 579-1563 g. Veću telesnu masu na kraju eksperimenta, za oko 250 g postigle su nosilje provenijence Hisex Brown. U toku ispitivanja, mortalitet kod Hisex Brown nosilja je bio neÅ”to manji (5,40%), dok je Shawer 579 imao 5,56% uginulih nosilja. Posmatrano u celini, mortalitet nosilja kod oba hibrida, bio je u granicama tehnoloÅ”kih normativa. Prosečna dnevna potroÅ”nja hrane kod provenijence Hisex Brown je veća i iznosila je 127,28 g, a kod Shawer 579-125,14 g. Prosečna potroÅ”nja hrane za proizvodnju jajeta kod obe provenijence je bila ista (150 g)

    Effect of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging on microbiological properties of cold-smoked trout

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    Because of the importance of different packaging methods for the extension of fish shelf life, as a highly perishable food, the aim of the present study was to examine the effect of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging on the total Enterobacteriaceae and lactic acid bacteria counts of cold-smoked Salmon trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) stored at 3 degrees C during six weeks. Trout fillets were vacuumed packaged (VP) or packaged in one of two different modified atmospheres, with gas ratio of 50% CO2/50%N-2 (MAP1) and 90% CO2/10%N-2 (MAP2) and analysed on days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42. Both the total Enterobacteriaceae and total lactic acid bacteria counts increased in the trout fillets in all packaging types during storage. A significantly lower total Enterobacteriaceae count was determined in the MAP fish compared to the VP fish, with the weakest growth rate and lowest numbers attained in MAP2 fillets. The lactic acid bacteria count was higher in trout packaged in MAP compared to VP, with the highest number in the MAP with 90% CO2 (MAP2)

    Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus by cinnamaldehyde and its effect on sensory properties of milk

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    The antibacterial activity of cinnamaldehyde was evaluated against S. aureus experimentally inoculated (10(3) CFU/mL) in UHT-pasteurized milk, which was treated with different concentrations of the cinnamaldehyde (0.1% and 0.05%) and stored at 4 degrees C for 12 days. The MIC of cinnamaldehyde was 160 mu g/ml. During the storage period, S. aureus counts in milk were reduced by 0.35-2.77 log CFU/mL. Significantly greater decreases were observed when cinnamaldehyde was added, regardless of the concentration used, compared with the control. A triangle test showed that panellists could detect the difference between milks with different concentrations of cinnamaldehyde (P<0.01). These results suggest that by adding 0.05% cinnamaldehyde to milk, the safety of the milk can be increased and a pleasant, desirable flavour can be obtained
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