140 research outputs found

    Possibilities of the Republic of Serbia for reducing vulnerability to natural hazards

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    Vulnerability is an essential feature of an element at risk (community, region, country, the environment) which determines the expected damage caused by a hazard. Vulnerability modified over time and it depended on physical, social, economic and environmental factors. Vulnerability became multidimensional, multidisciplinary, multi-sectoral and dynamic in contemporary circumstances. In the past decades, vulnerability to natural hazards took precedence over technological and other hazards threatening the community. The necessity to assess threat, vulnerability and the prevention of natural hazards was emphasized in the key national normative legal acts of the Republic of Serbia. A resolute commitment of the country to lay down the laws to regulate this field and establish a system to make a functional response to natural hazards through institutions was followed by difficult circumstances in practice. In addition to permanent flood hazard vulnerability, landslide and earthquake vulnerability, weak socio-economic profile i.e. the insufficient flexibility of the community and the unclear role of government bodies, municipal civil protection service and the service for protection from natural disasters were also insufficiently equipped. Nowadays, government efforts to solve problems in order to improve its own possibilities for reducing vulnerability to natural hazards are evident. The most important are those related to proper financing of the protection system. The application of SCN model would provide a more stable transfer of financial resources, as well as the transfer of necessary manpower and material resources from national to local level

    Savremeni bezbednosni izazovi - haktivizam kao novi oblik druŔtvenog konflikta

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    Nowadays, computer networks and information infrastructures security in general is not just a technical problem, but also an important strategic question. Due to the fact that global computer network is widespread and decentralized, together with the absence of legal framework which would regulate cyber warfare, activities of hacktivists - a sui generis cyber guerilla- has become an important problem of cyber security and additionally emphasized the importance of protection of information systems, conducting international investigations, extradition and punishment of perpetrators. The phenomenon of hacktivism has been present for about fifteen years, and it has affected various states on different continents, but even to this day no adequate and widely accepted solution for preventing this undesirable occurrence has been found. This paper attempts to describe the phenomenon of hactivism, discuss its implications for national security, as well as to offer a critical review of the current problems and strategies related to counteracting this occurrence.Bezbednost računarskih mreža i, uopÅ”te, informacionih infrastruktura danas nije viÅ”e samo tehnički problem nego i važno strateÅ”ko pitanje. Usled rasprostranjenosti i decentralizovanosti globalne računarske mreže kao i nepostojanja pravne regulative koja bi regulisala sajber ratovanje, aktivnost haktivista - svojevrsne sajber gerile - postala je jedan od važnih problema sajber bezbednosti i dodatno naglasila značaj zaÅ”tite informacionih sistema, sprovođenja međunarodnih istraga, ekstradicije i kažnjavanja izvrÅ”ilaca. Fenomen haktivizma postoji oko petanest godina, pogađao je različite države na različitim kontinentima, ali do danas nije pronađeno adekvatno i opÅ”teprihvaćeno reÅ”enje za suzbijanje ove nepoželjne pojave. Ovaj rad nastoji da sa aspekta sajber bezbednosti opiÅ”e fenomen haktivizma, razmotri njegove implikacije po nacionalnu bezbednost država, kao i da pruži kritički osvrt na aktuelne probleme i strategije koji su vezani za suprotstavljanje ovoj pojavi

    New scientific challenges - the possibilities of using selenium in poultry nutrition and impact on meat quality

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    Physiological stress is one of many concerns facing modern broiler production. In conditions when birds are exposed to stress, supplementation of selenium, which is a crucial glutathione peroxidase enzymatic cofactor, increases the antioxidant capacity of the animals and decreases the harmful effects of free radicals. Dietary selenium improves production performance and health of animals, and positively affects the immune system, the quality, selenium content and fatty acid composition of meat and eggs. There are several different forms of selenium, the most common dietary supplements being an inorganic form (sodium selenite) and anorganic form (selenomethionine). However, in recent years, new forms of selenium, such as a 2-hydroxy-4-methylselenobutanoic acid (HMSeBA) and nanoselenium, which have more bioavailability, bioefficacy, and low toxicity have been designed. In this short comparative overview discusses the effects of inorganic, organic and nanoforms of selenium on production results, glutathione peroxidase activity, meat quality and level of toxicity in poultry

    StrateŔko planiranje sajber odbrane - ka adekvatnijem pravnom okviru i novoj koncepciji procene rizika, izazova i pretnji

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    The assessment of security risks, challenges and threats is the first step in developing strategic documents in the field of security and defense. The Republic of Serbia does not still have a defined cyber defense strategy and the adequate legal framework for its planning and implementation. When developing strategic and normative documents, it is important to take into account the specifics of cyber space and cyber weapons. The principles and legality that are applied in the physical world are generally different from those in the cyber world. This second, virtual world, is characterized by insecurity and coincidence as the important features. This results in difficulties related to the inability to reach an adequate level of certainty necessary for making strategic decisions in terms of behavior predictability and functioning of the entities in cyberspace including cyber weapons. The paper describes eight principles of cyber warfare, which were established in 2001 by Parks and Duggan. In addition, taking into account the results of research conducted by relevant authors on the importance of the exponential law for the analysis, approximation and prediction of events in the virtual world, we felt it was justified to promote this law in a separate, ninth cyber warfare principle. The guidelines for the development of strategic documents are also important when defining the adequate legal framework, which should take into account the specifics of cyber world and cyber weapons in order to enable efficient and economical implementation of strategic objectives in this area. This paper presents a proposal for the redefinition of certain legal solutions and points to the ambiguity, incompleteness, inaccuracy and contradiction of certain provisions of positive legislation, indicating the possibilities of de lege ferenda.Procena bezbednosnih rizika, izazova i pretnji je prvi korak u izradi strategijskih dokumenata na polju bezbednosti i odbrane. Republika Srbija joÅ” uvek nema definisanu strategiju sajber odbrane niti adekvatan pravni okvir za njeno planiranje i implementaciju. Prilikom izrade strateÅ”kih i normativnih dokumenta važno je uzeti u obzir specifičnosti sajber prostora i sajber oružja. Principi i zakonitosti koji važe u fizičkom svetu se uglavnom razlikuju od onih koji važe u sajber svetu. Ovaj drugi, virtuelni svet, kao bitna obeležja karakteriÅ”u nesigurnost i slučajnost. Ovo za posledicu ima teÅ”koće koje se odnose na nemogućnost dostizanja adekvatnog stepena izvesnosti neophodnog za donoÅ”enje strategijskih odluka, u smislu predvidljivosti ponaÅ”anja i delovanja entiteta u sajber prostoru, uključujući i sajber oružje. U radu smo opisali osam principa sajber ratovanja, koje su joÅ” 2001. utvrdili Parks i Dagen. Osim toga, uvažavajući rezultate istraživanja relevantnih autora o značaju eksponencijalnog zakona za analizu, aproksimaciju i predikciju događaja u virtuelnom svetu, smatrali smo opravdanom ideju da se ovaj zakon promoviÅ”e u zasebni, deveti, princip sajber ratovanja. Smernice za izradu strateÅ”kih dokumenata važne su i prilikom definisanja adekvatnog pravnog okvira, koji bi trebalo da uvaži specifičnosti sajber sveta i sajber oružja kako bi omogućio efikasnu i ekonomičnu implementaciju strateÅ”kih ciljeva u ovoj oblasti. Autori daju predloge za redefinisanje određenih zakonskih reÅ”enja i ukazuju na nejasnost, nepotpunost, nepreciznost i protivrečnost pojedinih odredaba pozitivno pravnih propisa, ukazujući i na mogućnosti de lege ferenda.

    Značaj i uloga ā€œnacionalnog romingaā€ u vanrednim situacijama

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    After having analyzed recent catastrophic events that happened in the Republic of Serbia caused by flash flooding, at first glance the struggle with floods seemed to be lost. Yet, famous Serbian persistence or just a mere struggle for life of the citizens who showed extraordinary social solidarity in such difficult moments were crucial once again. The unity was expressed in many ways, by providing assistance to the most vulnerable people in the evacuation of flooded areas, delivering basic foodstuffs and medical assistance, as well as in the field of telecommunications whose scope of work was very important but publicly invisible in such critical moments. Without such ā€œkey hubā€ that connected all relevant state factors into a whole providing them constancy and continuity in communications, everything was pointless. This event, no matter how difficult and tedious, opened the subsequent analysis of many issues and spawned some great ideas. One of them is legally obliged introducing of ā€œNational roamingā€ at all telecommunication operators in our country, which is also discussed in this paper.Posle analiziranja nedavnih katastrofalnih događaja koje su u Republici Srbiji izazvale velike poplave, na prvi pogled se činilo da je borba s poplavama izgubljena. Ipak, čuvena srpska upornost ili jednostavna borba za život građana, koji su u takvim teÅ”kim trenucima pokazali izuzetnu druÅ”tvenu solidarnost, bile su joÅ” jednom od krucijalnog značaja. Jedinstvo je bilo izraženo na mnogo načina: pružanjem pomoći najranjivijim ljudima u evakuaciji poplavljenih područja i dostavljanjem osnovnih prehrambenih proizvoda i medicinske pomoći, kao i u oblasti telekomunikacija, čije je polje delovanja bilo veoma važano, ali javno nevidljivo u takvim kritičnim momentima. Bez takvog ā€œključnog čvoriÅ”taā€ koje je povezalo sve relevantne državne faktore u celinu, pružajući im konstantnost i kontinuitet u komunikacijama, sve bi bilo besmisleno. Ovaj događaj, bez obzira koliko je težak i monoton, otvorio je naknadnu analizu mnogih pitanja i pokrenuo neke sjajne ideje. Jedna od njih je zakonska obaveza uvođenja ā€œnacionalnog romingaā€ kod svih telekomunikacionih operatora u naÅ”oj zemlji, o čemu se takođe govori u ovom radu

    Hydroxyapatite/iron oxide nanocomposite prepared by high energy ball milling

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    Nanocomposites (HAp/iron oxide), made of hydroxyapatite (HAp) and ferrimagnetic iron oxide, were synthesized by high-energy ball milling a mixture consisting of iron oxide nanoparticles and the starting materials used for the HAp synthesis: calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous (CaHPO4), and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). Two HAp/iron oxide samples with the magnetic phase content of 12 and 30 wt.% were prepared and their microstructure, morphology and magnetic properties were analysed by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore, the measurement of particle size distribution was performed by laser scattering, and temperature/field dependence on magnetization was determined. X-ray diffraction data confirmed the formation of two-phased samples (HAp and spinel iron oxide) without the presence of any other parasite phase. The shape of particles was nearly spherical in both samples, ranging from only a few to several tens of nanometres in diameter. These particles formed agglomerates with the most common value of the number-based particle size distribution of 380 and 310 nm for the sample with 12 and 30 wt.% of iron oxide, respectively. Magnetization data showed that both HAp/iron oxide composites had superparamagnetic behaviour at room temperature. Ā© 2019 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology. All rights reserved

    Rural tourism development in Rasina district

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the current situation in the development of rural tourism in the Rasina district, as well as to suggest possible solutions to the recorded problems. For that purpose, empirical research was conducted in Lomnica, Kupci, Kukljin, Jasika, Gornji StepoŔ, Naupare, Trmčare on a sample of 288 respondents who live in these places and are engaged in agricultural work and rural tourism. The data obtained through the survey of respondents was processed and the t-test for independent samples was applied, as well as the analysis of variance. The obtained results indicate that there are no statistically significant differences in the attitudes of respondents in relation to gender and age. Also, it was determined that the respondents are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the area in which they live regarding the development of rural tourism. In line with this, support and cooperation of the public and private sectors are needed, to improve the existing potential.Publishe

    Transvaginal mesh in repair of pelvic organs prolapse as a minimally invasive surgical procedure

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    Background/Aim. Prolapse of genital organs with or without urinary stress incontinention is the most often health problem in the elderly female population tending to increase with ageing. The aim of this study was to assess the perioperative complications and short-term outcomes of prolaps repair using transvaginal polypropylene mesh (Prolift system, Gynecare, Ethicon, USA). Methods. A retrospective study was conducted evaluating 96 women from September 2006 to January 2010 who undewent vaginal repair with implatation of a soft mesh manufactured by Gynecare, Ethicon, USA. Results. All the patients had a stage 3 or stage 4 prolapse according to the POP-Q system of ICS. Total mesh was used in 12 (13%) patients isolated anterior mesh in 52 (54%) patients and isolated posterior mesh in 32 (33%) patients. We reported one intra-operative bladder injury and no other serious complications. At 3 months, all 96 patients were available for follow-up. Vaginal erosion occured in 9 (9.3%) patients, shrinkage of mesh in 6 (6.2%) patients and de novo urinary incontinence in 5 (5.2%) patients. Failure rate was 6.25% (recurrent prolapse stage 3 or 4 even asymptomatic). Conclusion. Our study suggests that transvaginal polypropylene mesh applied with a tensionfree technique is a safe and effective method with low intraoperative complications and low morbidity rates. However, some complications are serious and require highly specialised management

    Total anesthesia, rats brain surgery, nitric oxide (NO) and free radicals

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    It is expected that clinical recovery after surgically induced brain trauma is followed by molecular and biochemical restitution. Seven days after surgery, we investigated whether the plastic cannula implanted in the left brain ventricle of adult Wistar rats (n = 6-7), performed in pentobarbital anesthesia, could influence oxidative stress elements (superoxide anion and lipid peroxidation), as well as the antioxidative system (superoxide dismuthase-SOD). Also, we investigated whether nitric oxide (NO) is involved in these processes. Biochemical analyses was performed in the forebrain cortex, striatum and hippocampus. Clinical recovery was complete seven days after surgery. Thereafter, thirty minutes before decapitation, through the cannula, one group of rats received saline intracerebroventricularly (control group), and the treated group received NĻ‰-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME). The third group was left unoperated and untreated. Before and after the treatments, rectal body temperature was measured. Compared to the untreated group the index of lipid peroxidation was increased in all three brain structures in the group that received saline (p<0.05 to 0.01). Application of L-NAME deteriorated it in the striatum and hippocampus (p<0.01 compared to the both other groups), but the value in the forebrain cortex was similar to the untreated group. Supeoxide anion level was decreased in the L-NAME treated group only in the striatum (p<0.01 compared to control and untreated groups), but SOD was increased in the hippocampus compared to the saline treated group (p<0.05). Seven days after brain surgery in pentobarbital anesthesia, recovery of biochemical disturbances was not parallel to clinical recovery. Long lasting biochemical changes are rather the consequence of brain injury than to pentobarbital anesthesia. In this experimental model, NO had protective effects, acting against lipid per oxidation in the striatum and hippocampus, but not in the forebrain cortex i. e. NO involvement in the free radical processes strongly depends on the observed brain region.Posle hirurÅ”ke intervencije na mozgu, očekuje se paralelizam između kliničkog, sa jedne strane, i molekulskog i biohemijskog oporavka, sa druge strane. Da bi to utvrdili, u tri moždane strukture (kora prednjeg mozga strijatum, hipokampus) odraslih Vistar pacova muÅ”kog pola, ispitivali smo promene pojedinih prooksidativnih i antioksdativnih parametara, nastalih posle usađivanja plastične kanile u bočnu komoru mozga, kroz koju su ubrizgavane ispitivane supstance (10pi). Kao opÅ”ti anestetik koriŔćen je pentobarbiton natrijum (0,045 g/kg). Eksperiment je nastavljen sedam dana posle operacije, kada su pacovi bili klinički potpuno oporavljeni. Pre ubrizgavanja 0,9% NaCI jednoj grupi (kontrola) i NĻ‰-nitro-L-arginin metil estra (L-NAME, 10 mikrograma, rastvoren u 0,9% NaCI) drugoj grupi, kao i 30 minuta posle toga, merena je rektalna temperatura kod sve tri grupe pacova (treću su činili intaktni pacovi, 6-7 pacova u svakoj grupi). Porast indeksa lipidne peroksidacije u sve tri moždane strukture operisanih pacova koji su dobili NaCI bio je statistički značajan u odnosu na intaktnu grupu. Ubrizgavanjem L-NAME, ove promene su u strijatumu i hipokampusu postale statistički joÅ” izraženije u odnosu na grupu koja je dobila NaCI, dok je u kori prednjeg mozga registrovan sasvim slab porast u odnosu na intaktnu grupu. Istovremeno, ometanje sinteze NO bilo je praćeno statistički značajnim padom superoksidnog radikala u strijatumu u odnosu na obe grupe, i porastom superoksid dizmutaze u hipokampusu u odnosu na grupu koja je dobila NaCI. Telesna temperature je bila normalna kod svih pacova u oba vremena merenja. Dokazano je da ne postoji paralelizam između kliničkog i biohemijskog oporavka posle operacije na mozgu pacova, izvedene u opÅ”toj anesteziji uz primenu pentobarbitona. To je ispoljeno pojačanom lipidnom peroksidacijom sedam dana posle operacije u sve tri ispitivane strukture mozga koji su dobili NaCI. Porast lipidne peroksidacije je najverovatnije posledica mehaničkog oÅ”tećenja izazvanog operacijom, pre nego same anestezije. U ovim procesima, NO ima značajnu regulatornu ulogu, pri čemu njegovi efekti nisu podjednako ispoljeni u svim delovima mozga. Njegova snažna antioksidativna svojstva registruju se u hipokampusu i strijatumu ali ne i u kori prednjeg mozga, Å”to govori u prilog selektivne osetljivosti mozga.nul

    Preservation of meat and meat products using nanoencapsulated thyme and oregano essential oils

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    Among other plants, thyme and oregano are commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine, especially in meat dishes. Although the essential oils of these two plants possess great antimicrobial and antioxidative properties, their application as natural meat preservatives are limited due to hydrophobicity, sensitivity to external factors and interaction with food components. Furthermore, essential oils can have adverse impacts on meats organoleptic properties. A possible way to overcome these barriers is by incorporating essential oils into nanometric delivery systems. Nano-sizing essential oils increases their stability, protects them, and allows their controlled release. This enhances the bioavailability of the essential oils and reduces their possible adverse impact on meat products organoleptic properties by preventing their unwanted interactions with food components. The antibacterial and antioxidative effect of nanoencapsulated essential oils is confirmed in numerous studies, and some of them show that in this form, essential oils were potent in food models e.g. beef burgers, pate and rainbow trout. However, a more promising way to introduce nano forms of essential oils into foods is incorporating them in packaging systems
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