15 research outputs found

    Percepcija stresa i oboljenja medicinskih sestara i tehničara u psihijatriji

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    Homeostasis is important for maintaining balance and normal functioning of the organism. Allostatic mechanisms further help to establish this balance. If the body is under stress for a longer period, a complex condition in the body called allostatic load occurs. If such a load lasts longer, the risk of developing diseases increases significantly. This study was conducted anonymously with the aim of determining the health status of male and female nurses in the Neuropsychiatric hospital “Dr. Ivan Barbot” in Popovača and their exposure to everyday stressors in the workplace. The main purpose was to examine the relationship between stress and the health status of nurses in relation to gender, age, and seniority. A total of 142 nurses participated. The Health Questionnaire and Workplace Stress Questionnaire were used. The results showed that the most common diseases nurses suffer from are cardiovascular diseases, thyroid diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, and allergies. Women showed higher sensitivity to stress than men. The most common stressors faced by nurses in the workplace are inadequate personal income, inadequate workspace and material resources for work, lack of staff, daily contingencies, 24-hour responsibility, and administrative work. This study found an association between age and, consequently, work experience with the likelihood of illness, although both the healthy and the sick perceive equal levels of stress. One disadvantage of this study is that it covers a large area and deals with general issues, but it can certainly be a starting point for further research. Many questions remain open, which means there is a need for further research and study of the link between stress and illness.Homeostaza u našem organizmu pokušava održavati stabilnost koja je važna za normalno funkcioniranje organizma. Alostatski mehanizmi dodatno pomažu u uspostavljanju te ravnoteže. Kronični stres izaziva složeno stanje u organizmu koje se naziva alostatsko opterećenje. Ako takvo opterećenje potraje, znatno se povećava rizik od nastanka neke bolesti. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je anonimno u cilju utvrđivanja zdravstvenog stanja medicinskih tehničara i medicinskih sestara u Neuropsihijatrijskoj bolnici „Dr. Ivan Barbot” u Popovači i njihova izloženost svakodnevnim stresorima na radnom mjestu. Glavna svrha bila je ispitati vezu između stresa i zdravstvenog stanja medicinskih sestara u odnosu na spol, dob i staž. Sudjelovale su ukupno 142 medicinske sestre. Primijenjeni su zdravstveni upitnik i upitnik za stres na radnom mjestu. Rezultati su pokazali da su najčešće bolesti od kojih boluju medicinske sestre kardiovaskularne bolesti, bolesti štitnjače, gastrointestinalne bolesti i alergije. Žene su pokazale veću osjetljivost na stres od muškaraca. Najčešći stresori s kojima se medicinske sestre susreću na radnom mjestu jesu neadekvatna osobna primanja, neadekvatni radni prostor i materijalna sredstva za rad, nedostatak broja djelatnika, svakodnevne nepredviđene situacije, 24-satna odgovornost i administrativni poslovi. Najčešće bolesti ispitanika jesu kardiovaskularne bolesti, bolesti štitnjače, gastrointestinalne bolesti i alergijske bolesti. Ovo istraživanje utvrdilo je povezanost dobi, posljedično i radnog staža s vjerojatnošću oboljenja, iako i zdravi i bolesni percipiraju podjednaku razinu stresa. Manjkavost je ovog istraživanja što obuhvaća veliko područje i bavi se općenitim stvarima, ali svakako može biti polazište za daljnja preciznija istraživanja. I dalje ostaje mnogo otvorenih pitanja, što otvara potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima i proučavanjem poveznice između stresa i bolesti


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    Izazovi sestrinske profesije u današnje vrijeme jako su zahtjevni i stresni. Kontinuirano izlaganje stresu izaziva niz reakcija u ljudskom tijelu koje mogu imati negativne posljedice. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati postoji li razlika u oboljenju i doživljavanju stresa prema spolu, dobi, duljini radnog staža i stručnoj spremi te da li postoji povezanost između oboljenja i spola, dobi i duljine radnog staža. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 142 medicinske sestre i tehničara zaposlenih u NPB DR. IVAN BARBOT POPOVAČA. Rezultati su pokazali da su medicinske sestre osjetljivije na stres nego tehničari. Iako bi očekivano bilo da su mlađi zdraviji, rezultati govore da su podjednako bolesni i mlađi i stariji. Najčešće bolesti povezane sa stresom koje su bile istaknute u istraživanju su kardiovaskularne (hipertenzija), gastrointestinalne (gastro-ezofagealni refluks, peptički ulkus), alergijske (astma, sinusitis), bolesti štitnjače i autoimune bolesti. Najčešća bolest kod tehničara je hipertenzija dok je kod žena nekoliko bolesti kao što su bolesti štitnjače, alergijske poteškoće, sinusitis, hipertenzija i gastroezofagealni refluks. Najčešći stresori s kojima se medicinske sestre i tehničari susreću na radnom mjestu su neadekvatna osobna primanja, neadekvatni radni prostor i materijalna sredstva za rad, nedostatak broja djelatnika, svakodnevne nepredviđene situacije, 24-satna odgovornost i administrativni poslovi. I dalje ostaje mnogo otvorenih pitanja što otvara potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima i proučavanjem poveznice između stresa i nastanka bolesti.The challenges of the nursing profession nowadays are very demanding and stressful. Continuous exposure to stress causes a series of reactions in the human body that can have negative consequences. The aim of this study was to examine whether there is a difference between sickness and the experience of stress according to gender, age, length of service and education and whether there is a relationship between the disease and gender, age and length of service. The study was conducted on 142 male and female nurses employed at NPB DR. IVAN BARBOT POPOVAČA. The results showed that nurses were more sensitive to stress than technicians. Although it would be expected that younger people are healthier, the results show that younger and older nurses are equally sick.The most common stress-related diseases highlighted in the study were cardiovascular (hypertension), gastrointestinal (gastrooesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer), allergic (asthma, sinusitis), thyroid disease, and autoimmune diseases. The most common disease in male nurses is hypertension while in female nurses there are several diseases such as thyroid disease, allergic difficulties, sinusitis, hypertension and gastroesophageal reflux disease. The most common stressors encountered by nurses in the workplace are inadequate personal income, inadequate work space and material resources for work, lack of staff, daily overload, 24-hour responsibility and administrative work. There are still many open questions and need for further study of a link between stress and disease onset


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    Izazovi sestrinske profesije u današnje vrijeme jako su zahtjevni i stresni. Kontinuirano izlaganje stresu izaziva niz reakcija u ljudskom tijelu koje mogu imati negativne posljedice. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati postoji li razlika u oboljenju i doživljavanju stresa prema spolu, dobi, duljini radnog staža i stručnoj spremi te da li postoji povezanost između oboljenja i spola, dobi i duljine radnog staža. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 142 medicinske sestre i tehničara zaposlenih u NPB DR. IVAN BARBOT POPOVAČA. Rezultati su pokazali da su medicinske sestre osjetljivije na stres nego tehničari. Iako bi očekivano bilo da su mlađi zdraviji, rezultati govore da su podjednako bolesni i mlađi i stariji. Najčešće bolesti povezane sa stresom koje su bile istaknute u istraživanju su kardiovaskularne (hipertenzija), gastrointestinalne (gastro-ezofagealni refluks, peptički ulkus), alergijske (astma, sinusitis), bolesti štitnjače i autoimune bolesti. Najčešća bolest kod tehničara je hipertenzija dok je kod žena nekoliko bolesti kao što su bolesti štitnjače, alergijske poteškoće, sinusitis, hipertenzija i gastroezofagealni refluks. Najčešći stresori s kojima se medicinske sestre i tehničari susreću na radnom mjestu su neadekvatna osobna primanja, neadekvatni radni prostor i materijalna sredstva za rad, nedostatak broja djelatnika, svakodnevne nepredviđene situacije, 24-satna odgovornost i administrativni poslovi. I dalje ostaje mnogo otvorenih pitanja što otvara potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima i proučavanjem poveznice između stresa i nastanka bolesti.The challenges of the nursing profession nowadays are very demanding and stressful. Continuous exposure to stress causes a series of reactions in the human body that can have negative consequences. The aim of this study was to examine whether there is a difference between sickness and the experience of stress according to gender, age, length of service and education and whether there is a relationship between the disease and gender, age and length of service. The study was conducted on 142 male and female nurses employed at NPB DR. IVAN BARBOT POPOVAČA. The results showed that nurses were more sensitive to stress than technicians. Although it would be expected that younger people are healthier, the results show that younger and older nurses are equally sick.The most common stress-related diseases highlighted in the study were cardiovascular (hypertension), gastrointestinal (gastrooesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer), allergic (asthma, sinusitis), thyroid disease, and autoimmune diseases. The most common disease in male nurses is hypertension while in female nurses there are several diseases such as thyroid disease, allergic difficulties, sinusitis, hypertension and gastroesophageal reflux disease. The most common stressors encountered by nurses in the workplace are inadequate personal income, inadequate work space and material resources for work, lack of staff, daily overload, 24-hour responsibility and administrative work. There are still many open questions and need for further study of a link between stress and disease onset


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    Izazovi sestrinske profesije u današnje vrijeme jako su zahtjevni i stresni. Kontinuirano izlaganje stresu izaziva niz reakcija u ljudskom tijelu koje mogu imati negativne posljedice. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati postoji li razlika u oboljenju i doživljavanju stresa prema spolu, dobi, duljini radnog staža i stručnoj spremi te da li postoji povezanost između oboljenja i spola, dobi i duljine radnog staža. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 142 medicinske sestre i tehničara zaposlenih u NPB DR. IVAN BARBOT POPOVAČA. Rezultati su pokazali da su medicinske sestre osjetljivije na stres nego tehničari. Iako bi očekivano bilo da su mlađi zdraviji, rezultati govore da su podjednako bolesni i mlađi i stariji. Najčešće bolesti povezane sa stresom koje su bile istaknute u istraživanju su kardiovaskularne (hipertenzija), gastrointestinalne (gastro-ezofagealni refluks, peptički ulkus), alergijske (astma, sinusitis), bolesti štitnjače i autoimune bolesti. Najčešća bolest kod tehničara je hipertenzija dok je kod žena nekoliko bolesti kao što su bolesti štitnjače, alergijske poteškoće, sinusitis, hipertenzija i gastroezofagealni refluks. Najčešći stresori s kojima se medicinske sestre i tehničari susreću na radnom mjestu su neadekvatna osobna primanja, neadekvatni radni prostor i materijalna sredstva za rad, nedostatak broja djelatnika, svakodnevne nepredviđene situacije, 24-satna odgovornost i administrativni poslovi. I dalje ostaje mnogo otvorenih pitanja što otvara potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima i proučavanjem poveznice između stresa i nastanka bolesti.The challenges of the nursing profession nowadays are very demanding and stressful. Continuous exposure to stress causes a series of reactions in the human body that can have negative consequences. The aim of this study was to examine whether there is a difference between sickness and the experience of stress according to gender, age, length of service and education and whether there is a relationship between the disease and gender, age and length of service. The study was conducted on 142 male and female nurses employed at NPB DR. IVAN BARBOT POPOVAČA. The results showed that nurses were more sensitive to stress than technicians. Although it would be expected that younger people are healthier, the results show that younger and older nurses are equally sick.The most common stress-related diseases highlighted in the study were cardiovascular (hypertension), gastrointestinal (gastrooesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer), allergic (asthma, sinusitis), thyroid disease, and autoimmune diseases. The most common disease in male nurses is hypertension while in female nurses there are several diseases such as thyroid disease, allergic difficulties, sinusitis, hypertension and gastroesophageal reflux disease. The most common stressors encountered by nurses in the workplace are inadequate personal income, inadequate work space and material resources for work, lack of staff, daily overload, 24-hour responsibility and administrative work. There are still many open questions and need for further study of a link between stress and disease onset

    Histone modifications associated with NOR-1 and NOR-2 loci in root tip cycling cells of <i>Q.robur</i>.

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    <p>IFF detection of H3K9ac (A), H3K4me3 (B), H3K9me1 (C) and H3K27me2 (D) and graphs showing Pearson’s coefficient of co-localization of respective histone marks with NOR loci. Green signals correspond to immunofluorescence of histone antibodies and red signals represent 18S rDNA FISH signals. Number of asterisks indicates p<0.05; error bars represent the standard the error of the mean. Letter “n” marks the nucleoli. Scale bar is 5 µm.</p

    Electron micrographs of <i>in situ</i> hybridization with biotin labeled 18S rDNA probe on sections through root tip meristematic tissue of <i>Q. robur</i>.

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    <p>Hybridization area was detected with DAB. Labeled condensed chromatin lies outside or close to the nucleolus (A and B, black arrows), protruding into the nucleolus (B, black arrow) and inside the nucleolus near the nucleolar border (C, black arrows). Diffuse hybridization signal that corresponds to completely decondensed DNA is seen inside the nucleolus (A, B, C, white arrows). Unlabeled chromatin corresponding to the NOR-bearing chromosome can be seen near the nucleolus (B, black arrowhead) and protruding into it (A, black arrowhead). Letter «n» marks the nucleolus. Scale bar is 2.5 µm.</p

    Correlation between the position of a NOR locus relative to the nucleolus and its transcriptional activity.

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    <p>A. Locations of wheat (yellow-green) and rye (red) NOR loci in nuclei of triticale revealed by FISH. Statistical analysis of measured distances from the nucleolus (B, N = 42) or the nuclear periphery (C, N = 42) revealed significant differences between wheat and rye rDNA loci, concordant with the established transcriptional activity of the wheat loci and silencing of the rye locus due to nucleolar dominance. Number of asterisks indicates p<0.01 (**) and p<0.0001 (***); error bars represent the standard error of the mean. D. The graphical illustration of the correlation between the position of a NOR locus in relation to the nucleolus and its transcriptional activity in triticale and the common oak. Letter “n” marks the nucleoli. Scale bar is 5 µm.</p

    Fluorescence <i>in situ</i> hybridization (FISH) on metaphase chromosomes of <i>Q. robur</i> using 18S and 5S rDNA probes.

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    <p>FITC green signals represent the 18S rDNA probe, and Fluoro-Red signals correspond to the 5S rDNA probe (not relevant in this study). A. NOR-1 locus (arrows) is located terminally on a submetacentric chromosome pair. NOR-2 (arrowheads) resides near centromere of a small metacentric chromosome. Observe the signal size and strength dimorphism of NOR-2 sites. The rDNA knob (localized FISH signal) is situated proximally on one site (A and D, yellow arrow), and the rest of rDNA chromatin is decondensed (punctuate FISH signal). On another site, rDNA knob is present both at the proximal and the terminal (satellite) part of the site (white arrows, A and D) and the dispersed rDNA fraction resides between the two (visible as a punctuate FISH signal corresponding to SC). B and E. Satellites (distal part of the NOR-1 site) are indicated with arrows in DAPI stained metaphases. C and F. Schematic representations of chromatin topology at the major rDNA locus corresponding to figures A and D. G. and H. Graphical representations of measured NOR-1 and NOR-2 sizes (G, arbitrary OD units normalized to pixel area) and volume (H, arbitrary OD units normalized to voxel volume) demonstrate that the two loci can be unambiguously identified. Number of asterisks indicates p<0.0001; error bars represent the standard error of the mean. Scale bar is 5 µm.</p

    Histone modifications associated with NOR-1 and NOR-2 loci in root tip cycling cells of <i>Q. robur</i> after treatment 5-aza-2′-dC.

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    <p>IFF detection of H3K9ac (A), H3K4me3 (B), H3K9me1 (C) and H3K27me2 (D) and graphs showing Pearson’s coefficient of co-localization of respective histone marks with the NOR loci. Green signals correspond to immunofluorescence of histone antibodies and red signals represent 18S rDNA FISH signals. Number of asterisks indicates p<0.01; error bars represent the standard error of the mean. Letter “n” marks the nucleoli. Scale bar is 5 µm.</p

    RT-PCR analysis of 18S rRNA transcription.

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    <p>RT-PCR analysis detected an increased level of 18S rRNA transcripts after treatment of root tips with 5-aza-2′-dC. C – control, T – treatment with 5-aza-2′-dC. OD/AU is optical density (in arbitrary units) of RT-PCR product peaks after electrophoresis in agarose gel and staining with ethidium bromide. The 18S rRNA (1830 bp band) transcription increased more than twofold after treatment with 5-aza-2′-dC, while the transcription level of the Actin3 gene (655 bp, used as control) remained essentially at the same level.</p