333 research outputs found

    Experimental evidence for polybaric differentiation of primitive arc basalt beneath St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles

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    Equilibrium crystallization experiments have been performed on a primitive high-MgO basalt (HMB) from Soufrière, St. Vincent, with three initial H2O contents (0·6, 2·3 and 4·5 wt %), at pressures of 0·4, 0·7, 1·0 and 1·3 GPa and temperatures from 1350 to 950°C. Redox conditions, as determined by µXANES analysis of Fe3+ in experimental glasses, were 1–4 log units above the nickel–nickel oxide (NNO) buffer. The aim of the study was to explore the differentiation conditions that gave rise to the observed geochemical variation in lavas and plutonic (cumulate) xenoliths from St. Vincent. An experiment with 4·5 wt % initial H2O is multiply saturated close to its liquidus (1180°C and 1·3 GPa) with a spinel lherzolite assemblage, which is consistent with a primary origin for HMB in the mantle wedge. Multiple saturation of HMB with 2·3 wt % H2O was not observed, but is inferred to occur at pressures >1·3 GPa. The experimental results show that initial H2O content has significant influence on differentiation paths of primary HMB magma, with different lava varieties generated under discrete, well-constrained P–T–H2O conditions. Low-magnesian basalts (LMB) can be generated from HMB with 2·3–4·5 wt % H2O at pressures of 1·0–1·3 GPa, corresponding to Moho depths beneath St. Vincent. The CaO contents of LMB are sensitive to differentiation pressure: high-CaO LMB are produced at pressures >0·5 GPa. Basaltic andesites (BA) can be generated at 0·7–1·0 GPa from HMB with 0·6–2·3 wt % H2O. High-alumina basalts (HAB) are produced at mid- to upper-crustal conditions (≤0·4 GPa) by differentiation of HMB with high initial H2O (≥4 wt %) through delay of plagioclase crystallization and dominant fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene and spinel. St. Vincent andesites could be produced from relatively dry (≤0·6 wt % H2O) HMB only at lower-crustal conditions. This is suggestive of a partial melting origin from precursor HMB that had solidified at depth to produce gabbros with ∼30% hornblende (i.e. ∼0·6 wt % structurally bound H2O). The experimentally determined differentiation conditions are consistent with polybaric differentiation within a hot zone that extends from the Moho and uppermost mantle to the mid- or upper crust. Within the hot zone differentiation occurs by a combination of crystallization of HMB with 2–5 wt % H2O and partial melting of ancestral HMB gabbros. Although the experimental melts provide an excellent match to erupted lava compositions, experimental crystal compositions do not match either phenocrysts or cumulate crystals, as preserved in xenoliths. The failure to reproduce natural crystal compositions suggests that these are formed as differentiated magmas ascend and attain their H2O-saturated liquidi at shallower pressures. Thus there is a disconnect between the high-pressure phase compositions and assemblages that generate liquid compositional diversity and the low-pressure composition and assemblages that occur as phenocrysts and in cumulate xenoliths. This finding lends support to the idea of cryptic fractionation in the generation of arc magmas

    The sources of granitic melt in Deep Hot Zones

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    A Deep Hot Zone develops when numerous mafic sills are repeatedly injected at Moho depth or are scattered in the lower crust. The melt generation is numerically modelled for mafic sill emplacement geometries by overaccretion, underaccretion or random emplacement, and for intrusion rates of 2, 5 and 10 mm/yr. After an incubation period, melts are generated by incomplete crystallisation of the mafic magma and by partial melting of the crust. The first melts generated are residual from the mafic magmas that have low solidi due to concentration of H2O in the residual liquids. Once the solidus of the crust is reached, the ratio of crustal partial melt to residual melt increases to a maximum. If wet mafic magma, typical of arc environments, is injected in an amphibolitic crust, the residual melt is dominant over the partial melt, which implies that the generation of I-type granites is dominated by the crystallisation of mafic magma originated from the mantle and not by the partial melting of earlier underplated material. High ratios of crustal partial melt over residual melt are reached when sills are scattered in a metasedimentary crust, allowing the generation of S-type granites. The partial melting of a refractory granulitic crust intruded by dry, high-T mafic magma is limited and subordinate to the production of larger amount of residual melt in the mafic sills. Thus the generation of A-type granites by partial melting of a refractory crust would require a mechanism of selective extraction of the A-type mel

    The Genesis of Intermediate and Silicic Magmas in Deep Crustal Hot Zones

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    A model for the generation of intermediate and silicic igneous rocks is presented, based on experimental data and numerical modelling. The model is directed at subduction-related magmatism, but has general applicability to magmas generated in other plate tectonic settings, including continental rift zones. In the model mantle-derived hydrous basalts emplaced as a succession of sills into the lower crust generate a deep crustal hot zone. Numerical modelling of the hot zone shows that melts are generated from two distinct sources; partial crystallization of basalt sills to produce residual H2O-rich melts; and partial melting of pre-existing crustal rocks. Incubation times between the injection of the first sill and generation of residual melts from basalt crystallization are controlled by the initial geotherm, the magma input rate and the emplacement depth. After this incubation period, the melt fraction and composition of residual melts are controlled by the temperature of the crust into which the basalt is intruded. Heat and H2O transfer from the crystallizing basalt promote partial melting of the surrounding crust, which can include meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous basement rocks and earlier basalt intrusions. Mixing of residual and crustal partial melts leads to diversity in isotope and trace element chemistry. Hot zone melts are H2O-rich. Consequently, they have low viscosity and density, and can readily detach from their source and ascend rapidly. In the case of adiabatic ascent the magma attains a super-liquidus state, because of the relative slopes of the adiabat and the liquidus. This leads to resorption of any entrained crystals or country rock xenoliths. Crystallization begins only when the ascending magma intersects its H2O-saturated liquidus at shallow depths. Decompression and degassing are the driving forces behind crystallization, which takes place at shallow depth on timescales of decades or less. Degassing and crystallization at shallow depth lead to large increases in viscosity and stalling of the magma to form volcano-feeding magma chambers and shallow plutons. It is proposed that chemical diversity in arc magmas is largely acquired in the lower crust, whereas textural diversity is related to shallow-level crystallizatio

    Vertically extensive and unstable magmatic systems:a unified view of igneous processes

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    Ascent of volatile-rich felsic magma in dykes:a numerical model applied to deep-sourced porphyry intrusions

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    Dyke propagation is a mechanism for more rapid ascent of felsic magmas through the crust than is possible via diapirs or percolative flow. As it ascends, the magma undergoes complex physical and chemical transformations induced by decompression and cooling. These processes dramatically change the magma density and viscosity, which in turn affect magma ascent rate and the depth at which the dyke arrests. We present a mathematical model of dyke propagation for silicic magmas taking into account the presence of multiple volatile species (H2O and CO2), bubble growth, heat advection and loss, crystallization and latent heat release. We consider conditions for dykes associated with porphyry ore deposits, which may represent an end-member in rapid ascent of felsic magmas from depth. In particular, we simulate the propagation of dykes launched from a deep (900 MPa), volatile-saturated magma source, testing the effects of the magma H2O/CO2 content, temperature and mass on its ascent rate and final emplacement depth. The model predicts short ascent times (hours to days), with a large increase in viscosity at shallow depth, leading to stagnation and solidification of the dyke. Higher initial water content, higher temperature and larger mass of the magma in the dyke promote faster propagation and shallower arrest. Volatile loss from ascending magma remains limited until the stagnation depth, providing a potential mechanism for transfer of deep volatiles to hypabyssal blind intrusions associated with porphyry ore deposits. Our findings are applicable to the problem of silicic magma ascent through the crust more generally

    Hydrous Phase Relations and Trace Element Partitioning Behaviour in Calcareous Sediments at Subduction-Zone Conditions

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    We report the results of experiments on two natural marine sediments with different carbonate contents (calcareous clay: CO2 = 6·1 wt %; marl: CO2 = 16·2 wt %) at subduction-zone conditions (3 GPa, 750-1200°C). Water (7-15 wt %) was added to the starting materials to simulate the effects of external water addition from within the subducting slab. The onset of melting is at 760°C in water-rich experiments; melt becomes abundant by 800°C. In contrast, the onset of melting in published, water-poor experiments occurs at variable temperatures with the production of significant melt fractions being restricted to more than 900°C (phengite-out). The different solidus temperatures (Tsolidus) can be ascribed to variable fluid XH2O [H2O/(CO2 + H2O)], which, in turn, depends on bulk K2O, H2O and CO2. Partial melts in equilibrium with residual garnet, carbonate, quartz/coesite, epidote, rutile, kyanite, phengite, and clinopyroxene are granitic in composition, with substantial dissolved volatiles. Supersolidus runs always contain both silicate melt and solute-rich fluid, indicating that experimental conditions lie below the second critical endpoint in the granite-H2O-CO2 system. Carbonatite melt coexists with silicate melt and solute-rich fluid above 1100°C in the marl. The persistence of carbonate to high temperature, in equilibrium with CO2-rich hydrous melts, provides a mechanism to both supply CO2 to arc magmas and recycle carbon into the deep Earth. The trace element compositions of the experimental glasses constrain the potential contribution of calcareous sediment to arc magmas. The presence of residual epidote and carbonate confers different trace element characteristics when compared with the trace element signal of Ca-poor marine sediments (e.g. pelagic clays). Notably, epidote retains Th and light rare earth elements, such that some melts derived from calcareous sediments have elevated Ba/Th and U/Th, and low La/SmPUM, thereby resembling fluids conventionally ascribed to altered oceanic crust. Our results emphasize the importance of residual mineralogy, rather than source lithology, in controlling the trace element characteristics of slab-derived fluid

    Successive episodes of reactive liquid flow through a layered intrusion (Unit 9, Rum Eastern Layered Intrusion, Scotland)

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    We present a detailed microstructural and geochemical study of reactive liquid flow in Unit 9 of the Rum Eastern Layered Intrusion, Scotland. Unit 9 comprises an underlying lens-like body of peridotite overlain by a sequence of troctolite and gabbro (termed allivalite), with some local and minor anorthosite. The troctolite is separated from the overlying gabbro by a distinct, sub-horizontal, undulose horizon (the ‘major wavy horizon’). Higher in the stratigraphy is another, similar, horizon (the ‘minor wavy horizon’) that separates relatively clinopyroxene-poor gabbro from an overlying gabbro. To the north of the peridotite lens, both troctolite and gabbro grade into poikilitic gabbro. Clinopyroxene habit in the allivalite varies from thin rims around olivine in troctolite to equigranular crystals in gabbro and to oikocrysts in poikilitic gabbro. The poikilitic gabbros contain multiple generations of clinopyroxene, with Cr-rich (~1.1 wt% Cr2O3) anhedral cores with moderate REE concentrations (core1) overgrown by an anhedral REE-depleted second generation with moderate Cr (~0.7 wt% Cr2O3) (core2). These composite cores are rimmed by Cr-poor (~0.2 wt% Cr2O3) and REE-poor to -moderate clinopyroxene. We interpret these microstructures as a consequence of two separate episodes of partial melting triggered by the intrusion of hot olivine-phyric picrite to form the discontinuous lenses that comprise the Unit 9 peridotite. Loss of clinopyroxene-saturated partial melt from the lower part of the allivalite immediately following the early stages of sill intrusion resulted in the formation of clinopyroxene-poor gabbro. The spatial extent of clinopyroxene loss is marked by the minor wavy horizon. A second partial melting event stripped out almost all clinopyroxene from the lowest allivalite to form a troctolite, with the major wavy horizon marking the extent of melting during this episode. The poikilitic gabbro formed from clinopyroxene-saturated melt moving upwards and laterally through the remobilized cumulate pile and precipitating clinopyroxene en route. This process, called reactive liquid flow, is potentially important in open magma chambers