5,877 research outputs found

    Attitudes of non-Jewish college students toward the Jewish people

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    Solute channels of the outer membrane: from bacteria to chloroplasts

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    Chloroplasts, unique organelles of plants, originated from endosymbiosis of an ancestor of today's cyanobacteria with a mitochondria-containing host cell. It is assumed that the outer envelope membrane, which delimits the chloroplast from the surrounding cytosol, was thus inherited from its Gram-negative bacterial ancestor. This plastid-specific membrane is thus equipped with elements of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin. In particular, the membrane-intrinsic outer envelope proteins (OEPs) form solute channels with properties reminiscent of porins and channels in the bacterial outer membrane. OEP channels are characterised by distinct specificities for metabolites and a quite peculiar expression pattern in specialised plant organs and plastids, thus disproving the assumption that the outer envelope is a non-specific molecular sieve. The same is true for the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, which functions as a permeability barrier in addition to the cytoplasmic membrane, and embeds different classes of channel pores. The channels of these prokaryotic prototype proteins, ranging from unspecific porins to specific channels to ligand-gated receptors, are exclusively built of P-barrels. Although most of the OEP channels are formed by P-strands as well, phylogeny based on sequence homology alone is not feasible. Thus, the comparison of structural and functional properties of chloroplast outer envelope and bacterial outer membrane channels is required to pinpoint the ancestral OEP `portrait gallery'

    Lensing by Lyman Limit Systems: Determining the Mass to Gas Ratio

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    We present a new method to determine the total mass-to-neutral gas ratio in Lyman-limits systems. The method exploits the relation between the neutral hydrogen column density and the magnification of background sources due to the weak gravitational lensing that these systems induce. Because weak lensing does not provide a direct measure of mass, one must use this relation in a statistical sense to solve for the average mass-to-gas ratio and its distribution. We use a detailed mock catalog of quasars (sources) and Lyman-limit systems (lenses) to demonstrate the applicability of this approach through our ability to recover the parameter. This mock catalog also allows us to check for systematics in the method and to sketch its limitations. For a universal constant mass-to-gas ratio and a sample of N quasars, we obtain an unbiased estimate of its value with 95% confidence limits (independent of its actual value) of +/- 140 {10^5/N)^0.5.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures submitted to Ap

    Reducing Disparities by way of a Cancer Disparities Research Training Program

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    Background: For minority populations, there is a continuing disparity in the burden of death and illness from cancer. Research to address this disparity should be conducted by investigators who can best understand and address the needs of culturally diverse communities. However, minorities are under-represented in health-related research. The goal of this project was to develop and evaluate an approach to motivating and preparing master’s degree students for careers dedicated to cancer disparities research. Method: A Cancer Disparities Research Training Program (CDRTP) was initiated in 2010. The program consists of coursework, practicum experiences, and research opportunities. Assessment of the curriculum is based on monitoring achievement of evaluation indicators and includes a quantitative assessment and qualitative approach. Results: In its first three years, the program graduated 20 trainees, all of whom were minorities (18 African Americans and two Asians). When asked about career goals, two-thirds of the trainees indicated interest in pursuing careers in research on cancer prevention and control. The trainees expressed high satisfaction with the courses, instructor, materials, and curriculum. Although trainees had suggestions about course details, evaluations overall were positive. Across focus groups, three recurrent themes emerged regarding activities to enhance the student experience: having a wider variety of topics, more guest speakers, and field trips. Conclusion: The CDRTP was intended to recruit students – primarily African Americans – into research on prevention and control of cancer disparities. Although final evaluation of the program’s overall outcome will not be available for several years, a preliminary evaluation indicates the program is being successful

    Cosmological Implications of Lyman-Break Galaxy Clustering

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    We review our analysis of the clustering properties of ``Lyman-break'' galaxies (LBGs) at redshift z~3, previously discussed in Wechsler et al (1998). We examine the likelihood of spikes found by Steidel et al (1998) in the redshift distribution of LBGs, within a suite of models for the evolution of structure in the Universe. Using high-resolution dissipationless N-body simulations, we analyze deep pencil-beam surveys from these models in the same way that they are actually observed, identifying LBGs with the most massive dark matter halos. We find that all the models (with SCDM as a marginal exception) have a substantial probability of producing spikes similar to those observed, because the massive halos are much more clumped than the underlying matter -- i.e., they are biased. Therefore, the likelihood of such a spike is not a good discriminator among these models. The LBG correlation functions are less steep than galaxies today (gamma~1.4), but show similar or slightly longer correlation lengths. We have extened this analysis and include a preliminary comparison to the new data presented in Adelberger et al (1998). We also discuss work in progress, in which we use semi-analytic models to identify Lyman-break galaxies within dark-matter halos.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Latex, uses aipproc.sty; to appear in the proceedings of the 9th Annual October Maryland Astrophysics Conference, "After the Dark Ages: When the Galaxies Were Young (the Universe at 2<z<5)

    On the harmonic measure of stable processes

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    Using three hypergeometric identities, we evaluate the harmonic measure of a finite interval and of its complementary for a strictly stable real L{\'e}vy process. This gives a simple and unified proof of several results in the literature, old and recent. We also provide a full description of the corresponding Green functions. As a by-product, we compute the hitting probabilities of points and describe the non-negative harmonic functions for the stable process killed outside a finite interval

    Effects of sex chromosome dosage on corpus callosum morphology in supernumerary sex chromosome aneuploidies.

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    BackgroundSupernumerary sex chromosome aneuploidies (sSCA) are characterized by the presence of one or more additional sex chromosomes in an individual's karyotype; they affect around 1 in 400 individuals. Although there is high variability, each sSCA subtype has a characteristic set of cognitive and physical phenotypes. Here, we investigated the differences in the morphometry of the human corpus callosum (CC) between sex-matched controls 46,XY (N =99), 46,XX (N =93), and six unique sSCA karyotypes: 47,XYY (N =29), 47,XXY (N =58), 48,XXYY (N =20), 47,XXX (N =30), 48,XXXY (N =5), and 49,XXXXY (N =6).MethodsWe investigated CC morphometry using local and global area, local curvature of the CC boundary, and between-landmark distance analysis (BLDA). We hypothesized that CC morphometry would vary differentially along a proposed spectrum of Y:X chromosome ratio with supernumerary Y karyotypes having the largest CC areas and supernumerary X karyotypes having significantly smaller CC areas. To investigate this, we defined an sSCA spectrum based on a descending Y:X karyotype ratio: 47,XYY, 46,XY, 48,XXYY, 47,XXY, 48,XXXY, 49,XXXXY, 46,XX, 47,XXX. We similarly explored the effects of both X and Y chromosome numbers within sex. Results of shape-based metrics were analyzed using permutation tests consisting of 5,000 iterations.ResultsSeveral subregional areas, local curvature, and BLDs differed between groups. Moderate associations were found between area and curvature in relation to the spectrum and X and Y chromosome counts. BLD was strongly associated with X chromosome count in both male and female groups.ConclusionsOur results suggest that X- and Y-linked genes have differential effects on CC morphometry. To our knowledge, this is the first study to compare CC morphometry across these extremely rare groups
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