6,668 research outputs found

    Particle Production at the SPS and the QCD Phase Diagram

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    Recent results of particle production in the energy regime of the CERN-SPS are reviewed. In order to collect information on the properties of the QCD phase diagram systematic studies of the system size and the energy dependence of particle production in heavy ion collisions have been performed. Net-baryon distributions and results on strangeness production are discussed. The system size dependence of many observables can be understood in the core-corona approach, which has implications on the possibility to use system size as a control parameter to study different areas of the phase diagram. Recent attempts to search for a critical point, such as multiplicity fluctuations and the transverse mass dependence of anti-baryon/baryon ratios are reviewed.Comment: Proccedings of 26th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, 9 pages, 7 figure

    Guidance and surroundings awareness in outdoor handheld augmented reality

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    Handheld and wearable devices are becoming ubiquitous in our lives and augmented reality technology is stepping out of the laboratory environment and becoming ready to be used by anyone with portable devices. The success of augmented reality applications for pedestrians depends on different factors including a reliable guidance system and preventing risks. We show that different guidance systems can be supplementary to provide directions to a point of interest and offer clues that help the user find the augmented data when they get close to the location they have to visit. We tested the helpfulness of a map with the points of interest, an image preview of the next point of interest to visit, and an arrow showing the direction to it. The results show that the effectiveness of these guidance systems depend on the distance to the point of interest and the accuracy of the data obtained from the Global Positioning System. We also measured the total time that participants spent looking at the screen, as well as the perceived elapsed time as a measurement of real world dissociation. Finally, we discuss preliminary results to minimize the risk of accidents when using augmented reality applications in an outdoor urban environment

    System Size Dependence of Particle Production at the SPS

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    Recent results on the system size dependence of net-baryon and hyperon production as measured at the CERN SPS are discussed. The observed Npart dependences of yields, but also of dynamical properties, such as average transverse momenta, can be described in the context of the core corona approach. Other observables, such as antiproton yields and net-protons at forward rapidities, do not follow the predictions of this model. Possible implications for a search for a critical point in the QCD phase diagram are discussed. Event-by-event fluctuations of the relative core to corona source contributions might influence fluctuation observables (e.g. multiplicity fluctuations). The magnitude of this effect is investigated.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figurs. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement in Dubna, Aug. 201

    Belief heterogeneity and survival in incomplete markets

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    In complete markets economies (Sandroni [16]), or in economies with Pareto optimal outcomes (Blume and Easley [10]), the market selection hypothesis holds, as long as traders have identical discount factors. Traders who survive must have beliefs that merge with the truth. We show that in incomplete markets, regardless of traders’ discount factors, the market selects for a range of beliefs, at least some of which do not merge with the truth. We also show that impatient traders with incorrect beliefs can survive and that these incorrect beliefs impact prices. These beliefs may be chosen so that they are far from the truth

    Dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates with dipole-dependent scattering length

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    We consider a Bose-Einstein condensate of polar molecules in a harmonic trap, where the effective dipole may be tuned by an external field. We demonstrate that taking into account the dependence of the scattering length on the dipole moment is essential to reproducing the correct energies and for predicting the stability of the condensate. We do this by comparing Gross-Pitaevskii calculations with diffusion Monte Carlo calculations. We find very good agreement between the results obtained by these two approaches once the dipole dependence of the scattering length is taken into account. We also examine the behavior of the condensate in non-isotropic traps

    Non-divergent pseudo-potential treatment of spin-polarized fermions under 1D and 3D harmonic confinement

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    Atom-atom scattering of bosonic one-dimensional (1D) atoms has been modeled successfully using a zero-range delta-function potential, while that of bosonic 3D atoms has been modeled successfully using Fermi-Huang's regularized s-wave pseudo-potential. Here, we derive the eigenenergies of two spin-polarized 1D fermions under external harmonic confinement interacting through a zero-range potential, which only acts on odd-parity wave functions, analytically. We also present a divergent-free zero-range potential treatment of two spin-polarized 3D fermions under harmonic confinement. Our pseudo-potential treatments are verified through numerical calculations for short-range model potentials.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures (subm. to PRA on 03/15/2004

    VisAge: Augmented reality for heritage

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    In this paper we describe the VisAge project, which explored how a community-based Augmented Reality (AR) system could be used to tell stories and cultural histories about urban environments. Our work focussed on two main themes - user engagement and immersiveness of the experience. To address the first theme, we developed an online portal where anybody could upload digital content and create their own stories using routes through a physical environment. To address the second theme, we developed a flexible, reconfigurable mobile platform to investigate different types and kinds of displays. The performance of the system was assessed in a series of workshops, which have provided insights to inform the development of future systems

    A simple mean field model for social interactions: dynamics, fluctuations, criticality

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    We study the dynamics of a spin-flip model with a mean field interaction. The system is non reversible, spacially inhomogeneous, and it is designed to model social interactions. We obtain the limiting behavior of the empirical averages in the limit of infinitely many interacting individuals, and show that phase transition occurs. Then, after having obtained the dynamics of normal fluctuations around this limit, we analize long time fluctuations for critical values of the parameters. We show that random inhomogeneities produce critical fluctuations at a shorter time scale compared to the homogeneous system.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure

    Switching dynamics between metastable ordered magnetic state and nonmagnetic ground state - A possible mechanism for photoinduced ferromagnetism -

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    By studying the dynamics of the metastable magnetization of a statistical mechanical model we propose a switching mechanism of photoinduced magnetization. The equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties of the Blume-Capel (BC) model, which is a typical model exhibiting metastability, are studied by mean field theory and Monte Carlo simulation. We demonstrate reversible changes of magnetization in a sequence of changes of system parameters, which would model the reversible photoinduced magnetization. Implications of the calculated results are discussed in relation to the recent experimental results for prussian blue analogs.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure
