4,760 research outputs found

    Variations in roughness predictions (flume experiments)

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    Data of flume experiments with bed forms are used to analyze and compare different roughness predictors. In this study, the hydraulic roughness consists of grain roughness and form roughness. We predict the grain roughness by means of the size of the sediment. The form roughness is predicted by three approaches: Van Rijn (1984), Vanoni & Hwang (1967) and Engelund (1966). The total roughness values (friction factors) are compared with the roughness values according to the DarcyWeisbach equation. Results show that the different methods predict different friction factors. In future research uncertainties in the hydraulic roughness will be taken into account to determine their influence on the computed water levels

    Optically activated ZnO/Sio2/Si cantilever beams

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    The photomechanical effect induced by periodically varying sub-bandgap illumination in thin ZnO films deposited on oxidized Si has been demonstrated for the first time. The efficiency of this effect is at least one order of magnitude higher as compared to the photothermal activation of Si. Thus it can be considered as a powerful optical drive for resonant sensors. A phenomenological model of the mechanisms involved in the process is proposed. The optomechanical effect can also be used as a complementary method in determination of the surface state parameters of ZnO films

    On modeling the variability of bedform dimensions

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    ABSTRACT: Bedforms are irregular features that cannot easily be described by mean values. The variations in the geometric dimensions affect the bed roughness, and they are important in the modeling of vertical sorting and in modeling the thickness of cross-strata sets. The authors analyze the variability of bedform dimensions for three sets of flume experiments, considering PDFs of bedform height, trough elevation and crest elevation divided by its mean value. It appears that the dimensionless standard deviation of the bedform height is within a narrow range for nearly all experiments. This appears to be valid for the trough elevation and crest elevation, as well. For some modeling purposes, it seems sufficient to assume that the standard deviation is a constant, so that the variation in bedform dimension can be modeled by only predicting the mean bedform dimension.

    Stochastics of bedform dimensions

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    Often river dunes are considered as regular bed patterns, with a mean dune height and a mean dune length. In reality however, river dunes are threedimensional and irregular features that cannot be fully described by their mean values. In fact, dune dimensions can be considered as stochastic variables. Their probability distribution can be characterized by a mean value and variance. The stochastic properties of dune dimensions are relevant for (see e.g. Van der Mark et al., 2005):\ud • Shipping - highest crests\ud • Pipelines & cables - deepest troughs\ud • Modelling cross-strata sets - troughs, dune heights\ud • Modelling vertical sorting - troughs\ud • Modelling bed roughness - dune heights\ud In the present research the stochastics of crest elevation, trough elevation and dune height are investigated by analysing three sets of flume experiments

    Spectrally Similar Incommensurable 3-Manifolds

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    Reid has asked whether hyperbolic manifolds with the same geodesic length spectrum must be commensurable. Building toward a negative answer to this question, we construct examples of hyperbolic 3–manifolds that share an arbitrarily large portion of the length spectrum but are not commensurable. More precisely, for every n ≫ 0, we construct a pair of incommensurable hyperbolic 3–manifolds Nn and Nµn whose volume is approximately n and whose length spectra agree up to length n. Both Nn and Nµn are built by gluing two standard submanifolds along a complicated pseudo-Anosov map, ensuring that these manifolds have a very thick collar about an essential surface. The two gluing maps differ by a hyper-elliptic involution along this surface. Our proof also involves a new commensurability criterion based on pairs of pants

    Exact solution of the Zeeman effect in single-electron systems

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    Contrary to popular belief, the Zeeman effect can be treated exactly in single-electron systems, for arbitrary magnetic field strengths, as long as the term quadratic in the magnetic field can be ignored. These formulas were actually derived already around 1927 by Darwin, using the classical picture of angular momentum, and presented in their proper quantum-mechanical form in 1933 by Bethe, although without any proof. The expressions have since been more or less lost from the literature; instead, the conventional treatment nowadays is to present only the approximations for weak and strong fields, respectively. However, in fusion research and other plasma physics applications, the magnetic fields applied to control the shape and position of the plasma span the entire region from weak to strong fields, and there is a need for a unified treatment. In this paper we present the detailed quantum-mechanical derivation of the exact eigenenergies and eigenstates of hydrogen-like atoms and ions in a static magnetic field. Notably, these formulas are not much more complicated than the better-known approximations. Moreover, the derivation allows the value of the electron spin gyromagnetic ratio gsg_s to be different from 2. For completeness, we then review the details of dipole transitions between two hydrogenic levels, and calculate the corresponding Zeeman spectrum. The various approximations made in the derivation are also discussed in details.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Physica Script

    Confluence reduction for Markov automata

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    Markov automata are a novel formalism for specifying systems exhibiting nondeterminism, probabilistic choices and Markovian rates. Recently, the process algebra MAPA was introduced to efficiently model such systems. As always, the state space explosion threatens the analysability of the models generated by such specifications. We therefore introduce confluence reduction for Markov automata, a powerful reduction technique to keep these models small. We define the notion of confluence directly on Markov automata, and discuss how to syntactically detect confluence on the MAPA language as well. That way, Markov automata generated by MAPA specifications can be reduced on-the-fly while preserving divergence-sensitive branching bisimulation. Three case studies demonstrate the significance of our approach, with reductions in analysis time up to an order of magnitude

    Severe Hypertriglyceridaemia as a result of Familial Chylomicronaemia:

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    Lipoprotein lipase deficiency causes severe hypertriglyceridaemia due to chylomicronaemia, and leads to recurrent and potentially life-threatening pancreatitis. This disorder can only be managed by dietary fat restriction as drugs are ineffective. We review the experience with familial chylomicronaemia in patients who attended the lipid clinics at Groote Schuur Hospital and Red Cross Children's War Memorial Hospital in Cape Town. Criteria for inclusion were an initial plasma triglyceride concentration of >15 mmol/l and a typical type I Fredrickson hyperlipidaemia pattern on plasma lipoprotein electrophoresis. A total of 29 patients were seen over 25 years. The mean age of presentation was 10 years, but ranged from 0 to 43 years. The modes of presentation differed: pancreatitis (N=16), eruptive xanthomata (N=2), coincidental detection of hypertriglyceridaemia (N=2), screening relatives (N=7), and after death from pancreatitis (N=1). Plasma triglycerides responded rapidly and dramatically to dietary fat restriction, and some patients sustained good control of the hyperlipidaemia. The onset of pancreatitis was earlier in patients of Indian ancestry, suggesting a genotype/phenotype interaction within this disorder. Genetic work-up indicated founder effects in the Afrikaner and Indian patients. Lipaemic plasma should be taken seriously at all ages, and necessitates work-up at specialised clinics where the diagnosis of chylomicronaemia or type I hyperlipidaemia facilitates appropriate dietary management that can prevent pancreatitis. South African Medical Journal Vol. 98 (2) 2008: pp. 105-10

    Severe hypertriglyceridaemia as a result of familial chylomicronaemia:The Cape Town experience

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    Lipoprotein lipase deficiency causes severe hypertriglyceridaemia due to chylomicronaemia, and leads to recurrent and potentially life-threatening pancreatitis. This disorder can only be managed by dietary fat restriction as drugs are ineffective. We review the experience with familial chylomicronaemia in patients who attended the lipid clinics at Groote Schuur Hospital and Red Cross Children's War Memorial Hospital in Cape Town. Criteria for inclusion were an initial plasma triglyceride concentration of >15 mmol/l and a typical type I Fredrickson hyperlipidaemia pattern on plasma lipoprotein electrophoresis. A total of 29 patients were seen over 25 years. The mean age of presentation was 10 years, but ranged from 0 to 43 years. The modes of presentation differed: pancreatitis (N=16), eruptive xanthomata (N=2), coincidental detection of hypertriglyceridaemia (N=2), screening relatives (N=7), and after death from pancreatitis (N=1). Plasma triglycerides responded rapidly and dramatically to dietary fat restriction, and some patients sustained good control of the hyperlipidaemia. The onset of pancreatitis was earlier in patients of Indian ancestry, suggesting a genotype/phenotype interaction within this disorder. Genetic work-up indicated founder effects in the Afrikaner and Indian patients. Lipaemic plasma should be taken seriously at all ages, and necessitates work-up at specialised clinics where the diagnosis of chylomicronaemia or type I hyperlipidaemia facilitates appropriate dietary management that can prevent pancreatitis

    Dilatation of the Great Arteries in an Infant with Marfan Syndrome and Ventricular Septal Defect

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    We describe an infant presenting with contractures of the fingers, a large ventricular septal defect (VSD), and severe pulmonary artery dilatation. He had clinical and echocardiographic features of both neonatal or infantile Marfan syndrome (MFS) and congenital contractural arachnodactyly. After surgical VSD closure, the aortic root developed progressive dilatation while the size of pulmonary artery returned to normal limits. Eventually the diagnosis of MFS was confirmed by DNA analysis