25 research outputs found

    Signature of Anomalous Exciton Localization in the Optical Response of Self-Assembled Organic Nanotubes

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    We show that the disorder scaling of the low-temperature optical absorption linewidth of tubular molecular assemblies sharply contrasts with that known for one-dimensional aggregates. The difference can be explained by an anomalous localization of excitons, which arises from the combination of long-range intermolecular interactions and the tube's higher-dimensional geometry. As a result, the exciton density of states near the band bottom drops to zero, leading to a strong suppression of exciton localization. Our results explain the strong linear dichroism and weak exciton-exciton scattering in tubular J aggregates observed in experiments and suggest that for nanoscale wirelike applications a tubular shape is to be preferred over a truly one-dimensional chain

    The disease-specific clinical trial network for primary ciliary dyskinesia: PCD-CTN

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by impaired mucociliary clearance leading to irreversible lung damage. In contrast to other rare lung diseases like cystic fibrosis (CF), there are only few clinical trials and limited evidence-based treatments. Management is mainly based on expert opinions and treatment is challenging due to a wide range of clinical manifestations and disease severity. To improve clinical and translational research and facilitate development of new treatments, the clinical trial network for PCD (PCD-CTN) was founded in 2020 under the framework of the European Reference Network (ERN)-LUNG PCD Core. Applications from European PCD sites interested in participating in the PCD-CTN were requested. Inclusion criteria consisted of patient numbers, membership of ERN-LUNG PCD Core, use of associated standards of care, experience in PCD and/or CF clinical research, resources to run clinical trials, good clinical practice (GCP) certifications and institutional support. So far, applications from 22 trial sites in 18 European countries have been approved, including >1400 adult and >1600 paediatric individuals with PCD. The PCD-CTN is headed by a coordinating centre and consists of a steering and executive committee, a data safety monitoring board and committees for protocol review, training and standardisation. A strong association with patient organisations and industrial companies are further cornerstones. All participating trial sites agreed on a code of conduct. As CTNs from other diseases have demonstrated successfully, this newly formed PCD-CTN operates to establish evidence-based treatments for this orphan disease and to bring new personalised treatment approaches to patients

    The disease-specific clinical trial network for primary ciliary dyskinesia: PCD-CTN

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by impaired mucociliary clearance leading to irreversible lung damage. In contrast to other rare lung diseases like cystic fibrosis (CF), there are only few clinical trials and limited evidence-based treatments. Management is mainly based on expert opinions and treatment is challenging due to a wide range of clinical manifestations and disease severity. To improve clinical and translational research and facilitate development of new treatments, the clinical trial network for PCD (PCD-CTN) was founded in 2020 under the framework of the European Reference Network (ERN)-LUNG PCD Core. Applications from European PCD sites interested in participating in the PCD-CTN were requested. Inclusion criteria consisted of patient numbers, membership of ERN-LUNG PCD Core, use of associated standards of care, experience in PCD and/or CF clinical research, resources to run clinical trials, good clinical practice (GCP) certifications and institutional support. So far, applications from 22 trial sites in 18 European countries have been approved, including >1400 adult and >1600 paediatric individuals with PCD. The PCD-CTN is headed by a coordinating centre and consists of a steering and executive committee, a data safety monitoring board and committees for protocol review, training and standardisation. A strong association with patient organisations and industrial companies are further cornerstones. All participating trial sites agreed on a code of conduct. As CTNs from other diseases have demonstrated successfully, this newly formed PCD-CTN operates to establish evidence-based treatments for this orphan disease and to bring new personalised treatment approaches to patients

    Goal formulation and tracking in child mental health settings: when is it more likely and is it associated with satisfaction with care?

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    Goal formulation and tracking may support preference-based care. Little is known about the likelihood of goal formulation and tracking and associations with care satisfaction. Logistic and Poisson stepwise regressions were performed on clinical data for N = 3757 children from 32 services in the UK (M age = 11; SDage = 3.75; most common clinician-reported presenting problem was emotional problems = 55.6%). Regarding the likelihood of goal formulation, it was more likely for pre-schoolers, those with learning difficulties or those with both hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder. Regarding the association between goal formulation and tracking and satisfaction with care, parents of children with goals information were more likely to report complete satisfaction by scoring at the maximum of the scale. Findings of the present research suggest that goal formulation and tracking may be an important part of patient satisfaction with care. Clinicians should be encouraged to consider goal formulation and tracking when it is clinically meaningful as a means of promoting collaborative practice

    Disorder-induced exciton localization and violation of optical selection rules in supramolecular nanotubes

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    Using numerical simulations, we study the effect of disorder on the optical properties of cylindrical aggregates of molecules with strong excitation transfer interactions. The exciton states and the energy transport properties of such molecular nanotubes attract considerable interest for application in artificial light-harvesting systems and energy transport wires. In the absence of disorder, such nanotubes exhibit two optical absorption peaks, resulting from three super-radiant exciton states, one polarized along the axis of the cylinder, the other two (degenerate) polarized perpendicular to this axis. These selection rules, imposed by the cylindrical symmetry, break down in the presence of disorder in the molecular transition energies, due to the fact that the exciton states localize and no longer wrap completely around the tube. We show that the important parameter is the ratio of the exciton localization length and the tube’s circumference. When this ratio decreases, the distribution of polarization angles of the exciton states changes from a two-peak structure (at zero and ninety degrees) to a single peak determined by the orientation of individual molecules within the tube. This is also reflected in a qualitative change of the absorption spectrum. The latter agrees with recent experimental findings.

    Fatigue and symptom-based clusters in post COVID-19 patients: a multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study

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    Abstract Background In the Netherlands, the prevalence of post COVID-19 condition is estimated at 12.7% at 90–150 days after SARS-CoV-2 infection. This study aimed to determine the occurrence of fatigue and other symptoms, to assess how many patients meet the Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) criteria, to identify symptom-based clusters within the P4O2 COVID-19 cohort and to compare these clusters with clusters in a ME/CFS cohort. Methods In this multicentre, prospective, observational cohort in the Netherlands, 95 post COVID-19 patients aged 40–65 years were included. Data collection at 3–6 months after infection included demographics, medical history, questionnaires, and a medical examination. Follow-up assessments occurred 9–12 months later, where the same data were collected. Fatigue was determined with the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), a score of ≥ 4 means moderate to high fatigue. The frequency and severity of other symptoms and the percentage of patients that meet the ME/CFS criteria were assessed using the DePaul Symptom Questionnaire-2 (DSQ-2). A self-organizing map was used to visualize the clustering of patients based on severity and frequency of 79 symptoms. In a previous study, 337 Dutch ME/CFS patients were clustered based on their symptom scores. The symptom scores of post COVID-19 patients were applied to these clusters to examine whether the same or different clusters were found. Results According to the FSS, fatigue was reported by 75.9% of the patients at 3–6 months after infection and by 57.1% of the patients 9–12 months later. Post-exertional malaise, sleep disturbances, pain, and neurocognitive symptoms were also frequently reported, according to the DSQ-2. Over half of the patients (52.7%) met the Fukuda criteria for ME/CFS, while fewer patients met other ME/CFS definitions. Clustering revealed specific symptom patterns and showed that post COVID-19 patients occurred in 11 of the clusters that have been observed in the ME/CFS cohort, where 2 clusters had > 10 patients. Conclusions This study shows persistent fatigue and diverse symptomatology in post COVID-19 patients, up to 12–18 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Clustering showed that post COVID-19 patients occurred in 11 of the clusters that have been observed in the ME/CFS cohort