37 research outputs found

    Plan d’occlusion: Mythe architectural ou mythe proprioceptif?

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    From two radiographic pictures of the head in profile, in meantime of few years, with the same person, the author proves that occlusal plane doesn’t vary during growth in comparison with the pterygo-clivien compass (Stable zone leasing against pterygoĂŻd process and superior clivus).The orientation of occlusal plane crossing by contact of the first molars and the middle of incisive intersection has an approximately analogous value. This value is equal to 110 degrees for the sample population, whatever the person’s morphology and the lapsed time is. The occlusal plane moves parallel to himself and gets lower on a sagittal tĂ©lĂ©radiographic picture.From two radiographic pictures of the head in profile, in meantime of few years, with the same person, the author proves that occlusal plane doesn’t vary during growth in comparison with the pterygo-clivien compass (Stable zone leasing against pterygoĂŻd process and superior clivus).The orientation of occlusal plane crossing by contact of the first molars and the middle of incisive intersection has an approximately analogous value. This value is equal to 110 degrees for the sample population, whatever the person’s morphology and the lapsed time is. The occlusal plane moves parallel to himself and gets lower on a sagittal tĂ©lĂ©radiographic picture

    Influence du développement vertical du massif facial supérieur sur les différents composants palatins

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    We put the vertical rotations of the premaxilla and of the hard palate in relation with the vertical development of the maxillary fied. The latter has been evaluated by the changes of length of the right segment that was defined by the prof. Delaire point and its MH1 projection of the hard palate.The vertical variations of the maxillary fields, evaluated from the M-MH1, have an influence on the orientation of the hard palate and the premaxilla in relation to the angle of the pterygoclivian compass.This action is very perceptible at the level of the premaxilla-palatinal junction. It is lower at the level of the hard palate and of the premaxilla when these are separately studied.We got the impression that the front and the back nasal thorns are relatively steady zones during the growth compared to the premaxillo-palatinal junction.Nous avons mis en relation les rotations dans le sens vertical du prémaxillaire et des lames palatines avec le développement vertical du champ maxillaire. Celui-ci a été évalué par les changements de longueur du segment de droite défini par le point M. de DELAIRE et sa projection MH1 sur les lames palatines.Les variations verticales du champ maxillaire, évaluées à partir de MMH1 influencent l'orientation des lames palatines et du prémaxillaire par rapport au compas ptérygo-clivien. Cette action est fort sensible au niveau de la jonction prémaxillo-palatine. Elle est moindre au niveau des lames palatines et du prémaxillaire lorsque ceux-ci sont étudiés séparément.Nous avons tiré l'impression que les épines nasales antérieure et postérieure sont des zones relativement fixes par rapport à la jointure prémaxillopalatine

    Etude télécrùnienne des mouvements cervicaux et palatins au cours de la croissance

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    The sagittal and anterior position of the hyoid bone is at the origin of the changes in orientation of the palatine laminae. A posterior-anterior movement of this bone allows the tongue to liberate the posterior part of the oral cavity; the palatine laminae rotate forwards and downwards. The opposite case is verified in the same way; the naso-palatine canal is a very malleable area, allowing a lowering of the anterior part of the palatine laminae. The vertical variations of the hyoid bone have little effect on the palate.La position sagittale de l’os hyoĂŻde est Ă  l’origine des modifications d’orientation des lames palatines. Ceci a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© Ă  partir de tĂ©lĂ©crĂąnes sagittaux. Un mouvement postĂ©ro-antĂ©rieur de cet os permet Ă  la langue de libĂ©rer la partie postĂ©rieure de la cavitĂ© buccale: les lames palatines font une rotation vers le bas et l’avant. Le contraire se vĂ©rifie de la mĂȘme façon. Le canal naso-palatin est une zone trĂšs plastique; il permet un abaissement de la partie antĂ©rieure de la lame palatine. Les variations verticales hyoĂŻdiennes influencent peu le palais

    PremiĂšres molaires permanentes et variations palatine ou mandibulaire

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    101 children, each of them with two teleradiographies, were selected. The first X-ray was taken at the time of the mixed dentition, the second one, when the permanent dentition was established. The purpose of the research is to show the oscillations of the palatine and mandibular planes, and their link to the movements of the first permanent molars. The palatine plane is found to swing between - 7° and +5°, with an average of -0.97°. The posterior part of that plane rocks downwards in 51% of the children. The limits are -7° and -1°, with an average of -3.2°. In 22%, the plane rocks upwards between +1° and +5° with an average of +3.1°. In 27% it moves parallel to itself. The posterior part of the mandibular plane varies between -6° and +5°, with an average of -1.1°. It rocks downwards in 48% of the cases, between -6° and -1° with an average of -3.9°. In 22% of the children, this plane rocks upwards between +1° and +5°with an average of +2.5°. In 30%, it moves parallel to itself. The overall result is that the more the posterior part of the palate, or of the mandibule moves downwards, the more the first permanent molars get straight or move forwards.Le but de ce travail est de dĂ©terminer les oscillations des plans palatin et mandibulaire ainsi que leur lien avec les mouvements des premiĂšres monophysaires. Les tĂ©lĂ©radiographies, prises Ă  quelques annĂ©es d’intervalle, de 101 enfants, sont superposĂ©s sur le compas ptĂ©rygo-clivien. Plus la partie postĂ©rieure des lames palatines ou de la mandibule s’abaisse, plus les premiĂšres molaires se redressent ou se dĂ©placent vers l’avant

    Le triÚdre ptérygo-clivien: reconstruction en 3D, stabilité ou variations possibles au cours de la croissance

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    The growth’s study, from skull’s radiographics, needs the use of superposition’s structures. Three X ray radiographics pictures from the front, from profile and from under are retalling by a soft. This orthogonazilation’s step has been realized for every child at two different ages. The reconstruction of the «clivus» straight and «pterygoĂŻde» straights from three views gives the « pterygo-clivus triedre» which stability is studied for time.L’étude de la croissance, Ă  partir de tĂ©lĂ©crĂąnes, nĂ©cessite l’emploi de structures de superposition. Trois clichĂ©s radiographiques rayons X de face, de profil, en incidence axiale, ont Ă©tĂ© orthogonalisĂ©s par un logiciel. Cette Ă©tape a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e pour chaque enfant Ă  deux Ăąges diffĂ©rents. La reconstruction de la droite clivienne et des droites ptĂ©rygoĂŻdiennes sur les trois vues forme le triĂšdre ptĂ©rygo-clivien dont nous Ă©tudions la stabilitĂ© dans le temps

    La symphyse mandibulaire. Ses variations transversales au cours de la croissance

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    The statistical study on transversal variations of fifty children’s symphysae seams to show that symphysae tends to become in harmony with mandible nervous courses, mandible corpus axis and condyle axis.L’étude statistique des variations transversales de la symphyse mentonniĂšre sur cinquante enfants ayant Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©s, semble montrer que la symphyse a tendance Ă  s’harmoniser avec les trajets nerveux mandibulaires, l’axe des corpus mandibulaires et l’axe des condyles

    MĂ©thode d'orthogonalisation de clichĂ©s radio X par traitement d'images autorisant la reconstruction 3D d'Ă©lĂ©ments de la tĂȘte

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    In order to known better the unrolling of the growth, we dispode several radiographies elements which is sometimes difficult to connect with themselves.Using the computer, may give us the solution to this problem. We describe here a soft which authorizes the 3D reconstruction dating from X-ray radiographic pictures. During step called orthogonalization, the three pictures from the front, from profile and from under, are retalling by the soft. When it’s realized, any visible point from two views will automatically be visible in the third view.Pour mieux connaĂźtre le dĂ©roulement de la croissance, nous pouvons disposer de plusieurs Ă©lĂ©ments radiographiques qu’il est parfois difficile de relier entre eux.La rĂ©ponse Ă  ce problĂšme peut ĂȘtre apportĂ©e par l’utilisation de moyens informatiques. Nous dĂ©crivons ici un logiciel qui autorise la reconstruction en 3D Ă  partir de clichĂ©s radiographiques rayons X. Les trois clichĂ©s de face, de profil, et de dessous sont recadrĂ©s par le logiciel dans une Ă©tape dite «d’orthogonalisation». Une fois celle-ci rĂ©alisĂ©e, n’importe quel point visible sur deux vues sera automatiquement visible sur la troisiĂšme

    Semi-industrial development of nutritious and healthy seafood dishes from sustainable species

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    This study aimed to devise innovative, tailor-made, appealing, tasty and semi-industrialized dishes, using sustainable and under-utilized seafood species (bib, common dab, common carp, blue mussel and blue whiting), that can meet the specific nutritional and functional needs of children (8-10-years), pregnant women (20-40-years) and seniors (≄60-years). Hence, contests were organised among cooking schools from 6 European countries and the best recipes/dishes were reformulated, semi-industrially produced and chemically and microbiologically evaluated. The dishes intended for: (i) children and pregnant women had EPA + DHA and I levels that reached the target quantities, supporting the claim as “high in I”; and (ii) seniors were “high in protein” (24.8%-Soup_S and 34.0%-Balls_S of the energy was provided by proteins), “high in vitamin B12”, and had Na contents (≀0.4%) below the defined limit. All dishes reached the vitamin D target value. Sausages_C, Roulade_P, Fillet_P and Balls_S had a well-balanced protein/fat ratio. Roulade_P presented the highest n-3 PUFA/n-6 PUFA ratio (3.3), while Sausages_C the lowest SFA/UNS ratio (0.2). Dishes were considered safe based on different parameters (e.g. Hg-T, PBDEs, Escherichia coli). All represent dietary sources contributing to meet the reference intakes of target nutrients (33->100%), providing valuable options to overcome nutritional and functional imbalances of the three groups.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 773400 (SEAFOODTOMORROW). This work was also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project CEX 2018-000794-S), the Generalitat de Catalunya (Consolidated Research Group Water and Soil Quality Unit 2017 SGR 1404) and Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT)/MinistĂ©rio da CiĂȘncia, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) through national funds (UID/QUI/50006/2019, UIDB/50006/2020, UIDP/50006/2020, UIDB/04423/2020 and UIDP/04423/2020). The authors also thank FCT and the European Union's H2020 Research and Innovation Programme for funding through the project Systemic - An integrated approach to the challenge of sustainable food systems: adaptive and mitigatory strategies to address climate change and malnutrition. Sara Cunha also acknowledges FCT for the IF/01616/2015 contract. Biotage is acknowledged for providing SPE cartridges and Bekolut for the QuEChERS kits. This output reflects the views only of the author(s), and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein

    Introducing Protein Intrinsic Disorder.

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    Introducing Protein Intrinsic Disorder

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