145 research outputs found

    Analysis of possibility of using neural network to forecast passenger traffic flows in Russia

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    At present the problem of forecasting passenger transport demand is of immense importance for air transport producers as well as for investors since investment efficiency is greatly affected by the accuracy and adequacy of the estimation performed. The aim of the present research is to analyze the possibility of using a neural network approach to forecast the expansion of the air‐transport network in Russia. First published online: 14 Oct 201

    Magazine Cover as Multimodal Text

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    A cover of a journal is considered as a sample of multimodal text. A theoretical review of the scientific literature devoted to the study of multimodality in the framework of linguistics is given. Definitions of the concept of “multimodality” are given. The article clarifies the terminology, compares the usage of the terms multimodal , polycode , creolized text in modern linguistics. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of a magazine cover as an independent genre. Classifications of cover types depending on the ratio of verbal and graphic components are considered. A brief review of approaches to the study of multimodal text is made. The expediency of applying system-functional and sociocognitive approaches to the analysis of the material is substantiated. The results of comparative analysis of magazine covers are presented. A magazine cover is considered as a multimodal text, i.e. a complex of verbal and visual components. In this case, the verbal component can be represented both explicitly and implicitly, that is, compressed. It is shown that the mechanism of interpretation of the semantic load of a cover can be read by recipient in two ways: either on the basis of a combination of verbal and visual information, or due to the actualization of compressed verbal component with the help of the visual component. The novelty of the study is seen in the demonstration that an image with an implied (compressed) verbal component can be a multimodal text

    National-Cultural Features of Political Discourse of English Press (on Material of Article from “The Economist”)

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    The study focuses on the analysis of a sample of political discourse in the UK from linguistic and cultural positions. The theoretical position of the relationship between language and culture are covered. The necessity of taking into account national and cultural characteristics in the course of a critical analysis of political discourse is proved. The purpose of the study is to reveal language units with national-cultural specificity. The text from the magazine “The Economist” is analysed. It is shown that, firstly, the literary allusions (Shakespeare and Huxley); secondly, the metaphorical images (a natural disaster as changes and a state as a sick person); thirdly, the cultural stereotypes ( stiff upper lip ) do have cultural identity in the text. Special attention in this paper is paid to the metaphors, based on specific British source spheres. It seems that those are “sea” metaphors that appeared in the power of past of the United Kingdom as a Maritime power. Functional load of distinguished culturally-specific elements in the analyzed text is commented at different levels: fixing images typical to this cultural and linguistic community and cohesion of the text. Actuality of research is caused by growing interest of researchers to the relationship of language and culture

    Scottish Regionalist Discourse in British Press

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    The article is devoted to the Scottish regionalist discourse in the British quality press. The period from the time of the referendum on independence in 2014 till 2019 is covered. Regionalist discourse is considered as an object of linguistic study. The definition of the term regionalist discourse as a kind of political discourse is proposed. The framework for the study of regional discourse from the standpoint of political linguistics is given. With the help of semantic-stylistic and discursive analysis the specific characteristics inherent in the Scottish regionalist media discourse are revealed. The latter include metaphorization based on both universal and culturally specific images, as well as a philological vertical context. The functions of metaphor in political discourse are briefly clarified. The author analyzes the universal metaphor of the divorce process and the cultural-specific metaphor based on the colour symbolism and cultural reference. Particular attention is paid to the geographical marking of the border between North and South in the Scottish regionalist discourse. The potential of historical and philological vertical context is discussed. Communicative strategies of appeal to the authority of Scottish literary figures (R. Burns, W. Scott, R. L. Stevenson) are revealed. The stylistic potential of Scottish dialect inclusions in the English text is considered


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    Transformation of the mechanism for increasing the investment potential of the territories of Russia in the context of the COVID-2019 pandemic repeatedly strengthens the importance of an active policy in the field of forming the concept of promoting territories in general and in particular in the interregional market of tourist services. In the current conditions of the pandemic, fundamentally new goals and objectives of regional policy create the basis for the search for new tools and technologies in the field of promoting territories in the interregional market of tourist services. At the heart of formation of the concept of promoting the territory in the market of tourist services lies the effective use of its tourist potential and formation of inter-organizational relations in the tourist-recreational network of the territory, which contributes to an increase in the attractiveness of a city, a region on the inter-regional market of tourist services. When forming the concept of promoting domestic regions in the interregional tourism services market, in addition to the consequences of the pandemic, it is necessary to take into account the current long-term trends: insufficient popularization of domestic territories in the tourism services market. The unsatisfactory quality of tourist services provided is confirmed by the contribution of tourism to the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation, which amounted to only 5.0% in 2019, with an average global value of this indicator of 10.2%.La transformación del mecanismo para aumentar el potencial de inversión de los territorios de Rusia en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-2019 refuerza repetidamente la importancia de una política activa en el campo de la formación del concepto de promoción de territorios en general y en particular en el mercado interregional de servicios turísticos. En las condiciones actuales de la pandemia, metas y objetivos fundamentalmente nuevos de la política regional sientan las bases para la búsqueda de nuevas herramientas y tecnologías en el campo de la promoción de territorios en el mercado interregional de servicios turísticos. En el corazón de la formación del concepto de promoción del territorio en el mercado de servicios turísticos se encuentra el aprovechamiento efectivo de su potencial turístico y la formación de relaciones interorganizacionales en la red turístico-recreativa del territorio, que contribuya al aumento de la atractivo de una ciudad, una región en el mercado interregional de servicios turísticos. Al formar el concepto de promoción de las regiones nacionales en el mercado de servicios turísticos interregionales, además de las consecuencias de la pandemia, es necesario tener en cuenta las tendencias actuales a largo plazo: insuficiente popularización de los territorios nacionales en el mercado de servicios turísticos. La calidad insatisfactoria de los servicios turísticos prestados se confirma por la contribución del turismo al producto interno bruto de la Federación de Rusia, que ascendió a solo el 5,0 % en 2019, con un valor global promedio de este indicador del 10,2 %.A transformação do mecanismo de aumento do potencial de investimento dos territórios da Rússia no contexto da pandemia de COVID-2019 reforça repetidamente a importância de uma política ativa no campo da formação do conceito de promoção de territórios em geral e em particular no mercado inter-regional de serviços turísticos. Nas condições atuais da pandemia, fundamentalmente novas metas e objetivos da política regional criam as bases para a busca de novas ferramentas e tecnologias no campo da promoção de territórios no mercado inter-regional de serviços turísticos. No cerne da formação do conceito de promoção do território no mercado de serviços turísticos está a utilização efetiva do seu potencial turístico e a formação de relações interorganizacionais na rede turístico-recreativa do território, o que contribui para um aumento da atratividade de uma cidade, uma região no mercado inter-regional de serviços turísticos. Ao formar o conceito de promoção das regiões domésticas no mercado de serviços turísticos inter-regionais, além das consequências da pandemia, é necessário levar em conta as tendências atuais de longo prazo: popularização insuficiente dos territórios domésticos no mercado de serviços turísticos. A qualidade insatisfatória dos serviços turísticos prestados é confirmada pela contribuição do turismo para o produto interno bruto da Federação Russa, que ascendeu a apenas 5,0% em 2019, com um valor médio global deste indicador de 10,2%


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    Transformation of the mechanism for increasing the investment potential of the territories of Russia in the context of the COVID-2019 pandemic repeatedly strengthens the importance of an active policy in the field of forming the concept of promoting territories in general and in particular in the interregional market of tourist services. In the current conditions of the pandemic, fundamentally new goals and objectives of regional policy create the basis for the search for new tools and technologies in the field of promoting territories in the interregional market of tourist services. At the heart of formation of the concept of promoting the territory in the market of tourist services lies the effective use of its tourist potential and formation of inter-organizational relations in the tourist-recreational network of the territory, which contributes to an increase in the attractiveness of a city, a region on the inter-regional market of tourist services. When forming the concept of promoting domestic regions in the interregional tourism services market, in addition to the consequences of the pandemic, it is necessary to take into account the current long-term trends: insufficient popularization of domestic territories in the tourism services market. The unsatisfactory quality of tourist services provided is confirmed by the contribution of tourism to the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation, which amounted to only 5.0% in 2019, with an average global value of this indicator of 10.2%.La transformación del mecanismo para aumentar el potencial de inversión de los territorios de Rusia en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-2019 refuerza repetidamente la importancia de una política activa en el campo de la formación del concepto de promoción de territorios en general y en particular en el mercado interregional de servicios turísticos. En las condiciones actuales de la pandemia, metas y objetivos fundamentalmente nuevos de la política regional sientan las bases para la búsqueda de nuevas herramientas y tecnologías en el campo de la promoción de territorios en el mercado interregional de servicios turísticos. En el corazón de la formación del concepto de promoción del territorio en el mercado de servicios turísticos se encuentra el aprovechamiento efectivo de su potencial turístico y la formación de relaciones interorganizacionales en la red turístico-recreativa del territorio, que contribuya al aumento de la atractivo de una ciudad, una región en el mercado interregional de servicios turísticos. Al formar el concepto de promoción de las regiones nacionales en el mercado de servicios turísticos interregionales, además de las consecuencias de la pandemia, es necesario tener en cuenta las tendencias actuales a largo plazo: insuficiente popularización de los territorios nacionales en el mercado de servicios turísticos. La calidad insatisfactoria de los servicios turísticos prestados se confirma por la contribución del turismo al producto interno bruto de la Federación de Rusia, que ascendió a solo el 5,0 % en 2019, con un valor global promedio de este indicador del 10,2 %.A transformação do mecanismo de aumento do potencial de investimento dos territórios da Rússia no contexto da pandemia de COVID-2019 reforça repetidamente a importância de uma política ativa no campo da formação do conceito de promoção de territórios em geral e em particular no mercado inter-regional de serviços turísticos. Nas condições atuais da pandemia, fundamentalmente novas metas e objetivos da política regional criam as bases para a busca de novas ferramentas e tecnologias no campo da promoção de territórios no mercado inter-regional de serviços turísticos. No cerne da formação do conceito de promoção do território no mercado de serviços turísticos está a utilização efetiva do seu potencial turístico e a formação de relações interorganizacionais na rede turístico-recreativa do território, o que contribui para um aumento da atratividade de uma cidade, uma região no mercado inter-regional de serviços turísticos. Ao formar o conceito de promoção das regiões domésticas no mercado de serviços turísticos inter-regionais, além das consequências da pandemia, é necessário levar em conta as tendências atuais de longo prazo: popularização insuficiente dos territórios domésticos no mercado de serviços turísticos. A qualidade insatisfatória dos serviços turísticos prestados é confirmada pela contribuição do turismo para o produto interno bruto da Federação Russa, que ascendeu a apenas 5,0% em 2019, com um valor médio global deste indicador de 10,2%

    Marginal Political Practices of Youth as a Communication Trend in the Post-Politics Era

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    The article examines the marginal political practices of young people as a way of communicating with the authorities. Such characteristics of political practices of young people as virulence, diversification, non-normality and hybridity have been revealed. Based on the analysis of political cases of recent years, the most popular marginal political practices, meme practices, the battle of sticker packs, hashtags, etc. have been identified. The main research method was trend watching. In the course of the study, the value-semantic grounds for the application of marginal political practices by young people and their legal regulation by the state were identified. The analysis showed that the popularity of marginal political practices as a way of communication between young people and the authorities lies in the imperfection of the organisation of power in the Russian Federation. As a result, possible steps were identified that government institutions and individual officials can take to construct a productive dialogue with young people. In the conclusion, the results of the study are summarised, including the unpredictability of the outcomes of the use of marginal practices, their excessive legalisation and social partnership as the most effective way of their constructivisation.The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and ANO EISI (Autonomous Non-Commercial Organisation, Expert Institute for Social Research), Project no. 20-011-31736

    A social portrait of the Russian trainer

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    The purposes of this paper are to survey Russian trainers to create a social portrait of the professional group and to identify features, which could be arranged as a foothold for transforming this group to a new level given the demands of the modern economy. This study integrates the use of quantitative and qualitative social research strategies to obtain, aggregate, and analyze data characterizing the professional group of trainers in the Russian vocational education and training (VET) system. The basic research was provided by questionnaires in all federal districts (as recognized by international law) of the Russian Federation. The quantitative poll of trainers was conducted by representative two-level sampling. A number of tables and charts provide a social portrait of the Russian trainer. The statistical data reveal the current level of trainers’ education as well as their length of service, distribution of vocations, and other significant features. The overall conclusion from these findings indicates that a typical representative of this professional group is a woman of average or slightly advanced age with a family, who has a VET or higher education, has served as a training officer for not less than 10 years, and who has either been recruited as a highly skilled worker or as a specialist. A typical representative feels the need to change something in the life and teaching of the young people that she knows. The research into trainers as a professional group was conducted first because of their uniformity, and secondly, their typicality as a pedagogical group. In many respects, the main characteristics of the social portrait are similar to characteristics of other professional groups in the Russian education system, such as secondary and post-secondary school teachers, and VET teachers. The study is based on one country. It is the first and only survey of its type in the Russian Federation. The paper provides a unique analysis of the situation with trainers in the VET system of the Russian Federation. © 2016 Kopnov et al