23 research outputs found

    Pedagogist as Social Professional: SozialpƤdagogik and Professional Pedagogy

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    The profound changes that have occurred over the last few decades to the social, cultural and relational reality have added a new emphasis on pedagogy even though the emerging need for the profession of ā€œpedagogist,ā€ a new intellectual and social profession in common consideration, but which boasts over 2500 years of history and tradition as its reference science. This profession is at the top of pedagogical and education professions. Its conceptual and operational framework, its methodologies and procedures, its technical vocabulary and everything constituting an advanced professional knowledge were born and developed in the ancient times, beginning with its origins in classical Greece. The recent re-foundations can be found in the SozialpƤdagogik, in the same Mittleuropean cultural environment where other social professions of recent birth have their ground. Re-founders of this science and profession were Mager, Diesterweg, Natorp and Durkheim Pedagogist. In this paper, we summarized the essential features of this profession, its methodology, its principles, its practical procedures, with special attention to the problems of couple and family, and those belonging to its initial education and its recognition by law which in Italy have been solved only at the end of the year 2017. The branch of General Pedagogy that includes this subject is called Professional Pedagogy

    Autogenic Training and Professional Pedagogy (Training Autogeno e Pedagogia Professionale)

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    Autogenic Training (das Autogenes Training) is a procedure that has beenĀ proposed by J. H. Schultz in 1932, originally with the purpose of relaxation, but which over the decades extended its role and its applications for the most varied of enhancing human personal resources. His teaching is practiced by different professionals. In this paper we discuss the contribution of social and professional pedagogy in this context and the corresponding practice, considering the methodology, didactics, the conception of the helping and assistance relationship to the person and the contribution non therapeutic to health. Even the linguistic problems in the translation from German to Italian language require attention. In the AT the professional pedagogist, apical professional in educational problems find its field of scope and exercise which has many original and very interesting features

    The Pedagogist's Professional Practice and the Clinical Method

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    The "clinical" method is one of the possible methodological choices for Pedagogy as a profession and as a research, for Social Sciences and for other sciences, as well as for the professions that refer to these sciences.It can also be called "casuistic and situational method", and it is an exclusive alternative to the statistical operational method, with a full community of scientific rigor and technical applicativeness.It consists in the consideration of the individual case and of the single person with all its specific symptomatic and phenomenal characteristics, through the mediation of the professional to a general case within the limited number of general cases whose corpus makes science, profession and scientific and professional community, and in obtaining the indications for the help and the service to whom the professional has addressed.A particular reflection is dedicated to the specific technique for the transition from the particular to the general through the mediation provided by the professional, that is through human mediation, according to a non-tautological technique known from ancient Greece with the name of "abduction" or "retroduction" "į¼˜Ļ€Ī¹Ļ‡ĪµĪÆĻĪ·Ī¼Ī±ā€ or ā€œReductio ad absurdumā€ by Zeno from Elea (489-430), or 'Ī±Ļ€Ī±Ī³Ļ‰Ī³Ī® known to Aristoteles (384-322).The theme offers a precious opportunity for various reflections on the profession of pedagogist and on his practice: a profession that has recently had its legal recognition in Italy too

    Decision in the pedagogical professional practice and the abductionā€™s function

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    The aim of this short contribution is to present a summary of the decision problem within the profession of the pedagogist, and the fundamental role of the abduction Ā (ā€™Ī±Ļ€Ī±Ī³Ļ‰Ī³Ī®, retroduction) process in its proper context, in professional practice of the pedagogist, as in all professional practice involving the social and professional pedagogy. Pedagogy is a field for reflection, application and commitment or engagement to education. Moreover, pedagogy is establishing itself as a profession, the profession of the pedagogist (not of the educator, who is a different figure), in the socio-health, intellectual, cultural and aid profession field, even in spite of heavy delays and failures of the Italian laws and the resistance of professional groups related but already recognized both by law and by society. The so-called ā€œpedagogical interlocutionā€ is a paradigmatic form of the professional pedagogical practice. Decision in professional pedagogy, properly speaking, must be reached by the interlocutor(s), who must debate and develop it, with the aid of the professional pedagogist. Abduction is not a valid syllogism: it concerns a possible example of a general case or of a rule, whose the actual pertinence to this general case or this rule is mediated by the professional or expert assumptions. The professional approach of the pedagogist, from methodological point of view, is casuistic (case based) and situational as a form of aid given to the person, alternative and other than to the statistical-operational methodology that addresses rather to populations composed of individuals. Cases of general interest in professional pedagogy can be labeled as ā€œcasuistriesā€ or ā€œcase studyā€ categories. A good collection of casuistries - case study categories is provided by Erich Fromm, concerning the problems of family education; and by Viktor E. Frankl in his search for sense, Lebenssinn or Ī»ĻŒĪ³ĪæĻ‚. A further range of examples of categories based on case studies which can be dealt with a pedagogical professional methodology are the life and studies orientation problems. A fourth class of examples, applicable differently but methodologically similar, offers to us the autogenic training, particularly the choice of the propositional formula, called and eventually repeated both in the opening and in the closure, which must be adapted to the particular case of each single person; and this can be considered a specific pedagogical competence as the gradual training to the technique proposed by Johannes Heinrich Schultz reveals to be. Professional pedagogy, by this way, can make an important and an authentic and specific contribution to general discussion about decision in the social, human and cultural sciences (or human- sozial- geistes- Wissenschaften)

    Cultura scientifica e formazione degli insegnanti

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    Scientific culture, if mediated through an adequate pedagogical and methodological-didactic reflection, can be an essential component of the teachersā€™ education, of their professionalism and their exercise. It is to be nurtured through the actual practice of scientific research, both basic and applied, as far as logical-mathematical, formal and empirical sciences of nature regard as well as of technical matters. Herewith four aspects of great relevance in the present debate are exemplified: the methodology of scientific research, proceeding by problems, the systems theory and teaching conceived and dealt with as a science

    Contribution of Professional Pedagogy to Decision-Making

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    The aim is to offer a contribution to the problem of decision-making in the world of the higher intellectual professions, considering the pedagogy as a paradigmatic profession in the social, caring, and helping field. Pedagogy is an ancient science and profession, like medicine and jurisprudence, as it is known. The professional practice, in the social field as in the health and in other fields, consists in reconnecting the complex phenomenology of each singular particular case to a more limited number of general cases, theories, or disciplinary casuistries. It is a question of making a diagnosis, in a broad sense of the term. For this procedure, both the positive inductivist approach, from many facts to the generalization, and the idealistic and deductive approach, from general a priori ideas to the particular, are obsolete. We then examine the pragmatistic concept of abduction and, more generally, the contributions of the most up-to-date methodology, just as it is applied in the practice of professionals

    The Professional Pedagogy Helping Adults in the Couple, Family and Parenthood Situations

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    The pedagogical interlocution is a specific technique of professional-pedagogical practice in the form of dialogue that we used to support couples and families. This paper is an overview of the broader and more comprehensive case studies, we dealt with, providing an account that we think significant for the professional pedagogist's role and function

    The Actuality of Family Pedagogy

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    Family, gender issues and family education constitute a problematic domain among the most challenging in the last decades, which increasingly require a specific professional aid. SozialpƤdagogik ā€“ social pedagogy and professional pedagogy have the tools to respond positively to this legitimate demand. In this paper, in the form of a conversation, we take into consideration the status quaestionis concisely, highlighting the main ideas and the todayā€™s real prospects of evolution.Ā La famiglia, le questioni di genere e lā€™educazione familiare costituiscono un dominio problematico tra i piĆ¹ impegnativi degli ultimi decenni, che richiedono sempre piĆ¹ spesso un aiuto professionale specifico. La pedagogia sociale e professionale odierna ha gli strumenti per rispondere positivamente a tale legittima esigenza. In questo saggio, sotto la forma di una conversazione, si prende in sintetico esame lo status quaestionis, evidenziando le principali idee e le prospettive reali dā€™evoluzione.Parole Chiave: Famiglia, pedagogia sociale, pedagogia professionale, pedagogista, evoluzion

    The Pedagogist with Health and Psyche Professionals

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    Pedagogical Interlocution (L'Interlocuzione Pedagogica)

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    In this paper, we delineate the technique of the so-called ā€œpedagogical interlocutionā€, which is a way to exercise and practice pedagogy as a profession, and a paradigmatic form of aidā€™s relationship in which to implement specific conceptual and operational tools of pedagogy. It constitutes the result of twenty-five years of studies and empirical research by the free-professional exercise, especially on the problems of couple, family and parenthood, and summarize the complex of principles, methods, techniques, procedures, ideas and specific vocabulary that are necessary to constitute the professionalism of the pedagogist and allows to exercise using the contributions of pedagogy. Such a contribution is becoming increasingly necessary in the current evolution of social and cultural reality.Keywords: Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy, Profession of Pedagogist, Social Professions, Aidā€™s Relationsfip, MethodologyĀ SuntoIn questo saggio si delinea la tecnica della cosiddetta ā€œinterlocuzione pedagogicaā€, che ĆØ una modalitĆ  d'esercizio della pedagogia come professione e una forma paradigmatica di relazione d'aiuto nella quale implementare strumenti concettuali ed operativi specifici della pedagogia. Esso costituisce il risultato di venticinque anni di studi e di ricerche empiriche attraverso l'esercizio libero-professionale, soprattutto su problemi di coppia, famiglia e genitorialitĆ , e compendia il complesso di principi, metodi, tecniche, procedure, idee e lessico specifico che sono necessari a costituire la professionalitĆ  del pedagogista e consentono di esercitare avvalendosi dellā€™apporto della pedagogia. Un tale apporto va facendosi sempre piĆ¹ evidentemente necessario nellā€™evolversi attuale della realtĆ  sociale e culturale.Parole Chiave: pedagogia, pedagogia sociale, professione di pedagogista, professioni sociali, relazione dā€™aiuto, metodologi