356 research outputs found

    Tablet Applications for the Elderly: Specific Usability Guidelines

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    While the world population is aging, the technological progress is steadily increasing. Smartphones and tablets belong to a growing market and even more people aged 65 and above are using such touch devices. However, with advancing age normal cognitive, sensory, perceptual and motor changes influence psychological and physical capabilities and therefore the way the elderly are able to use tablet-applications. When designing tablet-applications for the elderly developers have to be supported in understanding these capabilities. Therefore, this thesis provides a comprehensive compilation of usability guidelines in order to develop user-friendly tablet-applications for older people. The development and testing of an exemplary tablet-application within this thesis shows how these guidelines can be brought into practice and how this realization is evaluated by test persons in this age group


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    Purpose. This research paper shows which value add measures are used by German DAX 30 corporations in their 2015 annual reports. It explains how different measures like shareholder value, economical value add (EVATM), return on capital employed (ROCE), return on equity (ROE) and others are calculated and how they correlate. Corporate governance has been highly professionalized which clearly shows in the annual reports of all firms. The requirement for “sustainable creation of value” as stated in the German Corporate Governance Codex (Regierungskommision Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex, 2015) is made transparent as a core element in the companies’ annual reports. Design. 70% of the DAX 30 firms show value add data and some of them even highlight that value add has been made part of their corporate management approach. In turn this means that 30% of the firms are not showing value add data in a prominent way. The paper focuses on the 70% showing value add data and how EVA, company specific EVA-like measures or ROCE are the most used ones. Findings. The paper shows that ROCE with a factor of 0,97 correlates best with EVA and in absence of an EVA calculation is the best measure to represent value creation. Originality. As part of a dissertation the aim is to develop a best in class measurement system and comparison for corporate governance theoretical and empirical analyses. The paper has been presented at 21st European Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students - PEFnet2017 organized by the Faculty of Business and Economics of Mendel University in Brno, taking place on November 30, 2017 on the campus of Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic

    Bird assemblages from Carilauquen Marshes (Llancanelo Lagoon, Mendoza, Argentina): considerations for their conservation

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    Analizamos los cambios estacionales en la riqueza, composición, abundancia y uso de hábitat de las especies de aves de los ambientes acuáticos y terrestres del sistema de bañados de Carilauquen. Identificamos cinco hábitats de importancia para las aves: el bañado, las playas y aguas costeras de la laguna, el salitral costero, el pichanal y el matorral arbustivo. Registramos 100 especies distribuidas en forma heterogénea en el mosaico ambiental; cada hábitat aportó especies exclusivas al conjunto total de especies. La similitud entre hábitats fue baja; la mayoría de las especies ocuparon solo uno o dos hábitats. La abundancia y riqueza de especies fueron mayores en primavera y verano, lo que coincide con la estación reproductiva de la mayoría de las especies. Varias especies endémicas de zonas áridas y semiáridas de Argentina nidifican en los ambientes terrestres de Carilauquen. Analizamos el valor para la conservación de los cinco tipos de hábitat considerando el uso de hábitat, la exclusividad taxonómica y la distribución de las especies de cada ensamble. El bañado es el hábitat prioritario para el mantenimiento de la diversidad de aves de Carilauquen, ya que alberga muchas especies con distribuciones particula- res y con marcadas preferencias de hábitat. El matorral arbustivo, pese a su menor riqueza, también posee interés especial por la composición del ensamble. Una estrategia de conservación efectiva debe contemplar la complementariedad de ambos tipos de hábitat para la conservación regional de la avifauna.We analyzed seasonal changes in species richness, composition, abundance and habitat use of birds in wetlands and terrestrial environ- ments from the Carilauquen marsh system. We identified five important habitats for birds: marsh, coast of the lagoon, coastal salt-land, pichanal and shrubland. During the study we recorded 100 bird species that showed a heterogeneous distribution on the environmental mosaic; each habi- tat contributed with exclusive species to the overall species pool. The Carilauquen marsh system showed low between-habitat similarity; most of the bird species used only one or two habitats. Bird abundance and species richness were higher during spring and summer, likely due to the nest season of most of the species. Several endemic species of arid lands from Argentina nested in the terrestrial environments of Carilauquen. We analyzed the conservation value of the five habitats considering habitat preferences, distribution and taxonomic exclusivity of each bird- species assemblage. The conservation of the marsh guarantees the maintenance of high bird diversity, because this habitat harbours many species with restricted ranges and with narrow habitat preferences. The shrubland, in despite of its lower species richness in comparison to wetlands, is a habitat of special interest for bird conservation due to the species composition of the assemblage. An effective conservation strategy has to consider the complementarity of both habitats for the conservation of the regional avifauna

    Timing of Train Disposition: Towards Early Passenger Rerouting in Case of Delays

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    Passenger-friendly train disposition is a challenging, highly complex online optimization problem with uncertain and incomplete information about future delays. In this paper we focus on the timing within the disposition process. We introduce three different classification schemes to predict as early as possible the status of a transfer: whether it will almost surely break, is so critically delayed that it requires manual disposition, or can be regarded as only slightly uncertain or as being safe. The three approaches use lower bounds on travel times, historical distributions of delay data, and fuzzy logic, respectively. In experiments with real delay data we achieve an excellent classification rate. Furthermore, using realistic passenger flows we observe that there is a significant potential to reduce the passenger delay if an early rerouting strategy is applied

    Untersuchung der Schichteigenschaften und Biokompatibilität von ALD Schichten auf PEEK

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    Polyetheretherketon (PEEK) besitzt vorteilhafte biomechanische Eigenschaften für lasttragende orthopädische Implantate, jedoch werden für die Osseointegration wichtige Eigenschaften wie die Adsorption von Proteinen und die Adhäsion von Zellen von PEEK nicht gefördert. Die Biokompatibilität von PEEK kann durch Beschichtungen aus Titan und Titanoxid (TiO2) verbessert werden. Das Aufbringen dieser Beschichtungen erfolgt üblicherweise mit verschiedenen Arten der physikalischen Gasphasenabscheidung. Bei diesen Verfahren erfolgt die Beschichtung durch ein gerichtetes Aufbringen von Material auf die im Blickwinkel der Beschichtungsquelle befindlichen Oberflächen. Sehr raue, oder hinterschnittene Bereiche des Implantats können mit diesen Verfahren mitunter nicht beschichtet werden. Die Atomlagenabscheidung (engl. atomic layer deposition, ALD) ermöglicht die Abscheidung defektfreier, homogener und konformer Schichten auch auf komplexen dreidimensionalen (3D) Oberflächen. Bei temperaturempfindlichen Materialien wie PEEK ermöglicht die plasmaunterstützte ALD (engl. plasma enhanced ALD, PEALD) die Abscheidung bei niedrigeren Temperaturen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine PEALD-Anlage zur homogenen Beschichtung komplexer 3D-Oberflächen modifiziert und die Eigenschaften von abgeschiedenen TiO2-Schichten untersucht. Die Konformität der Beschichtungen wurde auf 3D-Teststrukturen untersucht. Die Vorteile des ALD-Beschichtungsverfahrens auf komplexen Geometrien konnten bei der Beschichtung von rauen PEEK-Oberflächen sehr gut anhand von Rasterelektronenmikroskopie-Aufnahmen an einem Querschnitt-Schnitt beobachtet werden. Durch Änderung der Parameter der Vorbehandlung mit einem Sauerstoffplasma konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Schichthaftung von der Hydrophilie der PEEK-Oberfläche abhängt und durch optimierte Parameter eine weitere Verbesserung der Schichthaftung möglich ist. Kontaktwinkelmessungen haben gezeigt, dass TiO2-beschichtetes PEEK eine erhöhte Hydrophilie und Oberflächenenergie aufweist. Die Anhaftung von Proteinen und Zellen für ein verbessertes Einwachsverhalten wird dadurch gefördert. Die Biokompatibilität wurde mittels in-vitro Zelltests mit mesenchymalen ST2-Stammzellen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf hervorragende osteokonduktive Eigenschaften hin. Des Weiteren konnte auf Referenzsubstraten eine antibakterielle Wirkung der TiO2-Schichten durch Besiedelungsversuche mit E. coli-Bakterien nachgewiesen werden. Außerdem wird eine Möglichkeit vorgestellt, mit welcher auf den TiO2-Schichten eine zu Hydroxyapatit ähnliche Calciumphosphat-haltige Schicht abgeschieden werden konnte, wodurch die bioaktiven Eigenschaften von PEEK-Implantaten weiter verbessert werden können

    New distributional records for the Crowned Eagle (<i>Harpyhaliaetus coronatus</i>) in Western Argentina

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    The Crowned Eagle, <i>Harpyhaliaetus coronatus</i>, is regarded as endangered because of its low population numbers, the destruction of potential habitat, and the scarcity of records. Ecological studies on this species are required to develop conservation plans. We present 15 new distributional records obtained in the last 11 years. Based on the frequency of observed individuals and groups, and on the continuity of the habitats where it was recorded, we propose a priority area for ecological research on this species

    New distributional records for the Crowned Eagle (<i>Harpyhaliaetus coronatus</i>) in Western Argentina

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    The Crowned Eagle, <i>Harpyhaliaetus coronatus</i>, is regarded as endangered because of its low population numbers, the destruction of potential habitat, and the scarcity of records. Ecological studies on this species are required to develop conservation plans. We present 15 new distributional records obtained in the last 11 years. Based on the frequency of observed individuals and groups, and on the continuity of the habitats where it was recorded, we propose a priority area for ecological research on this species

    Geometry and chronology of growth and drowning of Middle Triassic carbonate platforms (Cernera and Bivera/Clapsavon) in the Southern Alps (northern Italy)

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    Abstract.: The depositional architecture and the geometric relationships between platform-slope deposits and basinal sediments along with paleontological evidence indicate the time interval of the younger Anisian Reitziites reitzi ammonoid zone to largely represent the main stage of platform aggradation at the Cernera and Bivera/Clapsavon carbonate platforms. Published and new U-Pb age data of zircons from volcaniclastic layers bracketing the stratigraphic interval of platform growth constrain the duration of platform evolution to a time span shorter than 1.8±0.7m.y., probably in the order of 0.5-1m.y., reflecting fast rates of vertical platform aggradation exceeding 500 m/m.y. In the range of growth potentials for shallow-water carbonate systems estimated in relation to the time span of observation, this high rate is in agreement with values for short intervals of 105-106yrs (e.g., Schlager 1999). After drowning, the platforms at Cernera and Bivera/Clapsavon were blanketed by thin pelagic carbonates. On the former platform flanks the draping sediments in places comprise red nodular pelagic limestones (Clapsavon Limestone) similar in facies to the Han Bulog Limestones occurring elsewhere in Middle Triassic successions of the Mediterranean Tethys. The drowning of vast areas of former carbonate platforms possibly triggered the onset of bottom-water circulation in adjacent basins as suggested by the abrupt transition from laminated to bioturbated pelagic nodular limestones in the Buchenstein Formation which occurred close to the time of initial platform submergence. During the Late Ladinian the topographic features of the drowned platforms were onlapped by rapidly deposited, predominantly clastic successions including coarse breccias and volcanic rocks sealing and preserving the peculiar stratigraphic settin

    Abundancia y distribución de aves rapaces en el parque biológico sierra de San Javier, noroeste de Argentina

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    Abundancia y distribución de aves rapaces en el Parque Biológico Sierra de San Javier, noroeste de Argentina. – Presentamos los patrones de utilización de hábitat para 27 especies de aves rapaces del Parque Biológico Sierra de San Javier. Registramos en total 20 especies diurnas y 7 de hábitos nocturnos; 70% de ellas habitan con regularidad el área relevada. En los hábitat principales, realizamos un análisis cualitativo de la abundancia y de la distribución temporal estacional de las especies. Las especies más abundantes son residentes permanentes, ampliamente distribuidos en Sudamérica. La riqueza de especies fue mayor para los carnívoros y menor para los insectívoros en los tres hábitat principales del parque, mientras que los carroñeros fueron el grupo funcional más abundante en los tres casos. Discutimos la contribución del parque para la conservación de especies de aves rapaces susceptibles de extinguirse a escala local. El Milano pico garfio (Chondrohierax uncinatus) y el Taguató negro (Buteo leucorrhousi) poseen alto riesgo de extinción local, debido a su disminución numérica, susceptibilidad a la alteración del hábitat y alprogresivo aislamiento del parque. Ocho especies utilizan con regularidad el tipo de hábitat donde su abundancia es mayor [Jote real (Sarcoramphus papa), Aguilucho cola corta (Buteo brachyurus), Halcón montéschico (Micrastur ruficollis) y Lechucita canela (Aegolius harrisii) en el bosque montano subtropical; Milano blanco (Elanus leucurus), Chimango (Milvago chimango), Halconcito colorado (Falco sparverius) y Lechucita vizcachera (Speotyto cunicularia) en los bosques alterados]. Estas especies son potencialmente útiles como indicadoras de la calidad del hábitat y para evaluar el impacto de la modificación y fragmentación de los hábitat naturales sobre la vida silvestre del parque. Aceptado el 10 de Mayo de 2004.Abstract. – We describe patterns of habitat use for 27 species of raptors in the Sierra de San Javier Biological Park in northwest Argentina. Twenty diurnal and seven nocturnal species were recorded; 70% of them regularly inhabit the area. For the main habitats, we present a qualitative analysis of species seasonal distribution and abundance during the dry and wet seasons. The most abundant species were permanent residents that are widely distributed in South America. Species richness was highest among carnivores and lowest among insectivores in the three main habitats of the park, while scavengers were the most abundant functional group in all habitats. We discuss the importance of the park for the conservation of species susceptibleto local extinction. The White-rumped Hawk (Buteo leucorrhous) and the Hook-billed Kite (Chondrohieraxuncinatus) seem to be at high risk of local extinction because of their decrease in number,susceptibility to forest degradation, and the progressive isolation of the park. Eight species regularly used the habitat where their abundance was highest [King Vulture (Sarcoramphus papa), Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyurus), Barred Forest-Falcon (Micrastur ruficollis), and Buff-fronted Owl (Aegolius harrisii) in the mature subtropical montane forest; and White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus), Chimango Caracara (Milvago chimango), American Kestrel (Falco sparverius), and Burrowing Owl (Speotyto cunicularia) in disturbed forests]. These species are potentially useful as indicators of habitat quality and in assessing the impact of habitat fragmentation and modification on the park’s wildlife.Key words: Argentina, conservation, ecological indicator, raptor, subtropical montane forest, Tucumán.We describe patterns of habitat use for 27 species of raptors in the Sierra de San Javier Biological Park in northwest Argentina. Twenty diurnal and seven nocturnal species were recorded; 70% of them regularly inhabit the area. For the main habitats, we present a qualitative analysis of species seasonal distribution and abundance during the dry and wet seasons. The most abundant species were permanent resi- dents that are widely distributed in South America. Species richness was highest among carnivores and lowest among insectivores in the three main habitats of the park, while scavengers were the most abundant functional group in all habitats. We discuss the importance of the park for the conservation of species susceptible to local extinction. The White-rumped Hawk (Buteo leucorrhous) and the Hook-billed Kite (Chon- drohierax uncinatus) seem to be at high risk of local extinction because of their decrease in number, susceptibility to forest degradation, and the progressive isolation of the park. Eight species regularly used the habitat where their abundance was highest [King Vulture (Sarcoramphus papa), Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyurus), Barred Forest-Falcon (Micrastur ruficollis), and Buff-fronted Owl (Aegolius harrisii) in the mature subtropical montane forest; and White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus), Chimango Caracara (Milvago chimango), American Kestrel (Falco sparverius), and Burrowing Owl (Speotyto cunicularia) in disturbed forests]. These species are potentially useful as indicators of habitat quality and in assessing the impact of habitat fragmentation and modification on the park’s wildlife.Fil: Blendinger, Pedro Gerardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Laboratorio de Investigaciones Ecológicas de las Yungas; ArgentinaFil: Capllonch, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, María Eva. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Laboratorio de Investigaciones Ecológicas de las Yungas; Argentin