7 research outputs found

    Determining the impacts of climate change on Spatio-temporal patterns of meteorological drought using SPI: A case study of Ain Defla, Algeria.

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    As an associated aspect of climate change, drought has become a severe challenge in different parts of the world, especially in regions where life depends on predominantly rain-fed agriculture. The Ain Defla study area is mostly agricultural land, most of its activity depends on rain. In recent years, droughts of varying impact and severity have affected crops. Therefore, this study aimed to identify and study the regions that are most vulnerable to drought in terms of time and space. Moreover, it provides a detailed picture of the drought in the region and finds appropriate solutions in the event of its return in the future. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the deviation from the average (EM) were calculated annually for 38 years for 13 stations from 1981 to 2019 within the study area. GIS was used to compile digital maps to visualize the spatial distribution of rainfall (P) and the difference in rainfall (EM) and determine the aridity using SPI values within the region based on the statistical method of Kriging. The Ain Defla region was subjected to drought of varying intensity and impact during the years (1983, 1989 and 2000), which extends with a decreasing value from east to west. Some wet years were also observed (2013 and 2018). Most years were in the moderate category by 60%. It is possible to rely on rain-fed agriculture in the western regions, that were less prone to drought during the study period compared to the eastern part, an area where drought is stable on an ongoing basis


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    This study is devoted to Nador massif located in the steppe environment of Tiaret region in the west of Algeria. This massif is characterized by a diversity of flora composed of 121 taxa belonging to 38 families and 98 genera. Biological spectrum indicates a predominance of therophytes (38%) and chamaephytes (19%), geophytes (14%). The most important families are Poaceae and Asteraceae. Mediterranean element is relatively dominant (55%) according to chorologic plane. Shannon-Weaver e diversity index is relatively high (4.55) indicating a richly diverse site. Disturbance index (63.6%) reflects highly significant degree of massif vegetation disturbance, which also reflects a more open environment. To better understand the structure of vegetation using the classification is imperativ

    Teneur en iode et qualité des sels alimentaires commercialisés dans la région de Djelfa [Iodine content and quality of dietary salts marketed in the Djelfa region]

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    Introduction. L’Algérie, à l’instar des autres pays, a adhéré au programme universel d’iodation de sel initié par l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) dans le but d’éliminer les troubles dus à la carence en iode (TCI). Objectif. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer la teneur en iode des sels alimentaires commercialisés dans une région steppique centrale de l’Algérie et d’estimer le degré de respect du programme d’iodation du sel. Matériel et méthodes. Quarante cinq échantillons de sel alimentaires commercialisés dans la localité de Djelfa ont été analysés. Ces échantillons proviennent de neuf marques différentes. Les analyses physicochimiques ont porté sur le dosage de la teneur en iode par titrage iodométrique, le dosage de la teneur en chlorure de sodium (NaCl), la détermination des matières insolubles et de l’humidité. Résultats. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la teneur en iode varie d’un échantillon à l’autre (p<0,05) et que 77,78% des échantillons sont considérés comme non conformes à la législation algérienne en vigueur, fixée entre 50,55 et 84,25 mg/kg de sel. Cette fraction renferme deux groupes, un exempt d’iode ou du moins à très faible concentration, l’autre, bien que iodé, accuse un déficit important en cet élément (p<0,01). Tous les échantillons sont conformes au regard des autres paramètres, excepté pour le NaCl où seulement 44,44% des échantillons sont déclarés conformes. L’analyse de variance montre que tous les paramètres dépendent significativement de l’échantillon testé. Conclusion. Cette étude doit être confortée avec une étude épidémiologique concernant la prévalence des TCI, tout en la généralisant à d’autres régions et en essayant de trouver des liens entre la prévalence de ces derniers et la teneur en iode des sels commercialisés. Toute généralisation, à ce stade s’avère hasardeuse

    Etude Eco-Dendrométrique Du Dépérissement Du Cèdre De l’Atlas Dans Le Parc National De Theniet El Had “Algérie”

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    This study aims to search the relationship between the decline of the Atlas cedar and the eco-dendrometrique factors in the National Park of Theniet El Had located in the north-west of Algeria. This study takes place throughout 30 circular plots of 1.000m2 area in which, a dendrometric measures and ecological data are taken in addition to descriptive data for Atlas cedar trees. The descriptive data shows that 34% of inventoried Atlas cedar have damaged leaves and 30% have more then 25% of their crowns damaged. The analysis of variance shows that there is no relationship between the rate of the Atlas cedar decline ant the ecological factors, components of the soil and dendrometric parameters except for the average circumference witch is influenced by the competition between trees. Therefor, a particular management plan for the regulation of competition is a necessity for this park


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    This study is devoted to Nador massif located in the steppe environment of Tiaret region in the west of Algeria. This massif is characterized by a diversity of flora composed of 121 taxa belonging to 38 families and 98 genera. Biological spectrum indicates a predominance of therophytes (38%) and chamaephytes (19%), geophytes (14%). The most important families are Poaceae and Asteraceae. Mediterranean element is relatively dominant (55%) according to chorologic plane. Shannon-Weaver e diversity index is relatively high (4.55) indicating a richly diverse site. Disturbance index (63.6%) reflects highly significant degree of massif vegetation disturbance, which also reflects a more open environment. To better understand the structure of vegetation using the classification is imperativ