287 research outputs found

    Growing supermassive black holes in the late stages of galaxy mergers are heavily obscured

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    Mergers of galaxies are thought to cause significant gas inflows to the inner parsecs, which can activate rapid accretion onto supermassive black holes (SMBHs), giving rise to Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). During a significant fraction of this process, SMBHs are predicted to be enshrouded by gas and dust. Studying 52 galactic nuclei in infrared-selected local Luminous and Ultra-luminous infrared galaxies in different merger stages in the hard X-ray band, where radiation is less affected by absorption, we find that the amount of material around SMBHs increases during the last phases of the merger. We find that the fraction of Compton-thick (CT, NH1024cm2N_{\rm\,H}\geq 10^{24}\rm\,cm^{-2}) AGN in late merger galaxies is higher (fCT=6513+12%f_{\rm\,CT}=65^{+12}_{-13}\%) than in local hard X-ray selected AGN (fCT=27±4%f_{\rm\,CT}=27\pm 4\%), and that obscuration reaches its maximum when the nuclei of the two merging galaxies are at a projected distance of D120.410.8D_{12}\simeq0.4-10.8 kiloparsecs (fCT=7717+13%f_{\rm\,CT}=77_{-17}^{+13}\%). We also find that all AGN of our sample in late merger galaxies have NH>1023cm2N_{\rm\,H}> 10^{23}\rm\,cm^{-2}, which implies that the obscuring material covers 958+4%95^{+4}_{-8}\% of the X-ray source. These observations show that the material is most effectively funnelled from the galactic scale to the inner tens of parsecs during the late stages of galaxy mergers, and that the close environment of SMBHs in advanced mergers is richer in gas and dust with respect to that of SMBHs in isolated galaxies, and cannot be explained by the classical AGN unification model in which the torus is responsible for the obscuration.Comment: Final version matching the article published in MNRAS - 30 pages, 16 figure

    Leukocyte function and health status of calves supplemented with vitamins A and E

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    Forty-four Holstein calves were fed milk replacers with varied concentrations of vitamins A and E from 3 to 45 d of age to determine their effects on concentrations of plasma vitamin A (retinol and retinyl palmitate) and vitamin E (a- tocopherol), lymphocyte and neutrophil functions, and health of calves. Plasma a-tocopherol was unaffected by increased vitamin A supplementation. Fecal scores, and eye and nose membrane responses were improved with increased vitamin A and lower vitamin E concentration, whereas the same treatment tended to reduce neutrophil cytotoxic and bactericidal activity by 6 wk of age. Increased supplemental vitamin E tended to enhance neutrophil functions. However, age appeared to have an effect on response to both vitamins

    SDSS1133: An Unusually Persistent Transient in a Nearby Dwarf Galaxy

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    While performing a survey to detect recoiling supermassive black holes, we have identified an unusual source having a projected offset of 800 pc from a nearby dwarf galaxy. The object, SDSS J113323.97+550415.8, exhibits broad emission lines and strong variability. While originally classified as a supernova (SN) because of its nondetection in 2005, we detect it in recent and past observations over 63 yr and find over a magnitude of rebrightening in the last 2 years. Using high-resolution adaptive optics observations, we constrain the source emission region to be <12 pc and find a disturbed host-galaxy morphology indicative of recent merger activity. Observations taken over more than a decade show narrow [O III] lines, constant ultraviolet emission, broad Balmer lines, a constant putative black hole mass over a decade of observations despite changes in the continuum, and optical emission-line diagnostics consistent with an active galactic nucleus (AGN). However, the optical spectra exhibit blueshifted absorption, and eventually narrow Fe II and [Ca II] emission, each of which is rarely found in AGN spectra. While this peculiar source displays many of the observational properties expected of a potential black hole recoil candidate, some of the properties could also be explained by a luminous blue variable star (LBV) erupting for decades since 1950, followed by a Type IIn SN in 2001. Interpreted as an LBV followed by a SN analogous to SN 2009ip, the multi-decade LBV eruptions would be the longest ever observed, and the broad Halpha emission would be the most luminous ever observed at late times (>10 yr), larger than that of unusually luminous supernovae such as SN 1988Z, suggesting one of the most extreme episodes of pre-SN mass loss ever discovered.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey -- XVIII. Searching for Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in the X-rays

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    Theory predicts that a supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB) could be observed as a luminous active galactic nucleus (AGN) that periodically varies on the order of its orbital timescale. In X-rays, periodic variations could be caused by mechanisms including relativistic Doppler boosting and shocks. Here we present the first systematic search for periodic AGNs using 941941 hard X-ray light curves (14-195 keV) from the first 105 months of the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) survey (2004-2013). We do not find evidence for periodic AGNs in Swift-BAT, including the previously reported SMBHB candidate MCG+11-11-032. We find that the null detection is consistent with the combination of the upper-limit binary population in AGNs in our adopted model, their expected periodic variability amplitudes, and the BAT survey characteristics. We have also investigated the detectability of SMBHBs against normal AGN X-ray variability in the context of the eROSITA survey. Under our assumptions of a binary population and the periodic signals they produce which have long periods of hundreds of days, up to 1313% true periodic binaries can be robustly distinguished from normal variable AGNs with the ideal uniform sampling. However, we demonstrate that realistic eROSITA sampling is likely to be insensitive to long-period binaries because longer observing gaps reduce their detectability. In contrast, large observing gaps do not diminish the prospect of detecting binaries of short, few-day periods, as 19% can be successfully recovered, the vast majority of which can be identified by the first half of the survey.Comment: 17 pages, including 8 figures and 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Cross-Species Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals Molecular and Functional Diversity of the Unconventional Interferon-ω Subtype

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    Innate immune interferons (IFNs), particularly type I IFNs, are primary mediators regulating animal antiviral, antitumor, and cell-proliferative activity. These antiviral cytokines have evolved remarkable molecular and functional diversity to confront ever-evolving viral threats and physiological regulation. We have annotated IFN gene families across 110 animal genomes, and showed that IFN genes, after originating in jawed fishes, had several significant evolutionary surges in vertebrate species of amphibians, bats and ungulates, particularly pigs and cattle. For example, pigs have the largest but still expanding type I IFN family consisting of nearly 60 IFN-coding genes that encode seven IFN subtypes including multigene subtypes of IFN-α, -δ, and -ω. Whereas, subtypes such as IFN-α and -β have been widely studied in many species, the unconventional subtypes such as IFN-ω have barely been investigated. We have cross-species defined the IFN evolution, and shown that unconventional IFN subtypes particularly the IFN-ω subtype have evolved several novel features including: (1) being a signature multi-gene subtype expanding primarily in mammals such as bats and ungulates, (2) emerging isoforms that have superior antiviral potency than typical IFN-α, (3) highly cross-species antiviral (but little anti-proliferative) activity exerted in cells of humans and other mammalian species, and (4) demonstrating potential novel molecular and functional properties. This study focused on IFN-ω to investigate the immunogenetic evolution and functional diversity of unconventional IFN subtypes, which may further IFN-based novel antiviral design pertinent to their cross-species high antiviral and novel activities

    Avaliação do polimorfismo CAST/Xmnl em bovinos de corte.

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    A utilização de testes de DNA para a identificação precoce de animais que apresentam potencial para produção de carne bovina de qualidade constitui uma importante ferramenta para viabilizar a seleção dos reprodutores e aumentar a qualidade da carne do rebanho comercial. Outro fator que contribui para o aumento da qualidade da carne são os cruzamentos utilizando raças das subespécies Bos taurus indicus e Bos taurus taurus, pois sabe-se que quanto maior a proporção de sangue zebuíno no rebanho, menores são os valores de maciez encontrados. Até o momento, vários genes relacionados com essa característica foram identificados, sendo um deles o gene CAST, que codifica a enzima calpastatina. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as frequências alélicas e genotípicas do polimorfismo CAST/XmnI nas raças Bonsmara, Caracu e Senepol (taurinas adaptadas), Nelore (zebuína) e Angus (taurina não adaptada), visando orientar a escolha de uma raça taurina adaptada para produção de carne de qualidade em sistemas de cruzamento. Para a extração do DNA, foram obtidas amostras de sêmen e de sangue de 111 touros escolhidos de acordo com a genealogia e com o menor grau de parentesco possível. A genotipagem foi realizada pela técnica PCR-RFLP e as frequências alélicas e genotípicas foram comparadas utilizando o teste de Qui-quadrado. Houve diferença significativa nas frequências alélicas e genotípicas entre as raças (p<0,05), sendo que as raças Angus e Bonsmara apresentaram os maiores valores de frequência para o alelo A (88,6%). A raça Nelore foi a que apresentou maior frequência para o alelo B (54,2%), seguida pela Caracu (36,4%) e pela Senepol (28,6%). Esse marcador mostrou-se viável para seleção de bovinos, já que a alta frequência do alelo A, observada na população em estudo, permite que o teste seja aplicado, desde que confirmada a associação desse polimorfismo com a maciez da carne

    Avaliação do polimorfismo CAST/Xmnl em bovinos de corte.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as frequências alélicas e genotípicas do polimorfismo CAST/XmnI nas raças Bonsmara, Caracu e Senepol (taurinas adaptadas), Nelore (zebuína) e Angus (taurina não adaptada), visando orientar a escolha de uma raça taurina adaptada para produção de carne de qualidade em sistemas de cruzamento. Para a extração do DNA, foram obtidas amostras de sêmen e de sangue de 111 touros escolhidos de acordo com a genealogia e com o menor grau de parentesco possível

    30 years of multi-wavelength observations of 3C 273

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    We present a wide multi-wavelength database of most observations of the quasar 3C 273 obtained during the last 30 years. This database is the most complete set of observations available for an active galactic nucleus (AGN). It contains nearly 20'000 observations grouped together into 70 light curves covering 16 orders of magnitude in frequency from the radio to the gamma-ray domain. The database is constituted of many previously unpublished observations and of most publicly available data gathered in the literature and on the World Wide Web (WWW). It is complete to the best of our knowledge, except in the optical (UBV) domain where we chose not to add all observations from the literature. In addition to the photometric data, we present the spectra of 3C 273 obtained by the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite. In the X-ray domain, we used the spectral fit parameters from the literature to construct the light curves. Apart from describing the data, we show the most representative light curves and the average spectrum of 3C 273. The database is available on the WWW in a homogeneous and clear form and we wish to update it regularly by adding new observations.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, to be published in A&AS, data available at: http://obswww.unige.ch/3c273