129 research outputs found

    Towards knowledge-based gene expression data mining

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    The field of gene expression data analysis has grown in the past few years from being purely data-centric to integrative, aiming at complementing microarray analysis with data and knowledge from diverse available sources. In this review, we report on the plethora of gene expression data mining techniques and focus on their evolution toward knowledge-based data analysis approaches. In particular, we discuss recent developments in gene expression-based analysis methods used in association and classification studies, phenotyping and reverse engineering of gene networks

    Automated construction of genetic networks from mutant data

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    Geneticists use mutations to investigate biological phenomena. Mutations cause changes of organism’s phenotype and may reveal which genes participate in a certain biological process and how. To represent these functional interactions between genes, a gene regulatory network is an often used formalism. We have developed a system called GenePath (1) for automated construction of genetic networks from mutant data

    Gene network inference by fusing data from diverse distributions

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    Markov networks are undirected graphical models that are widely used to infer relations between genes from experimental data. Their state-of-the-art inference procedures assume the data arise from a Gaussian distribution. High-throughput omics data, such as that from next generation sequencing, often violates this assumption. Furthermore, when collected data arise from multiple related but otherwise nonidentical distributions, their underlying networks are likely to have common features. New principled statistical approaches are needed that can deal with different data distributions and jointly consider collections of datasets. We present FuseNet, a Markov network formulation that infers networks from a collection of nonidentically distributed datasets. Our approach is computationally efficient and general: given any number of distributions from an exponential family, FuseNet represents model parameters through shared latent factors that define neighborhoods of network nodes. In a simulation study, we demonstrate good predictive performance of FuseNet in comparison to several popular graphical models. We show its effectiveness in an application to breast cancer RNA-sequencing and somatic mutation data, a novel application of graphical models. Fusion of datasets offers substantial gains relative to inference of separate networks for each dataset. Our results demonstrate that network inference methods for non-Gaussian data can help in accurate modeling of the data generated by emergent high-throughput technologies

    Survival regression by data fusion

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    Any knowledge discovery could in principal benefit from the fusion of directly or even indirectly related data sources. In this paper we explore whether data fusion by simultaneous matrix factorization could be adapted for survival regression. We propose a new method that jointly infers latent data factors from a number of heterogeneous data sets and estimates regression coefficients of a survival model. We have applied the method to CAMDA 2014 large- scale Cancer Genomes Challenge and modeled survival time as a function of gene, protein and miRNA expression data, and data on methylated and mutated regions. We find that both joint inference of data factors and regression coefficients and data fusion procedure are crucial for performance. Our approach is substantially more accurate than the baseline Aalen’s additive model. Latent factors inferred by our approach could be mined further; for CAMDA challenge, we found that the most informative factors are related to known cancer processes

    Survival regression by data fusion

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    Any knowledge discovery could in principal benefit from the fusion of directly or even indirectly related data sources. In this paper we explore whether data fusion by simultaneous matrix factorization could be adapted for survival regression. We propose a new method that jointly infers latent data factors from a number of heterogeneous data sets and estimates regression coefficients of a survival model. We have applied the method to CAMDA 2014 large- scale Cancer Genomes Challenge and modeled survival time as a function of gene, protein and miRNA expression data, and data on methylated and mutated regions. We find that both joint inference of data factors and regression coefficients and data fusion procedure are crucial for performance. Our approach is substantially more accurate than the baseline Aalen’s additive model. Latent factors inferred by our approach could be mined further; for CAMDA challenge, we found that the most informative factors are related to known cancer processes

    VizRank: Data Visualization Guided by Machine Learning

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    Data visualization plays a crucial role in identifying interesting patterns in exploratory data analysis. Its use is, however, made difficult by the large number of possible data projections showing different attribute subsets that must be evaluated by the data analyst. In this paper, we introduce a method called VizRank, which is applied on classified data to automatically select the most useful data projections. VizRank can be used with any visualization method that maps attribute values to points in a two-dimensional visualization space. It assesses possible data projections and ranks them by their ability to visually discriminate between classes. The quality of class separation is estimated by computing the predictive accuracy of k-nearest neighbor classifier on the data set consisting of x and y positions of the projected data points and their class information. The paper introduces the method and presents experimental results which show that VizRank's ranking of projections highly agrees with subjective rankings by data analysts. The practical use of VizRank is also demonstrated by an application in the field of functional genomics

    Gene network inference by fusing data from diverse distributions

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    Markov networks are undirected graphical models that are widely used to infer relations between genes from experimental data. Their state-of-the-art inference procedures assume the data arise from a Gaussian distribution. High-throughput omics data, such as that from next generation sequencing, often violates this assumption. Furthermore, when collected data arise from multiple related but otherwise nonidentical distributions, their underlying networks are likely to have common features. New principled statistical approaches are needed that can deal with different data distributions and jointly consider collections of datasets. We present FuseNet, a Markov network formulation that infers networks from a collection of nonidentically distributed datasets. Our approach is computationally efficient and general: given any number of distributions from an exponential family, FuseNet represents model parameters through shared latent factors that define neighborhoods of network nodes. In a simulation study, we demonstrate good predictive performance of FuseNet in comparison to several popular graphical models. We show its effectiveness in an application to breast cancer RNA-sequencing and somatic mutation data, a novel application of graphical models. Fusion of datasets offers substantial gains relative to inference of separate networks for each dataset. Our results demonstrate that network inference methods for non-Gaussian data can help in accurate modeling of the data generated by emergent high-throughput technologies

    Does replication groups scoring reduce false positive rate in SNP interaction discovery?

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    BACKGROUNG. Computational methods that infer single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) interactions from phenotype data may uncover new biological mechanisms in non-Mendelian diseases. However, practical aspects of such analysis face many problems. Present experimental studies typically use SNP arrays with hundreds of thousands of SNPs but record only hundreds of samples. Candidate SNP pairs inferred by interaction analysis may include a high proportion of false positives. Recently, Gayan et al. (2008) proposed to reduce the number of false positives by combining results of interaction analysis performed on subsets of data (replication groups), rather than analyzing the entire data set directly. If performing as hypothesized, replication groups scoring could improve interaction analysis and also any type of feature ranking and selection procedure in systems biology. Because Gayan et al. do not compare their approach to the standard interaction analysis techniques, we here investigate if replication groups indeed reduce the number of reported false positive interactions. RESULTS. A set of simulated and false interaction-imputed experimental SNP data sets were used to compare the inference of SNP-SNP interactions by means of replication groups to the standard approach where the entire data set was directly used to score all candidate SNP pairs. In all our experiments, the inference of interactions from the entire data set (e.g. without using the replication groups) reported fewer false positives. CONCLUSIONS. With respect to the direct scoring approach the utility of replication groups does not reduce false positive rates, and may, depending on the data set, often perform worse
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