9,432 research outputs found

    Penrose Limits and Spacetime Singularities

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    We give a covariant characterisation of the Penrose plane wave limit: the plane wave profile matrix A(u)A(u) is the restriction of the null geodesic deviation matrix (curvature tensor) of the original spacetime metric to the null geodesic, evaluated in a comoving frame. We also consider the Penrose limits of spacetime singularities and show that for a large class of black hole, cosmological and null singularities (of Szekeres-Iyer ``power-law type''), including those of the FRW and Schwarzschild metrics, the result is a singular homogeneous plane wave with profile A(u)∌u−2A(u)\sim u^{-2}, the scale invariance of the latter reflecting the power-law behaviour of the singularities.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX2e; v2: additional references and cosmetic correction

    PP-wave and Non-supersymmetric Gauge Theory

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    We extend the pp-wave correspondence to a non supersymmetric example. The model is the type 0B string theory on the pp-wave R-R background. We explicitly solve the model and give the spectrum of physical states. The field theory counterpart is given by a sector of the large N SU(N) x SU(N) CFT living on a stack of N electric and N magnetic D3-branes. The relevant effective coupling constant is g_{eff}=g_sN/J^2. The string theory has a tachyon in the spectrum, whose light-cone energy can be exactly computed as a function of g_{eff}. We argue that the perturbative analysis in g_{eff} in the dual gauge theory is reliable, with corrections of non perturbative type. We find a precise state/operator map, showing that the first perturbative corrections to the anomalous dimensions of the operators have the behavior expected from the string analysis.Comment: 19 pages. Revised versio

    BF Theories and Group-Level Duality

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    It is known that the partition function and correlators of the two-dimensional topological field theory GK(N)/GK(N)G_K(N)/ G_K(N) on the Riemann surface ÎŁg,s\Sigma_{g,s} is given by Verlinde numbers, dim(Vg,s,KV_{g,s,K}) and that the large KK limit of dim(Vg,s,KV_{g,s,K}) gives Vol(Ms{\cal M}_s), the volume of the moduli space of flat connections of gauge group G(N)G(N) on ÎŁg,s\Sigma_{g,s}, up to a power of KK. Given this relationship, we complete the computation of Vol(Ms{\cal M}_s) using only algebraic results from conformal field theory. The group-level duality of G(N)KG(N)_K is used to show that if G(N)G(N) is a classical group, then lim⁥N→∞GK(N)/GK(N)\displaystyle \lim_{N\rightarrow \infty} G_K(N) / G_K(N) is a BF theory with gauge group G(K)G(K). Therefore this limit computes Vol(Msâ€Č{\cal M}^\prime_s), the volume of the moduli space of flat connections of gauge group G(K)G(K)

    Boundary fermion currents and subleading order chiral anomaly in the AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We construct a wave-functional whose argument couples to boundary fermion currents in the AdS/CFT correspondence. Using this we calculate the contributions from bulk fermions to the chiral anomaly that give the subleading order term in the exact NN-dependence of the chiral anomaly of N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM. The result agrees with the calculation of Bilal & Chu.Comment: 6 page

    Generalized two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory is a matrix string theory

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    We consider two-dimensional Yang-Mills theories on arbitrary Riemann surfaces. We introduce a generalized Yang-Mills action, which coincides with the ordinary one on flat surfaces but differs from it in its coupling to two-dimensional gravity. The quantization of this theory in the unitary gauge can be consistently performed taking into account all the topological sectors arising from the gauge-fixing procedure. The resulting theory is naturally interpreted as a Matrix String Theory, that is as a theory of covering maps from a two-dimensional world-sheet to the target Riemann surface.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, uses espcrc2.sty. Presented by A. D'adda at the Third Meeting on Constrained Dynamics and Quantum Gravity, Villasimius (Sardinia, Italy) September 13-17, 1999; to appear in the proceeding

    Matrix string states in pure 2d Yang Mills theories

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    We quantize pure 2d Yang-Mills theory on a torus in the gauge where the field strength is diagonal. Because of the topological obstructions to a global smooth diagonalization, we find string-like states in the spectrum similar to the ones introduced by various authors in Matrix string theory. We write explicitly the partition function, which generalizes the one already known in the literature, and we discuss the role of these states in preserving modular invariance. Some speculations are presented about the interpretation of 2d Yang-Mills theory as a Matrix string theory.Comment: Latex file of 38 pages plus 6 eps figures. A note and few references added, figures improve

    Fretting wear of Ti(CxNy) PVD coatings under variable environmental conditions

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    Fretting wear as a specific type of degradation is defined as an oscillatory motion at small amplitude between two nominally stationary solid bodies in mutual contact. Under external stresses the interface is being damaged by debris generation and its successive ejections outside the contact area. A potential protection against fretting damage by means of hard coatings is being offered by different surface engineering techniques. For this study TiC, TiN and TiCN hard coatings manufactured by a PVD method have been selected and tested against smooth polycrystalline alumina ball. A fretting test programme has been carried out at the frequency of 5Hz, 100N normal load, 100”m displacement amplitude and at three values of a relative humidity: 10, 50 and 90% at 295-298K temperature. It turned out that the intensity of wear process was depending not only on loading conditions but on environmental ones as well. A significant impact of RH on wear rate and friction behaviour of the coatings under investigation has been observed. Two different damage mechanisms have been identified and related to the phenomena of debris oxidation and debris adhesion to the counterbody surface. In the latter case the debris deposited onto the surface of the alumina ball lead to a change of stress distribution at the interface and as a result to accelerated wear. In this work experiments with variable relative humidity increasing from 10% to 90% within 1 a single fretting test have been completed. It follows from these experiments that there exists an intermediate value of the RH at which the friction coefficient changes rapidly. Finally a dissipated energy approach has been applied in the work in order to quantify and compare fretting wear rates of different hard coatings

    A critical look at strings

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    This is an invited contribution to the Special Issue of "Foundations of Physics" titled "Forty Years Of String Theory: Reflecting On the Foundations". I have been asked to assess string theory as an outsider, and to compare it with the theory, methods, and expectations in my own field.Comment: 7 page

    Penrose Limits of the Baryonic D5-brane

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    The Penrose limits of a D5-brane wrapped on the sphere of AdS_5 x S^5 and connected to the boundary by M fundamental strings, which is dual to the baryon vertex of the N=4 SU(M) super Yang-Mills theory, are investigated. It is shown that, for null geodesics that lead to the maximally supersymmetric Hpp-wave background, the resulting D5-brane is a 1/2-supersymmetric null brane. For an appropriate choice of radial geodesic, however, the limiting configuration is 1/4-supersymmetric and closely related to the Penrose limit of a flat space BIon.Comment: LaTeX, 1+18 pages, 1 figure; v2: obvious misquotation of the number of preserved supersymmetries correcte

    Abelian BF-Theory and Spherically Symmetric Electromagnetism

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    Three different methods to quantize the spherically symmetric sector of electromagnetism are presented: First, it is shown that this sector is equivalent to Abelian BF-theory in four spacetime dimensions with suitable boundary conditions. This theory, in turn, is quantized by both a reduced phase space quantization and a spin network quantization. Finally, the outcome is compared with the results obtained in the recently proposed general quantum symmetry reduction scheme. In the magnetically uncharged sector, where all three approaches apply, they all lead to the same quantum theory.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX2e, v2: minor corrections in some formulas and a new referenc
