886 research outputs found
Computer program compatible with a laser nephelometer
The laser nephelometer data system was updated to provide magnetic tape recording of data, and real time or near real time processing of data to provide particle size distribution and liquid water content. Digital circuits were provided to interface the laser nephelometer to a Data General Nova 1200 minicomputer. Communications are via a teletypewriter. A dual Linc Magnetic Tape System is used for program storage and data recording. Operational programs utilize the Data General Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) and the ERT AIRMAP Real-Time Operating System (ARTS). The programs provide for acquiring data from the laser nephelometer, acquiring data from auxiliary sources, keeping time, performing real time calculations, recording data and communicating with the teletypewriter
Power-law singularities in string theory and M-theory
We extend the definition of the Szekeres-Iyer power-law singularities to
supergravity, string and M-theory backgrounds, and find that are characterized
by Kasner type exponents. The near singularity geometries of brane and some
intersecting brane backgrounds are investigated and the exponents are computed.
The Penrose limits of some of these power-law singularities have profiles
for . We find the range of the
exponents for which and the frequency squares are bounded by 1/4. We
propose some qualitative tests for deciding whether a null or timelike
spacetime singularity can be resolved within string theory and M-theory based
on the near singularity geometry and its Penrose limits.Comment: 32 page
Parallelisable Heterotic Backgrounds
We classify the simply-connected supersymmetric parallelisable backgrounds of
heterotic supergravity. They are all given by parallelised Lie groups admitting
a bi-invariant lorentzian metric. We find examples preserving 4, 8, 10, 12, 14
and 16 of the 16 supersymmetries.Comment: 17 pages, AMSLaTe
Generalized BF Theory in Superspace as Underlying Theory of 11D Supergravity
We construct a generalized BF theory in superspace that can embed
eleven-dimensional supergravity theory. Our topological BF theory can
accommodate all the necessary Bianchi identities for teleparallel superspace
supergravity in eleven-dimensions, as the simplest but nontrivial solutions to
superfield equations for our superspace action. This indicates that our theory
may have solutions other than eleven-dimensional supergravity, accommodating
generalized theories of eleven-dimensional supergravity. Therefore our
topological theory can be a good candidate for the low energy limit of
M-theory, as an underlying fundamental theory providing a `missing link'
between eleven-dimensional supergravity and M-theory.Comment: 16 pages, latex, two new paragraphs in section 4 and in Concluding
Remarks with two new reference
New Solution of D=11 Supergravity on S^7 from D=4
A new static partially twisted solution of N=4, SO(4) gauged supergravity in
D=11 is obtained in this work using Cveti\^c et al embedding of four
dimensional into eleven dimensional supergravities. In four dimensions we get
two solutions: an asymptotic one corresponding to and a near horizon
fixed point solution of the form . Hence, while the former
solution has 32 supercharges the latter turns out to have only 4 conserved.
Moreover, we managed to find an exact interpolating solution, thus connecting
the above two. Aiming at a future study of duality for the theory at
hand we derived the Penrose limit of the four dimensional solutions.
Interestingly the pp-wave limit of the near horizon solution suggests itself as
being of the supernumerary supersymmetric type. In D=11 we exhibit the uplift
of the four dimensional solutions: one associated to and the
other to a foliation of , as well as their pp-wave
limits.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe
Dirac-Hestenes spinor fields in Riemann-Cartan spacetime
In this paper we study Dirac-Hestenes spinor fields (DHSF) on a
four-dimensional Riemann-Cartan spacetime (RCST). We prove that these fields
must be defined as certain equivalence classes of even sections of the Clifford
bundle (over the RCST), thereby being certain particular sections of a new
bundle named Spin-Clifford bundle (SCB). The conditions for the existence of
the SCB are studied and are shown to be equivalent to the famous Geroch's
theorem concerning to the existence of spinor structures in a Lorentzian
spacetime. We introduce also the covariant and algebraic Dirac spinor fields
and compare these with DHSF, showing that all the three kinds of spinor fields
contain the same mathematical and physical information. We clarify also the
notion of (Crumeyrolle's) amorphous spinors (Dirac-K\"ahler spinor fields are
of this type), showing that they cannot be used to describe fermionic fields.
We develop a rigorous theory for the covariant derivatives of Clifford fields
(sections of the Clifford bundle (CB)) and of Dirac-Hestenes spinor fields. We
show how to generalize the original Dirac-Hestenes equation in Minkowski
spacetime for the case of a RCST. Our results are obtained from a variational
principle formulated through the multiform derivative approach to Lagrangian
field theory in the Clifford bundle.Comment: 45 pages, special macros kapproc.sty and makro822.te
Meson Spectroscopy in AdS/CFT with Flavour
We compute the meson spectrum of an N=2 super Yang-Mills theory with
fundamental matter from its dual string theory on AdS_5 x S_5 with a D7-brane
probe. For scalar and vector mesons with arbitrary R-charge the spectrum is
computed in closed form by solving the equations for D7-brane fluctuations; for
matter with non-zero mass m_q it is discrete, exhibits a mass gap of order m_q
/ sqrt(g_s N) and furnishes representations of SO(5) even though the manifest
global symmetry of the theory is only SO(4). The spectrum of mesons with large
spin J is obtained from semiclassical, rotating open strings attached to the
D7-brane. It displays Regge-like behaviour for J << sqrt(g_s N), whereas for J
>> sqrt(g_s N) it corresponds to that of two non-relativistic quarks bound by a
Coulomb potential. Meson interactions, baryons and `giant gauge bosons' are
briefly discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 39 pages, 4 figures, uses epsf. v2: typos corrected.
references adde
Boundary States for D-branes with Traveling Waves
We construct boundary states for D-branes which carry traveling waves in the
covariant formalism. We compute their vacuum amplitudes to investigate their
interactions. In non-compact space, the vacuum amplitudes become trivial as is
common in plane wave geometries. However, we found that if they are
compactified in the traveling direction, then the amplitudes are affected by
non-trivial time dependent effects. The interaction between D-branes with waves
traveling in the opposite directions (`pulse-antipulse scattering') are also
computed. Furthermore, we apply these ideas to open string tachyon condensation
with traveling waves.Comment: 30 pages. 1 figure, Latex, minor corrections, references adde
Spinning strings and integrable spin chains in the AdS/CFT correspondence
In this introductory review we discuss dynamical tests of the AdS_5 x S^5
string/N=4 super Yang-Mills duality. After a brief introduction to AdS/CFT we
argue that semiclassical string energies yield information on the quantum
spectrum of the string in the limit of large angular momenta on the S^5. The
energies of the folded and circular spinning string solutions rotating on a S^3
within the S^5 are derived, which yield all loop predictions for the dual gauge
theory scaling dimensions. These follow from the eigenvalues of the dilatation
operator of N=4 super Yang-Mills in a minimal SU(2) subsector and we display
its reformulation in terms of a Heisenberg s=1/2 spin chain along with the
coordinate Bethe ansatz for its explicit diagonalization. In order to make
contact to the spinning string energies we then study the thermodynamic limit
of the one-loop gauge theory Bethe equations and demonstrate the matching with
the folded and closed string result at this loop order. Finally the known gauge
theory results at higher-loop orders are reviewed and the associated long-range
spin chain Bethe ansatz is introduced, leading to an asymptotic all-loop
conjecture for the gauge theory Bethe equations. This uncovers discrepancies at
the three-loop order between gauge theory scaling dimensions and string theory
energies and the implications of this are discussed. Along the way we comment
on further developments and generalizations of the subject and point to the
relevant literature.Comment: 40 pages, invited contribution to Living Reviews in Relativity. v2:
improvements in the text and references adde
Holographic c-theorems in arbitrary dimensions
We re-examine holographic versions of the c-theorem and entanglement entropy
in the context of higher curvature gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence. We
select the gravity theories by tuning the gravitational couplings to eliminate
non-unitary operators in the boundary theory and demonstrate that all of these
theories obey a holographic c-theorem. In cases where the dual CFT is
even-dimensional, we show that the quantity that flows is the central charge
associated with the A-type trace anomaly. Here, unlike in conventional
holographic constructions with Einstein gravity, we are able to distinguish
this quantity from other central charges or the leading coefficient in the
entropy density of a thermal bath. In general, we are also able to identify
this quantity with the coefficient of a universal contribution to the
entanglement entropy in a particular construction. Our results suggest that
these coefficients appearing in entanglement entropy play the role of central
charges in odd-dimensional CFT's. We conjecture a new c-theorem on the space of
odd-dimensional field theories, which extends Cardy's proposal for even
dimensions. Beyond holography, we were able to show that for any
even-dimensional CFT, the universal coefficient appearing the entanglement
entropy which we calculate is precisely the A-type central charge.Comment: 62 pages, 4 figures, few typo's correcte
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