639 research outputs found

    A fragment merging approach towards the development of small molecule inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis EthR for use as ethionamide boosters.

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    With the ever-increasing instances of resistance to frontline TB drugs there is the need to develop novel strategies to fight the worldwide TB epidemic. Boosting the effect of the existing second-line antibiotic ethionamide by inhibiting the mycobacterial transcriptional repressor protein EthR is an attractive therapeutic strategy. Herein we report the use of a fragment based drug discovery approach for the structure-guided systematic merging of two fragment molecules, each binding twice to the hydrophobic cavity of EthR from M. tuberculosis. These together fill the entire binding pocket of EthR. We elaborated these fragment hits and developed small molecule inhibitors which have a 100-fold improvement of potency in vitro over the initial fragments.We also thank the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the EU FP7 MM4TB Grant n°260872, the ERC-STG INTRACELLTB Grant n°260901, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-10-EQPX-04-01), the Feder (12001407 (D-AL) Equipex Imaginex BioMed) and the Région Nord Pas de Calais, France, for providing funding to support this work.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Royal Society of Chemistry via http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C5OB02630

    Non-supersymmetric heterotic model building

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    We investigate orbifold and smooth Calabi-Yau compactifications of the non-supersymmetric heterotic SO(16)xSO(16) string. We focus on such Calabi-Yau backgrounds in order to recycle commonly employed techniques, like index theorems and cohomology theory, to determine both the fermionic and bosonic 4D spectra. We argue that the N=0 theory never leads to tachyons on smooth Calabi-Yaus in the large volume approximation. As twisted tachyons may arise on certain singular orbifolds, we conjecture that such tachyonic states are lifted in the full blow-up. We perform model searches on selected orbifold geometries. In particular, we construct an explicit example of a Standard Model-like theory with three generations and a single Higgs field.Comment: 1+30 pages latex, 11 tables; v2: references and minor revisions added, matches version published in JHE

    Yukawa couplings and masses of non-chiral states for the Standard Model on D6-branes on T6/Z6'

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    The perturbative leading order open string three-point couplings for the Standard Model with hidden USp(6) on fractional D6-branes on T6/Z6' from arXiv:0806.3039 [hep-th], arXiv:0910.0843 [hep-th] are computed. Physical Yukawa couplings consisting of holomorphic Wilsonian superpotential terms times a non-holomorphic prefactor involving the corresponding classical open string Kaehler metrics are given, and mass terms for all non-chiral matter states are derived. The lepton Yukawa interactions are at leading order flavour diagonal, while the quark sector displays a more intricate pattern of mixings. While N=2 supersymmetric sectors acquire masses via only two D6-brane displacements - which also provide the hierarchies between up- and down-type Yukawas within one quark or lepton generation -, the remaining vector-like states receive masses via perturbative three-point couplings to some Standard Model singlet fields with vevs along flat directions. Couplings to the hidden sector and messengers for supersymmetry breaking are briefly discussed.Comment: 52 pages (including 8p. appendix); 5 figures; 14 tables; v2: discussion in section 4.1.3 extended, footnote 5 added, typos corrected, accepted by JHE

    Evaluation of acidogenesis products’ effect on biogas production performed with metagenomics and isotopic approaches

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    Background: During the acetogenic step of anaerobic digestion, the products of acidogenesis are oxidized to substrates for methanogenesis: hydrogen, carbon dioxide and acetate. Acetogenesis and methanogenesis are highly interconnected processes due to the syntrophic associations between acetogenic bacteria and hydrogenotrophic methanogens, allowing the whole process to become thermodynamically favorable. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of the dominant acidic products on the metabolic pathways of methane formation and to find a core microbiome and substrate-specific species in a mixed biogas-producing system. Results: Four methane-producing microbial communities were fed with artificial media having one dominant component, respectively, lactate, butyrate, propionate and acetate, for 896 days in 3.5-L Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) bioreactors. All the microbial communities showed moderately different methane production and utilization of the substrates. Analyses of stable carbon isotope composition of the fermentation gas and the substrates showed differences in average values of ή13C(CH4) and ή13C(CO2) revealing that acetate and lactate strongly favored the acetotrophic pathway, while butyrate and propionate favored the hydrogenotrophic pathway of methane formation. Genome-centric metagenomic analysis recovered 234 Metagenome Assembled Genomes (MAGs), including 31 archaeal and 203 bacterial species, mostly unknown and uncultivable. MAGs accounted for 54%–67% of the entire microbial community (depending on the bioreactor) and evidenced that the microbiome is extremely complex in terms of the number of species. The core microbiome was composed of Methanothrix soehngenii (the most abundant), Methanoculleus sp., unknown Bacteroidales and Spirochaetaceae. Relative abundance analysis of all the samples revealed microbes having substrate preferences. Substrate-specific species were mostly unknown and not predominant in the microbial communities. Conclusions: In this experimental system, the dominant fermentation products subjected to methanogenesis moderately modified the final effect of bioreactor performance. At the molecular level, a different contribution of acetotrophic and hydrogenotrophic pathways for methane production, a very high level of new species recovered, and a moderate variability in microbial composition depending on substrate availability were evidenced. Propionate was not a factor ceasing methane production. All these findings are relevant because lactate, acetate, propionate and butyrate are the universal products of acidogenesis, regardless of feedstock

    Precision Gauge Unification from Extra Yukawa Couplings

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    We investigate the impact of extra vector-like GUT multiplets on the predicted value of the strong coupling. We find in particular that Yukawa couplings between such extra multiplets and the MSSM Higgs doublets can resolve the familiar two-loop discrepancy between the SUSY GUT prediction and the measured value of alpha_3. Our analysis highlights the advantages of the holomorphic scheme, where the perturbative running of gauge couplings is saturated at one loop and further corrections are conveniently described in terms of wavefunction renormalization factors. If the gauge couplings as well as the extra Yukawas are of O(1) at the unification scale, the relevant two-loop correction can be obtained analytically. However, the effect persists also in the weakly-coupled domain, where possible non-perturbative corrections at the GUT scale are under better control.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX. v6: Important early reference adde

    A Global SU(5) F-theory model with Wilson line breaking

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    We engineer compact SU(5) Grand Unified Theories in F-theory in which GUT-breaking is achieved by a discrete Wilson line. Because the internal gauge field is flat, these models avoid the high scale threshold corrections associated with hypercharge flux. Along the way, we exemplify the `local-to-global' approach in F-theory model building and demonstrate how the Tate divisor formalism can be used to address several challenges of extending local models to global ones. These include in particular the construction of G-fluxes that extend non-inherited bundles and the engineering of U(1) symmetries. We go beyond chirality computations and determine the precise (charged) massless spectrum, finding exactly three families of quarks and leptons but excessive doublet and/or triplet pairs in the Higgs sector (depending on the example) and vector-like exotics descending from the adjoint of SU(5)_{GUT}. Understanding why vector-like pairs persist in the Higgs sector without an obvious symmetry to protect them may shed light on new solutions to the mu problem in F-theory GUTs.Comment: 95 pages (71 pages + 1 Appendix); v2 references added, minor correction

    Gauged Linear Sigma Models for toroidal orbifold resolutions

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    Toroidal orbifolds and their resolutions are described within the framework of (2,2) Gauged Linear Sigma Models (GLSMs). Our procedure describes two-tori as hypersurfaces in (weighted) projective spaces. The description is chosen such that the orbifold singularities correspond to the zeros of their homogeneous coordinates. The individual orbifold singularities are resolved using a GLSM guise of non-compact toric resolutions, i.e. replacing discrete orbifold actions by Abelian worldsheet gaugings. Given that we employ the same global coordinates for both the toroidal orbifold and its resolutions, our GLSM formalism confirms the gluing procedure on the level of divisors discussed by Lust et al. Using our global GLSM description we can study the moduli space of such toroidal orbifolds as a whole. In particular, changes in topology can be described as phase transitions of the underlying GLSM. Finally, we argue that certain partially resolvable GLSMs, in which a certain number of fixed points can never be resolved, might be useful for the study of mini-landscape orbifold MSSMs.Comment: 71 pages, 2 figure

    Linear Sigma Models with Torsion

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    Gauged linear sigma models with (0,2) supersymmetry allow a larger choice of couplings than models with (2,2) supersymmetry. We use this freedom to find a fully linear construction of torsional heterotic compactifications, including models with branes. As a non-compact example, we describe a family of metrics which correspond to deformations of the heterotic conifold by turning on H-flux. We then describe compact models which are gauge-invariant only at the quantum level. Our construction gives a generalization of symplectic reduction. The resulting spaces are non-Kahler analogues of familiar toric spaces like complex projective space. Perturbatively conformal models can be constructed by considering intersections.Comment: 40 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure; references added; a new section on supersymmetry added; quantization condition revisite

    Light Vector Mesons in the Nuclear Medium

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    The light vector mesons (ρ\rho, ω\omega, and ϕ\phi) were produced in deuterium, carbon, titanium, and iron targets in a search for possible in-medium modifications to the properties of the ρ\rho meson at normal nuclear densities and zero temperature. The vector mesons were detected with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) via their decays to e+e−e^{+}e^{-}. The rare leptonic decay was chosen to reduce final-state interactions. A combinatorial background was subtracted from the invariant mass spectra using a well-established event-mixing technique. The ρ\rho meson mass spectrum was extracted after the ω\omega and ϕ\phi signals were removed in a nearly model-independent way. Comparisons were made between the ρ\rho mass spectra from the heavy targets (A>2A > 2) with the mass spectrum extracted from the deuterium target. With respect to the ρ\rho-meson mass, we obtain a small shift compatible with zero. Also, we measure widths consistent with standard nuclear many-body effects such as collisional broadening and Fermi motion.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figures, 3 table

    Modern microwave methods in solid state inorganic materials chemistry: from fundamentals to manufacturing

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