105 research outputs found

    Políticas Públicas y formación situada. Desafíos del distanciamiento

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    Este artículo está pensado como un encuentro, una conversación, entre quienes están escribiendo y un convite a quienes lo lean para formar parte del diálogo, que puedan interpelar las palabras, acompañando estas ideas con experiencias propias. Se intenta generar una conversación desde la trama que habilita a las dimensiones educación, prácticas pre profesionales y extensionistas, contextos y políticas públicas. Se hace referencia a las prácticas pre profesionales, aquellas que estudiantes de todos los campos desarrollan previo a su graduación, aunque enfocado principalmente en el área social y en el escenario educativo de la crisis sanitaria por pandemia. Con base a la experiencia que se desarrolló en el año 2020, se reflexionan las vivencias en el vínculo específico de las instituciones académicas – con sus docentes, investigadores, extensionistas y estudiantes – en relación a efectores específicos de políticas públicas. Esta experiencia parte de una articulación con un área puntual del Estado Provincial de Córdoba, en Argentina, la Secretaría de Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia. A partir de este análisis de caso, se establecen algunas vinculaciones entre el aspecto político de la educación y los necesarios diálogos de saberes entre universidades y territorios, en una trama que se pretende reflexiva

    Programa de formación para enfermería sobre el manejo de catéteres venosos centrales en pacientes hemodializados

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    La Enfermedad Renal Crónica como pérdida gradual y progresiva de la función renal es una patología incapacitante y un problema de salud pública. En estadio avanzado se requiere tratamiento sustitutivo renal hemodialítico, diálisis peritoneal o transplante renal. Actualmente el más usado en España es la hemodiálisis. Para tratar a pacientes hemodializados se requiere la creación de accesos vasculares (catéter venoso central (CVC) o fístula arteriovenosa). La fístula es el idóneo según la evidencia científica; sin embargo, hasta en un 50% de los casos se implantan CVC. Por su incidencia es necesario formar sanitarios en su manejo, para evitar infecciones locales o sepsis (1,5 bacteriemias/1000 catéteres-día)

    The University-Commune

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    In this new book we return to the challenge of deepening the task to the point of imagining the university formed by commoner university students. It is a turn, a new place from which to name and reconsider community management and action from a sense of co-responsibility for the commons that we must guarantee so that the common project prevails and achieves long-term self-sustainability.This is what the seven articles in this book are about, which calls into question what it means for the university to be and act according to economic principles and logics (giving, receiving, undertaking), social (distribution of roles and benefits) and policies (agreements, consensus, participation and assignment of responsibilities) of the commune. The institutional dimension is important but the vitality, the sense of belonging and the profound strength of the Salesian university project depend much more on the commons logic. Feeling of the commons is not a possibility among many others. We are convinced that, in order to take on this project, it is necessary to transcend institutional, business logic and state regulations. Therefore, the university-commune is the way and, perhaps, the only one possible. University and Common Goods Research Group Universidad Politécnica Salesian

    Temporal and Sex-Linked Protein Expression Dynamics in a Familial Model of Alzheimer\u27s Disease

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    Mouse models of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) show progression through stages reflective of human pathology. Proteomics identification of temporal and sex-linked factors driving AD-related pathways can be used to dissect initiating and propagating events of AD stages to develop biomarkers or design interventions. In the present study, we conducted label-free proteome measurements of mouse hippocampus tissue with variables of time (3, 6, and 9 months), genetic background (5XFAD versus WT), and sex (equal males and females). These time points are associated with well-defined phenotypes with respect to the following: Aβ42 plaque deposition, memory deficits, and neuronal loss, allowing correlation of proteome-based molecular signatures with the mouse model stages. Our data show 5XFAD mice exhibit increases in known human AD biomarkers as amyloid-beta peptide, APOE, GFAP, and ITM2B are upregulated across all time points/stages. At the same time, 23 proteins are here newly associated with Alzheimer\u27s pathology as they are also dysregulated in 5XFAD mice. At a pathways level, the 5XFAD-specific upregulated proteins are significantly enriched for DNA damage and stress-induced senescence at 3-month only, while at 6-month, the AD-specific proteome signature is altered and significantly enriched for membrane trafficking and vesicle-mediated transport protein annotations. By 9-month, AD-specific dysregulation is also characterized by significant neuroinflammation with innate immune system, platelet activation, and hyperreactive astrocyte-related enrichments. Aside from these temporal changes, analysis of sex-linked differences in proteome signatures uncovered novel sex and ADassociated proteins. Pathway analysis revealed sexlinked differences in the 5XFAD model to be involved in the regulation of well-known human AD-related processes of amyloid fibril formation, wound healing, lysosome biogenesis, and DNA damage. Verification of the discovery results by Western blot and parallel reaction monitoring confirm the fundamental conclusions of the study and poise the 5XFAD model for further use as a molecular tool for understanding AD

    Analysis and evaluation of the stilt houses as an opportunity for creating a cultural tourism product. The case study of the province of Manabi (Ecuador)

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    [EN] The aim of this study is to analyse the conservation status of the stilt houses (palafittes) and architectural techniques used to build them. Findings will be used to put forward proposals regarding ways to enhance their value as a cultural tourist product owing to the important material and immaterial attributes they possess as part of the local heritage. The area studied was the Province of Manabí (Ecuador), where there are clear opportunities to develop the tourist trade.[ES] El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el estado de conservación de los palafitos y las técnicas arquitectónicas utilizadas para su construcción, con la finalidad de realizar propuestas para su puesta en valor como producto turístico cultural en función de sus importantes atributos patrimoniales (materiales e inmateriales). El área de estudio investigada ha sido la Provincia de Manabí (Ecuador), en donde se presentan oportunidades de desarrollo turístico.Morant González, M.; Villota Dager, MD.; Viñals Blasco, MJ. (2015). Análisis y evaluación de los palafitos como oportunidad para la creación de un producto turístico cultural. El caso de estudio de la provincia de Manabí (Ecuador). Revista de análisis turístico. 20(2):29-38. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/65134S293820

    Catalytic VOCs elimination over copper and cerium oxide modified mesoporous SBA-15 silica

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    [EN] Copper and cerium oxide bi-component materials with different Cu/Ce ratio were prepared using ordered SBA-15 silica as a support and compared with their bulk analogs. The samples were characterized by nitrogen physisorption, XRD, UV-Vis, FTIR, XPS, Raman spectroscopy and TPR with hydrogen. Cyclohexanol conversion was used as a catalytic test to obtain more information for the surface properties of the supported materials. The catalytic properties of the samples were studied in VOCs oxidation using toluene and ethyl acetate as probe molecules. A strong effect of mesoporous silica support and samples composition on the formation of catalytic sites was established. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Financial support of Bulgarian Academy of Science and National Scientific Fond of Ministry of Education Projects DTK 02/64 and ДНTC/Киtай 01/8, financial support from DGICYT in Spain (Project CTQ-2009-14495) and bilateral project Bulgarian-Spain Inter-academic Exchange Agreement (Project 2009BG0002) are acknowledged.Tsoncheva, T.; Issa, G.; Blasco Lanzuela, T.; Dimitrov, M.; Popova, M.; Hernández Morejudo, S.; Kovacheva, D.... (2013). Catalytic VOCs elimination over copper and cerium oxide modified mesoporous SBA-15 silica. Applied Catalysis A General. 453:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcata.2012.12.007S11245

    Neuropsychological intervention on working memory training with the video game “Recuérdalo Todo”

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    Introducción: la intervención desde un enfoque neuropsicológico permite conseguir mejoras, aportar estrategias y proponer cambios que impactan el aprendizaje y la salud cognitiva de los participantes. El empleo de videojuegos muestra mejoras en habilidades de dominio general como la memoria de trabajo y de dominio específico como el rendimiento. Objetivo: determinar el efecto del entrenamiento de memoria de trabajo a través del videojuego “Recuérdalo Todo” en el rendimiento académico (matemático y lector), en niños de preescolar y segundo grado. Método: se realizó un estudio cuasi-experimental en La Habana, Cuba, durante el curso 2018-2019. Participaron 29 niños de preescolar (14 niñas) y 27 niños de segundo grado (8 niñas) que fueron asignados aleatoriamente a un grupo experimental (recibe entrenamiento con el videojuego) y un grupo control (no recibe el entrenamiento hasta no concluir los pos-test). Fueron evaluados antes y después del entrenamiento con pruebas de procesos de dominio general y rendimiento académico.  Resultados: el entrenamiento tuvo una influencia positiva en los procesos de dominio general más que en el rendimiento académico. El tamaño del efecto de intervención en los procesos de dominio general fue medio, lo cual avaló la efectividad. Conclusiones: “Recuérdalo todo” tiene un efecto favorable sobre procesos de dominio general y sobre procesos predictores de la adquisición de la lectura en preescolares, así como en el procesamiento numérico en niños de segundo grado. Esta intervención sobre memoria de trabajo aporta herramientas que pueden contribuir a la preparación de los maestros para optimizar el aprendizaje de los escolares, lo que tiene un impacto en su salud cognitiva.Introdução: a intervenção a partir de uma abordagem neuropsicológica permite alcançar melhorias, fornecer estratégias e propor mudanças que impactam na aprendizagem e na saúde cognitiva dos participantes. O uso de videogames mostra melhorias em habilidades de domínio geral, como memória de trabalho, e habilidades de domínio específico, como desempenho. Objetivo: determinar o efeito do treinamento da memória de trabalho por meio do videogame "Recuérdalo Todo" no desempenho acadêmico (matemático e leitura), em crianças da pré-escola e da segunda série. Método: um estudo quase experimental foi realizado em Havana, Cuba, durante o ano letivo 2018-2019. Os participantes foram 29 crianças pré-escolares (14 meninas) e 27 crianças da segunda série (8 meninas) que foram aleatoriamente designadas para um grupo experimental (recebe treinamento com o videogame) e um grupo controle (não recebe treinamento até que os pós-testes sejam concluídos). Eles foram avaliados antes e após o treinamento com testes de processos de domínio geral e desempenho acadêmico. Resultados: o treinamento influenciou positivamente nos processos de domínio geral mais do que no desempenho acadêmico. O tamanho do efeito da intervenção nos processos de domínio geral foi médio, o que apoiou a eficácia.Conclusões: "Recuérdalo Todo" tem um efeito favorável nos processos de domínio geral e nos processos preditivos de aquisição de leitura em pré-escolares, bem como no processamento numérico em crianças do segundo ano. Esta intervenção na memória de trabalho fornece ferramentas que podem contribuir para a preparação dos professores para otimizar a aprendizagem dos escolares, o que tem impacto na sua saúde cognitiva.Introduction: intervention method, from a neuropsychological point of view, helps for increasing, giving strategies, and to propose impact changing in learning process and cognitive health of participants. The uses of video games have demonstrated improvements in domain-general skills such as working memory and domain-specific skills as the performance.Objective: determine the effect of working memory training through the video game "Recuérdalo Todo" on academic performance (mathematics and reading) in Pre-kindergarten and second grade children.Methods: a quasi-experimental study was conducted during the academic year 2018-2019 in Havana, Cuba. A total of 29 pre-kindergarten children (among them 14 girls) and 27 second graders (including 8 girls) were involved. They were randomly assigned to two groups, an experimental group which received the working memory training sessions through the video game "Recuérdalo Todo") and a control group which not received the training sessions during that period, but after the post-tests were concluded. They were evaluated before and after training with tests of domain-general processes and academic performance. Results: the training had a positive influence on domain-general processes rather than on academic performance. The effect of this intervention on domain-general processes was medium, which supported its effectiveness.Conclusions: the video game "Recuérdalo Todo" has a favorable effect on domain - general processes of reading in pre-kindergarten children, as well as in the numerical processing for children of second grade. This working memory intervention provides tools that can contribute to the preparation of teachers in order to optimize the schoolchildren learning process with an impact on their cognitive health

    The University As Commune: the centrality of community action in the management model and practices of Universities

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    In this new book we return to the challenge of deepening the task to the point of imagining the university formed by commoner university students. It is a turn, a new place from which to name and reconsider community management and action from a sense of co-responsability for the commons that we must guarantee so that the common project prevails and achieves long-term self-sustainability. This is what the seven articles in this book are about, which calls into question what ir means for the university to be and act according to economic principles and logics (giving, receiving, undertaking), social (distribution of roles and benefits) and policies (agreements, consensus, participation and assignment of responsibilities) of the commune. The institutional dimension is important but the vitality, the sense of belonging and the profound strength of the Salesian university project depend much more on the commons logic. We are convinced that, in order to take on this project, it is necessary to transcend institutional, business logic and state regulations. Therefore, the university-commune is the way and, perhaps, the only one possibl

    Complicaciones infecciosas relacionadas con la asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración en candidatos a trasplante cardiaco urgente

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Short-term mechanical circulatory support is frequently used as a bridge to heart transplant in Spain. The epidemiology and prognostic impact of infectious complications in these patients are unknown. Methods. Systematic description of the epidemiology of infectious complications and analysis of their prognostic impact in a multicenter, retrospective registry of patients treated with short-term mechanical devices as a bridge to urgent heart transplant from 2010 to 2015 in 16 Spanish hospitals. Results. We studied 249 patients, of which 87 (34.9%) had a total of 102 infections. The most frequent site was the respiratory tract (n = 47; 46.1%). Microbiological confirmation was obtained in 78 (76.5%) episodes, with a total of 100 causative agents, showing a predominance of gram-negative bacteria (n = 58, 58%). Compared with patients without infection, those with infectious complications showed higher mortality during the support period (25.3% vs 12.3%, P = .009) and a lower probability of receiving a transplant (73.6% vs 85.2%, P = .025). In-hospital posttransplant mortality was similar in the 2 groups (with infection: 28.3%; without infection: 23.4%; P = .471). Conclusions. Patients supported with temporary devices as a bridge to heart transplant are exposed to a high risk of infectious complications, which are associated with higher mortality during the organ waiting period.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. El uso de dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración como puente a trasplante es frecuente en España. Se desconocen la epidemiología y la repercusión de las complicaciones infecciosas en estos pacientes. Métodos. Descripción sistemática de la epidemiología y análisis de la repercusión pronóstica de las complicaciones infecciosas en un registro multicéntrico retrospectivo de pacientes tratados con dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración como puente a trasplante cardiaco urgente entre 2010 y 2015 en 16 hospitales españoles. Resultados. Se estudió a 249 pacientes; 87 (34,9%) de ellos tuvieron un total de 102 infecciones. La vía respiratoria fue la localización más frecuente (n = 47; 46,1%). En 78 casos (76,5%) se obtuvo confirmación microbiológica; se aislaron en total 100 gérmenes causales, con predominio de bacterias gramnegativas (n = 58, 58%). Los pacientes con complicaciones infecciosas presentaron mayor mortalidad durante el periodo de asistencia circulatoria mecánica (el 25,3 frente al 12,3%; p = 0,009) y menor probabilidad de recibir un trasplante (el 73,6 frente al 85,2%; p = 0,025) que los pacientes sin infección. La mortalidad posoperatoria tras el trasplante fue similar en ambos grupos (con infección, el 28,3%; sin infección, el 23,4%; p = 0,471). Conclusiones. Los pacientes tratados con dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración como puente al trasplante cardiaco están expuestos a un alto riesgo de complicaciones infecciosas, las cuales se asocian con una mayor mortalidad en espera del órgano