448 research outputs found

    Modulation of the input–output function by GABAA receptor-mediated currents in rat oculomotor nucleus motoneurons

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    The neuronal input–output function depends on recruitment threshold and gain of the firing frequency–current (f–I) relationship. These two parameters are positively correlated in ocular motoneurons (MNs) recorded in alert preparation and inhibitory inputs could contribute to this correlation. Phasic inhibition mediated by γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) occurs when a high concentration of GABA at the synaptic cleft activates postsynaptic GABAA receptors, allowing neuronal information transfer. In some neuronal populations, low concentrations of GABA activate non-synaptic GABAA receptors and generate a tonic inhibition, which modulates cell excitability. This study determined how ambient GABA concentrations modulate the input–output relationship of rat oculomotor nucleus MNs. Superfusion of brain slices with GABA (100 μm) produced a GABAA receptor-mediated current that reduced the input resistance, increased the recruitment threshold and shifted the f–I relationship rightward without any change in gain. These modifications did not depend on MN size. In absence of exogenous GABA, gabazine (20 μm; antagonist of GABAA receptors) abolished spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents and revealed a tonic current in MNs. Gabazine increased input resistance and decreased recruitment threshold mainly in larger MNs. The f–I relationship shifted to the left, without any change in gain. Gabazine effects were chiefly due to MN tonic inhibition because tonic current amplitude was five-fold greater than phasic. This study demonstrates a tonic inhibition in ocular MNs that modulates cell excitability depending on cell size. We suggest that GABAA tonic inhibition acting concurrently with glutamate receptors activation could reproduce the positive covariation between threshold and gain reported in alert preparation.España, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología BFU 2009-0786

    Efectos en el tiempo de la declaratoría de inconstitucionalidad del artículo 46 de la Ley 27785

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    La investigación versa sobre los efectos de la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional recaída en el expediente 20-2015-PI/TC, publicada el 26/04/2019, mediante el cual se declaró la inconstitucionalidad del artículo 46 de la Ley 27785, Ley del Sistema Nacional de Control y de la Contraloría General de la República. Esta norma contenía el catálogo de infracciones por las cuales fueron sancionados varios servidores públicos a nivel nacional, los mismos que empezaron a cuestionar sus sanciones, pues señalaban que no era posible que hayan sido sancionados con una norma inconstitucional. Ante esta problemática, el objetivo general de la investigación es determinar la legalidad y eficacia de las sanciones interpuestas por la Contraloría a los servidores y/o funcionarios públicos en el año 2019; los objetivos específicos son: a) Precisar los alcances en el tiempo de la declaratoria de inconstitucionalidad del artículo 46° de la Ley 27785, y b) Identificar si los criterios empleados por los juzgados civiles de Puno son los correctos frente a los cuestionamientos de las sanciones en un PCA. La metodología de la presente investigación parte desde un enfoque cualitativo, aplicando el método dogmático jurídico y la observación documental, para ello se utilizó la técnica de estudio de casos, teniendo como instrumentos a la ficha bibliográfica, guía de observación y fichas de análisis de contenidos. Finalmente, se arribaron a las siguientes conclusiones: 1. Las sanciones interpuestas por la Contraloría antes de la inconstitucionalidad del art. 46 de la Ley 27785, son legales más no eficaces; 2. Las sanciones que quedaron firme antes del 27 de abril de 2019, no pueden ser reabiertos o cuestionados al amparo del art. 82 del NCPC. En cambio, aquellas sanciones que fueron impugnadas vía PCA, antes de la decisión del TC, y que la fecha no se haya emitido una sentencia, deben declararse nulas e ineficaces por la expulsión del art. 46 de la Ley 27785 del ordenamiento jurídico. De otro lado, las sanciones impuestas antes de la decisión del TC e impugnadas posteriormente dentro del plazo de Ley (3 meses), deben ser declaradas nulas e ineficaces.Tesi

    Football, alcohol and domestic abuse

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    We study the role of alcohol and emotions in explaining the dynamics in domestic abuse following major football games. We match confidential and uniquely detailed individual call data from Greater Manchester with the timing of football matches over a period of eight years to estimate the effect on domestic abuse. We first observe a 5% decrease in incidents during the 2-hour duration of the game suggesting a substitution effect of football and domestic abuse. However, following the initial decrease, after the game, domestic abuse starts increasing and peaks about ten hours after the game, leading to a positive cumulative effect. We find that all increases are driven by perpetrators that had consumed alcohol, and when games were played before 7pm. Unexpected game results are not found to have a significant effect

    Aplicacions HMI per Panel View Plus® amb Factoritalk® View

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    El projecte planteja la investigació i recerca del coneixement relatiu als nous terminals PANELVIEW PLUS® de ROCKWELL AUTOMATION adquirits per l´Escola Universitària Politècnica de Mataró (EUPMT). Amb l’objectiu de proporcionar a l’alumnat les eines necessàries per la creació d’aplicacions amb el nou terminal i establir una base d’aprenentatge d’aquest tipus de dispositius HMI. Proposem inicialment el coneixement d’aquest nous terminals, per seguir amb la proposta metodològica de les noves eines software de ROCKWELL AUTOMATION per a la creació d’aplicacions, parlem principalment de FACTORYTALK® VIEW. Conseqüentment amb l’objectiu didàctic, desglossem pas a pas, el desenvolupament d’unes aplicacions que permetin a l’alumne adquirir el coneixement necessari d’aquest tipus d’interfícies i el dotin d’una base consistent per a la posada en funcionament d’aplicacions de forma autònoma. Podem concloure, en el cas d’aquest projecte, que hem acomplert els objectius establerts, amb la posada en marxa durant aquest quadrimestre, de les pràctiques amb aquest nous terminals. Això, ens a permès fer més enriquidor aquest projecte i confirmar el major grau de funcionalitat software i hardware d’aquests nous terminals respecte els seus antecessors

    Autocuidado en la prevención de caídas del adulto mayor Centro Integral del adulto mayor de Barranco Enero-Marzo 2015

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    Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de autocuidado en la prevención de caídas que tiene el adulto mayor que acude al Centro Integral del Adulto Mayor de Barranco, enero a marzo 2015. Materiales y métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, de diseño descriptivo y de corte transversal, se trabajó con 70 adultos mayores autovalentes que asisten regularmente al Centro Integral del Adulto Mayor (CIAM). Se aplicó un cuestionario elaborado y validado por Camino María del pilar, quien reporta una confiabilidad de 0.61 y validez por juicio de expertos p = 0.039. Resultados: El nivel de autocuidado relacionado a los factores intrínsecos fue predominantemente medio con 54.3%. Se destacaron las siguientes acciones como: realización de actividades físicas (65.7%), uso frecuente de zapatos cómodos (80%) y el no consumo de alcohol (90%). En cuanto al nivel de autocuidado relacionado a los factores extr

    GABAergic Projections to the Oculomotor Nucleus in the Goldfish (carassius Auratus)

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    The mammalian oculomotor nucleus receives a strong γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic synaptic input, whereas such projections have rarely been reported in fish. In order to determine whether this synaptic organization is preserved across vertebrates, we investigated the GABAergic projections to the oculomotor nucleus in the goldfish by combining retrograde transport of biotin dextran amine, injected into the antidromically identified oculomotor nucleus, and GABA immunohistochemistry. The main source of GABAergic afferents to the oculomotor nucleus was the ipsilateral anterior octaval nucleus, with only a few, if any, GABAergic neurons being located in the contralateral tangential and descending nuclei of the octaval column. In mammals there is a nearly GABAergic inhibitory inputs; thus, the vestibulooculomotor GABAergic circuitry follows a plan that appears to be shared throughout the vertebrate phylogeny. The second major source of GABAergic projections was the rhombencephalic reticular formation, primarily from the medial area but, to a lesser extent, from the inferior area. A few GABAergic oculomotor projecting neurons were also observed in the ipsilateral nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. The GABAergic projections from neurons located in both the reticular formation surrounding the abducens nucleus and the nucleus of the medial reticular formation have primarily been related to the control of saccadic eye movements. Finally, all retrogradely labeled internuclear neurons of the abducens nucleus, and neurons in the cerebellum (close to the caudal lobe), were negative for GABA. These data suggest that the vestibuloocular and saccadic inhibitory GABAergic systems appear early in vertebrate phylogeny to modulate the firing properties of the oculomotor nucleus motoneurons

    Aplicacions HMI per Panel View Plus® amb Factoritalk® View

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    El projecte planteja la investigació i recerca del coneixement relatiu als nous terminals PANELVIEW PLUS® de ROCKWELL AUTOMATION adquirits per l´Escola Universitària Politècnica de Mataró (EUPMT). Amb l’objectiu de proporcionar a l’alumnat les eines necessàries per la creació d’aplicacions amb el nou terminal i establir una base d’aprenentatge d’aquest tipus de dispositius HMI. Proposem inicialment el coneixement d’aquest nous terminals, per seguir amb la proposta metodològica de les noves eines software de ROCKWELL AUTOMATION per a la creació d’aplicacions, parlem principalment de FACTORYTALK® VIEW. Conseqüentment amb l’objectiu didàctic, desglossem pas a pas, el desenvolupament d’unes aplicacions que permetin a l’alumne adquirir el coneixement necessari d’aquest tipus d’interfícies i el dotin d’una base consistent per a la posada en funcionament d’aplicacions de forma autònoma. Podem concloure, en el cas d’aquest projecte, que hem acomplert els objectius establerts, amb la posada en marxa durant aquest quadrimestre, de les pràctiques amb aquest nous terminals. Això, ens a permès fer més enriquidor aquest projecte i confirmar el major grau de funcionalitat software i hardware d’aquests nous terminals respecte els seus antecessors

    Avoidance Response in Goldfish: Emotional and Temporal Involvement of Medial and Lateral Telencephalic Pallium

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    The hippocampus and the amygdala are involved in avoidance learning in mammals. The medial and lateral pallia of actinopterygian fish have been proposed as homologous to the mammalian pallial amygdala and hippocampus, respectively, on the basis of neuroanatomical findings. This work was aimed at studying the effects of ablation of the medial telencephalic pallia (MP) and lateral telencephalic pallia (LP) in goldfish on the retention of a conditioned avoidance response previously acquired in two experimental conditions. In the first experiment, fish were trained in nontrace avoidance conditioning. In the second experiment, fish were trained in trace avoidance conditioning in which temporal cues were crucial for the learning process. An MP lesion affected the retention of the avoidance response in both procedures; in contrast, an LP lesion impaired the retention only in the trace-conditioning procedure. These data support the presence of two different systems of memory in fish, based on discrete telencephalic areas: the MP, involved in an emotional memory system; and the LP, involved in a spatial, relational, or temporal memory system. Moreover, these differential effects were similar to those produced by amygdalar and hippocampal lesions in mammals. We conclude that these specialized systems of memory could have appeared early during phylogenesis and could have been conserved throughout vertebrate evolution.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología BF-I2001-3178Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología I2000-0315Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología I2003-0029Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología PB-96-1334Junta de Andalucía CVI-24

    Towards a collaborative experience to generate knowledge: Use of gamification in robotics for Good Agricultural Practices

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    Currently gamification strategies are implemented in the most diverse fields. This paper discusses the design of gamification environment on a collaborative wiki on good agricultural practices. The aim of the project is to present a gamification design is complemented by a robotic interface, aimed at increasing customizing the experience from a cooperative community context. The robot interface also presents the possibility of containing a living organism, linked to the actions of the wiki.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad
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