1,015 research outputs found

    El entorno cotidiano: Un lugar con el que sentirse conectado, un lugar con significado

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    Dieser Beitrag widmet sich den Beziehungen von Grundschulkindern zu ihrer alltäglichen Umwelt und den Bedeutungen, die sie ihr zuschreiben. Die Untersuchung der kindlichen Beziehungen zu Orten sowie ihrer Raumwahrnehmung erfolgt mittels des Mosaikansatzes. Partizipative Forschungsaktivitäten wie Kartenerstellung, Spaziergänge in der Nachbarschaft und Interviews mit Kindern, ermöglichten die Erhebung der Verbindungen, des Wissens, der Bedeutungen und der Meinungen die Kinder über ihre Umwelt besitzen und mit dieser verbinden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass dieser Ansatz einen strukturierten Einblick in die Einbindung der Kinder in ihre alltägliche Umgebung und das insideness ihrer Raumempfindung gibt. Vor diesem Hintergrund reflektiert der Beitrag über den möglichen Einsatz der hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse im Geographieunterricht der Primarstufe.This paper reports on the findings of a research project investigating the connection of primary school students with their everyday environment and the meaning they derive from it. Children’s place attachment and sense of place are investigated using a mosaic approach. Through participatory research activities, such as map making, neighbourhood walks, and interviews, children described their connections, knowledge, meanings, and opinions about the environment. Results show that this approach provides structured insight into how well children are connected with their everyday environment and have developed insideness in their sense of place. How this insight can be used in primary Geography education is discussed.En este artículo se exponen los resultados de un proyecto de investigación sobre la conexión de los alumnos de educación primaria con su entorno cotidiano y el significado que obtienen de él. Se investiga el apego de los niños al lugar y su sentido del mismo mediante un enfoque de mosaico. Mediante actividades de investigación participativa, como la elaboración de mapas, paseos por el barrio y entrevistas, los niños describieron sus conexiones, conocimientos, significados y opiniones sobre el entorno. Los resultados demuestran que este enfoque proporciona una visión estructurada sobre el grado de conexión de los niños con su entorno cotidiano y el desarrollo de su sentido de pertenencia al lugar. Se discute cómo se puede utilizar esta perspectiva en la enseñanza de la geografía en primaria

    A Tree Study Curriculum for Second Grade

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    A TREE STUDY: For Second Grade, was designed to give students the opportunity to experience and explore first-hand the life cycle of a particular tree in Central Park. Trees are a natural topic for young students to study. They are part of the basic life cycle here on earth. Children are familiar with them having seen or been around them since birth. In my case, because of my school\u27s close proximity to Central Park, the students had the luxury of being able to basically go out in their own backyard any time they wanted a first hand view of what was going on with their trees. Furthermore, that the tree was their tree, made the study much more concrete for them

    Teaching about teaching geography:Developing primary student teachers' pedagogical content knowledge for the subject of geography Teaching about teaching geography

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    Schee, J.A. van der [Promotor]Volman, M.L.L. [Promotor]Boogaard, M. [Copromotor

    Detection of optimal PEEP for equal distribution of tidal volume by volumetric capnography and electrical impedance tomography during decreasing levels of PEEP in post cardiac-surgery patients

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    Background Homogeneous ventilation is important for prevention of ventilator-induced lung injury. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) has been used to identify optimal PEEP by detection of homogenous ventilation in non-dependent and dependent lung regions. We aimed to compare the ability of volumetric capnography and EIT in detecting homogenous ventilation between these lung regions. Methods Fiftee
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