297 research outputs found

    Die Dritte Welt in den niederländischen Schulbüchern

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    Die Dritte Welt erfreut sich in den Niederlanden einer beachtlichen Aufmerksamkeit. Neben einem Ministerium für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit gibt es eine aktive Dritte-Welt-Bewegung, die sich u.a. mit einem Netz Dritte-Welt-Läden und diverser Periodika zum Thema Dritte Welt darstellt; ferner existiert es ein großes Angebot an ergänzendem Unterrichtsmaterial. Es ist hierbei wichtig, zu untersuchen, inwieweit das Thema die Öffentlichkeit berührt und welche Bedeutung die Dritte Welt für die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung hat. Der Inhalt der Schulbücher gibt darüber Auskunft. Dabei ist notwendig, einen Blick in die Schulbücher der fernen und nahen Vergangenheit zu werfen. Dabei zeigt sich, daß die zunehmende Bedeutung der Dritten Welt sich auch in den Schulbüchern widerspiegelt. Für den Verfasser dieses Artikels sind vor allem die Bücher für die Unterstufe wichtig, da diese alle Schüler erreichen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Unraveling the role of feed temperature and cross-flow velocity on organic fouling in membrane distillation using response surface methodology

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    Understanding the role of operating condition on fouling development in membrane distillation (MD) is critical for the further optimization of MD technology. In this study, organic fouling development in MD was investigated varying the feed inlet temperature from 35 to 65 degrees C and the cross-flow velocity from 0.21 to 0.42 m/s. The fouling layer thickness was estimated at the end of each experiment non-invasively with optical coherence tomography. The set of experiments was mined to model the initial flux decline, the near-stable flux, and the final foulant thickness responses by central composite design, a useful response surface methodology (RSM) tool. The results indicated a linear increment of the fouling thickness by increasing the feed inlet temperatures. Overall, the feed inlet temperature governed both the initial flux decline and the fouling deposition. The benefits in water productivity obtained by increasing the feed temperature were always offset by higher fouling deposition. Higher cross-flow velocities showed a positive effect on the initial flux, which however translated in larger values of the initial flux decline rate. On the other hand, the higher shear stress contributed to a decrease of the final steadystate fouling layer thickness. The proposed approach was proven to be a valuable tool to assess the role of the operating conditions on fouling and process performance in MD

    Eesti teadus- ja arendustegevuse ning innovatsiooni strateegia 2007-2013 "Teadmistepõhine Eesti" täitmise lõpparuanne

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    Eesti teadus- ja arendustegevuse ning innovatsiooni strateegia 2007-2013 „Teadmistepõhine Eesti” (edaspidi TA&I strateegia) kiideti heaks Riigikogu otsusega 7. veebruaril 2007. aastal. Strateegia keskendus ühiskonna jätkusuutlikule arengule teadus- ja arendustegevuse ning innovatsiooni kaudu. Strateegia elluviimist kirjeldas strateegia rakendusplaan, tuues välja strateegia elluviimiseks vajalikud tegevused, tähtajad, vastutajad ja rahastamise. Käesoleva aruande eesmärgiks on anda lühike ülevaade TA&I strateegias ja rakendusplaanis ettenähtud indikaatorite arengutest ning üldisest TA&I olukorrast Eestis aastatel 2007-2013

    Interaction between Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and HepaRG Cells: A Preliminary In Vitro

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    Nowadays, the use of iron oxide nanoparticles is widespread to label cells for magnetic resonance imaging tracking. More recently, magnetic labeling provides promising new opportunities for tissue engineering by controlling and manipulating cells through the action of an external magnetic field. The present work describes nonspecific labeling of metabolically competent HepaRG hepatocytes with anionic iron oxide nanoparticles. An interaction was observed between nanoparticles and studied cells, which were easily attracted when exposed to a magnet. No cytotoxicity was detected in the hepatocytes after 24 hours of incubation with iron oxide nanoparticles. Impact on HepaRG metabolization activity was assessed. Although a slight decrease in the metabolite generation was observed after exposure to nanoparticles (2 mM in iron), the enzymatic capacity was maintained. These results pave the way for 3D cultures of magnetic labeled HepaRG cells by using a magnetic field