474 research outputs found

    Weak-Hamiltonian dynamical systems

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    A big-isotropic structure EE is an isotropic subbundle of TM⊕T∗MTM\oplus T^*M, endowed with the metric defined by pairing. The structure EE is said to be integrable if the Courant bracket [X,Y]∈ΓE[\mathcal{X},\mathcal{Y}]\in\Gamma E, ∀X,Y∈ΓE\forall\mathcal{X},\mathcal{Y}\in\Gamma E. Then, necessarily, one also has [X,Z]∈ΓE⊄[\mathcal{X},\mathcal{Z}]\in\Gamma E^\perp, ∀Z∈ΓE⊄\forall\mathcal{Z}\in\Gamma E^\perp \cite{V-iso}. A weak-Hamiltonian dynamical system is a vector field XHX_H such that (XH,dH)∈E⊄(X_H,dH)\in E^\perp (H∈C∞(M))(H\in C^\infty(M)). We obtain the explicit expression of XHX_H and of the integrability conditions of EE under the regularity condition dim(prT∗ME)=const.dim(pr_{T^*M}E)=const. We show that the port-controlled, Hamiltonian systems (in particular, constrained mechanics) \cite{{BR},{DS}} may be interpreted as weak-Hamiltonian systems. Finally, we give reduction theorems for weak-Hamiltonian systems and a corresponding corollary for constrained mechanical systems.Comment: 19 pages, minor improvement

    Expression of tumor necrosis factor by different tumor cell lines results either in tumor suppression or augmented metastasis

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    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) produced by tumor cells after gene transfer can effectively suppress the growth of locally growing tumors. We wanted to test the effects of "local" TNF on the growth of a highly metastatic cell line. Therefore, a recombinant retrovirus allowing expression of the TNF gene by the beta-actin promotor has been constructed and used to infect the two tumor cell lines EB and ESB, which grow as solid tumor or metastasize, respectively. Expression of TNF by EB cells resulted in their rapid and dose-dependent rejection. In sharp contrast, mice injected with ESB cells producing similar amounts of TNF showed no signs of tumor suppression, but rather had reduced survival rates that correlated with enhanced hepatic metastases. The accelerated formation of liver metastases by ESB TNF cells could be reversed by an anti-TNF mAb. These results demonstrate the opposite effects TNF may have on tumor growth: suppression of a locally growing tumor and promotion of metastasis formation

    Expression of interleukin 10 in human melanoma.

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    The expression of interleukin 10 (IL-10) mRNA in human malignant melanoma was investigated by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis. Selective expression of IL-10 mRNA in tissues of primary melanomas and melanoma metastases was found in comparison with normal skin. In addition, strong expression of IL-10 mRNA and of biologically active IL-10 was detected in 3 out of 13 melanoma cell lines. Normal melanocytes consistently expressed low levels of IL-10 mRNA but did not produce detectable IL-10 protein, nor did keratinocytes or fibroblasts. The production of biologically active IL-10 by melanoma cell lines suggests that IL-10 mRNA in melanoma lesions may derive at least in part from the tumour cells themselves. Tumour-infiltrating cells, however, could also be a source of IL-10 in melanoma tissues. The presence of IL-10 in melanoma lesions may contribute to the postulated 'paralysis' of an anti-melanoma immune response

    Heritability of reproductive hormones in adult male twins

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    Background: Proper functioning of the male reproductive axis depends on complex feedback systems between several hormones. In this study, the genetic contribution of various endocrine components of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis is evaluated and previously observed differences in FSH and inhibin B levels between mono- (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins are re-investigated. Methods: Inhibin B, FSH, LH, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and testosterone levels were assayed in 128 adult males (20 MZ twin pairs, 7 single MZ twins, 10 DZ twin pairs, 27 single DZ twins and 34 siblings of twins, constituting 10 sibling pairs), aged 15.6-68.7 years. Hormone levels were compared across zygosity groups and heritability estimates were obtained using maximum likelihood variance component analysis. Results: Heritability estimates ranged from 56% (testosterone) to 81% (inhibin B and SHBG). For LH and FSH, the heritability was estimated at 68% and 80% respectively. No mean differences in hormone levels were observed across groups. Conclusions: All measured hormones are highly heritable. A difference in the FSH-inhibin B feedback system between DZ twin males and MZ twin males could not be confirmed. © The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved

    Association Between Modifiable Risk Factors and Pharmaceutical Expenditures Among Adults With Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in the United States: 2012–2013 Medical Expenditures Panel Survey

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    Background Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) causes most deaths in the United States and accounts for the highest healthcare spending. The association between the modifiable risk factors (MRFs) of ASCVD and pharmaceutical expenditures are largely unknown. Methods and Results We examined the association between MRFs and pharmaceutical expenditures among adults with ASCVD using the 2012 and 2013 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. A 2‐part model was used while accounting for the survey\u27s complex design to obtain nationally representative results. All costs were adjusted to 2013 US dollars using the gross domestic product deflator. The annual total pharmaceutical expenditure among those with ASCVD was 71.6billion,3371.6 billion, 33% of which was for medications for cardiovascular disease and 14% medications for diabetes mellitus. The adjusted relationship between MRFs and pharmaceutical expenditures showed significant marginal increase in average annual pharmaceutical expenditure associated with inadequate physical activity (519 [95% confidence interval (CI), 12–918;P=0.011]),dyslipidemia(12–918; P=0.011]), dyslipidemia (631 [95% CI, 168–1094;P=0.008]),hypertension:(168–1094; P=0.008]), hypertension: (1078 [95% CI, 697–1460;P3˘c0.001)],anddiabetesmellitus(697–1460; P\u3c0.001)], and diabetes mellitus (2006 [95% CI, 1470–2542]).ComparedwiththosewithoptimalMRFs(0–1),thosewithaverageMRFs(2–3)spentanaverageof1470–2542]). Compared with those with optimal MRFs (0–1), those with average MRFs (2–3) spent an average of 1184 (95% CI, 805–1564;P3˘c0.001)moreonmedications,andthosewithpoorMRFs(≄4)spent805–1564; P\u3c0.001) more on medications, and those with poor MRFs (≄4) spent 2823 (95% CI, $2338–3307; P\u3c0.001) more. Conclusions Worsening MRFs were proportionally associated with higher annual pharmaceutical expenditures among patients with established ASCVD regardless of non‐ASCVD comorbidity. In‐depth studies of the roles played by other factors in this association can help reduce medication‐related expenditures among ASCVD patients
