2,023 research outputs found

    Results on main elasmobranch species captured during the 2001-2009 Porcupine Bank (NE Atlantic) bottom trawl surveys

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    This paper presents the results on nine of the most important elasmobranch fish species of the nine years (2001-2009) of the Porcupine bank Spanish surveys. The main species in biomass terms in Porcupine bank bottom trawl survey, in decreasing biomass abundance order, are: blackmouth catshark, birdbeak dogfish, velvet belly, Knifetooth dogfish, lesser spotted dogfish, bluntnose sixgill shark, sandy ray, cuckoo ray and common skate. Many of these species occupy mainly the deep areas covered in the survey, especially birdbeak dogfish, knifetooth dogfish and velvet belly. Less confined to deeper grounds are blackmouth catshark and sandy ray, while lesser spotted dogfish and cuckoo ray inhabit mainly the shallower grounds close to the Irish shelf or the central mound in the bank. Length distributions of these species along the survey series are also presented and discussed. The few available data on siki sharks from the Porcupine bank survey are also summarized.Versión del edito

    Influence of SO2 on CO2 storage for CCS technology: Evaluation of CO2/SO2 co-capture

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    In this work, we determined the influence of SO2 as an impurity in anthropogenic CO2 on carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. We evaluated the impact on selected injection and storage parameters and the Joule-Thomson coefficient to assess the safety of long-term geological storage of CO2. For this purpose, we obtained new pressure-density-temperature-composition, vapor-liquid-equilibrium, and pressure-speed of sound-temperature-composition experimental data for CO2-rich mixtures containing SO2. To increase the general understanding of the impact of SO2, the compositions cover possible co-capture mixtures, SO2-enriched mixtures, and mixtures similar to industrial emissions. Temperatures and pressures were based on relevant geological storage site values. Our experimental results were used to validate the EOS-CG and PC-SAFT equations of state (EoSs) for CO2 + SO2 under the studied CCS conditions. On the understanding that the chemical reactivity effects due to SO2 have not been considered, we concluded that the presence of SO2 is profitable in most of the studied aspects, especially in the case of shallow reservoirs, and that CO2/SO2 co-capture may be considered as an alternative approach to reduce the costs of CO2 purification. Based on the assessment of the impact of 5 mol% SO2 in the injected fluid in seven saline aquifers, we determined that the reservoirs that would receive the most benefit were Sleipner, Nagaoka and Frio

    Results on Argentine (Argentina spp.), Bluemouth (Helicolenus dactylopterus), Greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides) and Spanish ling (Molva macrophthalma) from 2011 Porcupine Bank (NE Atlantic) survey

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    This paper presents the results on four of the mostimportant deep fish species of the last Porcupine Spanish survey carried in 2011, and updates the document presented in previous years with the information on the first ten years (2001-2010) of the PorcupineSpanish surveys. The document presents total abundances in weight, length frequencies and geographical distributions for Argentina spp. (mostly A. silus, results on A. silus/A. sphiraena distribution in last surveys are provided), bluemouth, greater fork-beard and Spanish ling. Also information on records of Blue ling during the survey series is shown.Versión de edito

    Results on Argentine (Argentina spp.), Bluemouth (Helicolenus dactylopterus), Greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides) and Spanish ling (Molva macrophthalma) from 2010 Porcupine Bank (NE Atlantic) survey

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    This paper presents the results on four of the mostimportant deep fish species in the Porcupine bottom trawl survey organized by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography in 2010, and updates the documents presented in previous years with the information on the first nine years (2001-2009) of the Porcupine Spanish surveys. The document presents total abundances in weight, length frequencies and geographical distributions for Argentina spp. (mostly A. silus, results on A. silus/A. sphiraena distribution in last survey is presented), bluemouth, greater fork-beard and Spanish ling and information on records of blue ling during the survey series.Versión de edito

    Results on Argentine (Argentina spp.), Bluemouth (Helicolenus dactylopterus), Greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides) and Spanish ling (Molva macrophthalma) from 2008 Porcupine Bank (NE Atlantic) survey

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    This paper presents the results on four of the most important deep fish species of the last Porcupine Spanish survey carried in 2008, and updates the document presented in the previous year with the information on the first seven years (2001-2007) of the Porcupine Spanish surveys. The document presents total abundances in weight, length frequencies and geographical distributions for Argentina spp. (mostly A. silus), bluemouth, greater fork-beard and Spanish ling.Versión de edito

    Influence of methane and carbon monoxide in the volumetric behaviour of the anthropogenic CO2: Experimental data and modelling in the critical region

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    Density measurements of the systems CO 2 + CH 4 at T = 304.21 K and CO 2 + CO at T = 304.21 and 308.15 K were carried out at pressures and compositions of interest in the process of transport and storage of CO 2 (CCS technology): P = 0.1 to 20 MPa, and xCO 2 ≥0.97. From the experimental P––T –xCO 2 data, we have studied the dependence of the isothermal compressibility, the excess molar volume, and the par- tial molar volume of the solute with composition, pressure and temperature within the critical region. We have modelled the volumetric behaviour of these systems with Peng–Robinson, PC-SAFT and GERG Equations of State, thus validating these equations under the conditions considered. Furthermore, we have confirmed the weakly attractive behaviour of these systems by performing a study of the interac- tions between solvent molecules, CO 2 , and those of the solute, CO or CH 4 , using the Krichevskii Function concept and the Kirkwood–Buff Theory. Finally, we have quantified the influence of small amounts of CH 4 and CO in the transport of anthropogenic CO 2 through several normalized parameters, related to the design and operation of the fluid transport process

    Results on Argentine (Argentina spp.), Bluemouth (Helicolenus dactylopterus), Greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides) and Spanish ling (Molva macrophthalma) from 2012 Porcupine Bank (NE Atlantic) survey

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    This paper presents the results on four of the mostimportant deep fish species of the last Porcupine Spanish survey carried in 2012, and updates the documents presented in previous years with the information on the eleven years (2001-2011) of the Porcupine Spanish bottom trawl surveys on the Porcupine Bank. The document presents total abundances in weight, length frequencies and geographical distributions for Argentina spp. (mostly A. silus, results on proportions by Argentina species distribution in last surveys are provided),bluemouth, greater fork-beard and Spanish ling. All species considered present increases in their abundances, that are especially remarkable in the case of greater forkbeard and Spanish ling, confirming the good recruitments detected in 2011 survey. Besides both species have shown new recruitment peaks in 2012 survey.Versión de edito

    High-pressure speed of sound in pure CO2 and in CO2 with SO2 as an impurity using methanol as a doping agent

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    Reliable speed of sound, c, values in CO2- rich mixtures and pure CO2 are required for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology but are difficult to determine, particularly at relatively high frequencies. We tested the suitability of methanol as doping agent to obtain accurate c values in CCS systems at 5 MHz. We measured c in seven CO2-rich, CO2 + methanol mixtures between 263.15 and 323.15 K and up to 196.30 MPa, and we extrapolated the values to obtain c in pure CO2. Additionally, we measured c from 263.15 to 373.19 K and up to 190.10 MPa in two CO2-rich, CO2 + SO2 mixtures with the same SO2 composition, which is of interest for CCS, with one mixture doped with methanol. We compared our results for pure CO2 with the literature and the Span and Wagner equation of state (EoS). We validated the PC-SAFT EoS and the modeling with the REFPROP 9 software for the mixtures by comparing the predicted values with our experimental data under the studied conditions. We conclude that methanol is a suitable doping agent to measure c in pure CO2 and CO2-rich mixtures. For the CO2 + SO2 mixtures, the effect of methanol on the experimental values is small and negligible for modeling

    A sequence stratigraphic based geological model for constraining hydrogeological modeling in the urbanized area of the Quaternary Besòs delta (NW Mediterranean coast, Spain)

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    The Quaternary Besòs delta is located on the Mediterranean coast in NE Spain. The Besòs Delta Complex includes 3 aquifers constituted by 3 sandy and gravelly bodies, separated by lutitic units. These aquifers supply water for domestic and industrial use in this area. Management of groundwater has been problematic in the Besòs delta since the 1960s, and continues to pose major problems for subsurface engineering works in this highly urbanized region. This study seeks to demonstrate the advantages of detailed geological characterization and modeling for designing and constructing a hydrogeological model. Available information of the subsurface was compiled, integrated and homogenized in a geospatial database. The interpretation of these data enabled us to delimit geological units by means of a sequence stratigraphic subdivision. A three-dimensional facies belt-based model of the Besòs delta was built on the basis of this geological characterization. This model was used to constrain the distribution of hydraulic parameters and thus to obtain a consistent hydrogeological model of the delta, which was calibrated by data of water management and production over the last hundred years. The resulting hydrogeological model yielded new insights into water front displacements in the aquifer during the time-span considered, improving predictions in an attempt to optimize aquifer management

    Results on main elasmobranch species captured during the 2001-2010 Porcupine Bank (NE Atlantic) bottom trawl surveys

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    This paper presents the results on nine of the most important elasmobranch fish species of the Porcupine bank Spanish surveys during the last decade (2001-2010). The main species in the captures in decreasing biomass order are: blackmouth catshark, birdbeak dogfish, knifetooth dogfish, velvet belly, lesser spotted dogfish, bluntnose sixgill shark, sandy ray, cuckoo ray and common skate. Manyof these species occupy mainly the deep areas covered in the survey,especially birdbeak dogfish, knifetooth dogfish and velvet belly. Less confined to deeper grounds are blackmouth catshark and sandy ray, while lesser spotted dogfish and cuckoo ray inhabit mainly the shallowergrounds close to the Irish shelf or the central mound in the bank. Length distributions of these species along the survey series are also presented and discussed. The few available data on siki sharks from the Porcupine bank survey are also summarized.Versión del edito