892 research outputs found

    A Matter of Balancing: The Inability to Force Treatment on All Voluntary, Treatment-Incapable Patients in Ontario

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    This thesis concentrates on the question of whether or not voluntary, treatment incapable patients who have had their treatment consented to by a substitute decision-maker can be involuntarily treated. It is my opinion that under the current legislative scheme in Ontario the restraint of a voluntary, treatment incapable patient for the purposes of treatment is illegal subject to the following exceptions: (a) a guardianship order exists that contains authority to restrain and detain; or (b) a Power of Attorney for Personal Care has been executed by the now treatment incapable individual authorizing his substitute decision-maker to have him detained and restrained for the purposes of treatment. While some have suggested legislative reform to alleviate the possibility of this situation occurring, I do not endorse this suggestion. Instead, the use of advance directives should be encouraged, as well as the education of the person with the mental illness, family members, friends, health care providers, the legal community and members of the Consent and Capacity Board regarding the powers and limitations of the current legislative scheme

    Investigating Diel Periodicity in Export Flux in the Gulf of Mexico Using a Particulate Imaging System

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    To estimate the diurnal periodicity in the biological pump, a floating array with a marine snow camera system at 150 m depth was used, and particles were imaged at a 40 second interval for a 24 to 30 hour period at five sites in the Gulf of Mexico in June 2017. Each image was processed to identify and size all the particles within the frame, which was then processed to determine diameter, an estimated volume, and settling speed for each particle. Using these parameters, particle mass was estimated using algebraically rearranged calculations for settling speed. Each hour during the deployment was binned and tested with a one-way analysis of variance. Three to four hour peaks of significantly increased particle counts were detected at each site with a defined baseline outside of these peaks, with the particle diameters not following this pattern. Most of these peaks occurred at noon local time, with one site demonstrating at midnight. The mass fluxes calculated using settling speeds were determined to be within these peaks, which contained at least 70% of the total flux. Using data from CTD casts performed while the array was deployed, the thermocline was observed changing in depth at least 7m at all sites. This was concluded to be the most likely cause of diel periodicity within the particulate flux, as relative currents around the camera were not shown to correlate with particle coun

    A numerical study of the longitudinal thermoconvective rolls in a mixed convection flow in a horizontal channel with a free surface

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    This paper presents a numerical study of three-dimensional laminar mixed convection within a liquid flowing on a horizontal channel heated uniformly from below. The upper surface is free and assumed to be flat. The coupled Navier-Stokes and energy equations are solved numerically by the finite volume method taking into account the thermocapillary effects (Marangoni effect). When the strength of the buoyancy, thermocapillary effects and forced convective currents are comparable (Riâ‹ŤO(1)(Ri\backsimeq O(1) and Bd=Ra/Maâ‹ŤO(1))Bd=Ra/Ma \backsimeq O(1)), the results show that the development of instabilities in the form of steady longitudinal convective rolls is similar to those encountered in the Poiseuille-Rayleigh-B\'enard flow. The number and spatial distribution of these rolls along the channel depend on the flow conditions. The objective of this work is to study the influence of parameters, such as the Reynolds, Rayleigh and Biot numbers, on the flow patterns and heat transfer characteristics. The effects of variations in the surface tension with temperature gradients (Marangoni effect) are also considered

    A strategy for successful integration of DNA-based methods in aquatic monitoring

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    Recent advances in molecular biomonitoring open new horizons for aquatic ecosystem assessment. Rapid and cost-effective methods based on organismal DNA or environmental DNA (eDNA) now offer the opportunity to produce inventories of indicator taxa that can subsequently be used to assess biodiversity and ecological quality. However, the integration of these new DNA-based methods into current monitoring practices is not straightforward, and will require coordinated actions in the coming years at national and international levels. To plan and stimulate such an integration, the European network DNAqua-Net (COST Action CA15219) brought together international experts from academia, as well as key environmental biomonitoring stakeholders from different European countries. Together, this transdisciplinary consortium developed a roadmap for implementing DNA-based methods with a focus on inland waters assessed by the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). This was done through a series of online workshops held in April 2020, which included fifty participants, followed by extensive synthesis work. The roadmap is organised around six objectives: 1) to highlight the effectiveness and benefits of DNA-based methods, 2) develop an adaptive approach for the implementation of new methods, 3) provide guidelines and standards for best practice, 4) engage stakeholders and ensure effective knowledge transfer, 5) support the environmental biomonitoring sector to achieve the required changes, 6) steer the process and harmonise efforts at the European level. This paper provides an overview of the forum discussions and the common European views that have emerged from them, while reflecting the diversity of situations in different countries. It highlights important actions required for a successful implementation of DNA-based biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems by 2030

    Medical Students’ Knowledge of Autism Compared to the General Population: A Pilot Study

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    Background: Historically, there has been some concern regarding the level of training in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) for medical students. Throughout medical programs in the US, there is no standardised curriculum, and therefore, to make improvements in this area of medical training, a first step is to determine the current areas of competency of medical students. This pilot study investigated whether differences exist in knowledge among third-year medical students and a general population sample. Methods: We investigated beliefs about autism among a group of third-year medical students (n = 202) and among a crowdsourced sample of the general public (n = 858). A survey assessed autism knowledge regarding sources of information, causes, age of earliest diagnosis, front-line treatment providers, and diagnostic versus non-diagnostic symptoms. The third-year medical student sample was obtained from a Health Sciences Center in the Southwest. Third-year medical students were surveyed during their paediatrics rotation. The general public sample accessed and completed the survey through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) platform. Results: Results suggested that although third-year medical students had lower confidence regarding their autism-knowledge base, they possessed more knowledge of autism related to sources of information, causes, and diagnostic testing options than the comparison sample. Additionally, they were significantly better at differentiating diagnostic symptoms from non-diagnostic symptoms. Conclusions: Overall, the results suggest that by their third year, medical students know more about autism than the general public. Results from the current study indicate an improvement in medical students’ knowledge with respect to autism. Treatment options and the continued need for more training to enhance medical student confidence are discussed

    Offspring subcutaneous adipose markers are sensitive to the timing of maternal gestational weight gain

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    peer-reviewedBackground Excessive maternal weight gain during pregnancy impacts on offspring health. This study focused on the timing of maternal gestational weight gain, using a porcine model with mothers of normal pre-pregnancy weight. Methods Trial design ensured the trajectory of maternal gestational weight gain differed across treatments in early, mid and late gestation. Diet composition did not differ. On day 25 gestation, sows were assigned to one of five treatments: Control sows received a standard gestation diet of 2.3 kg/day (30 MJ DE/day) from early to late gestation (day 25–110 gestation). E sows received 4.6 kg food/day in early gestation (day 25–50 gestation). M sows doubled their food intake in mid gestation (day 50–80 gestation). EM sows doubled their food intake during both early and mid gestation (day 25–80 gestation). L sows consumed 3.5 kg food/day in late gestation (day 80–110 gestation). Offspring body weight and food intake levels were measured from birth to adolescence. Markers of lipid metabolism, hypertrophy and inflammation were investigated in subcutaneous adipose tissue of adolescent offspring. Results The trajectory of gestational weight gain differed across treatments. However total gestational weight gain did not differ except for EM sows who were the heaviest and fattest mothers at parturition. Offspring birth weight did not differ across treatments. Subcutaneous adipose tissue from EM offspring differed significantly from controls, with elevated mRNA levels of lipogenic (CD36, ACACB and LPL), nutrient transporters (FABP4 and GLUT4), lipolysis (HSL and ATGL), adipocyte size (MEST) and inflammation (PAI-1) indicators. The subcutaneous adipose depot from L offspring exhibited elevated levels of CD36, ACACB, LPL, GLUT4 and FABP4 mRNA transcripts compared to control offspring. Conclusions Increasing gestational weight gain in early gestation had the greatest impact on offspring postnatal growth rate. Increasing maternal food allowance in late gestation appeared to shift the offspring adipocyte focus towards accumulation of fat. Mothers who gained the most weight during gestation (EM mothers) gave birth to offspring whose subcutaneous adipose tissue, at adolescence, appeared hyperactive compared to controls. This study concluded that mothers, who gained more than the recommended weight gain in mid and late gestation, put their offspring adipose tissue at risk of dysfunction.This research was funded by Teagasc, under the National Development Plan. LBMcN was in receipt of a Teagasc Walsh Fellowship. Nestle hosted LG on a sabbatical and funded the RT-PCR cost

    Retail Market Prices of Fonio Reveal The Demand For Quality Characteristics in Bamako, Mali

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    African consumers' expectations concerning the quality of food products are great. In spite of constrained budgets, we showed that market retail prices revealed quality preferences of the consumers and not just production costs. In very poor countries like Mali, food innovation is limited by the very low purchasing power of the population. However, technological food product or process innovations are possible and sometimes valuable. Demand driven innovation may lead to open new markets, opportunities for small and medium scale enterprises and to improve consumers' welfare. Based on this assumption, technical research was done to provide new food products. In this paper, we used both sensory tests and a hedonic price approach, to estimate the consumers' demand for different characteristics of fonio, a West African cereal, and showed that poor consumers have quality requirements and pay for them. We showed that the shadow price or hedonic price paid for quality characteristics is small but significant. A comparison between sensory tests and a market study showed a convergence between what people say they prefer and what they really pay for. Results were consistent and showed directions for technological improvement of the product and its production process. The partial least square method was used to estimate hedonic prices of the different modalities of fonio quality traits. This method was interesting since it solved the ordinary least square method's colinearity problems. ...French Abstract : Les attentes des consommateurs africains concernant la qualité de l'alimentation sont importantes malgré des budgets très contraints. Nous montrons ici que les prix de marchés révèlent des préférences qualitatives et non seulement des coûts de production. Dans des pays très pauvres comme le Mali, l'innovation technologique est limitée par le très faible pouvoir d'achat de la population. Cependant les innovations technologiques sont possibles et parfois payantes. L'innovation en réponse à une demande peut permettre d'ouvrir de nouveaux marchés, de donner des opportunités aux petites et moyennes entreprises et d'améliorer le bien-être des consommateurs. Sur la base de cette hypothèse, la recherche technologique s'applique à fournir de nouveaux produits. Dans cet article, en utilisant à la fois des tests de dégustation et une analyse des prix hédoniques, nous estimons la demande des consommateurs pour différentes caractéristiques du fonio, une céréale d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Nous montrons que des consommateurs pauvres ont des exigences de qualité et paient de fait pour les satisfaire. Nous montrons que les prix hédoniques ou shadow prices payés pour les caractéristiques qualitatives sont faibles mais significatifs. La comparaison des tests sensoriels et de l'étude de marché montre une convergence entre ce que les gens disent et ce pour quoi ils paient réellement. Les résultats sont cohérents et montrent des directions pour l'amélioration technologique des produits et des procédés de transformation. La méthode des moindres carrés ordinaires a été utilisée pour l'estimation des prix hédoniques des différentes modalités des attributs de qualité du fonio. Cette méthode est intéressante car elle résout les problèmes de colinéarité.FONIO; CEREAL; QUALITY; HEDONIC PRICES; PLS METHOD; EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION

    Produção de serapilheira em sistemas agroflorestais em Tomé-Açu, Amazônia Oriental.

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    A deposição de serapilheira representa um elo fundamental no fluxo de carbono entre o meio físico e o biótico, conferindo ao ecossistema do qual faz parte maior estabilidade, variando de acordo com o seu estágio sucessional e o tipo de sistema utilizado. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em realizar um estudo do fluxo de carbono pela deposição de serapilheira de quatro sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) com idades e composições diferentes, no município de Tomé-Açu, Pará. O fluxo de carbono foi medido na deposição de material formador de serapilheira no período de um ano. Os SAFs foram divididos em quatro categorias, denominados SAF 1, SAF 2, SAF 3 e SAF 4, sendo (SAF 1: cacau, açaí, bananeira e seringueira, 14 anos de idade, SAF 2: cacau, açaí, bananeira, seringueira, taperebá, paricá e macacaúba, 14 anos de idade, SAF 3: cupuaçu, açaí, teca e mogno, 9 anos de idade, SAF 4:cupuaçu, açaí e paricá, 9 anos de idade). Em cada sistema, foram instaladas quatro parcelas amostrais, e dentro das parcelas foram instalados coletores para medir a deposição de material formador de serapilheira. O SAF 4 teve a maior deposição de serapilheira anual entre todos os tratamentos. A produção mensal de serapilheira apresentou uma distribuição diferenciada ao longo do ano. A estação seca foi caracterizada pela maior produção de serapilheira em todos os tratamentos. A quantidade de carbono depositada via litterfall difere significativamente em sistemas agroflorestais com idades e composições diferentes. Existe também diferença significativa entre meses dentro de um mesmo tratamento.Editores técnicos: Roberto Porro, Milton Kanashiro, Maria do Socorro Gonçalves Ferreira, Leila Sobral Sampaio e Gladys Ferreira de Sousa
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