959 research outputs found
Summary of the Standards, Options and Recommendations for the use of positron emission tomography with 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDP-PET scanning) in oncology (2002)
GuidelinePractice GuidelineResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
Mise à jour des recommandations du GEFPICS pour l’évaluation du statut HER2 dans les cancers du sein en France
En Europe, les patientes atteintes d’un cancer du sein invasif susceptibles de recevoir un traitement ciblé anti-HER2 sont actuellement sélectionnées sur la base d’un test immunohistochimique (IHC). Les techniques d’hybridation in situ (HIS) doivent être utilisées pour l’évaluation des cas IHC ambigus (2+) et pour l’étalonnage de la technique IHC. Les patientes éligibles au traitement ciblant HER2 présentent un statut HER2 positif défini par un test IHC 3+ ou un test 2+ amplifié. Une détection correcte du statut HER2 est indispensable à une utilisation optimale des thérapeutiques ciblées puisque leur efficacité est limitée aux patientes surexprimant HER2. Il est capital que l’évaluation du statut HER2 soit optimisée et fiable. Ces recommandations du groupe d’étude des facteurs pronostiques IHC dans le cancer du sein (GEFPICS) détaillent et commentent les différentes étapes des techniques IHC et HIS, les contrôles utilisables et les règles générales de l’apprentissage de la lecture. Une fois acquis, ce savoir-faire doit être pérennisé par l’observation de règles de bonnes pratiques techniques (utilisation rigoureuse de témoins internes et externes et participation régulière à des programmes d’Assurance qualité [AQ])., Summary In Europe, patients who may benefit from an HER2 targeted drug are currently selected by immunohistochemistry (IHC). In situ hybridization (ISH) techniques should be used for complementary assessment of ambiguous 2+ IHC cases and for the calibration of the IHC technique. Eligibility to an HER2 target treatment is defined by an HER2 positive status being IHC test 3+ or 2+ amplified. Reliable detection of HER2 status is essential to the appropriate usage of HER2 targeted drugs because its specificity is limited to tumors overexpressing HER2. It is essential that the IHC evaluation of the HER2 status of a mammary carcinoma is optimized and reliable. This GEFPICS’ guidelines look over the different steps of the IHC technique, the controls and, the rules for interpretation. Once acquired, this knowledge must be perpetuated by the observation of rules of good technical practice (internal and external controls, quality assurance programs)
Shape Self-Regulation in Early Lung Morphogenesis
The arborescent architecture of mammalian conductive airways results from the repeated branching of lung endoderm into surrounding mesoderm. Subsequent lung’s striking geometrical features have long raised the question of developmental mechanisms involved in morphogenesis. Many molecular actors have been identified, and several studies demonstrated the central role of Fgf10 and Shh in growth and branching. However, the actual branching mechanism and the way branching events are organized at the organ scale to achieve a self-avoiding tree remain to be understood through a model compatible with evidenced signaling. In this paper we show that the mere diffusion of FGF10 from distal mesenchyme involves differential epithelial proliferation that spontaneously leads to branching. Modeling FGF10 diffusion from sub-mesothelial mesenchyme where Fgf10 is known to be expressed and computing epithelial and mesenchymal growth in a coupled manner, we found that the resulting laplacian dynamics precisely accounts for the patterning of FGF10-induced genes, and that it spontaneously involves differential proliferation leading to a self-avoiding and space-filling tree, through mechanisms that we detail. The tree’s fine morphological features depend on the epithelial growth response to FGF10, underlain by the lung’s complex regulatory network. Notably, our results suggest that no branching information has to be encoded and that no master routine is required to organize branching events at the organ scale. Despite its simplicity, this model identifies key mechanisms of lung development, from branching to organ-scale organization, and could prove relevant to the development of other branched organs relying on similar pathways
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